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The importance of family time

Children, from birth to adulthood, need time and attention from their
parents. The impact of personal interaction cannot be underestimated.
The importance of family time has a bearing on the social and emotional
maturity of children and establishes deep understanding among family

The role of the family can have a significant impact on emotional and
behavioural issues in children. A number of studies have recommended
spending quality time with children as the first step to raising happy
children who will make a positive contribution to society.

The ultimate goal of family time is to create opportunities for all

members of the family to love and understand each other, in the process
growing happy, well-adjusted children.

The following benefits further reinforce the importance of family time:

1. Fosters communication
Being together as a family creates opportunities to have important
family discussions. Your children are more likely to open up to you if
you’re spending quality time together away from your normal routines.
Maybe they have questions they want answered or are having troubles
and seek your advice. Spending time together could be all the
encouragement they need to ask you a tough question they’ve been
pondering on or open up about an issue that is troubling them.
2. Helps build confidence and self-esteem
Spending quality time together provides an opportunity for parents to
discover what their children’s strengths and weaknesses are. It also
opens the door to sharing new experiences together which can help build
confidence and improve self-esteem. The more opportunities a child has
to experience and excel at various activities, the greater the self-
confidence will be.
3. Provides opportunities to role model
Parents are a child’s greatest and most influential teacher. Spending time
as a family, provides parents with the opportunity to role model the
behaviour that they expect of their children. It’s important for children to
see how their parents cope with risks, problems and social interactions.
We all grow into versions of our own parents at some point!
4. Teaches children vital social skills
Good social skills are essential in adolescence. It can be challenging for
teenagers to understand appropriate social behaviour and navigate sticky
social situations. Spending quality time as a family allows the
opportunity for children to practice social skills at home in a natural
context. Playing board games together can help children to resolve
conflict and come to a mutual understanding, for example.
5. Provides bonding opportunities
There is no doubt that creating shared memories together goes a long
way toward strengthening family ties and bonds. Trying new
experiences, supporting one another and communicating are positive
steps toward building healthy relationships.
6. Improves mental health
When spending time together, children can voice their thoughts and
feelings and seek advice about issues that have been troubling them.
Participating in happy, shared experiences can also have a profound
effect on mental wellbeing. Experiencing the great outdoors and
enjoying positive social interactions are known to reduce stress
hormones and help the body become calm.
7. Helps a child feel loved
If a child has your undivided attention, it signals that they are loved and
important to you. This can be further nurtured by experiencing joyful
activities together, as it demonstrates that you want to spend time with
your children over and above all of the daily demands.
The key to spending positive family time together that will enhance
positive relationships, is to give your full attention. Don’t schedule
family time if your mind has to be elsewhere.

Here are some suggestions to encourage quality family time:

1. Get out in the great outdoors – go hiking, take a picnic, try surfing or
wind surfing together.
2. Homework – sit down with children to assist them with their homework
in a non-demanding fashion. Be sure not to provide the answers for them
… but make yourself available to provide advice and tips that will point
them in the right direction.
3. Play board games – place an emphasis on sportsmanship and fun.
4. Sport – watch or play sports together.
Family meal time – sitting down to eat together each night can be a great
way of opening up discussion. Asking about each family member’s
favourite part of their day is a great conversation starter that prompts
positive discussion.


Today’s families are busy. That is not a bad thing, but spending
time together is still important. Finding that time, with everyone’s
busy schedules, can be challenging. As parents we want to find
time to exercise, meet friends, excel at work and do all the things
that make us, ‘us’.


Combining the things we love to do and family time can be a part

of the solution and lead to better communication. Sharing hobbies
with our kids or spouse and showing interests in their activities can
have very positive effects on the relationships. Spending time
together with our partner and children is a precious family time,
that should not be taken for granted. This does not mean that we
should not have alone time with our spouse, or skip your precious
“me time”, alone or with friends. But finding the balance and
making sure to always find time to spend together.

