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Cedrich Chua


Initially, I was surprised that faith was such a diverse concept. I thought faith was
simply believing in something or someone without question. However, I slowly realized
that faith is more than that. Faith is a universal human phenomenon that all people live
by, providing a sense of unity, order, and meaning in life. Although some may not be
faithful to God, they exhibit faith in their own ways. Faith can take on different forms and
may not always be conscious or committed belief in a single, transcendent value. For
example, simply lending money is an act of faith. In doing so, you believe the debtor will
pay you back in due time; you believe that they are telling the truth. However, faith is not
just an intellectual assent, but rather a dynamic commitment of one’s whole being,
including emotions and actions. When you believe in something completely, you tend to
dedicate your life to that belief. Your actions will subconsciously have bias towards that
belief. In turn, that belief becomes the center of your life in a way. I believe faith can be
shaped by various experiences and is central to one’s identity, unifying and integrating
all aspects of the personality. As mentioned in the reading, faith is not something you
are born with, it is developed from the various experiences you go through in your life.
However, I don’t think faith is limited to adults. I believe faith can be nurtured from a
young age through basic human trust. In my observations, I see these points happening
around me today as people of different cultures and beliefs hold a sense of faith that
guides their values and actions. Additionally, I see individuals who may not have a
specific religious faith, but still hold a belief in something greater than themselves that
gives meaning and purpose to their lives. Faith is also evident in the way people
respond to beauty, suffering, and personal values, shaping their actions and decisions.
Furthermore, I see how faith unifies and integrates different aspects of a person's
identity, shaping their personality and worldview. Finally, I see how basic human trust
can be nurtured from a young age, shaping an individual's faith development throughout
their lifetime.

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