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I am Poem

I am from extensive coastlines of sandy beaches and vibrant nightlife

I am from one of the top travel destinations in Mexico

I am from eating tamales, pozole and mole from December to the first week of January
maybe longer if there's still left overs
I am from drinking cafe con pan dulce with my family every weekend

I am the daughter of resilient immigrant parents who left there country in search of the
“American Dream”
I am not my parents trauma and I am not meant to carry it either
I am breaking cycles

I am an older sister that basically means being the third parent

It's not an easy job. I had no clue what I was signing up for until my three other siblings were born.
Nonetheless it has been my favorite job to ever have.

I am from spending my summers at school practicing because volleyball season began the first day of

I am from my parents not completing a 4 year college degree

I am from figuring out how to get to college my senior year in high school
I am from learning to do my financial aid and college applications while deciding what major I want to do
I am a first generation college student

I am not statistic or a number on a college campus

I am a Fresno Pacific Graduate and the only statistic that I will be part of is the
4% of Latinas who have a masters degree
I am proud to represent where I come from despite being in spaces that were never made for me

I am not small
I am resilient
I am seen
I am worthy of taking up space
I am my parents wildest dream
I am Vanesa Sierra

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