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"How Does Talking Keep Families Close?


I. Introduction
1. Hook
- Question about communication in families
2. Preview
- Consequences of poor family communication
- Benefits of family communication

II. Body
1. Consequences

2. Benefits
a. Better family relationships

b. Family problem-solving skill

III. Conclusion
- Restate
How do you handle disagreements or conflicts within your family?

poor family communication can lead to:

Strained relationships

Trouble solving problems


More arguments

Increase stress and tension

Not trusting each other

Talking openly and listening well are important in families. Firstly, when parents talk with their
kids and listen to them, they teach them about being good people. For example, if parents talk
about being truthful and fair, kids learn to be honest and fair too. Secondly, when families talk
about what they believe in together, it helps them feel closer. When everyone knows they share
the same values, it makes them feel like they belong together, and they support each other's

Also, good communication helps solve problems when family members disagree. Firstly, when
everyone can talk about their feelings, it helps them understand each other better and find
solutions. For instance, if brothers or sisters argue over sharing toys, talking it out helps them
understand each other's side and find a fair way to share. Secondly, using kindness and working
together to fix problems helps keep the peace in the family. By caring about each other's
feelings and finding ways to solve disagreements, families stay strong and happy together.

In conclusion, good communication in families is vital for keeping relationships strong and
solving problems. When family members talk openly and listen to each other, they understand
each other better and feel closer. By working together and being kind, families can overcome
challenges and stay happy together. So, it's important for families to communicate well and
support each other every day.

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