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Harvard-Radcliffe Kendo Club & HRKCAA |

2021 Shoryuhai Tournament, Online Lecture*
⽥原弘徳 先⽣ 範⼠⼋段 by Hironori Tahara-sensei (hanshi 8 dan)
訳:林友彦 Translated by Tomohiko Hayashi-sensei (6 dan)

本⽇ここに「2021年、昇⿓杯争奪 I would like to be thankful for holding the “2021

全⽶⼤学剣道⼤会」がオンライン形式 Shoryuhai North American Collegiate Kendo
とは⾔え開催されることを参加各⼤ Tournament,” along with the participating
学・審判員・監督・OB・OG、ほか皆 universities, shinpans, coaches and alumni, albeit
また、今⼤会開催に当り⾊々と準備下 taking the format of an online event. I would also
さったハーバート⼤学剣道部の皆さ like to thank the Harvard-Radcliffe Kendo club
ん・OB・OG、関係者の皆さんのご苦 members, alumni and members who have worked
労に感謝申し上げます。 so hard to prepare for this event.

私は昨年の3⽉18⽇、昇⿓杯⼤会に Last March 18th, I was scheduled to travel to

参加の為ボストンに向け出発の予定 Boston to participate in the Shoryuhai. Based
でした。出発予定の前⽇(3⽉17 on the accurate information I received from
⽇)吉⽥先⽣、NYの陶⼭先⽣、アマ Yoshida-sensei, Suyama-sensei from New York,
ンダさん、ジェニーさん達からの適 Amanda, Jenni, I canceled the trip at the last
確な情報を頂き急遽ボストン⾏きを minute. If I hadn’t received that information, I
んの情報がなかったら・・どうなっ wonder what it would have been like. I can’t
ていただろうと思います。皆さんの help but thank their friendship.
友情に感謝せざるを得ません。 One year later during this time, we also
あれから丁度1年、この間には、「昇 experienced a very sad event, the passing of
⿓杯」の発展に⼤変ご尽⼒頂いた Masaru Mori-sensei who played a defining role
『森 英 先⽣』のご逝去と⾔う⼤変 in the establishment of Shoryuhai. Together
悲しい、淋しい事もありました。ここ with everybody here, I would like to pray his
に、森先⽣の安らかなご冥福を皆さん soul rests in peace. Today, the world is still in
と共にお祈りしたいと思います。今 the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Of course
⽇、世界中が新型コロナ禍に振り回さ in Japan also, and all Kendo events I’m
剣道⾏事も全て中⽌・延期と⾔う事で associated with are cancelled / postponed as
「コロナ禍⾃粛⽣活」が2年⽬に⼊り part of this precautionary lifestyle, which has
ました。 entered its second year.

*Some sections were omitted from the live session due to time constraints
この様な時勢の中にも、⽇本では全 Even under these circumstances, in line with the
剣連・医療専⾨家等の指導の下、⼗ guidance of the All Japan Kendo Federation and
分なコロナ感染対策を講じて対⼈稽 medical experts, in-person practices and matches
古、試合が⾏われるようになりまし are starting to resume. (On March 14th, All Japan
た。(3⽉14⽇には、全⽇本選⼿ Men’s Championship and Women’s Championship
権・全⽇本⼥⼦選⼿権⼤会が≪無観 were held with “no on-site spectators”)
たい・剣道を忘れていない」と⾔う Even under these inconvenient circumstances,
頼もしい「昇⿓杯」参加の各⼤学剣 I would like to appreciate together that we can
道部の皆さん・審判員他関係者の皆 still gather with the university kendo students,
さんとお会い出来ました事を⼤変嬉 shinpans and all supporting members who
しく思っています。それも「皆さん “want to play Kendo, haven’t forgotten
コロナ禍に負けることなく、元気⼀ Kendo”.
何もなければ今ごろ「昇⿓杯⼤会」 In normal times, we would be meeting
で皆さんとお会いしているのです together at “Shoryuhai,” but like last year, we
が・・今年も昨年に続き残念です are yet unable to hold matches and
が、実際の試合、⼤会は出来ません tournaments. However, through the online
が、代わってオンライン⼤会によっ tournament event, today I think we have the
て今⽇は皆さんと剣道の勉強が出来 wonderful opportunity to study about Kendo
ます事、素晴らしいと思っていま together.

始めに、私の持論ですが「剣道には First, it is my strong belief that “Kendo has no

国境はありません!」 borders!”