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It’s not all about quantity but quality. Make the time count. Even
though we work hard and have a busy schedule, if we make the
time together count, we are on the right track. Even though quality
is more important than the quantity, quantity usually leads to better


Showing interest in others interest and activities shows that you

care. Your partner worrying about the workload or bragging about
successful projects. Listening, commenting and engaging in the
conversation, shows you care. Sharing, engaging and respecting
each other shows a good example and creates good family values.
If a family members has a hobby, showing interest in that also
shows your love and affection.

Creating family traditions, creates positive memories thet your
children will remember forever. Doing things your way, creates a
sense of belonging together. Family traditions can be how and
when you open presents at Christmas or always watching a movie
on Saturdays. If you have a baby or a toddler you can put on the
baby carrier, make dinner with your partner and just enjoy the
moment together, while discussing your day.

Sharing the chores teaches you kids responsibility. You are a team
and everyone should participate and do their part. Seeing parents
share the chores like cooking, cleaning and taking care of the
children shows a good example and brings us closer to a more
equal world.


Spending time together as a family creates a sense of belonging.

Children are less likely to go look for that feeling somewhere else
if they can find it at home. We should make an effort in finding
ways to spend time together as a family, and create fun memories.
Turning off cell phones, TV, computers and other distractions and
instead share ideas and values and learn about what is happening in
each other lives. Play card games, do sports or go on holidays
together. If we manage to spend time together as a family, we will
make it easier for our children to share their thoughts and worries
when going through tougher times.

Family time creates loyalty to each other and a feeling of support.

Our children grow up fast so we should make sure we use the time
we have.

Read our ideas about activities you can do together as a family!

Families have different forms and composition. Family is most
importantly a feeling of belonging to someone and loving without
conditions. The family we belong to, has a big influence on how
our children deal with relationships, cope with different situations,
and learn about living life.

Family Time

The concept of “family” has changed a great deal in recent times, and
there are now various forms of families and different styles of parenting.
However, one thing remains certain; whatever the term “family” may
mean to you, it is of utmost importance in your child’s life.

The family where your child grows up has a big influence on how he or
she deals with relationships, copes with situations, and learns about
living life. It’s only possible if you proactively be a part of the family.

And for that to happen, you need to block out family time in your

Family time is also important because if children don’t get the required
attention, they might do something that could get them in trouble.

Some stay-at-home parents or moms may think that they are somehow
“better” than other parents or moms, who stay away from home for most
of the time. This is a misconception.

We often think that it’s all about quantity when it comes to the time we
spend with our kids, whereas it is the quality time that we need to give
our family and children. Your kids care less about the hours you spend
with them, than how you spend your time with them.

As your children get older and become teenagers, it becomes tougher to

spend family time with them. It’s mainly because life keeps you busy
and your children reach a stage where their friends are the main priority.
As a parent, you have to be willing to go down to their level and enter
their world. Sometimes you have to be creative or let them decide what
they want to do as a family. But never give up on spending family time
with your teens, and they may appreciate it more than what they express.

According to studies, healthy families make family time for talking and
listening, accepting differences, showing affection and encouragement,
sharing chores and decision making, keeping in touch, and making time
for each other.

Why Family Time is Important

For those who still doubt the importance of family time, mentioned
below are a few points to put things in better perspective. Here are 10
reasons why family time is important:

To build a stronger bond with your family

The main reason why family time is important is because you need to
develop ties and bond with your family. Often kids decide to join gangs
or groups because they welcome them in, to become a part of their

Your kids need a sense of belonging and security, as they need to feel
they have someone they can turn and look up to, for anything. Spending
family time together ensures that a deep, strong, family bond develops.

To make time to talk and listen

Another good reason of spending time with family directly relates to the
need to share, talk, and listen to each other as a family.
Parents often think that it would be tough to talk to their children, who
think differently from grown-ups. However, parents tend to forget their
own time, as how it was for them when they were young! The people
you liked were mostly those who listened to what you had to say,
similarly, you need to listen to what your children have to say. Listening
doesn’t mean only hearing the words your child is saying, but also
feeling what your child is trying to convey.

You need to listen without jumping in with answers, criticizing, or

giving your own view points. You need to show that you are involved in
the conversation, by stopping all other work you are doing, and just
listen to them. Talk directly to your kids, especially teenagers, about
alcohol and drugs, and set a good example yourself.

