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19) Sound events Sound events that are significant to the audio should

also be noted. Use brackets [ ] for notes. The notes are always written in
lower case regardless of the position in a sentence. Sounds that the
speaker makes is always in the same line and always in present tense.
[snaps fingers] [phone rings] [laughs] [chuckles] [giggles] [scoffs] et
cetera. Laugh is normal laugh; chuckles is soft laugh. 11/30/2019
Transcription Guidelines Sounds not made by the person speaking are
always on separate line [present and gerund]: [applause] [cheering]
[chuckling] [laughter] [phone ringing] et cetera. Use [background noise]
on separate line for ambiance noise. Use [background noise] on same
line if a significant unidentified sound occurs while the speaker is talking.
[crosstalk], [silence]- can be placed in separate line or same line. [pause
00:00:00] bolded and time stamped is used to demonstrate a pause
significant in a speech. It must be longer than 10 seconds for it to be
marked. [silence] is used to demonstrate a short pause in speech; not
less than 4 seconds but not longer than 10 seconds. When the audio is
cut or edited, use [sound cut] on a separate line or the same line;
wherever the sound cut was done. If a foreign language or a word (in
this case, a language that is not English) is spoken, mark it as [foreign
language] or [French language], [German language], et cetera if it can be

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