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Hello, today we are going to support reconciliation for the construction of peace, in this case
inside the family.

1. Communication breakdowns: Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings,

hurt feelings, and resentment. When family members do not communicate effectively
with one another, it can create conflict. (Heisy)

2. Differences in values, beliefs, or thoughts: Families may have different cultural or

religious beliefs, political views, or opinions on social issues. These differences can
lead to disagreements and conflicts. (Hilary)

3. Conflict over household chores: When family members don't contribute equally to
household chores, it can create tension and conflict. (Heisy)


1. Communication Breakdowns: To improve communication, family members can try to

actively listen to each other, express their feelings respectfully, and avoid making
assumptions. Family therapy or counseling can also help improve communication and
resolve conflicts. (Hilary)

2. Differences in values or beliefs: To address differences in values or beliefs, families

can try to understand and respect each other's perspectives. They can have open and
honest conversations about their beliefs and find common ground. If necessary,
families can seek the help of a mediator or therapist to help them resolve their
differences. (Heisy)

3. To resolve this issue, families can create a chore chart or schedule to ensure that
everyone is doing their fair share. They can also have a family meeting to discuss the
distribution of household tasks and come up with a plan that works for everyone. In
addition, families can agree to rotate or switch chores periodically to prevent one
person from feeling overburdened or resentful. It's important to communicate openly
and respectfully about household chores to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts.


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