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Tailings dam closure scenarios, risk

communication, monitoring, and surveillance in

H. L. Schafer , R. Macciotta & N. A. Beier

To cite this article: H. L. Schafer , R. Macciotta & N. A. Beier (2020) Tailings dam closure
scenarios, risk communication, monitoring, and surveillance in Alberta, CIM Journal, 11:1, 80-90

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Published online: 29 Apr 2020.

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Tailings dam closure scenarios, risk communication, monitoring, and surveillance

in Alberta
H. L. Schafer, R. Macciotta, and N. A. Beier
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

ABSTRACT Tailings dams remain as a part of the landscape in perpetuity following mine closure. As
many mines approach closure in the province of Alberta, Canada, it is becoming increasingly important
to understand the long-term geotechnical behavior of these facilities and the impact of various loading
and environmental scenarios over long time periods. Research surrounding the closure of tailings dams
has historically focused on planning for closure, with a limited focus on how the facility may evolve
over time. This gap in research has implications for the design and development of policies that
adequately account for long-term risk and uncertainty. This paper summarizes key themes identified
during interviews conducted with skilled practitioners to leverage their experiences and help fill the
knowledge gap surrounding the long-term behavior and policy-making for tailings dams. These include
the impact of recent tailings dam failures, long-term monitoring and surveillance, potential closure
scenarios, and risk communication.
KEYWORDS Alberta, Closure, Coal mine, Long-term behavior, Oil sands mine, Tailings dam

RÉSUMÉ Les bassins de résidus miniers font toujours partie du paysage à la suite de la fermeture de la
mine. À l’approche de la fermeture de nombreuses mines dans la province de l’Alberta, au Canada, il
devient de plus en plus important de comprendre le comportement géotechnique à long terme de ces
installations et l’impact de différents scénarios de chargement et environnementaux sur des longues
périodes. La recherche autour de la fermeture des bassins de résidus miniers a toujours été axée sur la
planification de la fermeture, avec un accent limité sur la façon dont l’installation pourrait évoluer au fil
du temps. Cette lacune dans la recherche a un impact sur la conception et l’élaboration de politiques qui
tiennent compte adéquatement du risque et de l’incertitude à long terme. Le présent document résume
les principaux thèmes dégagés au cours des entretiens menés auprès de praticiens qualifiés afin de tirer
parti de leur expérience et de combler le manque de connaissances autour du comportement à long
terme et de l’élaboration de stratégies pour les bassins de résidus miniers. Il s’agit notamment de
l’impact des récentes défaillances de ces bassins de résidus, de la surveillance et du contrôle à long
terme, des scénarios de fermeture possibles et de la communication des risques.

MOTS CLÉS Alberta, barrage de résidus, comportement à long terme, fermeture, mine de charbon, mine
de sables bitumineux

INTRODUCTION much smaller (height and volume contained) with much

The mining industry in the province of Alberta, Canada lower risk classifications compared to the oil sands indus-
consists primarily of coal and oil sands mines. The mining try, where tailings dams may exceed 100 m in height and
process typically results in the production of a slurry waste may contain hundreds of millions of cubic meters of fluid
stream referred to as tailings, which consists of varying (Alberta Energy Regulator, 2019).
proportions of fines, sand, and process water. The tailings The life cycle differs considerably between a tailings
produced from coal and oil sands mines vary considerably. dam and a water dam: construction of a tailings dam is
Regardless of the mine type, tailings may be stored in typically staged over the life of the facility, whereas
tailings storage facilities (TSFs) using dams for contain- a water dam is constructed to full height prior to operation
ment until there is sufficient space in-pit to place the (Vick, 1990). Further, a tailings dam will remain on the
tailings. Tailings dams in the coal industry tend to be landscape in perpetuity following mine closure, whereas

