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A passion is always giving you happiness.

It doesn't matter what you do,

it just has to give you a reason to keep doing it.

My passion has always been painting. I would paint and draw for hours
just to get the desired result or just gain experience and get good at it.

The greatest part about painting are the colours which can bring life to
an empty piece of paper. It doesn't matter if the colours are warm or
cold, the way you use them and make them fit in your creation is
wonderful. I’ve always loved to blend the colours together and make
them create a gradient. If it’s used right it can turn the most boring
painting into a better one and it can give it a unique design which can
be only made by your hand.

Remember that you are your own master, so it’s your choice to decide
what to draw. You can always choose different styles and try new
techniques which can enchant your painting with warmth and
brightness. Never forget that ‘It’s human to make mistakes and some of
us are more human than others.’, as Ashleigh Brilliant said, so if you fail
just get up and start over until you’re sure that the final product
satisfies you.

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