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Brand Brief

Richard Skorman
Patricia Seator

Poor Richard’s Downtown
320–324 1/2 N. Tejon St
Colorado Springs
Colorado 80903


Levi Dillard
Larimer, PA 15647
Table of Contents History

History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Target Audience/Customers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Poor Richards was not always the bookstore, food and wine. Now Colorado Springs residents often
toy store, and restaurant Colorado Springs resi- visit the Poor Richard’s bookstore, stopping into the
Industry Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 dents know and love. Originally called Poor Rich- Little Richard’s toy shop, and finishing with a meal
Competition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ard’s Feed & Read in 1977, Poor Richards has come from Rico’s Café’ and Wine Bar (A Place Where You
Client Reputation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 a long way from a small bookstore and café. In Feel At Home).
1982, the bookstore and café were moved and re- The three-in-one business has done quite well
Marketing Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 branded as Poor Richard’s Bookstore & Cinema, through the years, surviving even Covid-19 when
Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 a place where one could read during the day and many indie bookstores had to shut down. This could
Brand Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 watch films at night. In 1992, this was changed once be because Poor Richard’s bookstore is one of the
again when the creator, Richard Skorman, decided only small used bookstores still in Colorado Springs,
to sell the cinema to a friend. Little Richards Toy and Little Richard’s is one of the only indie toyshops
Store filled the space where the cinema had been, around. While there are other bookstores in the
creating the Poor Richards/Little Richards com- Springs, most of them do not sell used books or only
bination Colorado Springs residents know today. sell a few, while Poor Richard’s consists mainly of
The last installment was made in 2005, a time in used books. Due to this, many people consider Poor
which indie bookstores had a hard time staying in Richard’s to be their go-to bookstore, keeping Poor
business, when Skorman decided to create Rico’s Richard’s one of the must-see shops in the Downtown
Café’ and Wine Bar, a place for people to enjoy Colorado Springs area (Snouwaert).

2 3
Target Audience/Customers Industry Analysis

Consumers today look for shops with a it’s not unlikely one may find signed or first edition
good atmosphere, unique products, and friend- copies of the books they enjoy. Rico’s Café offers
ly, well-informed staff (Samad). Poor Richard’s is local, preservative-free, organic food for those who
filled with people of any gender, sexuality, age, are looking for something a bit healthier and less While the book industry may be slightly di- on platforms such as TikTok. It may be important to
ethnicity, and body type. There is not one type of processed (A Place Where You Feel At Home). Little minished due to the influx of eBooks and audio- research the books becoming popular on “Booktok”
person who enjoys going to these shops. The only Richard’s toy store sells all types of toys, offering a books, it is important to note that paperback books to ensure sellers are selling the books Gen Z-ers are
commonality they have is they all love books. Due place for anyone to go interested in toy collecting are not going anywhere. One study in particular interested in (2022 Publishing Trends That Booksell-
to this, Poor Richard’s has been hiring more staff or those who have children. As Colorado Springs is saw that in 2020, 41.2% of Australian people bought ers Need To Be Aware Of ).
with specialties in different areas to add new per- a place filled with art and unique designers, many a print book, whereas only 15.9% decided to go for In terms of competition analysis, Barnes and
spective and selection to their stores (Wassberg). people who go to Poor Richards look for local art an eBook. Many people have said that with eBooks Noble and Amazon are competitors for any book-
Target audiences for Poor Richard’s would be pieces, stories, and musicians. Poor Richard’s says and audiobooks, the print book industry will soon store as their shops are all over the world and used
booklovers, coffee drinkers, and toy collectors. As they “support local artisans and provide a venue be gone completely, but as of right now, it is still by millions of people. However, the main competi-
far as booklovers go, these people might be look- for local musicians and artists” (A Place Where You going strong (2022 Publishing Trends That Book- tor solely for Poor Richard’s appears to be Tattered
ing for cheaper alternatives to common booksell- Feel At Home). Overall, they are doing very well us- sellers Need To Be Aware Of ). Cover, a bookstore seen across Colorado Springs
ers like Amazon, or they may be looking for rare, ing their shops to cater towards their target audi- Another industry trend to note is the in- and Denver (Snouwaert).
used books. Since Poor Richard’s sells used books, ence. crease in book prices. This is happening with
many products due to inflation and printing is no
exception. Not only has the cost of paper and ma-
terials gone up, but the price of labor has also in-
creased. This may make it hard to price books the
same as before for many booksellers, and some
customers could be lost due to the increase (2022
Publishing Trends That Booksellers Need To Be
Aware Of ).
Another important industry trend is the chal-
lenge of reaching audiences such as Gen Z. As Gen
Z-ers use social media to get news, it is important
for booksellers to use social media as well. On top
of this, things like “Booktok” have become a thing

4 5
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Competition Client Reputation