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Tailings dam closure scenarios, risk communication, monitoring, and surveillance in Alberta 81

a water dam will be removed following cessation of opera- constructed using overburden, tailings sand, or mine waste
tions. The overall goal of the closure process for a tailings to reduce the costs associated with fill material (Patnayak
dam is typically for the structure to transition to a solid & Alam, 2016). The construction of a tailings dam gen-
landform that is “physically, chemically, ecologically, and erally begins with a starter dyke typically constructed
socially stable” (ICOLD Tailings Dam Committee, 2013). using materials such as overburden mine waste. As the
Within Alberta, it is expected that tailings dams will be tailings storage requirements increase over time, the dam
reclaimed to stable, resilient, functional ecosystems with is raised to accommodate the increasing demand using
an equivalent land capability to that of the pre-mined land a variety of materials and methods depending on site-
(Government of Alberta, 2015). Following closure, the and project-specific considerations. These include:
land would be certified and transferred back to the ● upstream construction,

Crown. These conditions are often perceived as ● downstream construction,

a maintenance-free, walk-away closure scenario. This pro- ● centerline construction,

cess is far from simple and is relatively new to the indus- ● modified centerline construction, or

try. In the oil sands region, the only certified area is an ● a combination of the above methods.

overburden dump called Gateway Hill (Morgenstern, A review of public technical documentation by the authors
2012). As tailings dams in Alberta proceed toward closure, indicates that the construction method or materials used in
understanding their long-term physical stability is becom- existing dams may be unknown in some cases, specifically
ing more and more important because it may impact the in the coal mining industry, where several structures lack
practicality of achieving the final goal of custodial transfer construction records. The construction method, materials,
back to the Crown. and deposition method employed by a mining operation
To classify and quantify the current state of understand- may change extensively as the design evolves throughout
ing of these structures, industry professionals with experi- the life of the structure (List, 1996; List, Rice & Davies,
ence with tailings dams and closure were interviewed. The 1996; Pollock, Mettananda & MacGowan, 2014; Sisson,
objective of this paper is to present the results of the Chan & Fear, 2012). This could be due to several factors
interview process and discuss the corresponding implica- including increases in the final design elevation of the
tions to tailings dam closure in Alberta. dam, changes to the tailings or materials available for
construction, changes to best available technology or prac-
tice, or changes in nearby ore deposits. This emphasizes
BACKGROUND the importance of properly documenting the reasons why
Tailings dams pose a serious risk to the environment certain decisions were made, particularly when it comes to
and the public. Examples of recent failures include assessing the long-term performance of the dam and the
Brumadinho in Brazil (2019), Cadia in Australia (2018), potential for the dam to fit into a custodial transfer frame-
Fundão in Brazil (2015), and Mount Polley in Canada work after closure.
(2014) (WISE Uranium Project [WISE], 2019). The con- The aim of TSFs is generally to maximize tailings
sequences of these failures vary greatly from significant storage in a cost-effective manner while maintaining reg-
loss of life, to environmental damage, to containment of ulatory requirements (Bayliss et al., 2014), a focus that can
the released material within an adjacent dam (WISE, overlook long-term challenges. This is further complicated
2019). Tailings dam failures are often accompanied by by the fact that each dam will have site-specific considera-
significant financial losses and may affect the social tions and circumstances that may not be applicable to other
license of the company to operate in that community, sites. Additionally, there is a lack of willingness among
where the social license can be defined as an “intangible, mine owners to share data from their sites. Although this
informal approval or acceptance by the community” can be understood as a means to minimize exposure to the
(Garcia, 2008). In order to retain a social license, there public, it contributes to a lack of available published
must be comprehensive closure planning and the mining information on the long-term physical behavior of tailings
company (and the regulator for that matter) must demon- dams.
strate a commitment to sustainable mining practices. This Often, the literature related to TSF closure focuses on
process must involve the stakeholders, including the sur- planning for closure. Where closure case studies exist,
rounding communities, especially given that the commu- they tend to center on how the TSF was reclaimed.
nity will have to live with the closure landscape long after Examples include Suncor Pond 1 (or Tar Island Dyke)
the mine closes. Further, this process may require (Anderson, Wells & Cox, 2010; Russell, McKenna,
a comprehensive risk communication system depending Leblanc, Wells & Anderson, 2010) and Sullivan Mine
on the tailings dam closure scenario. (Klohn Crippen Berger, 2017a; Marsland, Rodman,
Because tailings dams do not generate profit, decisions Newcombe & Dawson, 2004; Peterson, Humphries &
related to construction method and design are often tied to Unger, 2015). While this is useful, ongoing publication
cost considerations. Consequently, tailings dams are often on how TSFs behave over time would be beneficial to

