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Tamara Wilburn
-4 y ■ j

written by Tamara Wilburn
© 2014 Compass Publishing

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mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior
permission in writing from the publisher.

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ISBN: 978-1-64015-375-2

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TABLE of contents
How to Use 4


awful, crazy, huge, moment, odd, pour, regret, steal, thief, tough; chance,
Unitl extra, hall, immediately, intend, mention, reaction, score, search, worse 6

bit, common, diet, evidence, fit, limit, physical, poison, sale, type; amount,
Unit 2 cure, disease, medical, necessary, produce, reduce, serious, source, 12
castle, decision, empire, explore, flight, guard, incredible, serve, skin,
Unit 3 southern; admire, ancient, attractive, giant, pack, prefer, rent, respect, 18
view, wave
base, character, clever, enemy, length, promise, quality, regularly,
Unit 4 survive, title; adult, classic, desert, discover, female, flow, mystery, 24
opinion, pleasure, publish
cough, crowd, curious, disappear, edge, guide, local, machine, native,
Unit5 smoke; avenue, expect, explain, rub, shine, strength, suggest, tour, 30
western, wheel
cloth, equal, fail, false, goods, increase, penny, separate, total, wrap;
Unit 6 appreciate, avoid, convenient, customer, destroy, disappointed, 36
medium, pattern, trick, value
beat, conduct, confident, lead, lift, male, muscle, speed, stretch, trouble;
Unit 7 captain, challenge, complete, encourage, noon, position, race, record, 42
skill, wing
certain, discuss, edit, gather, image, material, positive, role, screen,
technology; attack, available, career, connect, dictionary, handle, 48
major, provide, section, site
accept, consider, exist, familiar, joy, married, rather, represent, root,
society; band, fortune, guest, host, original, peace, poem, sense, trust, 54
blood, business, electronic, influence, master, pity, press, shoot, signal,
teenager; achieve, beg, control, debate, improve, similar, soldier, system, 60
war, warn
announce, bottom, compete, copy, exhibit, print, project, proper, select,
sheet; concentrate, maximum, prize, require, research, respond, spell, 66
state, structure, tool
flood, gentle, melt, operate, recognize, remain, task, various, waste,
worth; climate, emergency, factory, freeze, population, recently, responsible, 72
storm, stream, temperature


» INDEX 84
Row to Use This Book
1OOO Basic English Words is a four-book series designed to introduce basic
English words to EFL learners and to reinforce the students’ learning through the
systematic repetition of each of these words. The 240 words presented in each level,
combined with the additional target words featured in the appendices included
in each book, provide learners with over 1,000 practical, high-frequency English
words. The words introduced in the series are commonly used in both spoken and
written English. While the series focuses mainly on reading and writing skills, the
listening tracks provide opportunities for listening practice as well.

1. Part A Word list and Practice

Word List Q- uwr 1 Phonetic symbols aid
The first ten target words are Word Liat ’ students with
presented in a list. (SP? I j awful pronunciation, while
Clear and concise definitions ra cr«»«y>M _____
parts of speech aid
and simple sample sentences students with proper
nPI1 ' ____
demonstrate usage and usage.
provide context. moment

■0 I

o 03» T.;'™...... . Space is provided so

Full-color images illustrate Ihe.iiflwi'sWfflWi»,»»: f ««vie."» in
that students can write
each target word and the meanings of the
-fogT 1 ileal -Z
provide visual assistance in tit rtV.» target words in their
comprehension. native language. This
student-friendly feature
allows students to
personalize their learning.

Exercises 1 and Z G>;;

Exercise I
In Exercise 1, students check *■ Olcauiiboe.-v‘ocll\v'i><t'l<v4crnn>'ia'<WJiiuv'Hv(c..v

their understanding of the

target words by identifying
the correct word to complete
the sentence.
In Exercise 2, students
Exercise Z
practice using the words in ♦> <^plub1iHl.Aiw«no»a.v<lK>tlùirÆiiiabmitfU.<3K«.vW*<lC«e>ll«iUXvi:.

context in a gap-fill activity. .niMtnnV. ii-iîililU iHw>l tllwl (eir mtuy

U. Suit!* ..........

11. WtaMltfUi.................... intKttUtlgliW

S. mdln-.u-Jlv-.WoiHi............ ’•

St. \Uk-JUpWerf. _ ____ \»w «Wdl'lUpat-U MWUJ)

2. PartB Word List and Practice
p»l I Word U«t
Word List Enreiie 1
• IrorntMwoTJcW'MtMw&n^cinrxtfcanta-^voge C21
■ The second ten target words \ * CM«si'BM>«<nr41ni'nû»wlta’lm.TM<winjiiati'litiuna>!hmvt!w®'â

are presented in a list. <s into* tatter* « sid u>

a ifcMl ta a«ws<S c. «pgMttd d kM

.1?.. fl'lt daffM • Clear and concise definitions : ta me» . fa «MSe «. oSJ . â t«B.»

no M HtfH-pwJfcea
and simple sample sentences : ci BwtWjf bil’mSV ' ' c. <w« <1 «Ai*
/CvTtj;-'>4 | Mtocshatslj;;^. - w:.; demonstrate usage and a nachei ta e. toîtad <4 mod*

f ih i l iMtMilhifhlI provide context. Exercise 2

I AVch?-J
* khe «M W.«tt to «bwjtW Cut jpaeifre wlA «s’il Mera taa A U-on *. thbti
«à » a v.îré taom VM *>>oA<-3 Stifttoi ko «h» ttnMmtta
jej Zita’’ I ('i;>"t
S—J G J, .... .
melton I- -' .- I Exercises Î and 1 o rjfflGCJno HH
UKCl'I ' r<rwk>-r«^W«wM*nMr<«iMjC4(54rii .............
CS®J-si> /t»uiom,>fsl»h>Haj^nlMnh*i.Bjr«<tlw>»u» vxr/tal ‘ïïïSSS
JIS1 • In Exercise 1, students test
their knowledge of the
X'i-i wcwMdtMiCy O

P ^,.«(..1, |
: target words by choosing
r; i "< 1 > h?*->v MW »‘<rt <SM»V e->y words or phrases with
similar meanings.
In Exercise 2, a fun crossword •
: puzzle tests students’
knowledge and understanding ■
: of the unit's target words.

— * A

Alternating activities in odd and even units add variety to the practice activities.

Reading Practice Writing Practice
»end IMpoi tope. CTEf'
Readings introduce a variety ». (MMyMd. ....
A Vniy Dad D*y of fiction and nonfiction topics SarMarw hoi. ...tintaJ
rMhy »»*vrful tMilInltndedtofto ><■■<*<*’
mtnlInarcl’V'UitlM to* lu Kor» mw j<UM» itml tny m-aMs «»u* |.iKlk<
llcrwn «t. I ilut ttot jet lhe cMnccto ptmiK<•. Mim-Ww Ml ttdrn my to« et
and provide further examples J. WncnMwtM»
xsnt to ci» hiI coach

ihueJi Matchni *'»w»*hn» lui < wildcrut Juul the nv 11<4» »»« n taone
tnaiwlMy were new i tfjJly tejcettnl btlnjtaçt (Mue of the target words in context. *, TMCCCKh't ......

WMn I *»w IMt tM »M»» va te rnl'ilc'c I wml to my «>«< h i. UtMdM'esUcHftdtM

littnedUtety llb Monlon Wttealm. ilerllcl not üil/A u w»r odd fut
toi my
wmeewitouto > te mU il hafpCMel a lotond
llM chlet ahd nnlehlm teluiomy »ho»>-
Iwalcliplmy i‘u'ni«Miàr.O'at|4j)ct»*ieR<>l ;
hujejUiivieArealIto-ajh IIAiin;Crv.iltcoRrttny B. Mal » o ttety mkh kh e Wta» hem IM Iip kwe at »Cue eem kj ta»
ehtwchuVAtulpey es»1»'

i' Choow IM cored ont«t>»

Reading comprehension ! ». »A¥W1«) .

I. Mat cJ«i tM pooch i-'Pl IM to/10 do’ questions test students’ J. VftwtltOH ,

a b. $Wom>'of«w4c
t. Merfb «MtyoMt* d.
reading skills and i. Ikfih.’i'tM',- Kvi M/eMAMj »oAI.

J. tM coach <1<1 hot tliM 4 *ai, . loMMci to M Udon-

a tojjh b. cnA3 c. M’ ct. «M understanding of the topics. --. - j- '.'J..

< . 101 In IM tfonVi to complete IM wmnwy cl IM ttodino.

;• t.r'- xst” tawasis:
teams: •»:
»l»,l> .<» «M ,A>>
•j £.%->
. L..,
. te^sr* ; e-.M lUyeam»? u^‘, ■«“■■*
th» boy hod ojn)............................ ànj IMnwhew-Vedhcnto
l'SÏ?*■ h:;s» tsStetsr" '3■
... ... ............. . n<x«p4l'4i,<irdMr>ralhl ... ..

lOcMOr-toMdKlientMhCy't iMtlM .
noefee, Birt
..... Ciag.tQh'tMM cbtre» Writing Practice o'
to p'ticUt» tooth |A>M to caith IM IMI uM return tM »<XW tMwi
The Writing Practice section ;
provides further practice of ;
: the target words in activities ■
j based on the content of the ;
: reading passage.

Part A Word List
♦ Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. Track 01

Q| awful [ôifel]

adj. very bad

ft J Sam was not proud of the awful smell coming from his shoes.

crazy [kréizi]
adj. very strange
Susan’s hair looks really crazy, and she has an interview today!

.. j'-’A huge [hju:d3]

adj. very large
/ will give you a million dollars if you eat this huge hamburger.

724 moment [moument]

.. n. a short period of time
/ mixed the vegetables and then fried them for a few moments.
725 I odd [âd]
adj. strange or different
Lewis's choice of hair color is quite odd.

| pour [pair]
v. to fill a container with something to drink
Please pour some water for me. I do not want any ice.

727 regret [rigrét]

v. to feel sorry about something that you did or did not do
She regrets missing the last bus home. It was a big mistake.

728 steal [sti:l]

v. to take something without someone saying you can
We do not share our food with our cat, but she tries to steal it.

| thief [0i:f]
n. someone who steals
Lucy saw a thief trying to climb into her neighbor's window.

HQ tough [tAf]
adj. strong
Max was the toughest man in our village.
Scan for Audio
Track 01,02: Word list
Track 03: Reading Practice

♦ Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. Ryan is a big and (tough / main I awful) basketball player. He is the best on
our team.

2. The accident on the busy road was (sore / awful / odd). Many people were hurt.

3. Maggie found several (tough / odd / brave) insects on the ground on her way

4. We cannot take the stairs to the top of the (huge I brave / awful) building.

5. The (carrot I thief / moment) used a long rope to get down from the house.

♦ Complete the sentences with the correct words. One word will not be used.

moment regrets steal thief pour crazy

1. Sadie saying mean things to her brother when he broke her

favorite pot.

2. Would you me a tall glass of chocolate milk, please?

3. Why did you throw your cat into the water? Are you ?

4. Could you wait a ? I have to shut the window before we go out.

5. You should not your friends’ toys. It is wrong.

Part B Word List

♦ Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. Track 02

731 chance [tfæns]

n. an opportunity to do something
Mia and Phil got the chance to go on a European adventure.
732 extra [ékstre]
adj. more than is usual
/ have added extra cheese to make the pasta taste better.
733 hall [ho:l]
n. a large open space in a building
It was possible to have a large party in the grand hall.

