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Austral Ecology (2021) 46, 603–612

Influence of altitude and climate on species richness and

endemism: A study case with non-volant small mammals
in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil

ario Espırito-Santense/FAESA, Rua Anselmo Serrat 199,
Department of Biology, Centro Universit
Ilha de Monte Belo, Vitoria, ES, 29053-250, Brazil; (Email:
Department of Ecology, Rio de Janeiro State University, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil; and 3Department
of Ecosystem Science and Management, Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Ecology, Pennsylvania
State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA

Abstract Elevational gradients usually help to explain the potential factors underlying global biodiversity, as
changing altitude leads to strong habitat changes in a relatively small area. We tested the influence of the altitude
gradient on the small non-volant mammal’s community along the regional landscape of the Atlantic Forest
located of the Espırito Santo state, Brazil. We trapped non-volant small mammals from January 2017 to October
2018 in 12 locations distributed along an altitude gradient ranging from sea level to 2100 m above sea level
(asl). We ordered the non-volant small mammal species by using a Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling analy-
sis using the Bray–Curtis metric. To understand how the altitude, vegetation types and climate variables influ-
ence the richness and abundance of species, we fitted generalised linear model. We observed that small mammal
species composition differed according to altitude, with higher richness in locations with intermediate altitude
between 500–1500 m asl. In locations with higher altitude, between 1501–2200 m asl, we recorded a lower spe-
cies richness, but higher endemism. Our results suggest altitude influenced the community of non-volant small
mammals. However, altitude direct influence on other variables is not evaluated in the present study, such as
food availability. In addition, we found a high endemism in higher altitude areas, pointing out the importance of
conserving these mountain areas for the preservation of endemic species. Thus, highlighting the importance of
this study to suggest areas that deserve greater attention in the development of management and conservation

Key words: altitudinal gradient, marsupials, mid-domain effect, rodents, species richness.

INTRODUCTION 2014). Mountains environments are intrinsically

unstable systems, undergoing substantial changes in
Documenting spatial patterns in species richness, response to tectonic, erosional and climatic processes
composition and abundance together with under- over geologically short time scales (Badgley et al.
standing the mechanisms determining these patterns 2017; Antonelli et al. 2018; Rahbek et al. 2019b).
has long been the focus of ecological and biogeo- Mountains can act like hotbeds of speciation, espe-
graphic studies. Elevational gradients help to explain cially in the tropics, influenced by geological and cli-
potential factors underlying global biodiversity matic dynamics over deep time forming centres of
(McCain & Grytnes 2010; Antonelli et al. 2018) as endemism (Jetz et al. 2004; Rahbek et al. 2019b). For
changing altitude leads to strong habitat changes in a example, several organisms show a species diversity
relatively small area (Grabherr et al. 2003; K€ orner peak at intermediate altitudes having comparatively
2007; Rahbek et al. 2019a). These changes have lower diversity at extreme altitudes (Rahbek 1995;
direct impact on species richness and composition of Siqueira & Rocha 2013). Possible explanations for
the community (Rickart 2001; McCain 2004; Novillo mid-elevation peak in species richness include
& Ojeda 2014; Benedek & S^ırbu, 2019; Rahbek et al. increased rainfall and relative humidity and the
2019b) as well as on species occurrence and abun- mostly geometric effect of overlapping ranges of spe-
dance (Sundqvist et al. 2013; Andrade & Monjeau cies with broad elevation range (Colwell & Lees
2000; Colwell et al. 2004). The latter is called the
*Corresponding author: mid-domain effect (MDE), and it is supported by a
Accepted for publication January 2021. substantial amount of empirical data from a range of