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82 H. L. Schafer, R. Macciotta, and N. A. Beier

industry. In the case of Sullivan Mine and other closed experts, five mine operators, and three regulators) read and
mines in British Columbia, the public has access to dam signed an informed consent form. Of the interviewees, 19
safety reports (e.g., British Columbia Ministry of Energy were geotechnical engineers.
and Mines, 2016; Donald, Unger & Marsland, 2013; Klohn The interviews were 60–90 minutes long and were
Crippen Berger, 2014, 2017b; Piteau Associates administered by the first author by telephone or in
Engineering Ltd, 2017) that can be reviewed in depth to person. Participants were permitted to skip questions
determine how the facilities are aging. However, compre- if desired and were able to remove any of their
hensive review of these reports demands considerable time responses for up to eight weeks following the inter-
and the information has not been collated and synthesized. view. Participant responses were recorded by hand or
Further, these reports require the reader to draw conclu- on a computer and then transcribed following the inter-
sions about post-closure behavior based on performance view. All of the interview responses were analyzed
monitoring information that is not clear in some cases. using a staged coding process in NVivo v.
A growing body of research evaluates various aspects (QSR International). Coding allowed for themes to be
of the long-term behavior of tailings dams and how to identified throughout the aggregated data. In the first
best design for closure. For example, Slingerland (2019) stage of coding, each interview was assessed individu-
investigated erosion of a large sand dam in the Alberta ally and then responses within each question were
oil sands region using a Landscape Evolution Model to analyzed to identify commonalities and develop themes
aid in assessing the long-term geomorphic stability of for further investigation. The subsequent stages of cod-
the facility. The development and verification of such ing involved iteration as new themes and patterns were
models would be aided by industry-published informa- identified.
tion related to facilities that have been closed for
a number of years.
Currently, TSF closure faces unforeseen challenges, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
and solutions are often far from optimal (Slingerland, Seven key themes were identified during the inter-
Beier & Wilson, 2019). More thorough planning and view process (Figure 1). This paper presents the
consideration of the final landscape during the early results of four out of the seven key themes: impact
mine stages would provide more flexibility, a smoother of recent tailings dam failures, long-term monitoring
transition to the closure landscape, and better end results and surveillance, potential closure scenarios, and risk
(Slingerland et al., 2019). This should be coupled with communication. Although the remaining three themes
a sound understanding of the long-term behavior, risks, (changing failure modes, closure challenges, and
and uncertainties of the facility. This paper aims to use development of hazards and triggers) were presented
industry experience to help fill in the knowledge gap in detail in Schafer, Beier and Macciotta (2019), the
surrounding the long-term behavior of tailings dams. main findings are summarized here as it is important to
This will leverage this industry experience into documen- consider and evaluate all seven themes together. The
ted guidance that will enhance development and evalua- themes presented in this paper are more holistic in
tion of tailings closure schemes. nature whereas the themes presented in Schafer et al.
(2019) focused on geotechnical aspects of the closure
METHODS The information presented in this paper is restricted
Interviews were conducted to elicit information from to data collected from the interviews and does not
industry professionals regarding failure modes following include an assessment of literature related to the key
mine closure, potential long-term triggers and indicators of themes. The interview questions were developed to be
failure, long-term monitoring and surveillance practices, specific to the coal and oil sands industries in Alberta.
risk communication challenges, and closure and reclama-
tion challenges for coal and oil sands tailings dams in Alberta.
The interview meth-
ods and the 14 ques-
tions were reviewed
and approved by
the Research Ethics
Board at the Univ-
ersity of Alberta. The
23 participants (seven
consultants, eight
world-renowned Figure 1. Themes identified from interviews with industry professionals