Richard Skorman aimed to make a welcom-

ing and unique experience out of his bookstore,
toy store, and restaurant which is why he created
As I said previously, the main competition tered Cover would like to create community, put Poor Richards with a café back in 1977. Poor Rich-
for Poor Richard’s is Tattered Cover. Tattered on social events, and be a safe place for artists and ards has the right atmosphere for any bookworm
Cover’s mission statement is “To be a haven readers. Although they are a bookseller like Poor looking to sit and read their new book with a cup
for knowledge, community, and conversation Richards, their atmosphere is newer, more typical of coffee or scone. All three places have unique
for the next 50 years” (Mission, Vision, Val- than Poor Richard’s. Poor Richards caters towards products and friendly staff. Their customers are
ues.) This means that while they do sell books, artists and unique people, making their shops typically repeat customers and come in often due
Tattered Cover is more interested in creating a more whimsical. Meanwhile, Tattered Cover is to the changing inventory and the atmosphere
place where the community can come together more similar to a Barnes and Noble, their interior that is not only pleasant in the bookstore and
to talk about important things or just enjoy each is much newer, and their stores feel more “sterile”. toy store, but also in the café where many people
other’s company. Tattered Cover sells used, and go to work or just sit and have a cup of tea. Poor
new books and their Colorado Springs location Richard’s is seen as unique, reliable, and interest-
sells alcohol and other nonalcoholic beverages. ing for both new and repeating customers.
Due to this, their audiences are similar to Poor
Richards, although their target audience may
look more for new books and coffee, opposed
to cheaper used books. Their advantages are
the beverage bar they have as well as their book
inventory, which consists of many signed and
first-edition books. Their vision is “to curate
memorable, community-based experiences, le-
veraging all the treasures of literature, for the
intellectually curious, passionately creative,
and socially engaged” (Mission, Vision, Values).
This vision brings across the message that Tat-

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Marketing Information Strategy

Many people learn about Poor Richards One thing Poor Richards is missing with needs to stay the same even through their rebrand-
through word-of-mouth or from local news sta- their current branding is modernism. Many of ing. Making sure those who work at their stores are
tions and newspapers. As it is part of Colorado their competitors, including Tattered Cover and knowledgeable and passionate about books, food,
Springs history, it is something that tourists of- Barnes and Noble, have become modernized in and toys is important to the brand overall.
ten see when visiting the Springs. Many websites terms of their decorations and books offered. The biggest message Poor Richards should
about Colorado Springs mention Poor Richard’s, Poor Richards sells some books that are popular convey is a unique, safe, and warm place where
such as the Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum but their main inventory is used books, regard- booklovers can go to socialize, explore, and learn.
and City Lifestyle. As well as this, Poor Richards less of the popularity of the book. I believe Poor The uniqueness is present currently in all of Poor
has a Facebook and an Instagram that are still Richards needs to update their stock a little, not Richard’s stores, so this does not need to change very
updated regularly. These updates consist of posts change it completely as most of their customers much. The safe and warm place, however, can come
about their current stock and new events. Their go there to look for rare or cheap used books, from the update into the modern world, as more
Facebook uses their logo as their profile photo and but just enough that even the new generation people feel comfortable in somewhere that feels
a nice photo of their store for their header. Their and those who are interested in the newest book new and clean than somewhere that feels like they
Instagram also uses their logo as their profile pho- trends would enjoy going to the store. At the have made no changes for 20+ years. These changes
to. Other than that, their social media accounts do same time, their decorations are behind in the will help Poor Richards keep their current custom-
not fit a specific theme or have many commonal- times. They are eclectic so they do not have one er base as well as gain new customers who may not
ities. Poor Richard’s also does not advertise very particular theme, which is good for their custom- have gone into the store previously due to its appar-
much using signage or outside marketing. I feel ers who want a unique experience, but not good ent age.
they could benefit from more signage around for those looking for a new, modern bookstore. It The main challenge comes from wanting to
town for those who may not have social media or could be time to update their style to a modern- update without taking away what makes Poor Rich-
use the internet very much. ized version of their current aesthetics. ards unique. Their style is what draws people to the
Poor Richards is recognized mainly for shops, so it would be a bad idea to completely change
their unique stock as well as their whimsical this. It is just important to maintain the feel that Poor
style and great customer service. Because of this, Richards is still keeping up with the times, and not
I would not suggest completely changing their falling behind. If people believe they are not keeping
stock, just adding some newer, popular books. up with the current trends and styles, or that they are
I would also suggest keeping the same artistic, too old, they may want to go to a newer bookstore,
local feel as many people in Colorado look for like Tattered Cover. So, this rebrand is necessary to
stores with this quality. The only things that could keep the public’s interest in Poor Richards not only
be updated to make the store feel newer without as a historic landmark but as an actual shop that has
taking away this aesthetic would be the logo and items that are still relevant today.
some of the interior decorations. Their current
logo does not seem to fit the feel of their shop as
it does not make sense for the times nor the set-
ting. It should not be changed completely, as to
not remove it’s uniqueness, but it does need to be
updated. As well as this, those who shop at Poor
Richards look for great customer service, so this

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Brand Attributes

� Friendly
� Welcoming
� Knowledgeable
� Unique
� Reliable
� Locally based
� Artistic
� A friend to the artists and creators of Colorado Springs


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