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Razon, Jessica C.


Summary Survey Charts

Conduct the survey you have proposed from 01 Activity 2. Create a pie chart and a bar graph
based on the survey's results.

1. In the first question of my survey, 30% of them were not sure if the studies they enrolled in
would help them, and 70% of us found that the subjects really helped them in their studies.
Based on the result of chart summary in most of my respondents 70%

2. In the second question, learning in courses that include students' subjects comes into play.
Does learning the subjects give students confidence, and what is the best way to learn quickly
as a student
Based on the result of chart summary in most of my respondents Communication strongly
agree to learn the course
3. In the third question of the survey, it is about what helps the student understand properly
what is contained in their course, what they can understand or can easily.

n easily

4. In the 4th question of my survey, I recommend this course to students. Of the highly respondents,
90% want to take this course, and 10% Respondents are not taking the course
5. And last question, will the process you are taking towards your dream help you or not, or are you not
sure if the respondents answered yes with the highest percentage, 85%, and 15%, maybe they are not
sure if that is their course that will help them?

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