© 2021 Ecological Society of Australia doi:10.1111/aec.13010

604  F E R R E G U E T T I ET AL.

organismal groups (Grytnes & Vetaas 2002; Sanders Santo state is located within the Atlantic Forest Biome
2002; Geise et al. 2004; McCain 2004; Cardel us domains, presenting four main vegetation types: (1) Coastal
et al. 2006; Grytnes et al. 2008; Stanley et al. 2014; Plain Forest, (2) Dense Ombrophilous Forest, (3) Semi-
Shuai et al. 2017; Sakane et al. 2019). Deciduous Forest and (4) Altitude Forest/Fields (Lani et al.
The relief of the state of Espırito Santo, as well as
All locations were selected according to similar character-
the forest remnants of the Atlantic Forest, together
istics of protection and preservation. Of the 12 locations,
form an excellent ‘natural laboratory’ for the study of 10 are areas protected by law. Two locations, although not
fauna and flora composition along the altitudinal gra- protected, are located in preserved regions of the Atlantic
dient. The remnants of Atlantic Forest in Espırito Forest. Each locality features (i.e. cumulative precipitation,
Santo state are located from sea level to 2897 m management category, temperature and vegetation) are
above sea level (asl), where it is located the third- summarised in Table 1.
highest elevational point in Brazil, Pico da Bandeira,
in the Capara o National Park (IPEMA 2005). The
state of Espırito Santo encompasses regions that can Data collection
be still considered knowledge gaps, because the
research on mammals is still incipient and / or con- We collected data from January to March 2017, October
centrated on studies solely reporting species lists 2017 to March 2018, and October 2018. We conducted
our sampling in the rainy season to control the seasonality.
(Moreira et al. 2008). In addition, both studies con-
We visited each sampling location for three campaigns. In
ducted in the Atlantic Forest had a local focus (Geise
each of the 12 locations, six sampling sites were defined,
et al. 2004; Sakane et al. 2019). Therefore, there is a excepting in Capara o National Park (CNP) where 12 sam-
gap in understanding how altitude influences biodi- pling sites were installed because CNP has twice the area
versity on a regional scale involving different forma- when compared with other locations. All sampling sites
tions of the Atlantic Forest. Non-volant small were spaced at least 500 m apart. In each sampling site, we
mammals (marsupials and rodents) are excellent defined six sampling stations that consisted of a plot of
models for testing diversity patterns, as in natural 10 9 10 m with a minimum distance of 50 m between sta-
communities they act in different trophic levels and tions. In each sampling station, we installed five live-traps,
are seed predators and dispersers (Moura et al. one tomahawk (size: 45 9 21 9 21 cm) in the centre and
2008). four Shermans (size: 25 9 8 9 9 cm) at the corners. The
traps remained open for three consecutive nights in each
Therefore, we aimed to look for correlation
campaign and were checked every morning.
between species composition, richness and abun- We used a bait composed of banana, sardines, ground
dance with altitude in the Atlantic Forest located in peanuts and cornmeal, mixed until it became a homoge-
the Espırito Santo state, Brazil. We aimed to answer neous paste. For each captured animal, we recorded: the
the following questions: (1) Is there a variation in date of capture, the point at which it was captured and
species richness and abundance along the altitudinal identified the species. We marked the individuals with
gradient? (2) Is there any trend of higher rate of numbered ear tags to make it possible to recognise if the
endemism in areas comparatively higher in altitude? individual had been recaptured. After all the information
(3) To what extent rainfall and temperature explain was collected, the individual was released in the same place
species richness and abundance along the altitudinal where it was captured. We used field guides, such as: mam-
mals guide (Emmons & Feer 1997) and guide specifics
gradient? (4) What is the effect of different vegetation
such as the Rodents Guide of Brazil (Bonvicino et al. 2008)
formations on mammals along the altitudinal gradi-
for species identification. The species that were not possible
ent? For these questions, we constructed the follow- to identify only with external characters were classified in
ing outcomes: Species richness should be higher at genus and differentiated by morphotypes. This study was
intermediate altitudes as indicated by the Mid- conducted with the research licence Process 76444341 –
Domain Effect, and the rate of endemism should be Authorization 003A-2017 provided by the ‘Instituto Estad-
higher at higher altitudes because mountains can be ual de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hıdricos – IEMA’.
considerate as forming centres of endemism (Jetz
et al. 2004; Rahbek et al. 2019b).
Data analysis
We performed Moran’s I (Dormann et al., 2007) to check
for spatial autocorrelation. Values of Moran’s I range from
Study area 1 (indicating perfect dispersion) to +1 (perfect correla-
tion). Moran’s I was computed using a permutation-based
We trapped non-volant small mammals in 12 locations in test (99 permutations at 5% significance level using the
Espırito Santo state, Brazil (Fig. 1; Table 1). We dis- ‘moran.cp’ function in the ‘spdep’ package in R; Bivand,
tributed the sampling sites along an altitude gradient rang- 2010). We did not find spatial autocorrelation in the resid-
ing from sea level to 2100 m asl. (Fig. 1; Table 1). Espırito uals (Moran’s I = 0.64).