正しい剣道を習得すればどこの国に If you learn proper Kendo, no matter where you

⾏こうと、何処でやろうと「剣道は go, where you play, “Kendo is Kendo.”
特に、本⼤会に参加の学⽣の皆さん Especially, I hope the students who participate in
には「正しい剣道を学び、⾝に付け this tournament “Practice and learn proper
て頂きたい」と思います。 Kendo.”

正しい剣道を⾝に付けるその第⼀ Learning proper kendo comes from Shinken
は、剣道は真剣勝負から始まってい Shobu (live blade battles). The famous schools
る。徳川初期から、⼀流をなした流 of swordsmanship, from the beginning of the
派は剣術から剣道、いわゆる≪術か Tokugawa shogunate era, changed from
ら道≫に進化しました。時代の進化 Kenjyutsu to Kendo, essentially evolving from
と共にそう何時までも真剣勝負をや Jyutsu (skill) to Do (way). While we are no
ってはおれませんので、それで体得 longer able to practice with live blade battles,
したところの真理を、「形」に残 the principles have passed down through
し、もう⼀つは「伝書」に残してい “Kata” and “Literature.”
この様な事を考えますと、剣道の本 With that thought process, I think the essence
当の所は『形』と『伝書』にあると of Kendo lies in “Kata” and “Literature.”
これを実際にやってみると、始めの Once you start this, it works at the beginning
うちは良いけれども段々形式になっ but it becomes more and more routine. Hence,
てくる。それで、 in order to assist the “Kata” learning, practice
「形」の助けとして、徳川中期に今 using the Bogu we use today started in the
の防具を着けた稽古が始まりまし middle of the Tokugawa shogunate.
「形」が本体で、防具を着けた稽古 “Kata” is the priority, Bogu practice was just to

はその助けだったのです。 facilitate that study.

ところが実際にやってみると打ち合 However, once you practice with Bogu, the

いが⾯⽩いから「当てる」と⾔う事 “Hitting” element of practice becomes more
が主眼になってしまい今⽇まで続い fun and ends up occupying more of practice,
ています。 and leads to Kendo as we know today.

この様な剣道の沿⾰を顧みても、⼤ In studying the evolution of Kendo, in order to

いにその⼤本である『形』(⽇本剣 properly learn Kendo, it is essential to learn
道形)これの前段階における(⽊⼑ “Kata (Nihon Kendo Kata)” which forms the
による剣道基本技稽古法)等をしっ core of Kendo, and “Bokuto ni yoru kendo
かり⾝に付けることが正しい剣道へ kihon waza keiko ho” as a step leading to it.

更に、もう⼀つの剣道の教えに『三 Additionally, there is a teaching in Kendo
磨の位』(さんまのくらい)と⾔う called “Sanma no Kurai.” It is a teaching from
教えがあります。⽇本で400年ほ “Yagyu-ryu,” a school of Kendo which trained
ど前の「徳川幕府」の剣道指南役で the Tokugawa shogunate around 400 years
あった『柳⽣流』の極意と⾔われる ago. It applies to any learning experience, but
ものです。全ての習い事に通じる事 especially applicable in Kendo.
・第⼀は≪良い先⽣を求めよ≫・・ First: “Seek a good teacher.” There is a proverb
3年かけても良い師を求めよ。とい that states “seek a good teacher, even if it takes
う諺もあります。 three years.”

Second: “Practice diligently.” The famous

武蔵は「鍛は千⽇の⾏・錬は万⽇の swordsman, Miyamoto Musashi said, “A thousand
⾏」を残しました。 days of training to develop, ten thousand days of
training to polish.”

り考え、勉強せよ。と⾔う教えで Third: “Experiment.” Think hard, try, and
す。 improve.

今私たちが⾏っています剣道はスポ We practice kendo with the mindset of “Budo

で⾏われています。勝利⾄上、商業 (Martial Art)” and not sports. In concern of being

主義に陥りやすいと⾔う主張等から preoccupied with trophies and commercialism,

オリンピックにも⼊っていません。 it’s not even part of the Olympics. Despite that, it’s
それでも、この様な状況の中にあっ encouraging to see more than 3 million Kendo
て、世界各地で59ケ国・地域の friends practice in more than 59 countries.
です。 Especially, as you are already aware, Kendo
pursues “The Concept of Kendo.” The concept of
特に剣道は、他のスポーツ、武道に kendo is to discipline the human character
はない「(剣道)理念」(剣道は剣 through the application of the principles of the
の理法の修練による⼈間形成の道で katana (sword), which cannot be observed in any
ある)を掲げ稽古に励んでいる事は other sports or martial arts.
更に、全⽇本剣道連盟は『⽣涯剣 Furthermore, All Japan Kendo Federation aims to

道』を謳い剣道の普及と発展に尽⼒ achieve “Shogai Kendo (Lifelong Kendo)” by

しています。 promoting Kendo.