J imhlédîcttelÿ [imhdietii]
adv. right away
The workers came immediately after the accident.
Q intend [intend]
iv &

O v. to want or plan to do
For good health, she intends to eat several carrots every day.
736 mention [ménfen]
v. to talk or write about something, often quickly
Jude forgot to mention that he had to leave class early.

reaction [riækjen]
n, the way someone acts or feels after something happens
It was a mistake to tell Jim the news. His reaction was very bad.
738 score [sko:r]
v. to win a point in a game
Jose scored the winning goal at last night's game.
739 search [sé:rtf]
v. to look for
Alex searched the sky for the cause of the noise.
740 worse [wé:rs]
adj. more terrible than other things
There is nothing worse than cleaning the floor.

UNIT 1 1 I

Exercise 1
♦ Choose the word most similar in meaning to the underlined word.

1. Julie forgot to mention that her brother was in the movie.

a. mail b. search c. say d. kill
2. The boy intended to run in the race, but he broke his leg.
a. shared b. wanted c. supported d. kicked

3. Oh, I did not want extra cheese on my pizza. Can you take it off, please?
a. more b. whole c. odd d. brave

4. Margo! You need to stop fighting with your brother immediately.

a. possibly b. finally c. now d. after

5. Chris got the ball and scored the winning goal. Everyone cheered for him.
a. marched b. raised c. rolled d. made

Exercise 2
♦ Use the hints to complete the puzzle with words from Part A and Part B. Then
make a word from the shaded letters to complete the sentence.

I vi Sii Aid. v ïv
3. how someone shows emotion 2
at some news - YtL'W
3* (
5. Lucky Joe had a(n) to
meet his favorite singer. s’&'ff


[. .ft!‘i 1. to try to find
(dd 2. even more awful

3. to feel bad about

something you did
4. notweak
6. a huge room

Reading Practice
A. Read the passage. Track 03

A Very £ad Day

Today was awful. I had intended to go to soccer practice. The coach had
mentioned wanting me to score more points and my needing extra practice.
However, I did not get the chance to practice. Someone had stolen my soccer
shoes! I searched everywhere but could not find them. I felt even worse
5 because they were new. I really regretted bringing them.
When I saw that the shoes were missing, I went to my coach
immediately. His reaction was calm. He did not think it was odd for
someone to steal my shoes. He said it happened a lot, and /f|
he would find the thief and make him return my shoes.
10 I watched my team practice. Our players are not
huge, but we are all tough. I cannot wait to get my
shoes back and play again.

B. Choose the correct answers.

1. What did the coach want the boy to do?

a. Buy new shoes b. Score more points
c. Search everywhere d. Regret playing soccer

2. The coach did not think it was for shoes to be stolen,

a. tough b. awful c. huge d. odd

C. Fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the reading.

The boy had a(n)day. The coach wanted him to

more points, and he

someone had taken the boy’s shoes. He bringing his new shoes
to practice. His coach plans to catch the thief and return the soccer shoes.
Writing Practice
A. Fill in the blanks to make true sentences about the reading.

1. The boy had to go to soccer practice.

2. Someone had his shoes!

3. When he saw that his shoes were missing, he

went to see his coach.

4. The coach’s was calm.

5» He said he would find the

B. Make a story with the ideas from the tip box or your own ideas.

1. I had intended to

2. But someone

3. When I saw J
4. 's reaction was

5. He/She/They said he/she/they would

B iiæp- amy music player was

'•.‘.’./J "f

; buy a new ; • broke my fi "The police / | ’ get a new one I
<;■ bike music 8 broken / asked for a ' worried
| • return my
«i player | new one Ig
g do my 5 ■ My dad / | notes
; homework : stole my f my notes were gone / ■ angry I “try to help W
' ' my friend
0 emailed 1
g listen to I moneX | My friend /

$ g
fiyi music ■' borrowed
*1----- * my bag was missing / a fast
1 my notes
called the police I 1-■;3



Part A Word List
♦ Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. Track 04

741 bit [bit]

n. a small piece or amount
I broke the chocolate into bits so I could share it with my friends.
742 common [kâmsn]
adj. usual; happening or seen often
Colds are quite common in the winter.
743 diet [daiat]
n. the food that someone usually eats
T ? / intend to have a healthier diet by eating more fruit.
744 evidence [évsdans]
n. something that shows something else is true
The police found evidence that Chris was the thief.

® fit [fit]
adj. strong and healthy
They stay fit by running whenever possible.
746 limit [limit]
v. to keep at a low level or keep from getting larger
•9J - She has little money and must limit how much she spends.
Q| physical [fizikal]
adj. of the body
Playing sports is a good way to get physical exercise.

748 poison [pàizn]

n. something that can make you sick if eaten or drunk
The symbol on the bottle says that it is poison.

sale [séil]
n. the act of selling something for money
There is a nice house for sale in my neighborhood.
750 type [téip]
n. a kind or variety
Bakeries usually sell several different types of bread.
Scan for Audio
Track 04,05: Word List
Track 06: Reading Practice

Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. I like a (bit / momen / sale) of sugar in my tea.

2. People use (ground / evidence / poison) to kill insects.

3. Do your parents (pour / limit / diet) how much candy you eat?

4. People usually have more (physical I fit / extra) problems as they get older.

5. Liam wants to get (odd / fit / common) so he can play on the soccer team.

Complete the sentences with the correct words. One word will not be used.

type sale common limit diet evidence

L Carrie made $80 from the of her bike.

2. Brown is the most eye color in the world.

3. There is a lot of that the earth is getting warmer.

4. Megan forgot to mention what of ice cream to buy.

5. The of an elephant does not include meat.

Part B Word List
♦ Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. Track 05

751 amount [amaunt]

> n. how much there is of something
Make sure to use the right amount of oil to fry the food.
752 cure [kjuar]
n. something that makes sick people better
The new cure made John feel better almost immediately.

disease [diziiz]
! n. a sickness
fl A disease made the tree's leaves turn brown.

, 754 medical [médikel]

adj. of medicine; treating people who are sick or hurt
If you often have awful headaches, you should get medical help.
755 necessary [nésssèri]
adj. needed
When getting ready for a trip, take only what is necessary.
~ 756
produce [predjû:s]

I v. to make or cause
Cars produce a lot of problems for the environment.
757 reduce [ridjirs]
v. to make smaller in size, number, or amount
The store has reduced its prices on everything.

758 serious [sieries]

adj. having important or dangerous possible results
We sow a serious car accident this afternoon.

| source [sô:/s]
n. a person or thing that gives what is wanted or needed
This river is the main source of water for many animals.

supply [seplai]
v. to give someone something so they can use it
My father supplies carrots to a restaurant in our town.

>4 ■L—-

ONIf 2
Exercise 1
Choose the word or phrase most similar in meaning to the underlined word.

1. Plants supply a lot of our food.

a. pour in b. give us c. regret d. mix in

2. We are trying to reduce the amount of TV we watch.

a. limit b. mention c. search d. inform

3. Using too much energy causes serious problems for the environment.
a. worse 'b. crazy c. important d. tight

4. Germany produces a lot of popular cars.

a. creates b. intends c. scores d. raises

5. Ellen was the best source of ideas in our group.

a. history b. product c. moment d. giver

Exercise 2
♦ Use the hints to complete the puzzle with words from Part A and Part B. Then
make a word from the shaded letters to complete the sentence.

4. Listening to music is a(n)
6. selling
7. The new will save
many people’s lives. 6-

I ; BEnœ i
1. Good health is
for 1
! 2. Asia produces a large
I I of rice.
3. a health problem
5. describing something that Always keep p
has to do with doctors away from children.

Reading Practice
A. Read the passage. Track 06

Junk Food and Health

Junk food includes candy, potato chips, and cookies. Eating this type of
food too much is like eating poison. Today, it is common for kids to weigh too
much and be less fit than children in the past. That is because their diets are
worse than they used to be. This is a serious problem. Evidence shows that
5 bad diets can cause diseases that have no cure now.
What can we do? We can reduce the amount of soda we drink. Soda is
mostly sugar. It does not supply our bodies with anything
necessary. We should also limit snacks like potato
chips. You can eat a bit of junk food sometimes. Just
io do not eat it every day! Schools can help, too. Some US
schools have stopped the sale of soda at lunch. Do
you have any other ideas?
I' !|l "

HMM . J.... J

B. Choose the correct answers.

1. This reading is mainly about

a. losing weight b. signs of physical health
c. kids’ bad diets d. causes of disease

2. A problem mentioned in the reading is children.

a. fit b. sick c. unhappy d. heavy

3. Soda is.
a. part of a healthy diet b. a big source of sugar
c. necessary for kids d. not really part of the problem

4. Some US schools do not anymore.

a. sell soda b. produce soda
c. supply free lunches d. sell lunches


Writing Practice
A. Change the bold words to complete the summary correctly. Use new words
from this unit.

Many kids eat the wrong 1 bit of food. They are not tough. They might get

awful diseases later on. They should regret the junk food they eat. Schools

can also end the amount of soda.

L 2. 3.

4. 5

B. Make a story with the ideas from the tip box or your own ideas.

1. Kids should reduce the amount of they eat/drink.

2. Too many kids

3. Junkfood

4. Bad diets can cause

5. Schools can


||E1 BEI El E3I I
■ are not fit : includes potato chips . • medical jh stop the sale of
chocolate r ■ drink a lot P an|d Fren|ch fries i problems junkfood
C of sweet k tastes good but is ; - serious • sell healthy
•' 1 soda Ki1■ drinks unhealthy diseases ’ drinks like water i
■ have bad h does not supply j • poor health I • offer more fruits I
| diets 7
....a healthy
|I anything ____
■ I ij and vegetables I

Part A Word List
Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. Track 07

g castle [kæsl]
n. a large home where a king or queen usually lives
Jim learned that it was common to find huge castles in the past.
762 decision [disi'jan]
n. a choice
Tim made the decision to eat the carrots to be healthier.
763 empire [émpaiar]
n. a kingdom
The Roman Empire included several hundred towns and cities.
764 explore [iksplôir]
v. to took at something in a careful way to learn about it
The woman, who is alone, loves to explore nature.
765 flight [fiait]
n. a trip on an airplane
Max and Shelly shared a flight to Mexico City last summer.

766 guard [gâ:rd]

v. to watch in order to protect
Our dog Rover is guarding the house at the moment.

767 incredible [inkrédabl]

adj. very good
This book mentions how incredible the beaches are in Hawaii.

ggj serve [sé:rv]

v. to give someone food in a restaurant or at home
They serve many types of food at this restaurant.
769 skin [skin]
n. the outer part that covers humans and animals
For beautiful skin, a healthy diet and good habits are necessary.
770 southern [sAôarn]
adj. being in or toward the south
The man regretted not visiting southern California last summer.
Scan for Audio

Exercise 1 Track 07,08: Word List

Track 09: Reading Practice

♦ Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. Our (flight / decision / source) to New York was canceled an hour ago.

2. It is (common / incredible / southern) how fit you have become in a short

amount of time.

