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Unit 1

A clam looks at a blue clock.

Oh, no! I am late!

The clam climbs up to a flag.

Help me!

The black bird flaps and flies.

Everyone claps and claps.

Unit 2

Bob is on a slide.

He has a plant on a plate.

Kim gives him a plum.

Kim gives him a glass and a globe.

Bob goes down the slide.

Oh, no! Slime is on the slide!

Unit 3

A bride has magic gloves.

She goes up from brick to brick.

She freezes the crab in the slime.

She freezes the crane in the frame.

She saves the frog in the crib.

What a brave bride!

Unit 4

Blake cuts blades of grass.

He makes a green dress.

Clare gets green grapes.

She makes a green cake.

Grant drives a truck.

He has a green drum.

Happy birthday, Dragon!

Review Story 1

Fred and Clare are blue dragons.

They go on a trip.
They drive a truck to the park.
A crab plays a flute and a drum.
A frog brings plates and glasses.
A crane flaps with grapes and plums.
They green frog has a flag.
“Will you be my bride?” Fred asks.
“Yes!” Clare says.
Everyone claps!
Unit 5

Spike is in a dream.

He is in space.

Spike sees a snake in snow.

He sees a swan swim in a lake.

He sees smoke, too.

“Wow! Space smells good!”

Spike smiles and snores.

Sweet dreams, Spike!

Unit 6

“Where is my egg? It is not in my nest!”

“I will help you!”

The skunk runs fast.

He looks under the lamp.

He jumps on the desk.

He looks in the pot.

He finds the pink egg.

“Thank you, Skunk!”

Unit 7

A whale works in her shop.

The whale chops a cherry tree branch.

She chops it thin and thick.

The whale makes a ship.

She puts white shells on the ship.

This is the best ship, Whale!

Unit 8

A king is on a ship.

I want fish for lunch.

I don’t want a watch!

I don’t want a dish!

I am strong.

But you are strong, too!

You can munch your lunch!

Review Story 2

A king is hungry.

Bring me the best lunch!

Kim and Bob get a thick pot.

Please help! This is for the king.

A snake puts in some nuts.

A skunk puts in some plums.

A strong whale helps them mix.

A swan put a cherry on top. They put on nice vests.

They go to a long, white ship.

What a nice smell!

I want to munch it fast!

This is the best lunch! Thank you!

Final Story

“This is a magic plant. It is pink and blue.

Make a wish! Then wink, clap, and jump!”

the frog tells the man.

“I want a brave crab and a green whale!”

The man winks, claps, and jumps! Poof!

“I want a dress for my bride!”

“I want a swan, a clock, a flag, and a vest!”

The man winks, claps, and jumps!

Poof! Poof! Poof!

Uh, oh! Look at the smoke!

The plant turns black.

“Oh, no! My plant!” the frog says.

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