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1a) Variety of larger seed-eating birds as since they are on a remote island, there would be less

predators so they can grow larger. Also they would all have the same diet as they are enclosed
in a small space.

1b) Large Lizards are Large mammals would not have enough space to live compared to

1c) Genetically similar as the species will all adapt to the island with similar features and would
have similar diets.

1d) Nowhere else on Earth as every remote island is different.

2) Due to the increase in the non-native species, there would be more competition for food. And
since there are no predators to the non-native frogs, there would be so much of them that it
would be impossible for the native frogs to find food as the non-native frogs would get to the
food first as there are more of them.

3a) The brown tree snake has decimated Guam's birds and herpetofauna, causing the local
extinction of over half of Guam's native bird and lizard species as well as two out of three of
Guam's native bat species (Savidge 1987; Rodda & Fritts 1992).

3b) Whatever the species that went extinct ate, the population of those would increase due to a
lack of predators.

3c) An animal will evolve based on its habitat meaning that it may not evolve in a certain way to
counter a certain predator as those kinds of predators didn’t exist. When these predators
randomly appear in the animal’s environment, they will not know how to defend themselves
against these non-native species causing their population to die.

4a) Analogous
4b) Homologous
4c) Homologous
4d) Homologous
4e) Analogous

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