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Tailings dam closure scenarios, risk communication, monitoring, and surveillance in Alberta 83

While interviewees used examples from other indus- responses regarding long-term dam evolution, hazards, and
tries, the analysis was performed in the context of the triggers varied greatly, with many conflicting opinions on
mining industry in Alberta. different elements such as the importance of surface erosion
and how the phreatic surface will change in the long term.
Changing failure modes This process emphasized the uncertainty associated
Schafer et al. (2019) discussed the way in which failure with long-term dam safety. Of concern, some participants
modes may change over time with a focus on foundation fail- noted that there may be processes of which we are simply
ure, internal erosion, overtopping, seismic liquefaction, slope unaware. This type of uncertainty may be described as
instability, spillway failure, and static liquefaction. While it is “unknown-unknowns”: uncertainties that are unforeseeable
recognized that failure modes are site-specific, the interview or uncontrollable (Baecher, 2016). The area of unknown-
responses showed a higher degree of uncertainty regarding the unknowns complicates the process of long-term design as
development of internal erosion and static liquefaction in the these uncertainties may make it difficult to adequately
long term compared to other failure modes. Overall, this pro- define all dam evolution processes, hazards, and triggers.
cess emphasized the importance of evaluating key assumptions
when conducting long-term failure mode analysis.
Impact of recent tailings dam failures
Participants were asked to comment on the impact of
Closure challenges
recent tailings dam failures on the way TSFs are operated.
The key closure challenge categories identified were
The January 2019 Brumadinho failure occurred during the
cost, human factors, the regulator, risk, technical aspects,
interview period. Interviewees commented on four key
and the time frame of closure (Schafer et al., 2019). Of
impacts of the recent tailings dam failures:
these, the lengthy time frame associated with tailings dam
closure was identified as the major barrier to closure. The 1. The failures resulted in recognition of the risks higher
expectation for closure is that these facilities remain safe in up the corporate ladder, which was beneficial to the
perpetuity. This open-ended time frame introduces a degree front line of management.
of uncertainty with which many interviewees were uncom- 2. An increase in external oversight resulted, including
fortable, especially given the expectation of walk-away alterations to the regulatory environment in different
closure. It was noted that the time frame is strongly linked areas and an increase in the number of independent
to other closure challenges, such as the selection of design review boards. Some of the participants felt that this
criteria and the development of a design basis. The time was a positive outcome of the failures while others
frame complicates these aspects of closure due to factors viewed it as being negative. Participants that had
like climate change and perpetual degrading forces. Further, a negative opinion of the increase in external oversight
lengthy time frames can make it difficult to quantify the risk noted that:
of a facility in the long term because consequences, the ● Changes to the regulatory environment satisfies the

probability of failure, and risk tolerance change over time. public but may not be successful in creating lasting
Concerns were also expressed regarding the lack of gui- and impactful change.
dance from the regulator on the expectations and require- ● There are not enough qualified individuals to fill

ments for closure, which can make it difficult for operators positions on the increasing number of independent
to invest money into closure without knowing what the review boards.
regulator will deem acceptable. The closure challenges dis- 3. Some participants noted that the failures resulted in an
cussed by interviewees demonstrated a need for further increased effort and level of care for tailings dams as
research into the way that tailings dams age and further companies sought to update the risk profiles for their
assessment of the viability of walk-away closure. mine sites.
4. Some participants indicated that the failures “ …
Development of hazards and triggers haven’t impacted the oil sands very much, except to
Based on the interview results, Schafer et al. (2019) make people double down and double check what they
evaluated the development of hazards and triggers as a dam are doing. We have always done pretty well in this
evolves, which is essential to assessing the way that failure industry and have always had review boards, etc.”
modes change over time. This process is site-specific, may be Outside of the oil sands, some participants expressed
complex, and is difficult to anticipate, especially given the concern that people may become more relaxed in their
time frames associated with closure noted previously. approaches with time as they forget about the serious-
Interview participants identified several dam evolution pro- ness of these events. As tailings dams proceed to
cesses, many of them are interconnected, which fell into the closure, this sentiment is extremely important: the
following categories: changes due to humans, material risks associated with tailings dams should be treated
changes, hydrologic changes, changes due to animals, spill- with the same seriousness in the long term as during
way changes, vegetation, and geometry changes. Interview operations.

