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Health Promotion International, 2021;36:481–492

doi: 10.1093/heapro/daaa125
Advance Access Publication Date: 15 January 2021


A new transdisciplinary research model to

investigate and improve the health of the public
Helen Pineo 1,*, Eleanor R. Turnbull2,3, Michael Davies1, Mike Rowson4,
Andrew C. Hayward5, Graham Hart4, Anne M. Johnson6, and
Robert W. Aldridge3
Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering, Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and
Resources, University College London, Central House, 14 Upper Woburn Place, London WC1H 0NN, UK,
Academic Foundation Programme, North Central and East London Foundation School, Health Education
England, Stewart House, 32 Russell Square, Bloomsbury, London, UK, 3Centre for Public Health Data
Science, Institute of Health Informatics, University College London, 222 Euston Road, London, NW1
2DA, UK, 4Faculty of Population Health Sciences, University College London, 149 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 7BN, UK, 5Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care, University College London, 1-19
Torrington Place, London, WC1E 7HB, UK and 6Institute for Global Health, University College London,
Mortimer Market Centre, Capper Street, London, WC1E 6JB, UK
*Corresponding author. E-mail:

Transdisciplinary research approaches are being applied to today’s complex health problems, includ-
ing the climate crisis and widening inequalities. Diverse forms of disciplinary and experiential knowl-
edge are required to understand these challenges and develop workable solutions. We aimed to cre-
ate an updated model reflective of the strengths and challenges of current transdisciplinary health
research that can be a guide for future studies. We searched Medline using terms related to transdisci-
plinary, health and research. We coded data deductively and inductively using thematic analysis to
develop a preliminary model of transdisciplinary research. The model was tested and improved
through: (i) a workshop with 27 participants at an international conference in Xiamen, China and (ii)
online questionnaire feedback from included study authors. Our revised model recommends the fol-
lowing approach: (i) co-learning, an ongoing phase that recognizes the distributed nature of knowl-
edge generation and learning across partners; (ii) (pre-)development, activities that occur before and
during project initiation to establish a shared mission and ways of working; (iii) reflection and refine-
ment to evaluate and improve processes and results, responding to emergent information and
priorities as an ongoing phase; (iv) conceptualization to develop goals and the study approach by
combining diverse knowledge; (v) investigation to conduct the research; (vi) implementation to use
new knowledge to solve societal problems. The model includes linear and cyclical processes that may
cycle back to project development. Our new model will support transdisciplinary research teams and

C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press.

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (,
which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
482 H. Pineo et al.

their partners by detailing the necessary ingredients to conduct such research and achieve health