doi:10.1111/aec.13010 © 2021 Ecological Society of Australia


Fig. 1. (a) Map of 12 sampling locations along Espırito Santo state, southeastern Brazil; and (b) variation in altitude of each
sampling site. CNP – Capara o National Park; FGSP – Forno Grande State Park; PASP – Pedra Azul State Park; ISP –
unas State Park; PCSP – Paulo Cesar Vinha State Park; SEP – Setiba Environmental Protection Area; GEP – Goiapaba-
Acßu Environmental Protection Area; MFSP – Mata das Flores State Park; AB – Aguia  Branca Private Reserve of Natural
Heritage; VM – Viana municipality; SLM – Santa Leopoldina municipality; and DBBR – Duas Bocas Biological Reserve.

We ordered the composition and abundance data of the RESULTS

non-volant small mammal species in each sampling site
using a Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling analysis
We recorded 45 species of non-volant small mam-
(NMDS) using the Bray–Curtis metric to calculate the dis-
similarity in the species composition and frequency of mals in the 12 studied localities, 13 species belonging
records per species between sites. The analyses were per- to the order Didelphimorphia and 32 species to the
formed in R software version 3.4.4 using the ‘metaMDS’ order Rodentia (Appendix S2). Of the 45 species
function in the Vegan package version 2.5–4 for community recorded, 22 species (52.5%) are endemic to the
analysis (Oksanen et al. 2013). This analysis aimed to verify Atlantic Forest, three species are classified as Vulner-
the existence of altitudinal pattern in the ordering of the able and two species are classified as Near Threat-
community. ened in the Brazilian species red list (ICMBio 2018),
We fitted generalised linear model (GLM; Poisson error and no species are threatened in the global red list
distribution) to understand how the altitude and climate (IUCN 2020).
variables influence the richness and abundance of species.
Twelve species were captured exclusively at CNP,
We used as predictors the accumulated rainfall in the stud-
ied period (rainfall), mean air temperature (temperature),
the locality with highest altitude of Espırito Santo
vegetation cover and altitude. Cumulative rainfall data (in state (Appendix S2). These species are: Akodonsp.2,
mm) and temperature (°C) for each sampling locality were A. sp.3, Brucepattersonius griserufescens, Calomys callo-
obtained using local meteorological stations. Correlations sus, Delomys altimontanus, Juliomyssp.1, Oxymycterus
between all covariates were relatively low (Pearson correla- caparaoe, Oxymycterus hispidus, Rhagomys rufescens,
tion coefficients < 0.5; Appendix S1). We considered as Trinomys gratiosus, Marmosops paulensis, and Monodel-
plausible all models at DAIC < 2 from the best-fitted model phis scalops.
(Burnham & Anderson 2002). We calculated model sup- The composition of the non-volant small mammal
port using Akaike weights (wAIC, ranging from 0 to 1, with community differed between the sampled localities in
larger numbers indicating greater support; Burnham &
the Atlantic Forest of Espırito Santo state, grouping
Anderson 2002). All analyses were performed in R 3.4 (R
the sampling sites with higher similarity according to
Core Team 2017). Species were classified as endemic to
Atlantic Forest according to Paglia et al. (2012) and the altitude gradient (Fig. 2). We observed that spe-
according to the degree of threat in the Brazilian list (ICM- cies composition differed consistently according to
Bio 2018) and the global list of threatened species (IUCN altitude, with higher richness in locations with inter-
2020). mediate altitude between 500–1500 m asl (33