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84 H. L. Schafer, R. Macciotta, and N. A. Beier

Long-term monitoring and surveillance management is connected to the human element.

A critical component of tailings dam closure is long- Participants expressed concern that some places are simply
term monitoring and surveillance. Following reclamation collecting data for the sake of collecting data and that there
works on a tailings dam, operators are typically required are often not qualified people evaluating these data. This
to monitor the facility for sufficient time to validate may become increasingly problematic in the long term and
performance so the facility can be officially closed, certi- should be addressed in monitoring and surveillance plans.
fied, and returned to the Crown. Participants were asked Some participants indicated that in-situ instruments are not
to comment on how the current state of practice for reliable in the long term as vegetation takes over and people
monitoring and surveillance of tailings dams would forget about them. There must be alternatives to account for
need to change in the long term to be sufficiently effec- the loss of this instrumentation. Other participants indicated
tive. Practices in the oil sands industry were noted to be that in order to be effective, automation will need to increase as
some of the best in the world. In contrast, coal industry the number of on-site staff decreases (possibly to zero).
practices were noted to be much less rigorous and unli- Participants also provided broad estimates for the life of instru-
kely to get better. Participants asserted that there must be ments installed in the ground (e.g., slope inclinometers, piezo-
commitment to ensure that the structures behave as meters): from 5 years to decades. Regardless, most people
expected in the long term (i.e., risk is sufficiently low) noted that we will need to replace instruments and that this
so that post-closure monitoring is not needed. This must must be considered in cost estimates. Participants noted that
be balanced with cost. satellites, drones, and other general remote techniques will
Figure 2 shows the eight elements required for long- become increasingly important moving forward but that
term monitoring and surveillance identified by participants further guidance is needed regarding monitoring frequency.
with supporting original quotes. Many of the elements are Overall, participants indicated that monitoring and surveil-
connected (e.g., design approach and observational lance may be reduced over time—and methods should become
method). Participants noted that all monitoring and sur- simpler and less destructive—if the structure’s performance
veillance should be done to target a specific failure mode follows an anticipated trajectory and is behaving as expected.
and that we should not “monitor just to monitor.” This One participant felt that all monitoring and surveillance of
should be combined with the observational method, which tailings dams should end at closure based on the idea that
should be applied in a transparent and robust manner. One decommissioning criteria should be so robust that there is no
participant noted that the monitoring plan should be put doubt that these structures will survive severe hydrologic
into a design basis memorandum and that we should be events. This argument is debatable: monitoring and surveil-
able to design to require fewer instruments in the long term lance aims to minimize uncertainties associated with post-
(higher factor of safety, no water contained by the dam, closure performance regardless of the robustness of the closure
lower consequences). The design approach should also approach and conservativeness of the assumptions for analysis.
outline fundamental shifts that occur throughout monitor-
ing and surveillance (i.e., shifts away from in-situ instru- Potential closure scenarios
ments toward remote methods). Having a defined design A theme that developed during the interview analysis
approach using a design basis memorandum allows for was potential closure scenarios for tailings dams in
more realistic assessment of the required finances to be Alberta, given the challenges encountered in the closure
developed—another essential element to success. This also process (discussed in Schafer et al. (2019) and presented in
requires a realistic view of the closure scenario (walk- Figure 3). This theme investigated the potential for success
away versus perpetual care). Underestimating the monitor- of the current closure scenario whereby custodial transfer
ing and surveillance requirements may have detrimental would occur and the land would be certified and trans-
impacts from a financial perspective. Some participants ferred back to the Crown. Interviewees associated this
noted that monitoring and surveillance in the long term scenario with maintenance-free, walk-away closure and
will require a bond with strong oversight from the thus it is referred to in this manner for the purposes of
government. this discussion. In general, interview responses fell into
Some participants asserted that data management is the two general categories (Figure 3):
most important element to long-term monitoring and sur- ● Walk-away closure is possible.

