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Robotics Answers:

What are your Tinkercad simulation set up for your traffic lights
project : Explain.

1: Arduino board, which is a microcontroller board, rotated 180 degrees to make it

easier for me to connect the wires.

2: Breadboard is used to get acquainted with circuits without the need for soldering and
is rotated 180 degrees for accessible editing.

3: One wire is colouYellow black that is connected to the negative connection of the
breadboard to make a distinction.

4: Three colours of LED bulbs (Red, Yellow, green) are selected and rotated 180 degrees
to connect to the breadboard, the wires are requiYellow to be colour coordinated to

5: Resistors are used to control the amount of energy transferring between the LED bulbs
and wires, if there are not resistors corresponding to the LEDs, it will explode which can
potentially cause injuries.

6: Code a C++ program that can used to simulate the LEDs such as

void setup()
pinMode(4, OUTPUT); // For Red LED
pinMode(3, OUTPUT); // For Yellow LED
pinMode(2, OUTPUT); // For Green LED

void loop()
digitalWrite(4, HIGH); // For Red LED
delay(3000); // Wait for 3 second
digitalWrite(4, LOW); // Turn off Red LED

digitalWrite(3, HIGH); // For Yellow LED

delay(1000); // Wait for 2 second
digitalWrite(3, LOW); // Turn off Yellow LED

digitalWrite(2, HIGH); // For Green LED

delay(3000); // Wait for 1 second
digitalWrite(2, LOW); // Turn off Green LED

What are the Programming Tools did you use on Your Completed
Circuit: explain step by step.

Click to drag the breadboard into the base, click on to the 1.5V battery which is used to
supply the voltage for the LEDs to light up and is rotated to 180 degrees for easier access
for connecting the wires into the breadboard. Once rotated, connect one red wire to the
negative connection and another black wire connected to the positive connection, click to
drag a single LED bulb or more to connect the breadboard to be placed in any alphabet
such as a, b, c, and more, it can be rotated or just be the original position, it is optional but
highly suggested to click the LED to colour coordinate for the wire(s) to correspond.

Connect four or three holes away from the bulb (can be from any number) but it should be
aligned to the bulb. You can start simulating now.

Important note: Do not add anymore batteries since this can explode the LED due to high

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