© 2021 Ecological Society of Australia doi:10.1111/aec.13010

606  F E R R E G U E T T I ET AL.

Table 1. Features of each study location in the Espırito Santo state, southeastern Brazil

Minimum Maximum Average Cumulative

Management Vegetation Altitude temperature temperature temperature rainfall
Locality category type Range (m) (°C) (°C) (°C) (mm)

Duas Bocas Protected area Dense 250–620 20 30 26 810

Biological (biological Ombrophilous
Reserve reserve) Forest
unas State Park Protected area Coastal Plain 0–12 22 35 27 352
(state park) Forest
Paulo Cesar Vinha Protected area Coastal Plain 0–14 21 34 27 730
State Park (state park) Forest
Setiba Protected area Coastal Plain 0–22 22 34 27 363
Environmental (sustainable Forest
Protection Area use area)
Goiapaba-Acßu Protected area Dense 180–470 19 29 26 369
Environmental (sustainable Ombrophilous
Protection Area use area) Forest
Caparao National Protected area Altitude 950–1890 11 26 22 1250
Park (national Forest/fields
Forno Grande Protected area Altitude 890–1250 15 27 25 850
State Park (state park) Forest/fields
Pedra Azul State Protected area Dense 910–1300 14 26 23 795
Park (state park) Ombrophilous

Aguia Branca Protected area Dense 850–1220 17 27 24 810
Private Reserve (sustainable Ombrophilous
of Natural use area) Forest
Mata das Flores Protected area Semi-Deciduous 120–480 21 31 27 401
State Park (state park) Forest
Viana municipality Non-protected Dense 140–620 20 29 27 710
area Ombrophilous
Santa Leopoldina Non-protected Dense 110–340 21 31 27 590
municipality area Ombrophilous

recorded species; Fig. 3). In locations with higher

altitude, between 1501–2200 m asl, we recorded a
lower species richness (26 species; Fig. 3).
We captured a total of 22 endemic species, and
about 37% of endemic species (eight species) cap-
tured exclusively in the higher altitude area, more
precisely in the CNP (Fig. 3). The remaining 14
endemic species were captured in all altitudinal
ranges (Appendix S2). No endemic species were cap-
tured exclusively in altitudinal ranges between 0–
1500 m asl (Fig. 3).
We found support that two variables (i.e. altitude
and accumulated precipitation ‘rainfall’) best pre-
dicted species richness in the sampled localities, with
a wAIC of 0.45 for the model with only altitude, and
Fig. 2. Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) with a wAIC of 0.31 for the model with both vari-
based on Bray–Curtis distances between localities sampled in ables (Table 2). For species abundance, we also
the richness and abundance of non-volant small mammals in found support that same variables (i.e. altitude and
the Atlantic Forest of Espırito Santo state, Brazil. Red: high- accumulated rainfall) best predicted species response
est altitude sampling sites; Green: intermediate altitude sam- with a wAIC of 0.33 for the model with both vari-
pling sites; and Blue: lowest altitude sampling sites. ables and with a wAIC of 0.31 for the model with

doi:10.1111/aec.13010 © 2021 Ecological Society of Australia


Fig. 3. Ordination of non-volant small mammals in relation to the altitude gradient of the Atlantic Forest sampled localities
in the Espırito Santo state, Brazil.