「⽣涯剣道」を全うするには何より In order to achieve “Lifelong Kendo,” it is crucial
も、先ず「正しい剣道」それは「正 to learn “Proper Kendo,” which can only be
しい基本」を⾝に付ける事です。た obtained by “Proper Kihon (Basics).” Learn the
だ「勝った・負けた」「打った・打 true basic of Kendo through a long time, and don’t
たれた」の剣道でなく根気よく剣道 be caught up in just winning or losing, hitting or
の基本を⾝に付けるよう⼼して頂き being hit. This proper pursuit of Kendo leads to
たいと思います。この事が「⽣涯剣 “Lifelong Kendo,” which allows for self-
道」に結び突き、⾃⼰修養に結びつ improvement along the journey.
今回、初めての「剣道勉強会」では At today’s first “Kendo office hours,” I would like
皆さんが⽇頃やっています「稽古」 to convey the essence of “Keiko (practice).”
について、その⽬的・⽅法等を理解 Understanding the method and purpose of
し、いろいろ剣道の稽古内容を知っ “Keiko” should allow you to practice with more
て稽古に励むと⾔う事が稽古に励み focus and purpose.

稽古の⽬的は、基本動作及び応⽤動 The purpose of Keiko is to, using the skill obtained

作において習得した技術を活⽤し by practicing Kihon Dosa (Basic movement) and
て、これに習熟し、相⼿の動作を察 Ouyo Dosa (Advanced movement), elevate the
知して技を施す能⼒を養成し、終わ expertise of these movements, develop the ability
りに試合において勝利するための要 to sense the opponents movement and apply the
領を⾝に付けるものである。 appropriate waza, in the end possess the essence
of winning a match.

( ※ 試合に勝つための修⾏の中に≪ Within the pursuit of winning matches, there is the

⼈間形成≫が含まれている。≪⼈間 essence of Ningen Keisei “discipline the human
形成≫に繋がる堂々とした試合が出 character”. In order to advance towards
来るよう⽇頃から⼼得た稽古をしま “disciplining the human character”, one should
しょう) always practice to perform a dignified match.


① 基本稽古 ① Basic practice

イ、基本動作 a. Basic movement
ロ、応⽤動作 b. Advanced movement
② 打ち込み稽古 ② Uchikomi (striking) practice
③ 切り返し ③ Kirikaeshi
④ 掛り稽古 ④ Kakari Geiko (Charging practice)
※ ①〜④ is “Basic skills”
※ ①〜④は≪基礎技術≫です。
※ 基礎技術を⾝に付けるには、●良 ※fromIn order to possess Basic Skills, you must “learn
い師匠につく、●⼗分に修練する、 “Experiment
a good teacher”, “Practice diligently” and
●⼯夫する事 / improve”.

⑤ 地稽古 ⑤ Jigeiko (sparring practice)

イ、引き⽴て稽古 a. Hikitate Geiko (promoting practice)
ロ、互⻆稽古 があります。 b. Gokaku Geiko (head-to-head practice)

※ この地稽古で⾃分の間合い・技を ※ During this Jigeiko, you build your own maai

作るわけです。ここが⾮常に⼤切な (distance) and waza (strikes). This step is very
ところです。ここを省いて「試合」 important. When you skip this step and start doing
に⼊ってしまうから「アテッコ剣 matches, you end up doing “tapping kendo”
道」になってしまうのです。 where you’re just tapping the target and trying to
get a point.
⑥ 試合稽古 ⑥ Match practice
※ 剣道は、競技として勝ち負けを争
うだけのものではありません。礼儀 ※andIn loss.
kendo, you do not merely compete for win
作法や伝統⽂化を踏まえて修⾏に努 attention toYouetiquette
elevate your skill while paying
めるものです。真剣に稽古に励み修 Match is a method of measuring
and traditional culture.
⾏の度合いを⾒る・・その為の「試 the degree of
合」と⾔う⾒⽅です。「試合に勝つ diligent practice you have experienced. “One
ための真剣な修⾏の中に「⼈間形 experiences the “Disciplining the human
成」が含まれている。依って「⼈間 character” through serious practice to win a
形成」に繋がる堂々とした試合が出 match. Hence one must always practice to play a
来る様に⽇頃から⼼得た稽古をしま dignified match which leads to “Disciplining the
しょう。 human character”.

