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Semarang, 30 September 2022

Ragil Indra Purniawan

Jl. bima 1 No. 1

Semarang 50131

Attention to :
Ms. Mega Kusumawardhani
HR. Department
Penguin Company Inc.
Jl. Indraprasta 1, Semarang 50117

Dear Ms. Mega

I am writing this job vacancy letter because I saw your job vacancy ad at and I
found your company is looking for Public Relation Supervisor position at Penguin Company. I
believe I am fully fittedwith this position as from Communication Science.

My name is Ragil Indra Purniawan and I’m 20 years old. I graduated from Communication
Science From Dian Nuswantoro University in 2019. With my Bachelor’s Degree of
Communication Science and experience I have through, I’m fully confident I can use my
position as Public Relation Supervisor in the future. I’m used at making and explanating about
topic by individual or groud very well. I’m also able to work as a team for accomplish targets
that we have. I have leadership spirit for facing every challenges.
As the consideration, here I attach the following administrative paperwork that I have :
1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Photo
3. Copy ID Card
4. Copy of Bachelor Degree Certificate
5. Copy Academic Transcript

Herewith I enclose my Curriculum Vitae with all the important credentials required. I hope for
an interview chance so I can explain more about myself. Thank you for your attention

Your Sincerenly,

Ragil Indra Purniawan

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