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What – Define the problem

Cracked heel is a common ailment affecting people of all genders. It is often a source of embarrassment
and even pain.

Why – Reasons for the problem’s occurance

Some of the causes are :

 Dry skin

 Prolonged standing, especially on hard floors

 Biomechanical issues that increase pressure in the heel area such as a poor posture

 Obesity, which increases the pressure on the normal fat pad under the heel, causing it to expand

 Open backs on shoes or sandals, which allow the fat pads in the heel to expand sideways and
increase pressure on the skin

 Walking around barefooted

 Genetics

 Ill-fitting shoes or sandals that don’t support the heels

 Deficiency of vitamins, minerals, or zinc

 Hormonal conditions such as thyroid or estrogen imbalances

 Circulation problems

Medical conditions that may cause cracked heels to include:

 Diabetic neuropathy (people lose the ability to perspire)

 Sjogren’s syndrome (an autoimmune disorder that causes skin dryness)

 Psoriasis

 Eczema

 Fungal infections

 Hypothyroidism

 Juvenile plantar dermatosis (a common and chronic dry skin condition of the feet)

 Palmoplantar keratoderma (a group of skin conditions characterized by thickening of the skin on
the palms of the hands and soles of the feet)

 Pregnancy

 Kidney disease or diuretics

 Lymphoma

 Venous stasis dermatitis (skin inflammation in the lower legs caused by fluid buildup)

 Down syndrome

Cracked heels are splitting or cracking of the heels due to dryness or thickening of the skin
(callus). Callus around the circumference of the heel is the beginning process of cracking. Increased
pressure on the fat cushion beneath the heel causes it to expand sideways, leading to cracking of the

What home remedies are useful to treat cracked heels?

Several home remedies may be useful to smooth the cracked heels. Simple home remedies that may be
effective to treat cracked heels include:

1. Heel balms: Use a heel balm or thick moisturizer twice daily to increase the elasticity of the skin
on the heels. The main ingredients of heel balm that help to retain moisture in the skin include:

1. Urea

2. Alpha hydroxy acid

3. Humectant

2. Foot soaks: Soaking the foot in warm, plain, or soapy water for about 20 minutes.
Next, exfoliate with a foot scrubber and apply Vaseline or Aquaphor immediately after drying.
Slipping on a pair of socks over your moisturized feet may lock in moisture.

3. Bandages: Wearing bandages or special tissue glue can protect and hold the edges of the cracks.

4. Supporting shoes: Take care to wear proper fitting closed shoes to relieve pressure on the feet.

5. Lose weight: Losing weight and trying to stay healthy would help to relieve pressure on the feet.

6. Exfoliate: Rubbing a pumice stone may help to reduce the thickness of calluses. People
with diabetes shouldn't attempt to scrub their feet with a pumice stone.

7. Bathing: Long and hot showers should be avoided instead; opt for short showers with lukewarm
water, as it helps to preserve skin’s essential oils.
8. Prevent infection: Always keep the crack clean to prevent the risk of infection.

9. Diet: The inclusion of essential fatty acids in the diet may help to moisturize the feet.

10. Hydration: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

11. Protection: For cracks that seem to be worse, wear a silicone heel cup inside the shoes to get
extra protection and moisture lock.

12. Consultation: Finally, always consult a podiatrist for better solutions and treatment if the
cracked heels seem to be bothersome.

Having dry, rough, or cracked skin on the feet is common. The feet have fewer oil glands than other
areas of the body, and they experience daily wear and tear. People can relieve dry skin on the feet using
some simple home remedies.

Dry skin often appears on the heels and sides of the feet and between the toes. It may make the
affected area feel itchy, tight, and even painful. Although this may be irritating, it is rarely harmful.

Simple foot soaks, moisturizers, and regular exfoliation can reduce dry skin on the feet, remove areas of
dead skin and calluses, and prevent them from returning.

In this article, we look at the causes and treatment of dry, cracked, or scaly skin on the feet.

Share on PinterestRegularly applying moisturizer to the feet can help prevent dry skin.

The following everyday factors may cause dry skin on the feet:

 A lack of moisture. Dry, cracked, and flaking skin is especially common on the heel and sole
because these areas have fewer oil glands than skin elsewhere on the body.
 Irritation. Standing for too long or wearing poorly fitting shoes can put constant pressure on
specific areas of the feet or cause friction of the skin. As a result, these areas of the feet may
become dry, calloused, or cracked.

 Heat and humidity. Closed shoes, such as sneakers and boots, create an extremely hot and
humid environment for the feet. Heat and humidity draw moisture from the skin, which can lead
to dry, thick, or cracked areas on the feet.

 Soaps. Soaps and body washes that contain harsh chemicals or irritants can strip moisture from
the skin. Failing to wash excess soap off the feet can also cause these problems.

 Aging. Over time, the skin loses its ability to retain water, becoming thinner and less plump.
Older people may be more likely to experience dry skin as a result of the natural aging process.

 Medications. Certain medications, including diuretics, can cause dry skin on the feet.

Dry skin on the feet may also occur as a result of a medical condition, such as:

 Athlete’s foot. Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that causes a scaly rash between the toes and
underneath the foot.

 Eczema. Eczema refers to a group of conditions that cause skin inflammation. People can

develop eczema anywhere on their bodies. Common symptoms of eczema include dry, crusty, or
itchy patches of skin.

 Psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that causes thick, scaly patches of skin.
People can develop psoriatic patches almost anywhere on their body, including their feet.

 Hypothyroidism. People with hypothyroidism may develop extremely dry feet because their

thyroid gland cannot regulate the sweat glands in the feet, which can lead them to become dry.