Key words: transdisciplinary, public health, methodology, research process

INTRODUCTION et al.’s definition of transdisciplinary research as ‘an in-

Improving the health of the public in the 21st century tegrative process whereby scholars and practitioners
requires actors from many sectors to co-produce knowl- from both academic disciplines and non-academic fields
edge and policy to solve complex global challenges af- work jointly to develop and use novel conceptual and
fecting health (Kickbusch and Gleicher, 2012; The methodological approaches that synthesize and extend
Academy of Medical Sciences, 2016; de Leeuw, 2017). discipline-specific perspectives, theories, methods, and
Rapid urbanization, widening inequalities, climate translational strategies to yield innovative solutions to
change and the rising burden of chronic disease are all particular scientific and societal problems’ [(Stokols
complex societal problems that affect health, but will et al., 2013), p. 6]. We recognize that other conceptuali-
not be solved by health researchers or practitioners zations of transdisciplinarity co-exist and will be
working alone. These challenges are intractable partly reviewed in our study. We also build upon their cyclical
due to their complexity. Transdisciplinarity is positioned transdisciplinary framework, comprising development,
as essential to understanding and finding solutions for conceptualization, implementation and translation
global challenges by enabling a holistic view, integrating phases (Hall et al., 2012; Stokols et al., 2013), as sum-
diverse knowledge and transcending disciplinary marized in the Supplementary material.
approaches (Nicolescu, 2002). Against the sense of pow- A number of challenges are inherent to current trans-
erlessness invoked by threats of the climate emergency disciplinary research practice. Foremost, research part-
and widening inequalities, transdisciplinarity offers ners (be they academic or otherwise) may be driven by
hope that impactful solutions can be identified and different assumptions or epistemological positions, cre-
implemented. ating tensions when conceptualizing approaches.
Definitions and conceptualizations of integrative re- Further challenges include: longer project duration, dif-
search vary widely in health research and other fields, ficulty publishing in high impact journals or as a single
and terms such as multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary are author, challenges obtaining adequate research funding
sometimes used interchangeably (Choi and Pak, 2006; for larger and longer projects, falling between funding
Lynch, 2006; Stokols et al., 2013). Transdisciplinary re- body remits, problems communicating within and be-
search is seen as the most integrative form of cross- yond the team, researcher vulnerability to adverse psy-
disciplinary research (Czajkowski et al., 2016) that was chological impacts, and avoiding social pressures to
first created to solve complex problems in environmen- implement research with a single focus (Lynch, 2006;
tal sustainability (Berger-González et al., 2016) and is Lang et al., 2012; Davies et al., 2015; Hébert et al.,
used in environment and health research, such as 2016; Black et al., 2019). Despite these issues, Abrams
EcoHealth approaches (Buse et al., 2018). argues that ‘scientists who succeed in embracing a trans-
There is consensus that transdisciplinary approaches disciplinary approach experience it as a tipping point in
involve integrating and transcending individual disci- their career, enhancing their professional growth and
plines enabling development and application of new re- creativity’ [(Abrams, 2006), p. 516].
search strategies and knowledge, as set out by In summary, our research responds to the great po-
Rosenfield (Rosenfield, 1992). There is debate about tential of transdisciplinarity, whilst recognizing its chal-
whether such research is always conducted in teams lenges, by developing an updated transdisciplinary
(Choi and Pak, 2006; Tress et al., 2006), whether it can model appropriate for investigating and improving
be practiced individually or whether non-academic part- health and its wider determinants and building capacity
ners must be involved (Stokols et al., 2013). to adopt transdisciplinary approaches. By ‘model’ we
Transdisciplinary research has been compared to mean a simplified representation of how something
community-based participatory research (CBPR) works (Johnson-Laird, 1983). Although there is no ‘cor-
(Berger-González et al., 2016) and translational science rect’ way to design a transdisciplinary research project
(Lynch, 2006), and we argue it overlaps with co- (Ciesielski et al., 2017), we perceive Stokols et al.’s
production (Oliver et al., 2019). We adopt Stokols (Stokols et al., 2013) cyclical process to be insufficiently
A new transdisciplinary research model 483

