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MOST Cise 7 Write a java conditions; to “alculate TOOK of y qu; "atic equations 1S ae 4, ir . Roots Ate pe, O15; roots eal and different Toot], a “ira ~ R015 are ata, al equal. Toop, al iid Roots are imaginary import. J4va.utias, import, Java. io,+,) class qurdratic ( double a,b,c,d, rq TOO bsar OR 1X2; scanner S=new SPsONEr (2¥stem. jny system, out .PrintIn (Ente, Bebe values") , a=s.nextInt( ); pes-nextInt( ); ces.nextInt( ); d=b*b-4*a*c; if( { system. out .print1n (™ rl=-c/b; system. out. print1n ("The Toots is” } else { 4£(d>0) { system. out.println (“The roots are different”) ? S(-btsqrt (d) )/ (2a); *(-b-sart (dj) / (2#a); The roots are linera roots i trl); real § All A “The fi ; system. out.print1n( Tst root isn t system. out.print1n (“The Second root isu, / +r) } else . { if(d-=0) { system.out.print1n (“The roots are real e qual” rl=-b/(2*a) ; system.out.println("The roots is” trl); } else { system.out.println("The roots are imaginary”) i Shit, } Exercise 12 Write a java program to find reverse of a given number import java.util.*7 import*7 class reverse { public static void main { int num, d, rev=07 (String args[ }) Scanner s=new Scanner (System. in); system. out.print1n ("Enter any number"); num=s.nextInt’ ( )7 while (num!=0) { d=num310; rev=rev*10+d; num=num/10; } System.out. println("The reverse of a given nue is" +rev); } } Compile and execute the above program as follows: C:ava\jdk1.5\bin>javac CNava\jdk1.5\bin>java reverse 1234 The reverse of a given number is4321 CNava\jdk1.5\bin> Dvaraica 1% } | Enter any number | Write a java program to display first ‘N’ number using do-whilelop import java.util.*; import*; class numbers { 7 ; punt static void une jnt nif anne s=new Scanner (SYS : “gut iprintin (“Babee n stem . pextint (oe do joe -pesnen crmamber:” +i)? system jeitti cava\jdkl s\bin>} clava\jdkl s\bin>j fater n values i Number: 1 Number:2 Number:3 Sumber Numbers 7] Nonhers Ca < > dk S\bin> ava numbers

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