 Diabetes. Living with uncontrolled diabetes may result in damage to the peripheral nerves,

which is called neuropathy. Neuropathy can affect the nerves that regulate oil and moisture in
the feet, which can cause the feet to become dry or cracked.


Treatments and remedies

Dead cells on the surface of the skin naturally fall off, and new cells take their place. When a person
does not remove the buildup of dead skin cells, they can form thick, flaky patches on the feet.

Over time, dry areas can become thick or cracked, especially on the heels. Cracked heels make the feet
vulnerable to infection, while thick calluses can make walking difficult or uncomfortable.

In the following section, we discuss five of the best ways to treat dry skin and remove dead skin from the
1. Exfoliate

Exfoliation involves removing dead surface-layer skin using either a physical or chemical exfoliator.

Physical exfoliators include:

 foot scrubs

 body brushes

 electronic callus removers

People can buy foot scrubs or make their own at home by mixing honey, warm water, and sugar.

Chemical exfoliators take the form of lotions or thin liquids. They contain ingredients that dissolve dead
cells on the surface of the skin, such as glycolic acid, lactic acid, and alpha-hydroxy acid.

Foot peels are popular chemical exfoliators that manufacturers have designed specifically for the feet.
Some foot peels contain artificial fragrances and alcohols that can irritate sensitive skin, so it is
important to check the list of ingredients for any potential allergens or irritants before buying a foot

For a gentler foot peel, people can use chemical exfoliators that the label describes as being suitable for
facial use.

People can choose between brands of exfoliating product online:

 shop for foot scrubs

 shop for foot brushes

 shop for electronic callus removers

2. Foot soak
Share on PinterestA person can add different ingredients, such as oatmeal or Epsom salt, to a foot soak.

Soaking the feet in warm water helps soothe and loosen dry skin while improving blood circulation to
the feet, which can help prevent dry skin in the future.

Adding a small amount of vinegar to a foot soak may help treat mild forms of athlete’s foot. Vinegar has
powerful antimicrobial properties that may help disinfect the feet and even eliminate foot odor.
Learn more about vinegar foot soaks here.

Other beneficial ingredients to consider adding to a foot soak include:

 Epsom salt

 honey

 oatmeal

 lemon juice

 peppermint essential oil

3. Pumice stone or foot file

People can use a pumice stone or metal foot file to remove dry skin and calluses from the feet.

They can do this by following the steps below:

1. Soak the feet in warm water to soften the dead skin.

2. Wet the pumice stone or foot file with warm water.

3. Gently rub the pumice stone or foot file over the dead skin or callus. Use circular motions with a
pumice stone and gentle back-and-forth motions with a foot file.

4. Rinse the dead skin off the feet. Repeat step three as necessary.

5. Pat the feet dry with a clean towel.

6. Moisturize the feet with cream, lotion, or oil.

People can buy pumice stones in drug stores or choose between brands online.

4. Moisturize

Regularly moisturizing the feet will help reduce existing dry skin and prevent new dry skin from
accumulating. Moisturizing the feet after using an exfoliator or a pumice stone will help the skin lock in

It is best to avoid lotions, creams, and moisturizers that contain alcohol, added fragrances, and artificial
colors as these ingredients can worsen dry skin.

Instead, a person should look for products that contain:

 humectants, such as urea, aloe, and hyaluronic acid

 emollients, which include plant-based butter and oil

 occlusives, such as petrolatum, lanolin, and coconut oil

5. Wear moisturizing socks to bed

For extra hydration, a person can try using moisturizing gel-lined socks. These are available to
purchase online, or people can create their own.

Gel-lined socks contain natural oils and vitamins that help hydrate and repair dry skin on the feet. The
individual just needs to slip on a pair and wear them around the house for a few hours. Afterward, they
can place the socks in the washing machine and let them air-dry.

People can get similar results using their usual moisturizer and a good pair of cotton socks. At bedtime,
they can apply a generous amount of moisturizer to the feet before slipping on a pair of breathable,
cotton socks. In the morning, they should remove the socks and rinse the feet.

Share on PinterestWearing shoes that fit properly can support healthy feet.

People can use the following tips to help prevent dry skin on their feet:

 practicing proper foot hygiene, which includes thoroughly cleaning the feet, removing dead skin,
and keeping the skin hydrated with a good moisturizer
 avoiding lotions, soaps, and body washes that contain alcohol, added fragrances and colors, and
other potential irritants

 using warm, rather than hot, water for showers, baths, and foot soaks

 wearing shoes that fit correctly

 instead of vigorously rubbing the feet after a shower, gently patting them dry with a clean towel


Wearing the wrong shoes or spending too much time standing can result in dry, itchy feet and areas of
irritated or scaly skin. Without treatment, dry skin can thicken and crack open, leaving the feet
vulnerable to infection.

People can use pumice stones, exfoliators, and foot soaks to remove dry skin from their feet at home.
Regularly applying moisturizer and removing dead skin will help keep the feet healthy and hydrated.

Certain medical conditions, such as eczema, hypothyroidism, and diabetes, can cause very dry skin on
the feet.

People who have severely dry skin on their feet might want to consider contacting a specialist foot
doctor called a podiatrist or another healthcare professional to discuss possible treatment options.


Coconut oil is often recommended for dry skin, eczema, and psoriasis. It can help your skin retain
moisture. Using coconut oil after a foot soak could be a good option, too. Coconut oil's anti-
inflammatory and antimicrobial properties may your cracked heels if they're prone to bleeding or

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