veillance. All data should be easily arranged and managed ● Perpetual care will be required.

such that that they can be analyzed and evaluated effi- Despite a lack of cases of successful tailings dam closure,
ciently, and action can be taken if needed. The element many participants believed that the end game for tailings
of data management becomes increasingly important as we dam structures is walk-away closure with no care and main-
move into longer time frames in excess of 100 years, tenance. Participants with responses that fell into this cate-
during which the facility may transfer ownership or there gory had a number of different opinions. Some participants
may be the potential for it to be re-mined. In all cases, it is responded that walk-away closure with no care and main-
important that we strive to avoid loss of knowledge. Data tenance will be possible. This supports the current regulatory

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Figure 2. Elements of monitoring and surveillance identified by interview participants with supporting quotes

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86 H. L. Schafer, R. Macciotta, and N. A. Beier

Figure 3. Potential closure scenarios for tailings dams in Alberta with supporting interview quotes

framework within Alberta and may require a transition phase transfer to a responsible agency that can manage the site
where the end goal is broken down into a series of small, in perpetuity. Some participants suggested that we should
attainable steps as the mine owner builds and demonstrates start adopting the concept of an interim landscape follow-
confidence in the structures through monitoring and surveil- ing closure where a permanent landscape is implemented
lance records. Other participants contended that walk-away once the interim landscape has proven to be stable.
closure may be possible, but that this will take a very, very long Further, it must be understood that the interim landscape
time (decades to centuries). They noted that there is could be in place for a few hundred years. An example of
a disconnect between actual and envisioned time lines for an alternative end game was provided whereby the man-
closure by senior executives. Regardless, the expectation was agement of the site was transferred to an external com-
that the more expensive active care period is short and the less pany and the mining company will continue to pay for
expensive passive care period is longer. The concern with this this by yearly endowments. The company identified the
type of scenario is that the company will default in the time it need for transition and instigated this themselves (i.e., did
takes for the desirable walk-away scenario to be achieved, and not involve the regulator). Participants expressed that
systems may not be sufficiently in place to protect the public a more realistic view of closure must be taken. As
purse. Alberta currently requires walk-away closure, closure
In contrast, some participants asserted that walk-away plans often reflect this sentiment (Slingerland et al.,
closure is not possible, and management of perpetual care 2019). This may result in critical or fatal flaws being
is inevitable. Many noted that the desirable end game is overlooked in the pursuit of attaining walk-away closure.

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Participants noted that that we must have a comprehensive

