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Subject: Will Technology Put an End to Disability?

We are living in an era where technology is growing exponentially. Every

day we hear about a new discovery or tool that makes our lives easier. But
what is the limit? How far can technology go? Will technological
development put an end to problems like disabilities?
For people with disabilities, the hope has been that the implementation and
application of new technologies, in particular wireless technologies, could
have the potential for a transformative impact on their lives in key areas like
education, employment, and social inclusion. It would be a life-changing
turn if this could be possible. People with a disability usually suffer from
many problems during their life. Jobs for people with disabilities have
tended to be in secondary labor markets characterized by subsistence-level
pay, low-level skill requirements, few opportunities for advancement, and a
high number of part-time jobs.
In my opinion, we will have all the tools required to put an end to helping
people with disabilities live like normal people. But in reality, there won’t be
enough accessibility to these tools for people. People will have trouble
gaining and maintaining accessibility to new technologies, and only a
limited group of people will be able to use these devices. The reasons why
I feel this way are:

1. These technological devices cost a lot:

These technologies are usually made out of expensive materials and,
therefore, cost a lot. Only people from rich families will be able to buy
and use them. So people with disability who don’t have the money to
buy these devices will not have access to them.
2. Lack of awareness:
A huge percentage of people still live in areas where there is really
little information about technology. For example, people who live in
tribes in Africa. These people are really proud of their traditional way
of living, and it would take ages until they give up their traditions and
start a modern life. These people will definitely have no information
about new technology and the tools for people with disability.
So in summary, I believe technology will get to the point where disability will
have no meaning anymore, but because of the high cost and lack of
accessibility, it won’t be able to create a world without disability for

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