3. Choosing which college to attend is a serious (decision / thief / flight).

4. They intended to see some old (empires / castle? / reactions) while on


5. The small town is in the (southern / extra / incredible) part of the country.

Exercise 2
♦ Complete the sentences with the correct words. One word will not be used.

exploring flight guarded skin empire served

1. The famous actress is quite proud of her beautiful

2. The men who the castle were strong and tough.

3. The great spread from Europe to Asia.

4. Would you care to do a little of the town this afternoon?

5. The gentleman who us in the restaurant was very helpful

and polite.

Part & Word List
Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. [ Track OS1

771 admire [ædmâier]

v. to (ike and think good things about others
/ admire my mother more than anyone else.
772 ancient [éinjent]
adj. very old
This city in Peru is evidence of an ancient culture.
773 attractive [stræktiv]
adj. looking or sounding nice
Jess is looking for on attractive dress for her party.

giant [dsaisnt]
adj. very large
F They had the chance to ride on a giant elephant at the zoo.
ÿ 775 pack [pæk]
v. to' put items into a bag or suitcase to take somewhere
She needs to limit the items she is packing in her suitcase.
776 prefer [prifé:r]
v. to like something more than something else
j - - 7 > Gabby prefers to eat fresh fruit instead ofjunk food.
_ 777 rent [rent]
I RENT v. to pay money to use a thing that belongs to someone else
They rent a nice house for a small amount of money.

| respect [rispékt]
v. to think someone is special and important
It is necessary to respect your teachers by listening during class.

| view[vjù:]
v. to look at or watch something
Ron viewed the odd artwork in the museum.

U wave[wéiv]
v. to move your hand to say hello or goodbye
He waved goodbye to his parents before going back to college.


UNIT 3 |
Exercise 1
Choose the word or phrase most similar in meaning to the underlined word.

1. Sally’s friends went to view her new baby at the hospital.

a. prefer b. see c. wave d. search

2. Sophie and Hal preferred to visit Italy instead of France.

a. liked better b. reduced c. had a chance d. intended

3. Ella has several attractive pictures hanging in her room.

a. giant b. pretty c. medical d. awful

4. Oh, no! I just made a giant mistake. I am very sorry!

a. main b. proud c. physical d. huge

5. Do you see Tim waving over there? He is quite friendly.

a. saying hello b. serving food c. mentioning d. stealing

Exercise 2
< Use the hints to complete the puzzle with words from Part A and Part B. Then
make a word from the shaded letters to complete the sentence.

? ■■ 1

2. very old 2
I - y
I cut the
on my finger with this
giant knife.
1- - 4. to think well of another
c ;
7. to think someone is great
■ ■■

4 |5 1 ^6
: 1. We paid $800 to a
house in the country.
i 3. Children like to new
L ■ 7. . 7 '

■iC ■
Ht "
a places.
• 5. to put things into a box
. - 6. where a princess might live
» ------------------—------ ----------------
Reading Practice
A. Read the passage. Track 09

This Year’s Vacation

Dear Mom,
I have made a decision about this year’s vacation. I am going to spend it
in an ancient castle. The castle is in the southern part of England. This area,
which was once part of an empire, has many places to visit. I have rented a
5 room in the castle for a week.
Outside, there is an attractive, giant garden to explore. I will be able to
view all of the incredible flowers and plants there. I prefer visiting gardens
to going to the beach.
My flight will leave in the evening from here.
10 It will arrive the following afternoon. I will start
packing a bit closer to the date I am leaving.
I will write to you from the castle !
All my love,

B. Choose the correct answers.

1. What type of castle will Susan stay in during her vacation?

a. A giant one b. An odd one c. An awful one d. An ancient one

2. Susan gardens to beaches.

a. views b. rents c. prefers d. explores

C. Fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the reading.

Susan will be taking a(n)when she goes to Southern England. She

has a room in an ancient castle. She prefers

gardens to going to the beach and will explore the one at the castle. She has not
started yet.
Writing Practice
A. Fill in the blanks to make true sentences about the reading.

1. Susan has made a(n) about her vacation this year.

2» She will stay in a(n) castle.

3. The castle is in the part of England.

4. There is a huge garden with flowers outside.

5. She will be able to the garden.

B. Make a story with the ideas from the tip box or your own ideas.

1. I have made a decision about

2. I am going to

3. It is in

4. There is/are

5. I will be able to

'■ y* >|Kn»3

. where to
p 77".... hall I
z; - have it in a large hallfâ aa small
small P.
z a„ few museums
---------- • read quietly
stu '
1 4/ ra work in the library ■ •" e?'in i
vihf^ there
^ere have fun in
i ’ work in the library
z, my birthday , i -.i r Switzerland several quiet z the snow
Si A | -travel to amy
fetherwith ^nowy | mpch°o1 !<| • rooms there K .|
.z my winter z. mountain z a famous i:; giant windows i . friends
.. vacation | hotel H and tall ceilings z

Part A Word List
♦ Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. Track 1 0

|| base [béis]
v. to use as the starting point for something
This incredible show was based on a story by a famous writer.
782 character [kærikter]

I - n. a person in a book or movie

The main character in my favorite TV show is a very small girl.

U clever [kléver]
adj. very smart
Sasha’s cat is very clever. It can use the computer!
784 enemy [énemi]
n. someone who hates you
Helen and I used to be friends, but she is my enemy now.

U length [lépkQ]
n. how long something is from one end to the other
She wants to know the length of the piece of wood.
786 promise [promis]
v. to tell someone that you will do something for sure
Rodney promised not to tell Connie's secret.
787 quality [kwâleti]
n. how good or bad something is
Sam makes attractive clothes of good quality.
788 regularly [régjulerli]
adv. often
He regularly helps his dad put away the clean towels.

( 'A - survive [ssrvaiv]

v. to stay alive
Lost in the forest, Bob survived by living like ancient humans.

ggi| title [tâitl]

n. a name of something like a book or movie
The title of her book is “The Ancient Castle."
Scan for Audio

Exercise 1 Track 10,11: Word Ust

Track 12: Reading Practice

♦ Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. Marvin (promised / admired / based) his book on an event from ancient


2. The puppy (based / preferred / survived) without water for three days.

3. If I had known the poor (quality / character / decision) of this phone,

I would not have bought it.

4. The (enemy I clever / southern) thief had stolen many paintings before
anyone found out.

5. What is the (physical I length I character) of these pants?

Exercise 2
Complete the sentences with the correct words. One word will not be used.

enemy base promised title characters regularly

1. She flies to southern Australia for meetings.

2. You can easily find any book by searching the Internet.

3. Polly and Cliff are my favorite TV . Their show is the best.

4n Susan was my until we became friends in 6th grade.

5. Gretchen has to explore the castle and park with me.

Part B Word List
Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. Track 11

adult [odÂlt]
n. someone who is fully grown
The adult I respect the most is my mother.

classic [kleesik]
adj. of good quality and popular for a long time
Jason enjoys driving classic cars. He owns several of them.

793 desert [dizé:rt]

v. to leave a place so it is empty
They deserted the building after the terrible fire.

discover [diskAvor]
v. to find
She is trying to discover a cure for a serious disease.

79S female [fkmeil]

adj. being a girl or woman
Mrs. Jennings prefers to visit a female doctor.

796 flow [flou]

v. to move like water
This river flows from east to west.

\ ' ”7 mystery [mistori]
It I 16 n. something strange and not understood
That strange light in the forest is a mystery.

798 opinion [spinjon]

fl n. a belief about something
It is just my opinion, but this store is the best one in the mall.

799 pleasure [plé3©r]

n. a feeling of happiness
She finds pleasure in lying in the field and looking at the sky.

800 publish [pAblif]

v. to make books or magazines for sale
The group worked together to publish the story.

Exercise 1
Choose the word or phrase most similar in meaning to the underlined word.

1. How did I lose my shoes? It is a real mystery.

a. unknown thing b. crazy thing c. awful thing d. serious thing

2. The students deserted the playground when the bell rang.

a. survived b. left c. rented d. guarded

3. What is your opinion about the new music teacher?

a. flight b. evidence c. decision d. thought

4. Martha and Joel discovered the source of the river.

a. flowed b. viewed c. found d. promised

5. Staying physically fit gives me great pleasure.

a. enjoyment b. character c. community d. price

Exercise 2
♦ Use the hints to complete the puzzle with words from Part A and Part B. Then
make a word from the shaded letters to complete the sentence.

The police officer
: 2. This book has a funny .
enough evidence to
! 3. old and well-made catch the thief.
i 6. My mom is not male.
■ 7. Water cannot
up a hill.
Id '
5 R&W

1. to produce something like a

p book
4. what a child becomes
5. able to get good grades easily

Reading Practice
A. Read the passage. —
Track 1 2

My Favorite Book
The title of this book is A Castle’s Mystery. It is based on something that
happened a long time ago. The main character is a female medical student.
She promises to discover a cure for a terrible disease that is spreading across
southern Russia. The source of the cure is in a castle deserted by an ancient
5 prince. While she is working on the cure, a thief who is her enemy tries to steal
her work. The clever woman fights to survive when
the thief tries to kill her. She finally gets her work
back, which allows her to save many lives.
I think both kids and adults will like this book.
10 In my opinion, the only problem with this book is
its length. It is very long, but it is still a great book.
The quality of the writing is excellent.

B. Choose the correct answers.

1. The woman discovers

a. a long book b. an incredible cure
c. a deserted castle d. a thief with a disease

2. In what part of Russia is the castle in the book?

a. The small part b. The deserted part
c. The southern part d. In town

3. What does the thief do to the woman?

a. He tries to kill her. b. He tries to give her a cure,
c. He tries to steal her. d. He tries to discover her.

4. The writer thinks children and will both enjoy the book.
a. female students b. titles c. thieves d. adults


V/ritinq Practice
A. Change the bold words to complete the summary correctly. Use new words
from this unit.

The main character in the book is 'classic. She loses a cure for a serious illness.

She finds the cure in a castle which has been published. A thief tries to kill her to

steal the medicine. But she dies and later uses it to save many people. It is a

good book for kids and ' children.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

Make a story with the ideas from the tip box or your own ideas.

1. The main character in my favorite book is

2. He/She/lt

3. He/She/lt

4. Someone tries

5. But

g» ■ :: '' i»® «
a small cat ' rides a '' ■ is very clever I *to start a fight I • it climbs up
| motorbike -, a tree
■ a tough I works as a | *to steal, a »
■ 9'rl lives with a
I little girl
I police officer / womans bag
I "to catch the cat
° the girl stops it
’the man
. a brave | solves other
man i catches the 7
■ likes to help i peoples problems 3 thief j
I i pe°ple
: people
I_____ .______ ._____ .I

Part A Word List
♦ Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. Track 1 3j

801 cough [kô:f]

v. to force air out through your throat, often when sick
Christine usually coughs a lot when she is sick.
|iig|| crowd [krâud]
n. a large group of people
The crowd found pleasure in watching a really great game.

803 curious [kjuerios]

adj. wanting to know about something
77m was curious to see what was inside the attractive red box.
Yj,, J.0*»disappear [dlsepler]
v. not to be seen or found
Jacob's picture will disappear when it starts to rain.

S edge [édj]
n. the part of something where it ends or starts
Susan stood at the edge of the cliff and looked down.

I guide [gâid]
n. someone who directs others on a trip
Our guide in Paris showed us many incredible places.
jQQ| local [louksl]
adj. from the place where you live
We prefer to buy our food from the local market.

