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Today in Technology Assisted Language Instruction class i learned about gamification.

All i know
about gamification is the way we changed elements from non-game to game, so we can make
the learning process more enjoyable and engaging for students. Gamification will increase
motivation, engagement, and learning outcomes because in gamification there is an element of
competition and goal that students must have individually, so they will feel attracted.

Sometimes students feel bored when teachers use the same methods in every meeting, so
gamification is the key to teachers building a new atmosphere, more fun for students. A lot of
websites and applications that we can use, for example MondlyVR,, scratch, chatGPT,
etc. Gamification will make students more active in the class, but we still need to be careful
when using gamification. Do not let gamification replace in full way the role of teacher in class.
Do not let it become more important than what students are actually learning.

In this era, technology plays a critical role in development, especially in the learning process.
There is a lot of technology that is commonly used in gamification, including:
1. LMS (Learning Management Systems)
2. Game engines and development tools
3. Mobile and web-based applications
4. Virtual and augmented reality

Today I also learned how to make games in web-based applications. I make memory games on
the interactive web with basic verbs as a topic.

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