only altitude (Table 2). We found no support that related to small mammals, where species richness
temperature and vegetation type would be good pre- culminates in locations at intermediate elevations
dictor variables for species richness and abundance. associated with optimal natural conditions (Lomolino
Species richness and abundance were higher at inter- 2001). The mid-domain effect means the increase of
mediate altitudes (Fig. 4a and b) and increased with richness with altitude up to a point (Wake et al.
higher accumulated precipitation values (Fig. 4b and 1992; Grytnes et al. 2006). This effect is more fre-
d). quently demonstrated to occur along the tropical ele-
vation gradient of Central and South America
(Sanchez-Cordero 2001; McCain 2004; Andrade &
DISCUSSION Monjeau 2014; Novillo & Ojeda 2014), although it
has also been confirmed in the gradient of several
Our study found evidence of a mid-domain effect in Southeast and East Asia mountains (Nor 2001; Li
non-volant mammals. We recorded a higher species et al. 2003). Some authors corroborate the idea that
richness (i.e. 33 species of non-volant small mam- there was limitation in the dispersion of ancestors
mals) at locations with intermediate altitude ranging that were in the medium elevations, occurring spe-
from 500 to 1500 m asl. The recorded richness cor- cialisation and tolerance to a certain climate, thus
responds to about 80% of non-volant small mammals providing a richness peak at medium altitudes (Smith
presently known to occur in Espırito Santo state et al. 2007; Wiens et al. 2007). Graham et al. (2014)
(Moreira et al. 2008) and about 34% of the known argued that the variation in species richness and
species to the Atlantic Forest Biome (Paglia et al. diversity along an altitudinal gradient is strongly
2012). This high species richness at intermediate alti- linked to the natural history and environmental char-
tudes may be related to the mid-domain effect. acteristics of each chain of mountains. In Brazil, a
McCain (2004) described a mid-domain effect similar trend was recorded in other areas of the