808 machine [mefhn]

V :
n. something that does work using moving parts
She put a small amount of clothes into the washing machine.
■ 5- ; • El native [néitiv]
n. a person who was born or grew up in a certain place

Maya is a native of a city in southern Michigan.

M3 smoke [smôuk]
fib n. the cloud of gases that is made by fire
Thick black smoke rose from the burning truck.
Exercise 1
Scan for Audio
Track 13,14: Word List
Track 15: Reading Practice

♦ Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. The smoke caused me to (explore / cough / disappear) badly.

2. Mrs. Mackey was (curious / local / classic) about what we did on vacation.

3. We could not see Ronald because he (disappeared / promised / coughed) in

the crowd.

4. Sabine regularly worked as a (character / guide / machine) for the hotel.

5. It was clever of you to build this helpful (machine / castle / crowd).


Exercise 2
Complete the sentences with the correct words. One word will not be used.

native smoke curious edge crowd local

1. Hans burned his food, causing a lot of in the kitchen.

2. I cannot imagine how big the will be at the baseball game.

3. I am a(n) of Canada, but I have not lived there for a long time.

4. I viewed the street below from the of the roof of the tall

5. We have discovered a restaurant which serves food grown by


Part B Word list
♦ Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. Track 14

avenue [ævanjù:]
n. a wide street
We will go down this avenue for a few blocks before turning.
812 expect [ikspékt]
v. to think something is likely to happen
It is cloudy, so Tim expects it to rain.

Bid explain [ikspléin]

v. to make something easy to understand
They explained their opinions about the plan to their boss.
814 rub [rÂb]
■ .’•I
v. to press with the fingers and move them from side to side
Kate rubbed lotion onto her baby's skin.

1w 815 shine [Jain]

v. to produce bright light
& The sun shines through the trees every morning.
816 strength [strérjk©]
n. great physical power
Rocco trains hard to build his strength and stay healthy.

suggest [sagd3ést]
v. to say that something is good or a good idea
She asked him to suggest a medicine for her cough.

j tour [tuer]
n. a journey to see several places
We went on a tour of England and saw many famous places.

western [wéstern]
adj. of or from the west
ife. It is a mystery why this western town is deserted.

820 wheel [hwi:l]

ft & J n. something round which moves by turning
The wheels on our car needed a bit more air.

.4 M

Exercise 1
♦ Choose the word or phrase most similar in meaning to the underlined word.

1. Ben tried to explain the math problem to his friend.

a. publish b. make clear c. flowthrough d. guide
2. Bree rubbed her head after she fell and hit it on the ground.
a. moved her fingers over b. shook
c. viewed closely d. hurt
3. The tour included a visit to a small village near the mountains in Peru.
a. enemy b. nation c. trip d. tradition
4. Excuse me. Can you suggest a good restaurant for fish nearby?
a. share b. develop
c. make a decision about d. give an idea about
5. Which avenue does your grandmother live on? I want to find it on the map.
a. road b. diet c. hall d. adult

Exercise 2.
♦ Use the hints to complete the puzzle with words from Part A and Part B. Then
make a word from the shaded letters to complete the sentence.

• 1
2. California is in the part of the US.
. 4. the end of something like a table or cliff
' 5.1 always eat fruit. -

'■ 1. toughness
S.;' 2. what cars and buses have
so they can drive on the w
.1 3. what the sun does every 5
I d"V
| day
I. ■■■ . ■ -
Jennifer could not
■ ; 4. to wait for something you a why
Bl know you will get
she was late for class.

Reading Practice
A. Read the passage. Track 1 5

A Bus Tour
We met in a big crowd by the buses outside the hotel. Everyone was
curious about the tour and expected it to be a lot of fun. Dmitry, a native of
Russia, was our guide. He suggested that we take a lot of pictures. He also
explained that there would be many places to shop.
5 “Oh, no!” the bus driver said. We had stopped on an avenue in a small
western town. One of the bus’s wheels needed to be fixed.
“We’ll look around for a while,” Dmitry said. Some ■/ W

of the local stores were open, and we were able to shop

for things. The sun was shining so it was nice to walk &
■ -h- ‘jB
10 around. P •
When the bus was ready, we got back on and
continued the tour.

. Choose the correct answers.

1. What was expected of the tour?

a. It would be curious. b. It would be ready,
c. It would be local. d. It would be fun.

2. The tour guide was a(n) _of Russia,

a. machine b. edge c. native d. avenue

Fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the reading.

The group met near the buses. They were going on a(n)

Their was a native of Russia. The bus stopped in a little

town. The group shopped
stores. at some
Then the tour continued.

Writing Practice
A. Fill in the blanks to make true sentences about the reading.

1. We were all about the tour.

2. We all the tour to be fun.

3. Dmitri that it would be a good idea to take pictures.

4. He _ that we would visit a good place to go


5, The bus had a problem with one of its

B. Make a story with the ideas from the tip box or your own ideas.

1. Everyone was curious about

2. We all expected it to

3. It was suggested that

4. We had

5. When

(H ja p » K
the sale k” be fun we train evety reviewed all our ° it began, we ran fast
the race be really. ! notes • I finished, I thought
. ,.i . , difficult we think about seen ads on TV 0 I had done well
. -I h ' make . s^°PP'n9 on''ne . never run much ° we left the store, we
us tired I! we study hard before had spent a lot
I___ I 1I______ I ____ I


____________________________________________________________________ ■ ■'

Part A Word List

Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. Track 16

821 cloth [klo:0]

n. something used to make clothes
This store has a lot of good-quality cloth for sale.
822 equal [iikwel]
adj. of the same size or number
We cut the cake into equal pieces.

823 fail [féil]

v. not to succeed
Simon regretted not working hard when he failed the test.

false [foils]
adj. not true
He thought the story was based on fact, but it was false.

- ‘ 825 goods [gudz]

n. things which are made and sold
She found many goods at the local market.

826 increase [inkriis]

ft v. to make bigger or more
As time passed, the tree increased in size.

penny [péni]
à n. a coin equal to one cent in the US
She has saved a lot of pennies to buy a new toy.

828 separate [sépsrèit]

v. not to be joined
Kelly separated the bottles into different types for recycling.

829 total [tôutl]

n. the number of everything counted
There is a total of three fruits: two oranges and one apple.

wrap [ræp]

v. to cover with something

Marisa promised to wrap Katy’s gift before the party.
Scan for Audio
LI Track 16,17: Word List
Track 18: Reading Practice

♦ Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

L This avenue is (increased I equal I false) in length to the street we visited


2. The old (wheel / cloth / total) on the sofa was torn and needed to be changed.

3. Bobby did so badly on his science test that he (separated / flowed / failed) it.

4. I had to (wrap / separate / pack) the two boys who were fighting in the

5. The cost of flights to South America has (increased / wrapped / stolen) in the
last year.

♦ Complete the sentences with the correct words. One word will not be used.

total wrapped false goods fail penny

1. The police did not believe the thief because everything he had told them was

2 The small shop in the village has a lot of for sale.

3. She her baby in a blanket before going outside.

4. I found a on the ground. I knew it would be a good day!

5. The for one hat and two pairs of shoes comes to $104.

Part B Word List
Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. Track 17

831 appreciate [oprîijïèit]

v. to understand the importance of a person or thing
Everyone appreciates Ted's hard work on the project.
832 avoid [avoid]
v. to stay away from
Sarah avoided Sam so she did not have to talk to him.

convenient [kanvi:njant]
adj. easy to do and time-saving
The local stores stay open all night, which is very convenient.
834 customer [kÂstsmsr]
n. someone who buys goods or services from a store
sc Mark explains the difference between the items to his customer.

destroy [distroi]
v. to cause something to end or not be of use anymore
We did not expect the road to be destroyed in the storm.

836 disappointed [disspointid]

adj. unhappy because something is not as you expected
'2 Her father was disappointed that she had failed her exams.

837 medium [mi:diam]

“ W
• w• Jr adj. of a size between big and small
Most customers prefer the medium-sized cakes at Kara’s bakery.

||| pattern [pætern]

n. colors or shapes which are repeated on something
They prefer paper with a simple pattern to cover their bedroom walls.

839 trick [trlk]

v. to make someone believe something that is not true
Jenny tricked me when she put salt in my coffee.

HI value [vælju:]
n. how much something costs

■Mw[ The value of houses has increased by ten percent this year.

Exercise 1
Choose the word or phrase most similar in meaning to the underlined word.

1. I really appreciate you bringing these papers to my desk.

a. rub b. discover c. disappoint d. thank

2. Billy, you should not trick people. Nobody likes it.

a. say untrue things to b. be curious about
c. shine on d. destroy

3. All of the flowers at the edge of the garden were destroyed.

a. avoided b. protected c. damaged d. suggested

4. Wow! That is an interesting pattern on your shirt, Stephanie.

a. smoke b. sign c. avenue d. design

5. Helen, why are you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?

a. keeping away from b. not appreciating
c. speaking to d. disappearing from

Exercise 2
Use the hints to complete the puzzle with words from Part A and Part B. Then
make a word from the shaded letters to complete the sentence.

ft I
someone who buys things from a store
I just need a(n))to buy candy.

I; X
L,~. .•
2 3
fW I
I 5. feeling unhappy about something k : 7" f.ftafe'
■ : 6. the price of something

fe______ __
•? læ X/''7
:W •' 7
^W®8‘ ’* !
I. 1. Did you

Shelby’s gift?
B 6 I
I < i 2. easy to do or use
1' 1X1
' i 3. not too big and not too small

• 7 - US
' - f • us£.« L'J.'ü f-b-C :£ X^n* Ù1 _ c‘ Ï.. t

The water level in the river because of all the rain.

■ Iff X ■A-;?:;"-'- v:' 7 W.' Z’/' 77’7 ---7 7. ■

Reading Practice
A. Read the passage. Track 1 8

Shopping for 6-reat Value

Garage sales are a fun and. convenient way to find incredible things.
You might find an item of great value wrapped in a piece of old cloth or
packed in a broken box. But do not get too excited. You need to be careful
not to get tricked. Some people will sell broken goods at their garage sales,
s Look carefully if you do not want to be disappointed or waste a single penny.
A smart customer will avoid low-quality goods.
I have found many things at garage sales. Once,
• v
I found two medium-sized chairs with an attractive I 'p/WîS
low .n -■
pattern on them. I paid a total of $15 for them.
io But when I looked on the Internet, I discovered
something. The real value of my chairs was $200! U-?

B. Choose the correct answers.

1. This reading is about

a. finding cloth b. being smart
c. getting tricked d. garage sales

2. People may find something of great at these sales.

a. total b. value c. cloth d. pattern

3. Some people may try to

a. increase the prices of goods b. take your pennies
c. trick customers d. disappoint customers

4. The writer bought chairs with

a. a pretty pattern b. a good penny
c. cloth wrapping d. false value

UNIT 6 r
Writing Practice
A. Change the bold words to complete the summary correctly. Use new words
from this unit.