※ ⑤〜⑥は≪応⽤技術≫です。 ※ ⑤〜⑥ are “Advanced skills”.

Basic Skills
基礎技術とは、剣道の対⼈的技能を Basic skills are the essential elements necessary to
習得する上で必要な基本的に重要な obtain the person-to-person tactics needed in
要素を⾔う。 Kendo.
その要素には、 Those elements include
① 姿勢 ② 構えと⽬付 ① Posture
③ 構えと納め⽅ ② Kamae and line of sight
④ ⾜捌き ③ Kamae and wrap up
⑤ ⼿の内の作⽤ ④ Footwork
⑥ 掛け声 ⑤ Tenouchi (grip)
⑦ 間合い ⑥ Shout
⑧ 基本の打ち⽅、突き⽅及びその受 ⑦ Maai (distance)
け⽅ ⑧ Basic strikes and thrust, and how to receive
⑨ 切り返し ⑨
⑩ 掛り稽古 ⑩

⑪ 体当り ⑪
Kakari geiko (Charging practice)

⑫ 鍔ぜり合い ⑫
⑬ 残⼼ 等が挙げられます。 ⑬
(1)基本打突 (1)Kihon strike
基本打突とは、正しい距離(間合) Is to strike from the correct maai (distance), with
から、正しい姿勢で、正しい⼿の内 correct posture, with correct tenouchi (grip), and
の作⽤で、決められた部位を合理的 strike the specified target with a rational
動作です。 movement, and execute with proper footwork.

≪例≫⾯の基本打ち ≪Example≫ Basic men strike

イ、握りを変えないで、⽵⼑を⾝体の A. Swing up and down along the centerline of your
正中線にそって振り上げ振り下ろして body, without changing the grip.
打つ。 (proper blade angle)
ロ、⽵⼑を振り上げる動作と、振り下 B.twoSwing up and down as one fluid motion, not
ろす動作を区切らないで⼀連の動作で separate motions.
⾏う。 (Strike with one beat, don’t stop after you swing
(⼀拍⼦の打ち、振りかぶったところ up)
でいったん⽌めない) C. Strike, slightly tighten your little finger at the
ハ、打つ・最後に両⼿⼩指を軽く握り end. (Tenouchi, grip)
⼆、⾝体動作を伴って、充実した気勢 D. Use your full body motion, and strike with
で打つ。(発声) fullness of spirit (Shout)
ホ、腰から運動を起こす。 E. Move from your waist.
へ、⾜捌きを伴うこと。 F. Use your footwork.

2) 打ち込み稽古 (2) Uchikomi (striking) practice
打ち込み稽古とは、元⽴ちの与えた Uchikomi practice is where the motodachi
打突の機会をとらえて打つ打突の基 (receiving side) provides the opportunity to strike,
本的な技術を体得させる稽古法であ and the learner practices the basics. Therefore,
る。従って、元⽴ちは習技者の技量 the motodachi needs to evaluate the skill level of
を勘案して、主体的に打突の機会を the learner and proactively provide the striking
あたえて撃ち込ませる。 opportunity.
習技者は元⽴ちの与える打突の機会 The learner should accurately capture the
を的確にとらえ、素直な気持ちで、 opportunity given by the motodachi, and strike
正しい姿勢で、正しい間合いから、 with a receptive mind, proper posture, proper
適宜⼤技の⼀本打ちや、連続技、体 maai, and execute when appropriate large single
当りからの引き技などを交えて、正 strikes, continuous strikes, hikiwaza from taiatari.
※打ち込み稽古は、元⽴ちが打突部 ※ For Uchikomi practice, the motodachi opens up
位をあけて打たせる。 the target and allows the learner to strike.
イ、技を指定して打たせる⽅法と、 A. Two methods. One where the target is specified,
元⽴ちが適宜に打突の機会を与えて and one where the motodachi provides the
打たせる⽅法がある。 opportunity.
ロ、初⼼者には、打ちこみ棒や打ち B. For beginners, you could use receiving sticks or
込み台を⽤いてやる⽅法もある。 target dummies.