plan for closure, even if it is perpetual care. If we have
planned and stewarded toward it, this is not a problem. The
danger lies in situations where the costs and time required
for closure are overlooked, a company defaults, and the land
and liability revert back to the Crown—and thus the public.
These scenarios must be avoided. One participant noted that
“We must pursue funding mechanisms for closure now for
the future so that the money is there when needed and we
don’t get into situations like Giant Mine or Faro Mine. The
fact is that we may not be using oil in 100 years, so how can
we expect a company like Suncor or Syncrude to still be
around funding closure?” Figure 4. Elements of communication for long-term physical risks of
The closure scenario will depend on site-specific con- tailings dams according to interview responses
siderations. It is likely that some structures will be main-
tenance-free and support a walk-away closure scenario and
some structures will require perpetual care. Regardless, the these structures using natural analogues (Figure 4).
interview responses suggest a serious need for alternatives However, in order to be effective, the stakeholders must
to walk-away closure to avoid situations where the com- understand the natural analogue.
panies default and the land reverts back to the Crown. Regardless of method, any effort to communicate phy-
sical risks would benefit from the use of visual tools rather
Risk communication than an abundance of data and information (Figure 4).
A critical component of planning for tailings dam closure Visual tools continue to be developed as technology
is communicating to stakeholders the long-term physical advances. In some cases, two-dimensional graphics may
risks associated with these structures. Interview participants be sufficient to communicate risk. However, it may be
suggested methods that could be employed to facilitate risk difficult to communicate the scope of some projects, parti-
communication. Risk communication is an ongoing practice cularly in the case of large tailings dams that evolve over
at many mining operations. The challenge with tailings dam time. In such cases, it may be useful to take advantage of
closure lies in the associated long time frames: stakeholders emerging technologies that allow stakeholders to view the
may change over time, including the regulator and the project in three-dimensional (3D) space, such as the BGC
upstream and downstream populations. This is reflected by Engineering Ada Platform, which allows participants to
recent dam failures, such as the Mount Polley tailings dam use a HoloLens and view the project using 3D holographic
failure and the Oroville dam spillway incident, where failure models (BGC Engineering Inc, 2019).
to communicate risks related to dam foundation conditions Participants also commented on using signage to com-
and spillway foundation conditions, respectively, were iden- municate risks associated with tailings dams (Figure 4).
tified as important contributing factors to failure (British This would be of particular concern in situations where
Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum a true walk-away closure scenario has not been attained
Resources, 2015; France et al., 2018). Further, the number (i.e., restricted land use). What we communicate today
of staff present at a site may decline as closure proceeds; through submissions or distributions to the community
thus, the facility may begin to resemble crown land and the may not be reliable for decades or centuries. Based on
public could begin accessing the land without permission. this, consideration should be given to evaluating how
Among the risk communication elements discussed signage could be used in the risk communication process.
(Figure 4), stakeholder engagement was deemed important Overall, the most discussed element of risk communi-
by several participants. While this typically requires a lot cation was transparency and the need to be open and
of effort, planning, communication, and money, the impor- honest (Figure 4). The system used by the British
tance cannot be overlooked. Many other risk communica- Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum
tion elements were seen as key to the success of Resources—where all dam safety reports are required to
stakeholder engagement. For example, the communication be public—was commended by some participants as being
strategy must be appropriate for the individual stakeholder a step in the right direction. Much of the discussion on
(i.e., community versus regulator), which requires consul- transparency focused on the importance of battling untrue
tation with professionals who are skilled at risk commu- information. One participant noted:
nication. One participant noted, “engineers are not very
good at communicating risk. This should be done by The biggest challenge is the perception that we are
people that are good at communication.” Participants indi- building these monstrous, toxic, death traps. The longer
cated that it may be useful to communicate the risks of we hesitate [to talk] about these structures, the harder

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88 H. L. Schafer, R. Macciotta, and N. A. Beier