People might discover on item of great total at a garage sale. There are usually

many pennies for sale. Sometimes people are not honest with crowds. They

might appreciate them. Smart customers know how to expect being tricked.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

B. Make a story with the ideas from the tip box or your own ideas.

1. Many people/l

2. They/I might

3. There are

4. Sometimes

5. They/You/lt

feel curious
: discover
H0 —!
cures i- old clothes
discover cures I ■to • you cannot
;to '■ might
r get
f about the past
, . understand J
for diseases
find classic
i■' and furniture
. .1
. ulcie
'; i
take a book out;
• people can to1
old rs
I'm an
castle i
the value of I. books in the to many plants ' spend the .; ■need to i
science i library that can be to night there to read it in a
; rnade into ■ .^e medicine special room I
... enjoy reading to like to take, a
f medicine I 8
different kinds 1 tour of ancient to can also be 1 might hurt
of books •
castles : hundreds of
titles there
■ poison or kill people
W|,^to..-. - -------- ---- J.
J ■I

Part A Word List

♦ Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. Track 19

' A®
841 beat [bi:t]
v. to win a game or contest over someone else
Michelle regularly beat her husband at the video game.
842 conduct [kândAkt]
v. to organize and do an event or activity
The experiment John conducted produced unexpected results.
5» I r. I 843 confident [kânfectent]
adj. believing that you are able to do something well
We are confident that we can increase our test scores.

844 lead [li:d]

v. to show people the way to go
The tour guide is leading the people to the castle.

Bpv Afepitidl v. to move to a higher place
7b develop his strength, Ralph lifted weights every day.
• HI
9 IQ male [méil]
adj. being a man or boy
Mr. Garcia was the first male teacher I had ever had.
i ■ ■ ■■ ■

847 muscle [mÂsl]
n. a body part that works to move arms and legs
- Matt exercises his muscles for a total of three hours a day.

848 speed [spi:d]

n. how fast something moves
He was disappointed that his speed was too slow for him to win.

849 stretch [strétj]

WjL.- <] v. to pull or move until tight

Heather stretches her legs before her dance class begins.

m trouble [trXbl]
n. a problem or difficulty
Drivers had trouble seeing the other cars on the avenue.
Scan for Audio

Exercise 1 Track 19, 20: Word List

Track 21: Reading Practice

Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. The female dancer (stretched / beat / published) her muscles every night
before her show.

2. The crowd watched the strong man (trick I conduct / lift) the car out of the

3. Silvia ran at a faster (value / speed / muscle) than anyone else.

4. Jason was not (convenient / confident I stretched) that he would get the job.

5. Zoe was having some (thief / trouble I male) with a customer at the store.

Exercise 2
o Complete the sentences with the correct words. One word will not be used.

beat conducts led male speed muscles

1. We were curious to see if our new dog would get along with
the female ones.

2. Stéphen rubbed his , which were sore after lifting the heavy
boxes all day.

3. Mr. Jones singing lessons after school every Wednesday in

his classroom.

4. Lois the customer to the goods he wanted to buy.

5. Our football team the other team by several points in

Friday’s game.

Part B Word List
♦ Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. Track 20

851 captain [kæpten]

Mil n. a person who is the leader of a team

Anton is the captain of our soccer team this year.
852 challenge [t/ælindj]
V"' n. something that is difficult to do
It is a challenge for Shelly to wake up early, so she is often late.
853 complete [ksmplkt]
v. to finish something
Sally completed her work carefully to avoid any mistakes.

III encourage [inké:rid3]

■■ - " -
v. to help someone feel confident
The teacher encouraged her student to continue writing her story.

855 noon [nû:n]

n. 12 o’clock in the daytime
The next class starts at noon and ends at 2:00 p.m.

HI position [pezifen]
n. the place where a person or thing is
Jen's position near the front of the room allows her to hear well.

cM; 4 race [réis]

f n. a contest to decide who is the fastest
'ok ' S- ** It is necessary for everyone to begin the race together.

record [rékerd]


n. the highest or best result ever in an activity

He held the record as the first person to climb this mountain.

859 skill [skil]

; • i

n. the ability to do something well
It takes a bit of skill to wrap a gift well. Jenny is really good at it.

flUHHI wing [win]

n. one of the body parts that birds and insects use to fly
: tU Lv-" The bird could not fly because it had a broken wing.

UNIT 7 r
Exercise 1
♦ Choose the word or phrase most similar in meaning to the underlined word.

1. Chris won the race because he had trained very hard.

a. penny b. running contest c. fighting contest d. world title

2. That bird with the huge wings lives in the mountains of the western US.
a. walking parts b. wheels c. airplane parts d. flying parts

3. The new captain will help our team win more games this season.
a. person who leads a team b. pattern
c. married man -■ d. male player

4. It takes a lot of skill and practice to win an event like the Olympics.
a. muscle b. exercise c. ability d. form

5. The students completed their test quickly and had time to play afterward.
a. survived b. destroyed c. performed d. ended

Exercise 2
Use the hints to complete the puzzle with words from Part A and Part B. Then
make a word from the shaded letters to complete the sentence.

b ■. '
■ ■ '■ ■ '

& r
w MàphàJHBl iSa^.

starts at noon. Getting

Bl bv'T'
there on time will be a
:k '
i1 u- • • . • *. «• \ • ■‘■‘■i;- it "

it 1. The for the most swimming
10S medals belongs to Michael Phelps.
rtf »
j 2. The best
best on the bus is ';.r
I 3. how fast or slow
V >

by the window. ywy

■ 4. a man or a boy
V ' '

■ 5. something which is difficult .fey;

6. to make someone feel they can do
7. the middle part of the day ■■
■' r:’ -I-:-;-:.'.- ;-v.. .............

Reading Practice
A. Read the passage. Track 21

A Letter from Camp

Hi Mom and Dad,
I am learning new skills at sports camp. We have a male coach for track
this year. He is really nice. He conducts extra practice sessions for us. The extra
time has really made me more confident when I am running. My speed is
5 getting faster. I was having trouble with it before. I appreciate it.
The coach had us complete a few races. I beat a lot of my friends, so now
I am the track captain! As captain, I conduct some of the practices. I make sure
everyone has stretched his or her muscles before exercising.
The coach also encourages us to beat our own
10 records. This means we try to keep getting faster. It is a
lot of work, but I am enjoying the challenge!

B. Choose the correct answers.

1. What is it in line 5?
a. Winning races b. Being team captain
c. Having extra practice d. Beating records

2. As the track captain, Carlos some practices.

a. conducts b. beats c. encourages d. stretches

C. Fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the reading.

Carlos is at camp. He has a(n) track coach. Carlos’s speed

has increased. He became the track after he won some races.

Everyone is to beat their own records. The camp is a lot of

work, but he likes the

Writing Practice
A. Fili in the blanks to make true sentences about the reading.

1 . The coach helped Carlos feel about running.

2. Carlos had been having with his speed.

3. The coach made everyone a few races during practices.

4. Carlos became the captain because he many other

people in races.

5. Now Carlos some of the practices.

i Make a story with the ideas from the tip box or your own ideas.

1. My help/helps me feel confident


2. I have been having trouble with

3. One way that helped was

4. I was able to

5. Now I

teacher/ $ ■ my math .. talking in
’try out for a ? "encourage
1 speaking in
P class
; - front of a
. mirror

great team
"join a study
i ■;
others to express
'I parents / P ' my speed
S':"try hard in
h ’expressing I more a h■ <
complete a I
; swimming
. friends / ggetting
: good grades
IH myself lui rriure
h talking to
I my teacher |
! speech contest
other classes
y "try to beat some
■ records


Part A Word List
♦ Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. Track 22

certain [sé:/tn]
adj. believing something strongly
Sally is certain her customers will enjoy her food.

discuss [diskXs]
v. to talk with someone about something
«•KW The students discussed their troubles with their teacher.

863 edit [édit]

v. to look at something carefully and correct any mistakes
Pamela had not expected that she would need to edit her story.

v. to bring things or people together
My family usually gathers on my grandfather's birthday.
ITT" image [innids]
n. a picture
Gail is confident that she can draw realistic images of clothes.
IH material [metleriel]
n. something needed to do an activity
It was a challenge to gather all the materials for my art class.

positive [pâzetiv]
adj. thinking good things
Positive students can complete work quickly and easily.

Q| role [roul]
n. a part or job someone has in an activity or event
Laura was respected for her role as team captain.

Ig] screen [skri-.n]

n. the part of a computer that shows images and words
The man touched the screen to check his email.

|| technology [teknaledsi]
n. any type of useful machine invented by science
Mrs. Jensen encouraged her students to use technology.
Scan for Audio

EX^lrClS0 1 Track 22,23: Word List

Track 24: Reading Practice

♦ Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. Kate was curious to learn about all the new (technology / roles I patterns)
she could use in school.

2. The teacher asked Mia to (increase / edit / gather) her essay before turning
it in.

3. Bill admired his new TV, which has a giant 80-inch (material / screen / cloth).

4. Are you (certain / edited / disappointed) that this is your book? Sara says it is

5. Ralph and Walter (discussed / gathered / admired) how they were going to
conduct the search for their missing pet.

Exercise 2
♦ Complete the sentences with the correct words. One word will not be used.

positive gather screen role materials images

1. The owner wanted everyone to have a(n) experience at

her store.

2. It is only fair that everyone in the group have an important

3. You can see several of castles in the newly published book.

4. Many animals food in the fall to get ready for winter.

5. Each student was given a list of the for the science class.

Part B Word List

♦ Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. Track 23

attack [etæk]
v. to try to hurt physically or say hurtful things
When the computer stopped working, Sheryl wonted to attack it!
872 available [evéilebl]
adj. able to be used
There are seats available in the back for people who are late.
873 career [ksrisr]
n. what a person does for his or her job
You can choose any career you want. There are so many!
874 connect [kanékt]
v. to join something with something else
L Marvin connects a big screen to his dad's computer.

875 dictionary [dikjenèri]

n. a book that gives definitions of words
Dictionaries are helpful for finding the spelling of words.

876 handle [hændl]

v. to deal with a person or thing
Lisa is good at leading people. She knows how to handle them.

major [méidser]
adj. very important; very serious
Losing the key to our car was a major problem.

878 provide [prevaid]

v. to offer or give
Ms. Clark provides extra help to weaker students after school.

section [sékjèn]
n. a part of something
We can eat in this section of the park. Do you see the tables?

880 site [sait]

n. a spot or place, usually on the Internet
There are several million sites on the Internet which sell things.

UNIT 3 ~ .j

Exercise 1
♦ Choose the word or phrase most similar in meaning to the underlined word.

1. These two sections of my book are full of false information.

a. characters b. types c. positions d. areas
2. I can handle the job alone. It is no problem.
a. take care of b. beat c. deliver d. not complete
3. It was a major mistake to go out to sea in this terrible weather.
a. medium b. unique c. big d. confident

4. I found an interesting site about how to stretch muscles without getting hurt.
a. evidence b. place for a building
c. place on the Internet d. record

5. Our teacher provided us with all the materials we needed for the work.
a. helped b. gave c. led d. stretched

Exercise 2
♦ Use the hints to complete the puzzle with words from Part A and Part B. Then
make a word from the shaded letters to complete the sentence.


3. a book which tells you J 1. ready for use
what words mean
' 6. 1 am not sure what my
I j 2. to make changes to ®
8si a piece of writing
will be on the new project. 4. ajob g
7. Large towns are usually 5. to try to hurt
by buses.
i someone

Bfep 4
» I have not read the last s
of the chapter yet. Have you?

tn II

Reading Practice
, I
A. Read the passage. Track 24

Steven: Mom, can you help me?
Mom: Sure, what do you need help with?
Steven: I’m trying to edit my blog. But I don’t know if I’m using the right word.
Mom: Why don’t you use an online dictionary? There are lots of sites with
s dictionaries available.
Steven: Oh. I hadn’t thought of that.
Mom: What is your blog about today, Steven?
Steven: I’m discussing the kinds of technology that have positive effects on
kids. I’ve already gathered a lot of images. Here, take a look at them
10 on my screen before I search for dictionary sites.
Mom: Wow! This looks great! I really like that you provide
a section that connects to other useful sites.
I think you should make writing your career!
Steven: Thanks, Mom!

