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What is your view of SBC’s strategic marketing strategy?

SBC's strategic marketing plan seems to be well-defined and comprehensive based to me on the
data provided in the exercise. The company's marketing strategy is in line with its corporate
objectives, and it has a comprehensive awareness of both its target market and its rivals. SBC
understands the value of social media and digital platforms for reaching its target audience and
building brand recognition.

What is your view of SBC’s use of social media for its target market?
It's remarkable how SBC uses social media to reach their target audience. The business has an
active social media presence and makes good use of these channels to interact with its audience.
In addition to producing interesting material that appeals to its target audience, SBC also
provides timely customer service.

What were some of your frustrations you noted in the team project throughout the
I became frustrated with the team project for a variety of reasons, including poor communication
and unclear responsibility distribution. These problems caused considerable misunderstanding
and unnecessary effort. These, however, are typical issues that might come up in any
collaborative project, particularly when working remotely.

How would you resolve similar challenges in the workplace?

Establishing open communication lines and allocating tasks based on each team member's skills
and talents are essential to resolving comparable problems in the workplace. Frequent updates
and check-ins may ensure that everyone is on the same page and that any problems can be dealt
with right away. In the event of unanticipated events or modifications to the project's scope, it is
equally crucial to have a backup plan. Overall, a proactive and collaborative strategy may assist
guarantee the success of any team effort.

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