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Stress Response

- is the collection of physiological changes within us due to facing situations that are out
of our capabilities which are dubbed as stressors. Stress response when triggered can cause
various physical, emotional and mental changes to us. It can be a positive effect in which in the
past helped our ancestors survive various mostly physical related situations while at the present
mostly life problems and the effects can also be negative which can cause harm to ourselves.

Keep Stress Under Control

- There are many effective ways to handle stress. You need not, should not, live your life
in emotional stress and discomfort. Here are some suggestions that may help.

 Understand the causes of stress

- to win the battle, first, know your enemy. Understanding why you are stressed is
important. This time, you need to deliberately ponder over your situation. What makes
you feel stressed? And the reason behind it?

 Analyze your Stress Factors and Write Them Down

- write down your response to stress. First, you can answer the question "what do you
feel?”. After pointing out what you feel, try again asking yourself: Why? Why do you
feel that way? Why do you think that way? What is the reason behind that certain
feeling? Consider the answer carefully because the answers will reveal your stressors.

 Deal with the Stressors

- we can't defeat the enemy without facing them. To eliminate the SOURCES of stress is
the only way to make our stress completely disappear. Find the root of the anxiety you
are feeling and solve that problem you have before it's too late.

 Learn to Work under Pressure or Unusual Conditions

- When you can't reduce stressors, you need to manage your stress response. However,
when pressure mounts, you can relieve it. Relaxation is key-but most people train
themselves to relax when the pressure is on.
Some tips to relax when under pressure are the following:
 Stop for a moment and take a few deep breaths...
 Do a relaxing exercise. Swing your hands at your sides and stretch.
 Take a "power nap." Lie down and totally relax for a few minutes.
 Find time to do the things you enjoy.
 Leave your study area for a while to take a brisk walk.
 Find a quiet place to read a magazine or novel during break or at lunch.
 If possible, look at some peaceful images such as forests, beaches, etc.
 These images can initiate a relaxation response.
 Look up.
 Keep something humorous on hand, such as a book of jokes.

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