© 2021 Ecological Society of Australia doi:10.1111/aec.13010

608  F E R R E G U E T T I ET AL.

Table 2. Generalised linear models (GLM; binomial mammals (Stanley et al. 2014; Sabuni et al. 2018). In
error distribution and logit link function) that best fact, high altitude areas are important landforms for
explained richness and abundance of non-volant small both biodiversity and the evolution of endemism
mammals selected by AIC in the 12 locations of the Atlan-
(Krukeberg & Rabinovitz 1985; Jimenez-Mejias et al.
tic Forest, Espırito Santo, Brazil, from January 2017 to
October 2018 2015; Rahbek et al. 2019B), and consequently also
for conservation (e.g. Rosenzweig 1995; Moritz et al.
Model AIC DAIC wAIC 2000; Tang et al. 2006; Fjeldsa et al. 2012). More-
over, some species may have a physiological limit that
Richness reflects their restriction to certain environments,
Altitude 156.26 0 0.45
where climate is determinant for reproduction rate,
Precipitation + Altitude 158.12 1.86 0.31
NULL 160.23 3.97 0.09 therefore interfering with the population structure
Precipitation 160.42 4.16 0.08 (Brown 2001; Hawkins et al. 2003).
Altitude + Temperature 161.52 5.26 0.04 The accumulated precipitation of the period in the
Precipitation + Altitude 164.63 8.37 0.02 different sampling sites positively affected both, spe-
+ Temperature cies richness and abundance. Climate conditions
Precipitation + Temperature 165.36 9.1 0.01 limit the number of species that can survive at differ-
Precipitation + Altitude 169.15 0 0.33
ent locations and elevations, while the physiological
Precipitation 170.25 1.1 0.31 limits of species affect their occurrence (McCain &
Altitude 170.58 1.43 0.18 Grytnes 2010). Current meteorological conditions
NULL 172.56 3.41 0.09 may also have significantly positive influence on small
Precipitation + Altitude 175.23 6.08 0.04 mammals (Stokes et al. 2001). Moreover, the rela-
+ Temperature tionship with precipitation could be related to the
Precipitation + Temperature 178.69 9.54 0.03
availability of food resources, which is higher in rainy
Altitude + Temperature 180.05 10.9 0.02
periods (Graipel et al. 2006; Santos-Filho et al.
Variables: precipitation = accumulated precipitation 2006). Moreover, in the rainy season, due to com-
(rainfall), temperature = mean temperature, Altitude = alti- paratively higher food availability, the reproductive
tude in each sampling site (m), vegetation cover. period of most non-volant small mammal species
tends to concentrate (Bergallo & Magnusson 1999,
Atlantic Forest with small mammals, where a higher 2002; Graipel et al. 2006). In fact, several studies
species richness occurred at intermediate altitudes have tested altitude as a driver of species diversity,
(Geise et al. 2004; Sakane et al. 2019). This pattern pointing to other variables, such as temperature and
in the Atlantic Forest and other tropical locations is precipitation (i.e. climate), which together act for the
because higher altitude locations present extreme MDE (Colwell & Lees 2000; Colwell et al. 2004).
environmental features. On the other hand, we did not find a relationship of
High altitudes, while having lower species diversity, temperature with the richness and abundance of
present high levels of endemism with eight endemic non-volant small mammals. This result may be
species, about 37% of all endemic species recorded related to the low seasonality of air temperature
in the present study. The remaining endemic species recorded in the studied locations. In addition to the
were distributed similarly in altitudinal gradient. The climate variables tested, other factors may be acting
vegetation and climate at higher altitude sampling in the community of non-volant small mammals,
sites are distinct when we compare all our sampled such as topography (terrain relief), historical factors
locations. However, vegetation type is not a good (occurrence of species across evolutionary time-
predictor in our study for richness, the distinct vege- scales), heterogeneity and habitat complexity (vertical
tation can still be responsible for the higher ende- strata within habitat) and the influence of other biotic
mism. We believe that for small mammals the soil factors (Kelt et al. 1994; Lomolino 2001; Rahbek &
and other microhabitat variables present in the vege- Graves 2001; Jetz & Rahbek 2002; McCain & Gryt-
tation type found at high altitudes may be better pre- nes 2010; Mena & Medellin 2017).
dictors. In fact, the Serra do Capara o area above Our results suggest altitude as a structuring element
1500 m altitude have particular characteristics as in the community of non-volant small mammals. The
lithological basement soils (Simonelli & Fraga 2007); altitude had a significant influence on the richness and
therefore, it is considered by some authors as a for- abundance of non-volant small mammals. However,
mation restricted to the CNP (Garbin et al. 2017), altitude can influence on other factors not evaluated in
which could favour endemism. The uniqueness of the present study, such as food availability, which
mountain environmental conditions encourages the therefore may affect the fauna. In addition, we found a
existence of different types of refugia and survival of high endemism exclusively in more extreme altitudes,
relict endemic species (Jenık & Stursa 2003; Jetz pointing out the importance of conserving these
et al. 2004; Rahbek et al. 2019B), including small mountain areas for the preservation of these species.
doi:10.1111/aec.13010 © 2021 Ecological Society of Australia

Fig. 4. Relationships between the richness and (a) altitude (m), (b) abundance and altitude (m), (c) richness and accumu-
lated rainfall of studied period (mm), and (d) abundance and accumulated rainfall of studied period (mm) in the localities
studied of the Atlantic Forest, Espırito Santo state, Brazil.