B. Choose the correct answers.

1. The boy needs to

a. gather images b. edit his blog
c. find more information d. provide sites

2. His mom suggests using

a. a dictionary site b. the screen
c. a special section d. an online discussion

3. He is discussing technology that is for kids,

a. bad b. convenient c. good d. available

4. His mom likes the section that

a. has images b. has information
c. has dictionaries d. has technology
Writing Practice
A. Change the bold words to complete the summary correctly. Use new words
from this unit.

Steven is trying to publish his blog. He needs to use a material to find a word.

His blog discusses skill that is good for kids. He has gathered goods to use in

his blog. He avoids a section that connects to more information.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

B. Make a story with the ideas from the tip box or your own ideas.

1. I am trying to

2. I need to

3. It

4. I gathered

5. I

; pglj
get fit ; •- learn a new song ': ■ is .my, favorite kJ -several songs; j 1 will play for two f
■' have a good diet 11 '
thing ' do
to ' y my notes I hours
| • must try to be j/
' T ■ answer several ; Is m -X h ’information
homeworki ■ history questions ; neaitn '■< about I more active, too p
practice \ \ is not easy healthy food h 1 want to finish it >
a J.I ---------- J.
; before dinner

UNIT 9 —-r"‘

Part A Word List

♦ Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. Track 25

___ accept [æksépt]
v. to take or receive
Polly and Steven gladly accepted the key to their new home.
882 consider [ksnsids/j
v. to think about carefully
' J_ Christine has to consider what career she wants very carefully.

exist [igzist]
v. to be
These animals existed a long time ago. They are not alive now.

Jb Q familiar [femiljer]
adj. commonly known or seen
The man looked familiar to the women gathered at the other table.

. A joy [dsoi]
n. great happiness
The role of mother brings Molly great joy.

married [mærid]
adj. being a husband or,wife
They got married last Saturday. It was a beautiful event.

rather [rϙer]
adv. used to say what you prefer to do or have
Gloria would rather paint her nails than do her homework.

888 represent [rèprizént]

v. to be a symbol for something
The sign represents which toilet is for women.

889 root [ru:t]

n. the cause of something
The root of their fight was a computer. They would not share it.

society [sssaisti]
n. a group of people living in a community
Tall buildings and heavy traffic are common in our modern society.
Scan for Audio
Track 25,26: Word List
Track 27: Reading Practice

Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. Have you (considered I existed / avoided) what you will do during summer

2. The band liked Tina’s songs, so they (married / accepted / led) her as their
new song writer.

3. This site did not (accept / exist / provide) last month. I believe it was created
last week.

4. Aaron is going to (consider / attack / represent) our class in the school contest.

5: Have we met before? You look very (married / confident / familiar) to me.

Complete the sentences with the correct words. One word will not be used.

accepts society rather joy root married

1. James and Louise felt great when they won the final game.

2. is made up of many different types of people, but we are

all equal.

3. Tonight, I would cook at home than eat at a restaurant.

4. In order to complete the work, we need to discuss the of

the problem.

5. You should not consider getting if you still do not

understand each other well.

Part B Word List

♦ Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. Track 26

Q band [bænd]
n. a group that plays music
Everyone in this band is male. There are no women or girls.

Q fortune [fôirtfsn]
n. a large amount of money
Jack earned a fortune from the new technology he developed.

; t 893 guest [gést]

'8 n. a person who spends time at another’s home
Margaret had guests at her house at noon for lunch.

894 host [hôust]

n. a person who accepts guests into a home or restaurant
The host prepared a lot of delicious food for his guests.
895 original [eridssnl]
adj. made or produced for the first time; new
Students are encouraged to create original pieces of art.

Jjg peace [pi:s]

?: n. when people live together well and do nbt cause trouble
We all respect each other and live in peace in the community.

poem [pôuem]

■M n. a type of writing which often uses rhymes like make and bake
Jenna writes and edits her poems in the park near her school.

898 sense [séns]

v. to know something without having evidence that it is true
The man sensed that someone was behind him.

899 trust [trÂst]

v. to have confidence in a person or thing
Rita trusted her nurse and, enjoyed discussing her problems with her.

900 wealthy [welOi]

adj. having a Idrge amount of money . y ..
The wealthy businessman owns an airplane and an expensive car.

Exercise 1
♦ Choose the word or phrase most similar in meaning to the underlined word.

1. Arnold invited a few guests to his home last weekend for a party.
a. visitors b. tours c. screens d. customers

2. Hector has incredible parties. He is a great host.

a. team captain b. person who invites guests
c. maker of material d. customer at a store

3. If you saw Jessica’s house, you would know she was quite wealthy.
a. positive b. brave c. familiar d. rich

4. Floyd wants to borrow $50, but I do not trust him to pay me back.
a. believe b. encourage c. promise d. follow

5. Kelli did not write an original song. She stole my idea for the music.
a. not made before b. made available c. major d. false

Exercise 2
o Use the hints to complete the puzzle with words from Part A and Part B. Then
make a word from the shaded letters to complete the sentence.

3. to think about
5. a time when people are not
k 7. to feel something is true
without seeing it
læBtS Enid writes gi I
stories about nature on her
< ÈBfflw blog.
p/ 1. I am going to see my 5 6
favorite play tonight.

W, I 2. what wealthy people have

4. to take something when it I7
is given to you
to 6. Helga wrote a(n).
■ her English class.

Reading Practice
A. Read the passage. Track 27

Holiday Time
Mr. Simpson asked us to consider what our favorite holiday is. I think the
one that gives me the most joy is Thanksgiving. At Thanksgiving, my family
spends time together. My grandparents are excellent hosts. They invite a lot
of guests to their home.
5 I think this time of year represents peace for society. We do not shout or
fight. It is nice to spend time with familiar people that we trust and love.
Last year, my cousins and I went to see our favorite
band. They played many popular songs. Then we
helped make dinner. I wrote my mom and dad an
io original poem. They asked me to read it at dinner.
Everyone liked it.

B. Choose the correct answers.

1. What did Mr. Simpson ask his class to consider?

a. Their favorite poem b. Their favorite band
c. Their favorite gift d. Their favorite holiday

2. The girl enjoys spending time with on Thanksgiving,

a. familiar people b. original people
c. many people d. excellent people

C. Fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the reading.

On Thanksgiving, the girl’s grandparents invite many to their

home. They are great. The girl enjoys being with people she
and loves. The year before

and read it during dinner.

58 '
Writing Practice
A. Fill in the blanks to make true sentences about the reading.

1. The girl what her favorite holiday is.

2. She thinks Thanksgiving gives her the most

3. This holiday peace for many people.

4. You can spend time with people.

5. One year, the girl went to watch a(n) with her cousins.

. Make a story with the ideas from the tip box or your own ideas.

1. I considered what my favorite is.

2. I decided that brings me a lot of joy.

3. This can be for some people.

4. You can

5. Once, I with my

[TIP BOX —• ••Î C-VKX'yro•i!'1

■ ... • ’■<■■■ ‘T'S';'«.11"..''* ’'■'inp/t/'..’. .
Vv/' ’v' t'l 'v‘:S J

il iB
hobby i'j - playing soccer . fun ■ -try writing yourself ; helped win a major
; game / team I
- learning about
the world
| boring
k exciting
T do fun
< experiments k
went to a science
museum / class
. . sport ij • reading poems t- h play different
L • wrote an original
!' and stories 5 F- ’-’---------
?ositions on a
Si team
•zoo zvn I'.: story / best friend
i'l k Kj k ___ a Kj

11 H

UNIT 101 ..... ..... • -S'

Part A Word List

♦ Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. Track 28

blood [blÂd]
n. the red liquid in your body
Once a month, Ryan gives blood during his lunch break.
Q business [biznis]
n. something that makes money by selling goods or services
Gas's business in the rich section of town will make a fortune.
903 electronic [ilèktrânik]
adj. relating to things that use electricity
Stop using any electronic items when the plane is taking off.
904 influence [influens]
n. the power to affect a person or thing
Art has had a positive influence on Jennifer’s career choice.
905 I master [mcrster]
v. to become very skilled at something
Bob feels greatjoy when he masters new skills on his skateboard.

E pity [piti]
I n. feeling sorry for another person or animal
Abigail felt pity for her mother after she lost herjob.

' P res s [ Prés]

n. all the people and groups who provide the news
The press reported on the event conducted by the city police.

908 shoot [Ju:t]

v. to make one thing come out of another at a fast speed
The children like to shoot water at one another on hot days.
909 signal [signal]
v. to communicate by making a sign or sound
The guide signaled for us to follow her through the park.

teenager [tî:nèid3©r]
n. a person between the ages of thirteen and nineteen
Many parents do not trust teenagers to be able to make decisions.

Scan for Audio

Exercise 1 Track 28, 29: Word List

Track 30: Reading Practice

♦ Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. Reggie was able to (master / shoot / gather) the language in just a few

2. Max started a new (poem / influence / business) with the money he saved.

3. I really hate seeing (pity / society I blood). It brings back bad memories of
an accident.

4. Many (businesses / bands / teenagers) are accepted to excellent colleges

every year.

5. Lulu (connected / signaled I shot) to us from across the room. She had found
some great seats.

Exercise 2
♦ Complete the sentences with the correct words. One word will not be used.

shot press influence pity electronic signaled

1. This store sells goods like MP3 players and cameras.

2. My older brother is a member of the and writes for a


3. My mother thinks the root of my problems is the bad of my

friend, Randal.

4. I felt for my friend when she failed her test.

5. The thieves at the police officers from inside the bank they
were robbing.

Part B Word list
♦ Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. Track 29

911 achieve [etfi:v]

v. to get something by working hard
Ray achieved excellent grades in college.

beg [bég]
v. to ask for something again and again
Lucy begged her mother for a new toy, but her mother said no.
913 control [ksntroul]
v. to be in charge of a person or thing
The two wealthy men controlled a business empire.

debate [dibéit]
v. to exchange opinions about a topic
The students debated their roles before coming to a decision.
91S improve [imprü:v]
v. to get better at something
The girls’ plan was to practice every day in order to improve.
916 similar [simsler]

«Al. adj. almost the same

The sisters look quite similar, but you can tell the difference.

917 soldier [sôuldjor]

n. a person who trains to fight for his or her country
Soldiers were called in to help people who were in danger.
EQ system [sistem]
n. a group of parts that move or work together
You need to have the right skills to handle this computer system.
919 war [wo:r]
n. fighting between two countries or groups
The men fought in the war for several years before it ended.

920 warn [wo:rn]

1 v. to tell someone to be careful
Evan did not see the sign warning people about the wet floor.

UNIT 10 IjL. _ ,
Exercise 1
♦ Choose the word or phrase most similar in meaning to the underlined word.

