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CHEDU MOYO 202202345
LAONE KGAUDI 202205123







Broad Topic: Youth unemployment in Botswana

Narrowed Topic: Youth Unemployment in Botswana: Inquiring strategies and programs that can
help address youth unemployment in Botswana.

Thesis Statement: The persistently high rates of youth unemployment in Botswana pose
significant social and economic challenges, highlighting the need for effective programs to help
address the root cause of this issue and promote greater opportunities for young people to enter
the workforce and contribute to their communities as well as Botswana.

1.1 The definition of youth unemployment
1.1.1 The statistics of youth unemployment in Botswana in 2021 1.2.
The purpose of the essay

2. The causes of youth unemployment in Botswana

2.1. Lack of work experience in the workforce
2.1.1 Lack of education and skills
2.1.2 Lack of Job Opportunities in Botswana

2.2. The effects of youth unemployment in Botswana

2.2.1 Leads to economic instability
2.2.2 Affects mental health and family relationships.
2.2.3 Leads to social unrest and exclusion

2.3. Solutions to youth unemployment in Botswana

2.3.1 Use of government schemes

2.3.2 Provision of necessary skills and training

3. Conclusion
3.1. Summary of key ideas
3.2. Importance of implementing solutions to youth unemployment


NARROWED TOPIC: Youth Unemployment in Botswana: Inquiring strategies and programs

that can help address youth unemployment in Botswana.

THESIS STATEMENT; The persistently high rates of high rates of youth unemployment in
Botswana pose significant social and economic challenges, highlighting the need for effective
programs to help address the root cause of this issue and promote greater opportunities for young
people to enter the workforce and contribute to their communities as well as Botswana

Youth Unemployment is a major challenge faced by many countries around the world. Youth can
be defined as people between the age of 15 to 35 years. Youth unemployment is a problem that
affects not only the individuals who are unemployed but also the wider society as well as
Botswana. Although the definition of Youth Unemployment is time bound and refers to the
reference period, the International Labour Organization (ILO), youth unemployment refers to the
situation where young people are without work but are actively seeking employment (ILO,
2020). It is a complex problem that requires a multi-faceted approach, including education and
training programs, policies that supports job creation, and efforts to address discrimination and
other barriers to employment in Botswana. According (O'Neill, 2023) for the Statista Botswana
2021 the youth unemployment rate in Botswana in 2021 was 38.6 percent. The purpose of this
essay is to discuss youth unemployment in Botswana. This essay will articulate the causes of
youth unemployment, the effects of youth unemployment and the solutions of youth

Lack of work experience is one of the causes of youth unemployment. Botswana's youth
unemployment is exacerbated by a shortage of skills that can be tailored to the jobs needs. Youth
unemployment in Botswana is attributed to a lack of specific skills and work experience as well

as lack of required qualifications,[ Nthomang and Diraditsile,2016, p.49].Statistics by Grand

Thornton International Business Report quoted by Nthomang and Diraditsile found that there is
79%of shortage of skills, 77% of lack of experience and 71%of lack of required qualifications
among young people in Botswana as majority of employers hire youth with work experience
because it does not cost them financially to prepare, and such conduct disadvantages other youth
who are living in poverty.

Unskilled labour can also be a cause of youth unemployment. Botswana has a slew of
inexperienced workers. Since most of the youth in this group are junior and senior students, this
could be due to low level of education and lack of knowledge and skills. (Sechele,
2021)indicated that youth are unable to enter the labour market due to their low levels of
education and experience as well as their inability to complete schooling and lack of progress to
tertiary education. Social factors can also contribute to youth unemployment. Young people from
disadvantaged backgrounds may lack the skills and qualifications needed to secure employment.
This can be due to a lack of access to education or training opportunities can limit their

One of the main economic factors of youth unemployment in Botswana is lack of job
opportunities. Many countries not only in Botswana face shortage of jobs and this is especially
true for entrylevel jobs that require little to no experience. Youth who are unemployed are unable
to find jobs because more paid jobs are formal and few therefore competitive, leaving the bulk of
youth unemployed. Botswana's government has failed to diversify it's economy over the years,
leading to high rate of unemployment. According to (Nthomang, 2018), the government failed to
diversify the economy to non mining sectors such as agriculture and manufacturing, which are
reported to be labour intensive and therefore can attract many young people into employment. As
a result, young people who are just starting out in the workforce are often unable to find
employment. In addition, the global economic downturn has made the market even more
competitive, making it difficult for young people to find work.