it’s going to be to convince people that they are okay. We decrease over time as confidence in the performance
have to start embracing more public discussion and improves. Regardless, a detailed plan for monitoring the
start eliminating the untrue facts. We need to be trans- facility must be developed, which requires a realistic
parent and present the facts and numbers. People are view of the closure scenario and allows for more accu-
going to demand more ‘risk-free turn over.’ The chal- rate assessment of the required finances.
lenge for the industry is that people believe that you 3. Closure scenarios: Identified closure scenarios fell into
shouldn’t be doing this unless you can achieve a two broad categories: walk-away closure and manage-
risk-free environment. This is impractical. ment of perpetual care. Interview responses suggest
a need to develop alternatives to walk-away closure,
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS especially in light of the closure challenges identified.
During interviews with individuals experienced with tail- 4. Risk communication: Participants identified visual
ings dams and dam closure, seven major themes emerged. tools, transparency, skilled professionals, natural analo-
This paper discussed four themes in detail: the impact of gues, stakeholder engagement, signage, and visual tools
recent tailings dam failures, long-term monitoring and sur- as critical elements to communicate the long-term phy-
veillance, potential closure scenarios, and risk communica- sical risks associated with tailings dams. Transparency
tion. It is important that all seven themes are considered and the need to be open and honest were considered key
together when evaluating the challenges associated with the aspects of risk communication, with a focus on the
long-term behavior and closure of tailings dams. importance of battling untrue information.
The conclusions of the previous study were as follows
(Schafer et al., 2019). Together, all seven themes reveal the uncertainty/risk
associated with the long time frame of tailings dam closure.
1. Changing failure modes: Failure modes are site- This is further complicated by the unique nature of each
specific; however, interview responses showed tailings facility. Some facilities will be easier to close and
a higher degree of uncertainty regarding the develop- reclaim, and walk-away closure may be achievable. The
ment of internal erosion and static liquefaction in the question remains: will this be possible for all facilities? The
long term compared to other failure modes. results of the interviews suggest that it is unlikely that walk-
2. Closure challenges: Cost, human factors, the regulator, away closure will be achievable for all of the facilities in
risk, technical aspects, and the time frame of closure Alberta. In light of this, steps should be taken to comprehen-
were identified as the major barriers to tailings dam sively evaluate the long-term behavior of each facility and
closure. The time frame was considered the largest how this can be effectively managed going forward. This
barrier because it introduces uncertainty into the clo- should include considerations of long-term monitoring and
sure process and exacerbates other closure challenges. surveillance and effective risk communication. The results
3. Development of hazards and triggers: The uncertainty asso- indicate the need for further research into the long-term
ciated with long-term dam safety was highlighted by the behavior of tailings facilities. As a first step, the results
broad range of opinions held by participants on different from these interviews aggregate industry experience to facil-
elements, such as the long-term importance of surface itate development of documented guidance to enhance the
erosion. design and evaluation for tailings closure schemes.
The conclusions of the research presented here are:
1. Impact of recent tailings dam failures: Recent tailings
dam failures have led to recognition of the risks by ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
corporate management, an increase in external over- The authors would like to thank the Vanier-Banting
sight, and increased effort and level of care for tailings Secretariat and the Alberta Energy Regulator for financial
dams. As tailings dams proceed toward closure, it is support of this research. The authors would also like to thank
essential that the long-term risks are managed with the Tim Eaton (Senior Advisor, Closure and Liability Branch,
same seriousness as during operations. Alberta Energy Regulator) for his ongoing support
2. Long-term monitoring and surveillance: Data manage- throughout this research. Further, this research would not
ment, design approach, financing, human factors, in-situ have been possible without the willing participation of the
instruments, observational method, remote sensing, and interviewees. The authors would also like to thank the CIM
visual inspection were identified as critical to the suc- volunteer peer reviewers for the time they took to provide
cess of long-term monitoring and surveillance. Of these constructive comments to improve the quality of this
elements, data management was identified as being the publication.
most critical to success by a number of participants. It is
expected that monitoring and surveillance should

CIM Journal | Vol. 11, No. 1, 2020

Tailings dam closure scenarios, risk communication, monitoring, and surveillance in Alberta 89

Paper reviewed and approved for publication by the Risk Management at University of Alberta. His research interests include
the management of geohazards and risks associated with earth structures
Surface Mining Society of CIM. and slope instabilities along transportation corridors, open-pit mining, and
water and tailings storage facilities.
Ms. H. L. Schafer is a PhD student in geoenvironmental engineering at
the University of Alberta. Her work focuses on evaluating the long-term
behavior of tailings dams in Alberta to aid in risk management following Dr. N. A. Beier is an assistant professor at the Department of Civil &
mine closure. Ms. Schafer has an MSc in geoenvironmental engineering Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta, and the principal investi-
and is an Engineer-in-Training. gator of the Oil Sands Tailings Research Facility. His research interests include
waste management in cold regions, characterizing the engineering behaviour
Dr. R. Macciotta is an assistant professor at the Department of Civil & of oil sand tailings, tailings dewatering technology development, and simula-
Environmental Engineering, and the School of Engineering Safety and tion modeling for evaluation of mine waste management technologies.

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