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F- Hello, my name is Fiorela, a pleasure!

F- What’s your name?

H- Hi!, my name is Hilary
F- Can you spell your name please
H- It’s spelled H-I-L-A-R-Y
H- Can you spell your name?
F- It’s spelled F-I-O-R-E-L-A
H- Ok, ¿What is your last name?
F- My last name is Soto, ¿And what is yours?
H- My last name is Román
F- ¿How old are you?
H- I am 13 years old, and how old are you?
F- Oh, I’m 13 years old
H- ¿Where are you from?
F- I am from PERU, I am Peruvian
F- ¿Where are you from?
F- I live in Chancay
H- ¿What is your favorite color?
F- My favorite colors are black, dark red and
white, and yours?
H- My favorite colors are light blue, black and
F- Well, ¿What is your favorite hobby?
H- My favorite hobby is playing volleyball
H- And what is your favorite hobby?
F- My favorite hobby is watching movies
H- Ok, ¿What is your phone number?
F- My phone number is 922 145 653, and what
is yours?
H- My phone number is 987 462 362
F- Ok, we’ll be in touch, see you soon!
H- It’s okey, see you soon!

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