1. They debated which movie to watch after dinner at the restaurant.

a. suggested b. accepted c. handled d. discussed

2. The band could not improve the sound of its music without technology.
a. make better b. increase c. warn about d. sense

3. Our mother controls all of our social activities. She worries about bad
influences on us.
a. beats b. directs c. communicates d. gives advice on

4. She begged me to help her write the paper, but I did not have time.
a. connected b. warned c. asked d. failed

5. Tim has brown hair, and I have red hair. We do not look similar.
a. the same b. familiar c. any different d. certain

Exercise 2
♦ Use the hints to complete the puzzle with words from Part A and Part B. Then
make a word from the shaded letters to complete the sentence.


2. We often use the subway 2 3
to get around the city.
B 5. to give a message by moving
your body 5

6. to get something because of

your effort
■g 7. a major battle or fight
g between countries
' .g : .I ........
. ■ ■. ■ ■■■ . . ■

. 1. to let someone know about danger
3. to become great at something
B 4. a person in an army The easiest way to p

is to practice often.

Reading Practice
A. Read the passage. Track 30

Video 0-ames
Kids like to play video games. They play many different kinds. They can
fly planes or drive cars. They can be soldiers fighting a war. Sometimes, they
have to shoot an enemy to achieve a high score. There can be a lot of blood
in these games. Players try to improve their scores. Many teenagers play
5 these kinds of games every day.

The press has debated these games a lot. They do not think the games are
safe for kids. Parents have been warned about them. The
games might have a bad influence on their kids. Parents )

■fl ;
can try to control the games their kids play. But kids will )
i o just beg to play. Parents should discuss the games with )
their kids instead. This will have a more positive effect
on kids.

B. Choose the correct answers.

1. This reading is about

a. parents controlling their kids b. the video games kids play
c. ways to improve video games d. what the press debate

2. In some games, players pretend to be

a. teenagers b. parents c. soldiers d. cars

3. The thinks some games are not safe for kids.

a. business b. soldier c. press d. system

4. Parents should talk to their kids and not try to .what they play,
a. control b. beg c. improve d. fight

Writing Practice
A. Change the bold words to complete the summary correctly. Use new words
from this unit.

Kids can pretend to be soldiers at 'peace in video games. These games can

have a lot of zbeef. People have considered the games. They warn about the

bad opinion the games can have on kids. Parents should discuss the games

with their kids instead of mastering them.

1. 2. 3.

4.’ 5.

B. Make a story with the ideas from the tip box or your own ideas.

1. Kids can pretend to be

2. This

3. People

4. They find that

5. Parents can

7., tor

11 Si
a princess in a •• tree is as tall save the | "the castle •join in the fun
M castle < as a tower princess is dark and with their kids

, . ai famous dancer | • castle has a lot catch the ' scarY • play along with
in a show of mysteries ; bird •the tree is their kids
a giant bird in "show has a lot : • watch the too tall • make up the
a free of characters : show "the dance is story with their
I awful kids'

H'lB' ■•.I

Part A Word List
♦ Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. Track 31

$ 921 announce [enâuns]

□ 922
v. to make something known to many people
The press has announced the birth of the baby princess.

bottom [bâtem]
n. the lowest point of something
The man found two major problems on the bottom of my car.

compete [kempirt]
v. to try to be better or faster than another
The boys competed to see who would win the race.
924 copy [kâpi]
v. to make or do the same thing as something else
In the office, Rachel copies papers with a machine.
925 exhibit [igzibit]
n. something shown in a museum or for an event
Lois and her friends were viewing art exhibits at the museum.

g print [print]
v. to produce words or images on paper using a machine
Some businesses make their fortune printing things for others.

UQ project [prâdsekt]
n. a planned piece of work that takes time to finish
The teenagers worked together on their history project.

proper [proper]
adj. correct or right
? *
The proper way to recycle is to separate the different items.
929 select [silékt]
v. to choose
Ben selected one of the available images on the screen.

HI sheet [Ji':t]
n. a piece of flat material like paper
/ prefer to write on sheets of paper. I do not trust electronic things.
Exercise 1
Scan for Audio
Track 31, 32: Word List
Track 33: Reading Practice

♦ Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. Mrs. Gomez had (selected I copied / improved) the winner of the contest and
informed her by phone.

2. Henry’s mom (debated / announced / competed) that dinner would be ready

in ten minutes.

3. Mr. Lee encouraged us to work in groups to complete our (bands I sheets /


4. Oh! I had not considered looking for my keys in the (bottom / sheet / exhibit)
of the drawer. Thanks!

5. After I finished my essay, I (printed / deserted / selected) it and then edited it.

♦ Complete the sentences with the correct words. One word will not be used.

exhibit proper select copied competed sheets

L Our school in a huge event to help kids with serious

I diseases.

2. You really need to wear the shoes for running.

3. Sid a sentence from the textbook into his notebook.

4. Patty’s _ included several pictures of soldiers at war. They were

very interesting.

5. Albert gave of paper to everyone to use for the project.

Part B
Word List
♦ Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. Track 32

concentrate [kânsentrèit]
ar?'-'' ■
v. to put all your energy on one thing
Nolan concentrated on the game and considered his next move.

maximum [mækssmam]
adj. greatest possible
The police officer warned Kay about the maximum speed limit.

prize [prâiz]
n. something you get for winning
Rashid received a prize for achieving the best test scores.
' """ / ■'

«4 require [rikwaior]
v. to have to; to be necessary to do
You are required to pay money to leave your car here.

935 research [rl:sé:rtj]

v. to study something carefully and try to discover new facts
Doctors have been researching cures for many diseases.

936 respond [rispând]


'1 v. to answer
Hanna responded to Jim's question on her cell phone.

III spell [spél]

v. to write or say the letters of a word
HâhL They spelled the word “team" with their bodies.

Q state [stéit]
v, to say something
Anna stated that she was happy with her new job.

||g structure [strÂktfer]

n. something that is built
People debate who built this ancient structure.

940 tool [tu:l]

n. anything used to do a job
Mr. Taylor has a lot of tools similar to these at his home.

Exercise 1
♦ Choose the word most similar in meaning to the underlined word.

1. We were supposed to research the topics for our essay before writing it.
a. explore b. represent c. conduct d. intend

2. Jason stated that he did not want to go to college.

a. put b. shot c. begged d. announced

3. The maximum number of students that can take this class is fifty.
a. lowest b. highest c. real d. electronic

4. To do well in school, you need to concentrate on your work.

a. improve b. increase c. focus d. master

5. Mia made a structure out of small pieces of wood for her project.
a. system b. society c. penny d. building

Exercise 2
Use the hints to complete the puzzle with words from Part A and Part B. Then
make a word from the shaded letters to complete the sentence.

000000 IWiSiS I l
2. to reply
3. Jan and Mike will in the
speech contest next week.
5. They won a(n)_ «1
' ' ■ ■ . J
3 4

6. It is important to words 5

yJ ' »•< -* *' '• *•

ii I I' / ':
E■; ' i 1. There is fruit at the of
I my ice cream.
V - 2. We are to do homework.
' ■' ... ' ■ I

EE 4. I bought a new I should have a h

working in my yard.
■fit this project more carefully.

A. Read the passage. Track 33

Science at School
Dear Parents,
I have exciting news to announce! Our class is competing in a school
science contest next month. To prepare for it, first our students selected
topics to research. They learned the proper way to find facts. Then they
5 made exhibits. They really concentrated on their work!
Students will show their exhibits on March 10. The event starts at 7:00
p.m. at the school hall. Students are required to be there
by 6:00. Students will describe their projects to teachers
and parents. Then they will respond to any questions
10 people ask. There are prizes to be won for the exhibits!
I am very proud of our students! I hope you are, too.
Mrs. Elliott

B. Choose the correct answers.

1. What did the students do after researching?

a. They made prizes. b. They announced facts.
c. They made exhibits. d. They selected topics.

2. Why do the students need to be at school by 6:00 p.m.?

a. To find facts about their projects b. To concentrate on their projects
c. To get ready to show their projects d. To respond to questions

C. Fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the reading.

The teacher announced an event. For the event, the students

topics and built exhibits. They hard. The students are
to show their exhibits
to teachers and pa
■ ■

Writing Practice
A. Fill in the blanks to make true sentences about the reading.

1. The class is in a school event.

2. Students had to topics they wanted to research.

3. They learned the way to find information.

4. Students will to questions about their projects.

5. Some students may win a prize for their

B. Make a story with the ideas from the tip box or your own ideas.

1. I competed in

2. I had to

3. I learned to

4= Next time, I will

5. I might win a(n)

■j EilMallM Ï2
a beauty
contest I• •" buy
new clothes
read a lot of
. look good
d improve my
| • read a poem
• help my team
| " new dress
I • some money
| a bi,ig sports;: books skills ■, score I • award J
evenqt’ | • walk on stage
$ • raise money for
f. ; find interesting
a reading
ding | i my uniform material in front of an
; contest audience
Ü_____ ,st. I... »! ?
1 æ _

ft ft
Part A Word List
Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. Track 34

SsT 94 flood [fIXd]

n Jinn
n. a great amount of water over land that is usually dry
The awful flood destroyed several structures in our town.

3 gentle [dséntl]
adj. not mean or unkind
The farmers required that children be gentle with their animals.

943 melt [mélt]

v. to change into liquid
Be careful! Your ice cream is melting. You should eat it fast!
944 operate [âperèit]
v. to use or make something work
Cody operates this huge machine on his grandparents’ farm.

945 recognize [rékagnàiz]

v. to know a person or thing because it is familiar
Sally recognized some of the things she saw from the train.

remain [riméin]
v. to stay in one place
It was windy, but Eve’s hat remained on her head.
947 task [tæsk]
n. work
His mom showed him how to complete the task the proper way.

QQ various [véarias]
adj. of different kinds
We planted various flowers in front of our house this spring.

waste [wéist]
v. to use too much of something
Do not waste water. Turn it off when you are not using it.

950 worth [wé:r0]

adj. having a value in money
This car is worth a fortune. I do not think we will be able to buy it.
- Scan for Audio

XcrCiSc 1 Track 34,35: Word List
Track 36: Reading Practice

Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. I have written (various / electronic / gentle) stories in my notebook for English


2. Do not (remain / waste / respond) your education. Find a career that you are
good at.

3. You look great, Wendy! I did not (control / operate / recognize) you until
I heard your voice.

4. John, come over here, please. 1 have a (flood / task / system) for you to do.

5. Please have the dogs (remain / warn / melt) inside the house if it begins to rain.

>rcise 2
Complete the sentences with the correct words. One word will not be used.

worth gentle flood operate various melt

1. You need to be with small children. They can get hurt easily.

2. The prize Leo won was a lot of money.

3. Because of all the rain, there was a(n) in our backyard.

4. Do you know how to this machine? I need it to print some


5. Many things can in the hot sun if you leave them outside.

Part B Word List
Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. Track 35

951 climate [klâimit]

n. the weather of a place
* -7W She hated the cold climate in the northern part of the country.

emergency [imè:rd3snsi]
n. a sudden, serious event when people need help immediately
People drive at maximum speed to get help during an emergency.

953 factory [fækteri]

n. a building that produces goods
This factory is the root of the air problem in the area.

Q freeze [fri:z]
v. to turn into ice
It was so cold that the lake froze all the way to the bottom.

955 population [pàpjuléijen]

n. the total number of people or animals living in a place
The population of penguins has dropped rather than increased.

956 recently [rirsntli]

adv. not long ago
We recently put these plants in pots for our class project.

