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M8C8 Integers Worksheet 4 WORD PROBLEMS NAME:

I can write a math statement from a word problem

I can show my thinking when solving word problems

For each problem, write a math statement, show your work, and the find the solution. Write a concluding statement
with the appropriate units.

1. A submarine is travelling at a depth of (–472) m. It rises at a steady rate for 12 minutes and ends up at (–196) m. On
average, how many meters did the submarine rise per minute?

2. The temperature at 4:00 a.m. was 3°C. At 9:00 a.m. the temperature was –12°C. What is the average temperature
change per hour?

3. The moon experiences many extremes in temperature because it has no atmosphere. For example, on the side of
the moon that the sun is shining on the temperature can reach 127°C and on the dark side of the moon, it gets as
cold as –173°C. If it takes 12 hours to go from one extreme to the other, what is the average drop in temperature
when the moon goes from the hottest temperature to the coldest temperature?

4. The temperature is currently 14°C. If it cools off at a rate of 3°C per hour, what will the temperature be in
4 hours?

5. An airplane flies over Waterton Lake that has a depth of 487m. If the airplane’s altitude is 4572m, what is the
distance between the airplane and the bottom of the lake?

6. Water freezes at 0 °C. If water at 97 °C is cooled at a rate of 6 °C per minute, prove whether or whether not it will
be frozen in 16 min.
7. A 123-step staircase starts at ground level and leads to the bottom of a cave. If Tiesha starts at the bottom of the
cave and walks up three steps per stride, how many strides must she make to reach ground level?

8. A hot-air balloon begins at ground level. It then moves up at a rate of 5 m/min. After 17 min, it moves
down at a rate of 3 m/min for 6 min. Then, it moves up at a rate of 11 m/min for 37 minutes. How high
above the ground is the hot-air balloon after 1 h?

9. The mean of 4 integers is (–1). Three of the four integers are: (–8), 5, and 3. What is the fourth integer?

10. Sandy determined that the average of 5 integers was (–4). Randy determined that the average was (–5).
If the integers were (–15), (–3), 0, (–4) and 2, who is correct? What is the mistake made by the incorrect

11. Sayed knows that the average of 6 integers is (–23). Unfortunately, he can only recall 4 of the integers:
(–41), 19, (–83) and 2. What is the sum of the missing two integers?

12. At 9:00 a.m. the temperature was –22°C. For the next three hours it rose by 3°C/hour. At 4:00 p.m. the
temperature was –7°C. Then it dropped by 1°C/hour until midnight.
a) What was the temperature change between noon and 6:00 p.m.?

b) What was the average temperature change per hour between 9:00 a.m. and midnight?

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