Youth unemployment is limited a critical issue in Botswana and has various negative effects on
young people, their families, and the nation. As articulated by (Natal, 2018)youth unemployment

has adverse effects on individuals' emotional and psychological well-being. The inability to find
work can lead to feelings of hopelessness, depression, and anxiety. This can also result in
lowered self-esteem, social isolation, and a lack of confidence, which can hinder an individual's
ability to socialize and connect with others. Furthermore, the lack of financial stability can lead
to other issues such as substance abuse as a means of coping (Narayana, 2014). The effects of
youth unemployment extend to families of unemployed youth. Studies have shown that parental
stress levels increase when their children are unemployed, affecting their overall mental health
and family relationships. Additionally, the financial burden and strain of providing for
unemployed youth can lead to further family tension and conflicts (Nthomang, 2018)

Youth unemployment can lead to social unrest and exclusion in developing countries like, youth
population is high and job opportunities are limited hence leading to increased rates of
unemployment. According to (Nthomang K. D., 2016), prolonged spell of unemployment
unemployment in a young person's life is a threat of social exclusion. When young people feel
marginalized and excluded from the mainstream economy ,they may become disengaged from
society and become susceptible to criminal activities

It can lead to economic instability where there is unemployment, there is loss of potential
economic output .Young people who are unemployed are missing out on the benefit of being
productive members of society because they are not contributing to the country's economy hence
leading to a decrease in economic growth. (Nthomang K. D., 2016), in Botswana high rates of
youth unemployment mean that a large large number of young people are jobless , and the effect
of this is not only on reduced productivity and a decline in gross domestic product (GDP) but
also increased economic costs to the state due to increased social welfare costs. According to
(Nthomang K. D., 2016), the government has to pay out benefits to support the unemployed
therefore leading to less revenue & more expenditure. Unemployment existence means losy
output , as the economy will be working below full potential and tax revenue will be lower.

Youth unemployment can be solved using the government schemes. The government can provide
incentives for businesses to hire young people. In Botswana government schemes such as
Ipelegeng which means self-reliance are used to help alleviate youth unemployment . Ipelegeng

was first formed in 2008 as one of the initiatives meant to reduce poverty for a sustainable
development in Botswana. According to (Nthomang, 2018) Ipelegeng is premised on the spirit of
self-help, self-reliance and people centered development, the values which have been an integral
part of Botswana society's culture and traditions since from time immemorial. Ipelegeng
typically provide short term employment at low wages for the unskilled people through labour-
intensive projects (National Development Plan[NDP] 0: 2009-2016; Gooch & Macdonald 1981).
Ipelegeng is fully state funded. Even Ipelegeng has low wages it is better than nothing.

Another solution to youth unemployment is to provide young people with the necessary skills
and training to enter the workforce. Education and training programs can help young people gain
the skills and qualifications needed to secure employment. This can be done through vocational
education training through brigades and technical colleges and training programs that teach
young people the specific skills they need for different industries. According to a report by the
International Labour Organization (ILO), young people who have attained higher levels of
education are more likely to secure employment than those with lower levels of education (ILO,
2020). Therefore, the government should invest in education and skills training programs to
equip young people with the knowledge and skills necessary for the job market. These programs
can include internships and other work-based learning opportunities that provide experience in
the workplace. By equipping young people with skills, they need to succeed , they are more
likely to find employment and contribute to the economy.

Youth unemployment is a significant issue that requires urgent attention. The causes of youth
unemployment in Botswana are complex and multifaceted, but solutions can be found through
provision education, training programs and government incentives. Implementing solutions to
youth unemployment is essential for economic growth, social stability and personal well-being.
It is crucial that the government and the civil society work together to address this issue and
provide young people with the opportunities they need to succeed and gain employability.

ILO. (2020). Global Employment Trends for youth 2020:Technology and the future of jobs.
International Labour Organization.
Narayana. (2014). Botswana Notes and Records, Vol.6.
Natal. (2018). Unemployment and the Attributes of the unemployed in Botswana.
Nthomang, K. (2018). Botswana's Ipelegeng Programme Design an Implemetation: reducation
or perpetuation/ entrenchment of poverty.
Nthomang, K. D. (2016). The need for evidence based policy and programme development.
Improving Youth unemploymwnt in Botswana.
O'Neill, A. (2023). Youth Unemployment rate in Botswana in 2021. Statista .
Organisation, I. L. (2020). Global Employment Trends for Youth 2020: Technology and the
future jobs.
Sechele, L. (2021). Factors that contribute to youth unemployment in Botswana . Mosenodi
Journal , 96.

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