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With the advances of technology, the digital environment has become the

fastest way for the learning of others languages, maximizing strategies of education,
allowing institutions of education to invest in the ODL (Open and distance learning).
However, even if it is convenient, the ODL is not always the best way to learn,
especially for those who have difficulties learning.
First of all, it is needed to be clear, the two methods, online and face-to-face,
have his own characteristics and advantages, and we cannot deny the seriousness
and importance of them. But, according to the book “Demandas de Aprendizagem
de Inglês no Brasil”, from the institute, British Council, 47% of people who have
make online classes don’t have interesting of coming back for them, but, more of
74% of persons who made or want to made a language course wanted to do
According to the participants of the research, this is due the fact the online
courses demand many disciplines and because of that is very hard to focus on
them. Meanwhile, among the disadvantages shown, in an ODL course we have a
dependence on the internet, wifi, computers or smartphones to watch the classes,
which can harm the students from learning correctly. Plus, the face-to-face course
has one thing that is extremely important for everyone who wants to learn English,
the conversation classes, which has become unavailable online.
So, we can confirm that the choice of a modality of classes- ODL or
face-to-face- is directly related to the needs of ich students and advantages that the
method gonna bring for them learning.

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