※⾜捌きに着いて。 ※ Ashisabaki (footwork)

イ、進む法の⾜から運ぶ。前に出る A. The foot in the direction you’re moving moves
ときは右⾜、下がるときは左⾜か first. Right foot for forward, left foot for backward.
ら。 B. Do not cross feet.
ハ、送り⾜を早く引き付ける事。 C.●PullUnderstand
up your Okuri-ashi quickly.

●送り⾜・歩み⾜・継ぎ⾜・すり ayumi-ashi, tsugi-ashi,

the various footwork: okuri-ashi,

⾜・・・とあります、この区別を理 suri-ashi.

(3) 切り返し (3) Kirikaeshi
切り返しは、正⾯打ち(⾯の基本打 Kirikaeshi is Kendo’s comprehensive basic
ち)と、連続左右⾯打ちを組み合わせ movement practice where you strike Shomen
た剣道の基本動作の総合的な稽古法で (basic men) and continuous left-right men.
A. Method
イ、⽅法 The learner strikes the basic men from one-step-
ちの正⾯を打ち、構の姿勢に復するこ one-strike distance, and without returning to
となく、元⽴ちの後退に従い前進しな kamae, strikes continuous left/right men as
がら連続左右⾯を数回打ち、更に元⽴ motodachi retrieves, and returns as motodachi
ちの前進に従って後退しながら同様に advances. Then return to kamae and strike
打ち、中段に復して正⾯を打つ。これ shomen.
が⼀回で、この動作を数回繰り返す。 This is one cycle and you repeat this a few times.
切り返しは、⾝体四肢を柔軟にし、掌 B. Purpose
中の作⽤を巧妙に、動作を敏活にし、 With Kirikaeshi, you can learn, flexibility
併せて体⼒気⼒を増進し、気剣体⼀致 throughout your body, advance your grip skill,
の活動を期すると共に、間合いの観念 sharpen your movement, improve your strength
を体得する動作です。 and spirit, learn to execute with ki-ken-tai-icchi,

ハ、留意点 and strengthen your concept of maai.

① 初級者は、「⼤きく・ゆっくり・
正確に」。 C. Points to Remember
熟練者は、「⼤・強・速・軽」に⾏う ① For beginners “Large, slowly, correctly”.
こと。特に⼤きく振りかぶる事。ま For advanced players “Large / Strong / Fast /
た、筋を正しくするために、⼿の返し Rhythmically”. Especially large swings, and turn
を正確にすること。 your hands so you cut in the direction of the
② 左⼿が中⼼(正中線)から外れな
い事。 blade.
③ 右腕に⼒が⼊りすぎて、主として ② Left hand must stay in the centerline.
右腕で打っているような感じが有って ③ Don’t tense up your right arm. Apply force
はならない。両腕に等しく⼒を⼊れ evenly through both arms, and strike correctly.
て、正しく打つように⼼掛ける事で ④ Start with left men, and end with left men.
す。 ⑤
④ 左⾯より始めて左⾯で終わるよう ⑥
Pay attention to footwork (Okuri-ashi).
に習慣づける事。 The motodachi should take lead, and promote
⑤ ⾜捌きに注意する事。(送り⾜) the the practice of the learner. Especially for
⑥ 元が主体となって習技者を引き⽴ advanced learners, challenge their ability to the
てる事。特に熟練者には、体⼒、気⼒ limit of their strength and spirit.
の続く限り⾏わせること。 ⑦
⑦ ⼀息の切り返しを指導する。 Instruct kirikaeshi with one breath.