957 responsible [rispcinssbl]

adj. able to act correctly and make good decisions
We let Alan borrow our tools because he is a responsible person.

958 storm [stoi/rn]

n. a bad weather event with a lot of rain, wind, or snow
The two men hurried to go inside during the storm.

959 stream [stn:m]

n. a very small river
The man ran through the cool water of the stream.

960 teiï > . i atu re [tém psrstjsr]

n. how hot or cold a person or thing is
When Cassie is sick, her temperature rises.

Exercise 1
Choose the word or phrase most similar in meaning to the underlined word.

1. I discovered a stream running behind my grandparents' farm.

a. small lake b. flowing ice c. rainwater d. little river

2. I left my juice outside last night in the cold. Now it has frozen!
a. become ice b. become water c. become skin d. become rock

3. Mrs. Bedford announced that students must not play near the old factory.
a. exhibit b. system c. building d. project

4. Teachers need to be responsible because they look after other people’s children.
a. familiar b. able to be trusted
c. having skill d. showing pity

5. Until recently. Nate has been researching the culture in Africa. He is in Asia now.
■ a. just before now b. locally c. in a similar way d. quickly

Exercise Î.
♦ Use the hints to complete the puzzle with words from Part A and Part B. Then
make a word from the shaded letters to complete the sentence.

030100 s
■y 1. What is the I!
outside? 8
p It is really hot! X'.; 2. how many people
■; 4. too much water £££78 live somewhere
in the wrong 3. the local weather
j 5. It was cloudy &
pj before the

I . 6. something you

have to do
o . . .. . .
7. Incaseofa(n)
. call the
police. l_ researched the fish
living in a stream for a project.
> Ufî

Reading Practice
A Read the passage. [ frock 36

Earth Day
Every April, we celebrate the earth. But the earth is in trouble. Recently,
the climate in various places around the world is changing. In some cold
areas, the temperature has risen. Ice melts more quickly than before. It
causes more floods there. A small stream can turn into a dangerous river
5 very quickly! We need to recognize how our actions hurt the environment.
We could be moving toward a major emergency!
The human population on the earth is getting bigger
and bigger. We cut down trees to build homes. Factories
produce dirty smoke that goes into the air. We also waste
10 a lot. We throw things away rather than recycle them.
Our task is to protect the earth immediately. We
need to be more responsible, or we will all be in trouble.

Choose the correct answers.

1. In various places,
a. the population is huge b. the climate is changing
c. people recognize their actions d. factories are burning

2. in places where ice melts faster than before.

a. Smoke is produced b. People waste more
c. Floods happen d. Climate changes

3. Earth’s increasing all the time.

a. temperature is b. task is
c. population is d. factories are

4. We too much by not recycling.

a. waste b. recognize c. operate d. freeze

UNIT 121
Writing Practice
Change the bold words to complete the summary correctly. Use new words
from this unit.

Earth’s structure is changing. We need to state that there is a problem.

Businesses give off a lot of smoke into the air. We also save too much by not

recycling things. We have the important role of protecting the earth.

L 2. 3.

4. 5.

Make a story with the ideas from the tip box or your own ideas.

1. is/are changing.

2» l/People need to

3. I/People j which is bad for my/their health.

4. I/People also need to

5. I/People have the important task of

yMy. ; ' ■ ••
....... _.

jF* My life
® ,
y control what 1
K- ■
train too much
pget.... ; p..... "
enough rest ’ changing my/ ■
' they watch or M
Team 7 eat too much get exercise
y get exercise their nabits
b PlaT ' : junk food j regularly staying „v,
strong /
sports h; vz,
y lose weight ! watch movies j ' read more
ii hi
. and healthy
■ Movies j . ,.w
and video y know the
games [•
proper way to h
and play games
too much
h books instead improving my/
h- their minds
y exercise
y I
Î* *
,1 S
Iff 4

It'. L

Numbers Question Words
Number | Cardinal Ordinal
0 zero when
1 one first (1st) who
2 two second (2nd)
3 three third (3rd)
4 four fourth (4th)
5 five fifth (5th) which

6 six sixth (6th) why

7 seven seventh (7th)
je W'iÿ.'bXègi
8 eight eighth (8th)
• tf!:
9 nine ninth (9th)
10 ten tenth (10th) how
11 eleven eleventh (11th)
12 twelve twelfth (12th)
13 thirteen thirteenth (13 th)
14 fourteen fourteenth (14th)
15 fifteen fifteenth (15th) Seasons
16 sixteen sixteenth (16th)
17 seventeen seventeenth (17th)
spring summer
18 eighteen eighteenth (18th)
19 nineteen nineteenth (19th)
20 twenty twentieth (20th)
30 thirty thirtieth (30th) à
40 forty fortieth (40th)
50 fifty fiftieth (50th)
60 sixty sixtieth (60th)
70 seventy seventieth (70th)
80 eighty eightieth (80th)
90 ninety ninetieth (90th)
100 one hundred one hundredth (100th) foll/autumn winter
1,000 one thousand one thousandth (1,000th)

APPENPIX —.---------I

Months of the Year & Pays of the Week

I January 2 February 3 March 4 April
iGXQESEZSEElESinS irnnrrnr\|yin7in7iiij~i ► Sunday (Sun.)
12 3 4 1 12 3 4 5 6 7 12 3 4
6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I 16 17 18 19 20 21 t-13 14 15 16 17 18 Monday (Mon.)
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 i > 17 18 19 20 21 22 ’ 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 1 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 9 30 31 ’6 27 28 29 30
Tuesday (Tue.)
5 May 6 June 7 July 8 August
Wednesday (Wed.)
1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 3 4 i
4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Thursday (Thu.)
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
17 18 19 20
24 25 26 27
'I 22
28 29
24 25 26 27 19 20 21
27 28
22 23
29 30
25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Friday (Fri.)
31 30 31

9 September
Saturday (Sat.)
10 October 11 November 12 December
rrrnrrriR'Tin'ni û n ii i I..ŒI 053EŒDE23 DZ31-ttiHtô‘l tlu.ii v ii \yz ii t? ireinn
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 12 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5
7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 10 11 12 13 14 6789 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ' 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 '■ 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 27 28 29 30 31

n lz 1 8v
,/ //Z?- io X / ■ [X- V- L'I.. P'n^
’"9 XL 3~ I ... . i --------- -------1
I yellow
greefl'-/________ H- llrtg
___ green
agsssaii»»^^ light green
60 seconds 1 minute blue
60 minutes 1 hour navy navy
24 hours ... > 1 day
7 days 1 week
4 weeks -•> 1 month
12 months 1 year
White white



The Human Body

► hair
•> face

neck * ► head


r. •>nose
► mouth ► arm

IF ■I 0\
' 9 |
chin * .y

teeth *- elbow* hand*

waist *


o-.- •► foot

■ J
w I
i r


■► knee


grandfather grandmother
(grandpa) (grandma)


uncle father (dad) mother (mom) aunt uncle

r I'/ ■

W.’ ' " Jld


4 • ) i
my father's brother my mother's husband my father's wife my mothers sister my aunt's husband

sister me brother cousin cousin

i Jr
o B . < -V

> 4. .

't... ? LiV:
/ V.
>■ >■

my parents' daughter my parents' son my parents' niece my parents' nephew

^Mil-... W»


k < / ,
on next to in over

under behind in front of between


"C '

apple pear strawberry orange watermelon grape

Conjunctions Peterminers
after although and as all a/an another any
both each either enough
because before but however
every few little many
if or since so
much neither no other
then therefore until while some that the this


Loan Words and Other Commonly Used Words

Food and Drink : Clothing Daily Life

cake juice coat album pen

cheese pie jacket apartment piano
chocolate pizza ; jeans : bus program
coffee salad i pajamas card skate
cream sandwich : scarf computer taxi
curry snack shirt cup television/TV
gum soup sweater : game website
hamburger - spaghetti : T-shirt Internet zipper
jam steak notebook


- zf7

bear cat chicken hamster iguana

:'k ■
Wi'âW’ it
•k I W

kangaroo koala panda rabbit sheep


climate 74
accept 54
cloth ■■■•
achieve 62 compete 66
admire 20 complete 44
adult ••• 26 concentrate 68
amount 14 conduct 42
ancient 20 confident 42
announce■ 66 connect 50
appreciate 38 consider 54
attack 50 control 62
attractive ■ 20 convenient ■ 38
available • 50 copy 66
avenue 32 cough 30
avoid crazy 6
6 crowd 30
cure 14
curious 30
band 56 customer 38
base 24
beat 42
beg ..... 62 debate 62
bit 12 decision 18
blood •■■■ 60 desert 26
bottom 66 destroy 38
business 60 dictionary 50
diet 12
disappear 30
captain 44 disappointed 38
career 50 discover 26
castle 18 discuss 48
certain 48 disease 14
challenge 44
chance 8 E
character 24 edge 30
classic 26 edit 48
clever 24 electronic 60


emergency 74 handle 50
empire 18 host 56
encourage 44 huge ••• 6
enemy 24
equal 36 U
evidence 12 image 48
exhibit 66 immediately
exist 54 improve 62
expect 32 increase 36
explain 32 incredible ■■■ 18
explore 18 influence •■■■ 60
extra 8 intend 8

factory joy 74
fail 36
false H 54
familiar lead ••• 42
female length 26
fit 12 lift 42
flight limit ••• 18 12
flood ■■■ 72 local
flow 26
fortune 56
freeze ■ 74 machine • 30
major 50
male 42
gather married 48 54
gentle master 72 60
giant ■ material 20 48
goods maximum 36 68
guard medical 18 14
guest • medium ■■ 56 38
guide melt 30 72
mention 8
moment 6
hall 8 muscle ■■■■ 42

i !

mystery 26
native 30
necessary 14 race 44
noon 44 rather 54
reaction • 8
recently 74
odd 6 recognize 72
operate 72 record 44
opinion 26 reduce 14
original 56 regret ■■■• 6
regularly 24
P remain ■■ 72
pack 20 rent 20
pattern 38 represent 54
peace 56 require ••• 68
penny 36 research 68
physical •■■■ 12 respect 20
pity 60 respond 68
pleasure ■■■ 26 responsible 74
poem 56 role 48
poison 12 root 54
population 74 rub ■ 32
position 44
positive 48 S
pour 6 sale 12
prefer 20 score 8
press 60 screen 48
print 66 search 8
prize 68 section 50
produce •••■ 14 select ■ 66
project 66 sense 56
promise •■■■ 24 separate 36
proper 66 serious • 14
provide 50 serve 18
publish 26 sheet 66

shine 32 trick 38
shoot 60 trouble 42
signal 60 trust 56
similar 62 type
site 50
skill 44
skin 18 value 38
smoke 30 various 72
society 54 view 20
soldier 62
source 14 w
southern 18 war 62
i speed 42 warn 62
spell • 68 waste 72
state • 68 wave 20
steal 6 wealthy
storm 74 western 32
stream ■ 74 wheel 32
strength 32 wing 44
stretch ■■ 42 worse 8
structure 68 worth 72
suggest 32 wrap 36
supply • 14
survive ■ 24
system 62

task 72
technology 48
teenager 60
temperature 74
thief 6
title 24
tool 68
total 36
tough 6
tour 32


ca I
« £32 jg,------ , Z CC I
E CD __œ 8
o ça
: ïi
sçesCQ. .
.. « V

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