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Second Grade Vocabulary Worksheet

Circle the correct homophone.

The horse has a long (tale / tail).

Peter (one / won) the race at school.

The (which / witch) stirs her stew.

Sarah filled her (pale / pail) with sand at the


Lisa served her mother (tea / tee) and biscuits.

The (hare / hair) lost the race.

My (flour / flower) smells like perfume.

Online reading & math for K-5

Second Grade Vocabulary Worksheet

Circle the correct homophone.

The horse has a long (tale / tail).

Peter (one / won) the race at school.

The (which / witch) stirs her stew.

Sarah filled her (pale / pail) with sand at the


Lisa served her mother (tea / tee) and biscuits.

The (hare / hair) lost the race.

My (flour / flower) smells like perfume.

Online reading & math for K-5

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