Thus, highlighting the importance of this study to sug- authors benefitted from grants provided to HGB
gest areas that deserve greater attention in the develop- (process 307781/2014-3) and to CFDR (302974/
ment of management and conservation plans. Finally, 2015-6 and 424473/2016-0) from CNPq and through
we suggest that other studies with the same focus eval- ‘Cientistas do Nosso Estado’ programme from
uate other variables not considered in this study. We FAPERJ to CFDR (processes Nos. E-26/
believe that studies like this one, that characterise the 202.920.2015 and E-26/202.803/2018) and to HGB
community of non-volant small mammals, could con- (process E-26/201.267.2014). HGB and CFDR
tribute for management and conservation plans. Gra- thank Proci^encia/UERJ. This study was conducted
dient analysis of species and their distribution not only with the research licence Process 76444341 – Autho-
provide input to ecology and environment, but also rization 003A-2017 provided by the ‘Instituto Estad-
guide their conservation and management pro- ual de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hıdricos –
grammes. IEMA’. This study was financed in part by the Coor-
denacß~ao de Aperfeicßoamento de Pessoal de Nıvel
Superior – Brasil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001.

This study includes part of the results of the ‘Pro- AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION
grama de Pesquisas em Biodiversidade da Mata
Atl^antica (PPBio Mata Atl^antica Network)’ of Min- 
Atilla Colombo Ferreguetti: Conceptualization
isterio de Ci^encia, Tecnologia, Inovacß~ao e Comu- (equal); Data curation (equal); Formal analysis
nicacß~ao (MCTIC) and was supported by Conselho (equal); Funding acquisition (equal); Investigation
Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientıfico e Tec- (equal); Methodology (equal); Project administration
nol ogico (CNPq) (Process No. 457458/2012-7). The (lead); Supervision (equal); Writing-original draft
© 2021 Ecological Society of Australia doi:10.1111/aec.13010
610  F E R R E G U E T T I ET AL.

(equal); Writing-review & editing (equal). Marjore Colwell R. K. & Lees D. C. (2000) The mid-domain effect:
Bezerra de Menezes: Conceptualization (equal); geometric constraints on the geography of species richness.
Trends Ecol. Evol. 15(2), 70–6.
Data curation (equal); Investigation (equal); Method-
Colwell R. K., Mao C. X. & Chang J. (2004) Interpolating,
ology (equal); Writing-original draft (equal); Writing- extrapolating, and comparing incidence-based species
review & editing (equal). Juliane Pereira Ribeiro: accumulation curves. Ecology 85(10), 2717–27.
Conceptualization (equal); Methodology (equal); Dormann C. F., McPherson J. M., Araujo M. B. et al. (2007)
Writing-review & editing (equal). Carlos Frederico Methods to account for spatial autocorrelation in the
Duarte Rocha: Conceptualization (equal); Funding analysis of species distributional data: a review. Ecography
acquisition (lead); Methodology (equal); Resources 30, 609–28.
Emmons L. H. & Feer F. (1997) Neotropical Rainforest
(lead); Supervision (equal); Writing-review & editing
Mammals: A Field Guide. University of Chicago Press,
(equal). Helena Godoy Bergallo: Conceptualization Chicago.
(equal); Formal analysis (equal); Funding acquisition Fjeldsa J., Bowie R. C. & Rahbek C. (2012) The role of
(lead); Investigation (equal); Methodology (equal); mountain ranges in the diversification of birds. Annu. Rev.
Resources (lead); Supervision (equal); Writing-review Ecol. Evol. Syst. 43, 249–65.
& editing (equal). Garbin M. L., Saiter F. Z., Carrijo T. T. & Peixoto A. L.
(2017) Breve hist orico e classificacß~ao da vegetacß~ao
capixaba. Rodriguesia 68(5), 1883–94.
Geise L., Pereira L. G., Bossi D. E. P. & Bergallo H. G.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE (2004) Pattern of elevational distribution and richness of
non volant mammals in Itatiaia National Park and its
There is no conflict of interest to report. surroundings, in southeastern Brazil. Brazilian Journal of
Biology 64(3B), 599–612.
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DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT outline of Europe’s alpine areas. In: Alpine biodiversity in
Europe, 1st edn (eds L. Nagy, G. Grabherr, C. H. K€ orner
& D. B. A. Thompson) pp. 3–12.Springer, Berlin. https://
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doi:10.1111/aec.13010 © 2021 Ecological Society of Australia

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