●切り返しにおける≪呼吸≫息の次 ● Breathing method during Kirikaeshi.
※ 元⽴ちに対し、⼀⾜⼀⼑の間合い ※ From One-Step-One-Hit distance, exert a large
で⼤きく気合を掛ける(息を全部吐 kiai (so you exhale all the way). Once you fully
き出すくらい)吐き出すと⾃然に息 exhale, your breath is going to come back, so store
は返ってきます、その息を下腹部に that breath in your lower abdomen, and strike
溜めて、正⾯打ちから、左⾯から左 straight men, then starting with left men, strike
右⾯打ちに⼊ります、途中出来るだ both sides. Continue in one breath as much as you
け息を繋いで、前進4歩・後退5歩 can (steal a breath if you need to, don’t let the
(これは指導上です)息が続かなく opponent notice), 4 steps forward, 5 steps
なったら呼吸を繋ぐ(盗み呼吸・・ backwards (number of steps is for the sake of
相⼿の分からないように)、最も⼤ convenience). Most importantly, after the last left
切な事は最後の左⾯を打った⼀⾜⼀ men, return to One-Step-One-Hit distance, and
⼑に返った時点で≪休まない・呼吸 DON’T take another breath / break, and fully
を切らない≫で苦しい所で呼吸を繋 commit to the last straight men (this is the most
いで最後の⾯打ちに全⾝全霊、全部 important)
を吐き出す気持ちで⾯を打つ(ここ ※ Let’s go over this in person, when we meet next
※ 今度お会いしました折に実際やり
⼆、切返しの受け⽅ D. How to receive Kirikaeshi
元⽴ちは、習技者に⼀⾜⼀⼑の間合 Motodachi should let the learner stand at One-
いを取らせた後(この場合、元⽴ち Step-One-Hit distance (Motodachi stands at the
も間合いを取る)正⾯を打たせ、⽵ same distance). Let the learner strike straight
⼑を⽴てて「受け⽅」の要領で習技 men, the hold your shinai vertically and allow the
者の左右⾯打ちに応じながら数歩後 learner to strike left / right men as you step back
退、更に数歩前進して正⾯を打たせ and forward.
●元⽴ちは≪歩み⾜≫で習技者の左 ● Motodachi’s footwork is Ayumi-Ashi (walking
右⾯を受ける、受ける⽵⼑は、強す steps). Hold the shinai, not too stiff, not too soft,
ぎず・ use your tenouchi (grip) and match with the strike
柔らか過ぎず、⼿の内を利かして習 of the learner.
(今度お会いしました折に実際に勉 (Let’s also try this when we meet next time)

(4) 掛り稽古 (4) Kakari Geiko (Charging practice)
掛り稽古は、習技者を元⽴ちに組ま Kakari Geiko is a practical training method where
せて、各技の応⽤変化を実際的に訓 the Motodachi and the learner are paired, and you
練する⽅法です。 practice the realistic and flexible application of
この稽古は、基本動作及び応⽤動作 In this practice, you use the strikes you learned in
において習得した技を、勝敗を離 basic and advanced movements, forget win or
れ、⾃⼰を忘れて⼀⼼不乱に気息の lose, and forget oneself and fully devote yourself
続く限り打ち込み、その間に基本打 to practicing the practical application of the basic
突の実際的活⽤と、その応⽤変化と movements. At the same time develop the sense
て旺盛なる気⼒・体⼒を養成するた of advance or retreat, and train overwhelming
めに⾏うものである。 spirit and strength.

習技者は、躊躇逡巡することなく、 The learner should, without hesitation, take

先の気を以って⾃在且つ猛烈に単⼀ initiative, readily apply single or continuous
技・連続技及び適宜に体当りを⾏ strikes, do Taiatari when appropriate, and express
い、ある限りの勢⼒を尽くすことで as much spirit as possible.
元⽴ちは、単にこれを受け⽌めるだ Motodachi should not simply receive, but step
けでなく、習技者が踏み込み過ぎる back if learner steps too far, or close in if learner
ときは退り、⾜りない時は進み、或 steps short, else close in Maai, or encourage the
いは間合いをつめ、或いは伸ばしな learner to reach out for the strike, and respond
がら打突を誘導すると共に、相気と with a correctional strike in sync with the learner,
なって矯正的な打突を⾏い、応変の promote the strengthening of flexible skill and
技術と気⼒の鍛錬をはかり、充分に spirit, establish appropriate Maai that allows
間合いを取り、⼤きく・正しく・伸 practice of large / correct / dynamic strikes.
●≪打ち込み≫と≪掛り稽古≫の区 ● Please properly understand the difference
別をしっかり確認してください。 between ≪Uchikomi≫ and ≪Kakari Geiko≫.
(皆さんの先⽣⽅に・・・お尋ねし (Please ask your senseis if you’re not sure.)