To teach your children important lessons of life

If you do not teach children at home, they will learn it elsewhere. As a

parent, would you want your children to learn life’s important lessons by
undergoing pain, or going the wrong way?

Although children have to learn a few things on their own, it’s important
to have family time for discussions, where you can put forth problems or
situations in front of them, and then talk about them with your children,
seek their opinion, and discuss on the matter. This would help them
understand the situations of life in a better way.

To show affection, appreciation, and encouragement

Family time is important so that everyone in the family has a way of

showing affection to each other, maybe by giving hugs, holding hands,
being thoughtful and kind. According to studies, teenagers who
remember being praised, hugged, or kissed are likely to do better at
school than those who don’t have this experience.
You need to take out that quality family time to ask what each family
member has done in the day, and show interest in each other’s lives.
People find it very easy to criticize than praise. So make an effort to
think about the positive in each person and tell your child what goodness
you have noticed, besides teaching them these values.

To instill family values in your children

Instilling family values in children is of great significance nowadays, so

that they are not misled by the number of divorces on the rise.

Children mostly imitate the behavior you show towards them. If you are
an absent parent, they will be the same to their children in the future.
Instead, they often portray worse behaviors than they see.

Thus, spending family time together will build a sense of worth and
instill positive family values in your children.

To inculcate family rituals and traditions

Daily rituals or the little things that you do daily and on special
occasions, helps to build a sense of belonging, contentedness, and inner
security within the family. Daily rituals like the way you greet each
other, or say goodbye, what you do at mealtimes or bedtimes, can all be
something to share within your family time.

Families benefit from coming together to celebrate occasions like

birthdays, anniversaries, or festivals like Christmas, etc., where they
learn the traditions about what happens at these times.
To accept the differences in each person

Family time is essential to appreciate, encourage, and value the

differences in each family member, knowing that everyone is special in
their own way. Allow each family member to be excited about their
personal interests, and show respect and tolerance towards them.

Don’t pressurize your family members to be like you, or hide their

feelings and differences. Instead, let them feel proud to be themselves.

To keep in touch with friends and relatives

As we live in a society, we do need to spend time among our family as

well as interact with friends and relatives. Knowing that there are people
outside the family to turn to in a crisis can make a difference to your
child’s happiness. It also increases the chances of them making good
friends later in life.

To share the chores

Family time is important to teach younger children, by giving them

chance to do things for themselves, under your supervision. Use adult
power wisely, and keep control through humor and encouragement, not
with punishments or threats.

By spending time with family together, a very special relationship of

trust and intimacy develops that helps build a healthy family. Especially
when children have a real say in what happens and where everyone feels
their views are heard.
To help and connect better with your children

One of the most overlooked aspects of education today is parental

involvement. Many parents don’t realize the importance of family time
and how important it is to involve themselves in their children’s

All parents and family members need to find time and make the effort.
Research shows that when parents involve themselves in the family,
their children:

1. Get superior grades and test scores.

2. Graduate from high school at higher rates.
3. Are most likely to go on to higher education.
4. Have more positive attitudes and behave better.

Spending time with family can be like reading a bedtime story to your
kids, checking their homework, getting involved in PTA, discussing
your child’s progress with teachers, or anything related also to their
academic progress. Or it can be as simple as asking your children, how
was their day at school, but ask every day.

Wrapping it Up

So, the importance of family and why you should spend quality time
with family doesn’t remain a question anymore. Now you know it helps
create a sense of belonging, where you can share ideas, values, and

You need to find some ways to spend time together as a family group,
and make fun times together. For example, you could share meals
together without the distraction of television or cell phones, share
information, and learn about what is happening in each other lives. You
could play cards, games or sports, take holidays together, go camping,
watch movies, or share hobbies.
You will build a stronger family unit by spending more time together,
and your family will stick together through rough times, besides
enjoying the fun times together.

Show loyalty to your family, stick up for each other so that each person
feels confident in the family’s support and pull together to form a united
front to find solutions.

Children grow up and are gone before you realize it, so don’t waste the
time you have now, and spend it with your family. Remember, that
strong families are able to withstand setbacks and crisis with a positive
attitude, shared values, and beliefs that help them cope with challenges.

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