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1. Appendectomy- An appendectomy is the surgical removal of the appendix, a small
tube that branches off the large intestine, to treat acute appendicitis.
2. Breast biopsy- A biopsy is a diagnostic test involving the removal of tissue or cells
for examination under a microscope. This procedure is also used to remove
abnormal breast tissue.
3. Carotid endarterectomy- is a surgical procedure to remove blockage from carotid
arteries, the arteries located in the neck that supply blood to the brain.
4. Cataract surgery- removal of the cloudy lens, which is replaced with a clear artificial
lens implant.
5. Cesarean section (also called a c-section)- is the surgical delivery of a baby by an
incision through the mother's abdomen and uterus.
6. Cholecystectomy- is surgery to remove the gallbladder, may need to be removed if
the organ is prone to gallstones, if it is infected, or becomes cancerous.
7. Coronary artery bypass- often done in people who have angina (chest pain) and
coronary artery disease (where plaque has built up in the arteries).
8. Debridement of wound, burn, or infection- surgical removal of foreign material
and/or dead, damaged, or infected tissue from a wound or burn.
9. Dilation and curettage- a minor operation in which the cervix is dilated so that the
cervical canal and uterine lining can be scraped with a curette (spoon-shaped.
10. Free skin graft- involves detaching healthy skin from one part of the body to repair
areas of lost or damaged skin in another part of the body.
11. Hemorrhoidectomy- removal of hemorrhoids, distended veins in the lower rectum or
12. Hysterectomy- surgical removal of a woman's uterus.
13. Hysteroscopy- surgical procedure used to help diagnose and treat many uterine
14. Inguinal hernia repair- an inguinal hernia occurs in the groin. Surgical repair pulls the
intestine back to its original location.
15. Mastectomy- is the removal of all or part of the breast.
16. Partial colectomy- is the removal of part of the large intestine (colon) which may be
done to treat cancer of the colon or inflammatory conditions such as ulcerative
colitis or diverticulitis.
17. Prostatectomy- surgical removal of all or part of the prostate gland.
18. Tonsillectomy- surgical removal of one or both tonsils.
19. Physical examination- are basic hands-on methods used by a doctor to get a general
sense of a person’s health and wellbeing.
20. Diagnostic procedures- tests that a doctor uses to help diagnose
a person’s medical problem or to measure the severity of the problem. Reinah Sarabia
1. foramen - perforation
2. femur - thigh bone
3. febris - fever
4. fornix - arch
5. fossa - ditch
6. frons - forehead
7. glans - gland
8. hernia - rupture
9. anus - ring
10. corpus - body
11. cor - heart
12. cerebrum - brain
13. caput - head
14. facies - face
15. dens - tooth
16. cutis - skin
17. auris dextra (a.d) - right ear
18. auris sinistra (a.s) - left ear
19. auris unistas (a.u) - both ears
20. occulus dexter (o.d) - right eye
Reinah Sarabia

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