Advanced Skills

応⽤技術とは、単独で稽古してもそ With basic skills, you can practice individually and

の技術を⼗分につかむことができる improve. Advanced skills, you can only learn in
基本技術と異なって、相⼿が無けれ relation to an opponent. In basic skills, you don’t
ばその技術の要点を習得できないも have to take into account change, but strike
のを⾔います。基本技術のように⾃ correctly just based on your mind.
それに反して、応⽤技術は相⼿と⾔ Inchange
advanced skills, there is an opponent, and
うものが考えられ、その関係におい occurs in relation to the opponent, and
て⽣ずるものであるから、変化と⾔ that becomes an element of advanced skills.
うものがその要素になっていて、変 Furthermore, you can say advanced skill is where
化を離れて応⽤技術は存在しないと you apply strikes caused by the change between
⾔っていい。換⾔すれば、変化に応 you and the opponent.
⽤技術であります。 ※ There are many different types of Advanced
※ 応⽤技は沢⼭の技があります、次 skills. I think it’s easier to demonstrate in person
回実技で説明、実施した⽅が分かり next time.
(5) 地稽古 (5) Jigeiko (sparring practice)
イ、地稽古には、引き⽴て稽古 A. There are two types of Jigeiko
と、互⻆稽古の2種類がある。 Hikitate Geiko (promoting practice) and Gokaku
引き⽴て稽古は、主として技量の上 Geiko (head-to-head practice)
⼿の者に対して⾏うもので、努めて Hikitate Geiko is where the advanced member
相⼿を引き⽴て、技術・気⼒・体⼒ promotes the learner’s skill, and allows the
等を鍛錬させ、進退動作(体捌き) learner to improve skill / spirit / strength, sharpen
を敏活にする。しかも、その間上⼿ forward / backward movements (Taisabaki). In
の者は未熟な相⼿を利⽤して、いろ addition, the advanced member can practice
いろな技術、動作を訓練する。 more advanced skills in response to the learner’s

習技者(下⼿の者)は、打たれた、 strikes.
突かれることなどに恐れる事なく、 The learner must not be afraid of being hit, and
ただ⾃分の技術・気⼒・体⼒等を練 improve their skill / spirit / strength by rigorously
る⽬的で相⼿に対して猛烈に打ちこ applying their strikes.
※ 初⼼者の稽古について ※ Regarding Keiko for beginners
何事の修⾏も最初が⼤切です。初⼼ In any training, the beginning is the most
者の時の修⾏が将来において重⼤な important. The training at the beginning has the
結果をきたすものです。この時期に largest effect in the student’s long term Kendo. If
誤った稽古をすると、悪い癖が出 you do the wrong practice at this stage, you learn
来、これが技の上達を妨げます。悪 bad habits and this prevents you from improving.
い癖がつくとその矯正は容易ではあ And bad habits are hard to correct afterwards. At
りません。この時期は、お互いの我 this stage, rather than practicing amongst
が儘勝⼿な稽古は避けて、なるべく yourselves, it’s best to ask your sensei for
先⽣にお願いして指導を受けた⽅が instructions.
※ 先ず基本的な技を多く練習して、切 ※ At the beginning, it is important to practice
り返しや、打ち込み稽古的な稽古を多 basic skills many times, do Kirikaeshi and
くやった⽅が良いです。そうして、体 Uchikomi Geiko many times. In doing so, you can
を鍛え気⼒を練ると共に技を正確に strengthen your body, elevate your spirit and
し、素直な伸び伸びした正しい稽古を strike accurately and dynamically which is most
することが最も肝要です。 important.
初⼼者の間は、勝負など眼中になく、 As a beginner, if you’re too occupied about
が良いです。余り勝敗にとらわれ過ぎ winning and losing, you will be caught up with
ると、勝とう勝とう、或いは多く打と hitting too much even in bad form to get a point,
うとするために、無理な打ち⽅をし、 or dodge strikes in an attempt not to get hit. These
負けまい、打たれまいとして、無理な will obstruct one’s progress, teach bad habits and
応じ⽅、受け⽅をして、かえって悪い in end take away the fun of practicing Kendo.
◎⽣涯剣道への⼀番⼤切な時期です。 ◎ It is the most important stage for “Lifelong
相互に技量の同程度の者が、間合いを B.It Gokaku Geiko (head-to-head practice)
計り、隙を探し合い、⼀撃⼀突きとも is a practice where, people of equal levels,
無駄にすることなく、充分な気合と、 compete over Maai, try to find an opening,
気迫を込めて稽古する⽅法です。 without wasting any unnecessary strikes,
challenge each other with a full spirit.
は、いよいよ「試合」です。 And finally we’re onto "Matches".
※ 試合の事については次回にしましょ ※ About matches, we’ll cover this next time.
最後に、剣道の極意は≪仲良く≫で Lastly, the true teaching of Kendo is “Friendship."
す。今⼤会参加の各⼤学剣道部の皆 To the kendo college students who participate in
さん、「⽣涯剣道」を⽬指し元気イ this tournament, I wish you strive for “Lifelong
ッパイ、正しく・楽しく・仲良く Kendo” properly, with joy, fostering friendship in
「勉強に・剣道に」「⽂・武」共に “Academics and Kendo”, “Literature and Martial”,
頑張って下さい。皆さんのご活躍を and for your further achievements.
終わりに、本⽇⼤会参加の指導者の Lastly, to the instructors who are participating in
先⽣⽅に、僭越とは存じますがお願 today’s event, I may be out of place but I have a
い申します。 request.

