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o DANISH SHARMA (102216058)
o YACHIT MAHAJAN (102216070)
o ARNAV ASHTA (102216060)
o HARSAIHAJ SINGH (102216046)

When you combine magnets, a conductor and
movement you get electricity and when you combine
electricity and a conductor, you get a magnetic field.
When you combine this magnetic field (provided by
the magnets) you get movement.

1. Copper wire (non-insulated)
2. AA battery
3. Neodymium magnet
Step 1: How Does the Simple Electromagnetic Train
When the battery is placed inside the coil and both magnets are touching
the coil it produces a closed circuit between the two magnets, and current
flows. As the current flows through the conductive copper wire a
magnetic field is created around the wire. This magnetic field interacts
with the magnetic field created by the neodymium magnets in a way that
repels the magnets on one end, and attracts the magnet on the other
pushing the battery through the coil. As the train moves, the process
repeats in the section of the track between the two magnets, making it
run until the battery has no juice left! The coiled bare copper wire acts as
the conductor. It is important that the wire is bare (not enameled) and is
coiled as tightly as possible only just wider than the diameter of the
magnets being used, which in turn should be the same diameter or
slightly larger than the battery being used. Next, you need to take your
battery and add a magnet on each end. Follow the next steps of this
Instructable to make this simple electromagnetic train.
Step 2: Making the Coil
To start, we're going to make the coil that the magnetic train goes
through. To make these you need a tube with a diameter slightly larger
than the diameter of the magnets. I was lucky and had a plastic pipe in
the shed that was suitable for this. Twist the copper wire tightly around
the tube. The twists should also be tight against each other. To make it a
bit easier I put the plastic pipe in a bearing and powered it with the
cordless drill. Mat the hand also works, but this way is much faster!
Carefully remove the coil from the tube and gently pull the coils apart.
The gaps between the turns must not exceed the thickness of the
Step 3: Making the "train"
Place three magnets on either end of the battery. You need to make sure
the north poles (or the south poles) are facing each other when the
magnets are attached to the battery. At the + side I have placed an iron
ring in between for stability. This is not necessary. Note: The batteries are
very strong and can cause good pinch blisters! Don't let your fingers get
in between them.
Step 4: Done!
Slide the battery inside your coil and watch it go! If the battery is being
forced out of the end of the coil, turn it around. Now both magnets are
touching the coil and producing a closed circuit between the two
magnets, and current flows. As the current flows through the conductive
copper wire a magnetic field is created around the wire. This magnetic
field interacts with the magnetic field created by the neodymium magnets
in a way that repels the magnets on one end, and attracts the magnet on
the other pushing the battery through the coil. Note: Be careful, if the
battery is allowed to run continuously for more than a few seconds it will
begin to get hot. Handle with care and never leave children unsupervised
with magnets.

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