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Moksh: Darshan, do you know what’s special today?

Darshan: Yeah! It’s Women’s Day, and my favourite festival Holi!

Moksh: Yeah! It’s my favourite too, but we still have school today.

Darshan: Yeah! But tell us what you know about Holi.

Moksh: Holi is a festival of joy, a victory of good over evil. It’s

celebrated all over India. Holi is all about spreading love and happiness
by splashing color on each other.

Darshan: That’s true. I have heard many legends about why Holi is
celebrated. Holika is my favourite.

Moksh: Yeah, I’ve heard that one too. Hiranyakashipu wanted

everyone to worship him, but his son Prahlada remained devoted to
lord Vishnu.
When his aunt Holika tricked him into sitting on a bonfire, by
protecting from the fire using a cloak. As Prahlada chanted Vishnu’s
name, the cloak flew away and Vishnu saved Prahlada.
Darshan: That’s right. In many cultures, they start Holi by starting a
bonfire, known as the Holika.

Moksha: Yes, indeed. Let’s celebrate this festival of colors with joy.

Darshan and Moksh together: Happy Holi to all.

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