先⽣⽅には、先ず「正しい剣道を習 First, I would like you, Senseis, to have a strong

得させる」と⾔う強い信念でご指導 conviction to “Make the students learn proper
を願いたいと思います。そして伝統 Kendo”. And correctly pass on Kendo that was
と⽂化に培われた剣道を正しく伝承 developed through tradition and culture, with the
し、剣道の普及と発展に寄与すると renewed awareness that teaching proper Kendo
⾔う事の再認識のもとご指導をお願 leads to the promotion and advancement of
いしたいと思います。 Kendo.

併せて、特にお願いしたいのは、指 In conjunction, I have a request on how you teach.

導のあり⽅です。『剣道を⾼める Please be an instructor who will “Elevate and
⼈・広める⼈』になってほしいと思 spread Kendo”.
その為には、 In order to do so,
① Please be a respected member of society even
① 剣道の指導者である前に⾃らが⽴
派な社会⼈であること。 before being a Kendo instructor.
② そして⽣徒(初⼼者)に対して愛 ② Treat students (beginners) with care and love,
情と、指導者としての信念を持ち続 and hold a strong moral as an instructor.
けて下さい。 ③ Have a deep knowledge of Kendo.
③ 剣道に精通してください。 ④ Be a practitioner that advances with the
④ 師弟同⾏の修⾏者であること。⾯ students. Don’t be an instructor who doesn’t even
も着けずに笛や太⿎叩き、だけでは put on their Men, and just trains students to the
指導者とは⾔えません。 tune of whistles and drums.
⑤ 基本や礼儀作法を重視した指導者 ⑤
になって下さい。 Be an instructor who takes Kihon (Basics) and
Regi-Saho (Etiquette) seriously.
◎⽶国⼤学剣道界の将来は先⽣⽅の ◎ You carry the future of USA Collegiate Kendo on
双肩に掛かっています。ご健闘ご活 your shoulders. I wish you the best.
躍を祈念します。 たはら記

Q&A with Tahara-Sensei
March 20, 2021

1. How many teachers have you had over your lifetime? How do you know when it is
time to find a new teacher?

Tahara-sensei has had many top-class senseis in Japan. Morishima Takeo-sensei

(passed away last year at 97); he was strict and disciplined, but compassionate. The
best sensei are those who will do their utmost teaching you. Look for sensei like that!

2. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many kendoka cannot do in-person practice or

keiko. How important do you think keiko is in improving one’s kendo and how can
you supplement the inability to do kendo?

First, don’t run away from kendo! Stay engaged! Kendo is always there. Don’t panic.
Don’t waver and think “ah, I’ll get weaker or regress because I can’t practice in person.”
Kendo is 70-80% a mentality! As long as you continue thinking and focusing on it, you
will not regress. What’s important is to not let up; loosening up/being lazy is what will
make you weaker. Focus on what you’re aiming for; don’t think about “ah, I can’t do
this,” or “I don’t have time or space to practice.” What is important is to do everything
to your utmost ability.

3. Do you have any thoughts or opinions on how we should properly approach our
return to keiko?

Like Tamai-sensei said, you can keiko on your own! When we return, don’t panic and
rush back in. Start slowly from your basics and focus on your foundations: suburi,
footwork, kirikaeshi, and kakarigeiko. Some of the people joining today are from a dojo
where Tahara-sensei has been honorary instructor for 35 years. Those students have
focused on only foundations (suburi, footwork, kirikaeshi, kakarigeiko) and have done
incredibly well at tournaments with those strong basics. If you don’t start with a good
foundation you will waver. So, take it step by step and focus on kihon. Practice with
confidence. Don’t quit kendo, you can do it!

4. How do you maintain your motivation for kendo? Especially when you’re not
progressing and life is hectic.

Give your all to whatever you are focusing on. The minute you become distracted it’s a
slippery slope all the way down. If you give everything your all, your kendo will not get

5. What is your favorite drill to torture kohai?

Begin suburi or kirikaeshi, but don’t end the drill.

6. Do you bend your left knee slightly in kamae for lower center of gravity and
balance or keep it fully extended?

Don’t bend your left knee; it should stay straight.


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