descriptive of our experience and the literature. Our re- were 93 unique fields/disciplines (from a total of 157
search extends their framework by reflecting lessons reported across studies) represented across the following
learned from practice and therefore serves dual purposes classifications: Health and Life Sciences (67%, 105/
for training new ‘transdisciplinarians’ and enabling fur- 157), Economic and Social (15%, 23/157), Engineering
ther improvement to research practice, specifically re- and Physical Sciences (12%, 19/157) and Arts and
lated to health and its wider determinants. Our aim is to Humanities (6%, 10/157). Many participants at our
support trandisciplinary researchers with an updated workshop identified themselves as experienced in trans-
model that fully captures its potential and reality to in- disciplinary research with 78% (21/27) having used
form new research strategies and reporting. such approaches. WPs and online questionnaire
respondents (QRs) suggested changes or agreed with our
model and we used their views to reach the version pre-
METHODS sented here (see Supplementary material for details). In
We conducted a literature review using OVID Medline presenting our model, we describe findings from in-
(27 May 2019) exploring articles that conducted trans- cluded studies, WPs and QRs.
disciplinary research. We conducted a narrative synthe-
sis using thematic analysis, coding studies inductively
and deductively at the semantic level, using an a priori
codebook for deductive coding using Stokols et al.’s RESEARCH
(Stokols et al., 2013) transdisciplinary research frame- Our proposed model (Figure 1) contains elements of the
work. We adopted their four phases as coding categories Stokols et al.’s (Stokols et al., 2013) framework.
(development, conceptualization, implementation and However, there are key changes (outlined below). Our
translation) and we created codes within these using updated model (Figure 1) provides an explanation of
their goals and processes. We developed a new prelimi- goals, activities and requirements at each phase. The
nary model of transdisciplinary research and gathered Supplementary material contains a simplified version of
feedback from experts in transdisciplinary research by the model for the purposes of communicating the overall
contacting the included study authors using email and process and relations between phases with wide stake-
an online Google form (RWA) and by conducting a par- holders. Our new model emphasizes the interconnec-
ticipatory workshop with 27 participants (HP, MD). tions between phases and iterative nature of
The workshop was held at the 16th International transdisciplinary research and as a result includes linear
Conference on Urban Health in Xiamen, China on 4 and cyclical processes that may feedback to project de-
November 2019 at a pre-conference session co- velopment. Our revised model has six main phases: (i)
organized by the Wellcome Trust and their funded re- co-learning, a cross-cutting theme that recognizes the
search projects under the Our Planet Our Health distributed nature of knowledge generation and learning
(OPOH) programme (Pineo et al., 2020). Workshop across partners; (ii) (pre-)development to demonstrate
participants (WPs) received a presentation with Stokols the wide range of activities that occur prior to (and dur-
et al.’s (Stokols et al., 2013) definition and model of ing) official project initiation; (iii) reflection and refine-
transdisciplinary research before introducing the re- ment to evaluate and improve processes and results,
search methods and preliminary model. We describe our responding to emergent information and priorities as an
methods more fully in the Supplementary material in- ongoing process; (iv) conceptualization to develop re-
cluding: search terms, data extraction, coding and syn- search questions and the study approach (etc.) by com-
thesis approach, and online questionnaire and workshop bining diverse knowledge; (v) investigation to conduct
details. the transdisciplinary research; (vi) implementation to
put new knowledge to use to solve problems.
In comparison with Stokols et al.’s (Stokols et al.,
OVERVIEW OF INCLUDED STUDIES AND 2013) framework, we have made six key changes. We
EXPERT FEEDBACK replaced their ‘Translation’ phase with a new cross-
Our search provided 529 results and following screen- cutting ‘co-learning’ phase. We added the ‘investigation’
ing, 29 studies met our inclusion criteria (see phase in which research is conducted and re-purposed
Supplementary material for the flow of results and sum- Stokols et al.’s ‘implementation’ phase so that it no lon-
mary of included studies). The included studies aimed to ger refers to doing research and is now about making
study and/or directly influence a diverse range of health change happen beyond the research process. We added
conditions and wider determinants of health. There the ‘reflection and refinement’ phase as a cross-cutting

Fig. 1: New model of transdisciplinary research (detailed version).

H. Pineo et al.
A new transdisciplinary research model 485

process that recognizes the need for ongoing evaluation or through adopting a method that transcends language
and iteration over time. We have drawn out the pre- such as participatory photo mapping (Dennis et al.,
development activities in Stokols et al.’s ‘Development’ 2009). Developing a shared language was recognized as
phase to demonstrate the wide range of time-consuming an ongoing process that requires continual checking for
activities that occur prior to official project initiation. understanding as research methods, analyses and results
Finally, we modified the flow of the diagram from a cy- are discussed.
cle to include linear and cyclical processes that may feed- Developing a shared language is not only about
back to project development, but not necessarily. avoiding misunderstanding of technical terms but also
relates to valuing diverse perspectives, shown by the
‘Develop cross-disciplinary awareness and respect’ activ-
Co-learning ity (Figure 1). One QR said: ‘a computational scientist is
In this cross-cutting phase knowledge is created and looked down upon when she attempts to discuss social
shared continuously with a diverse range of project part- science with an expert in this area’. Lytle underscored
ners and wider audiences, in stark contrast to traditional the importance of developing respect for diverse episte-
dissemination models that publish findings at the end of mologies through her definition of transdisciplinary re-
a study. Learning occurs throughout the research pro- search, stating that it ‘involves cross-fertilization
cess, not only through traditional project deliverables. between disciplines that includes finding a shared lan-
For example, Harper et al. worked with the Rigolet guage, building tolerance for looking at an issue through
Inuit community to understand their experiences a completely different lens, and using creativity to use
through storytelling to co-develop ‘culturally appropri- new and old models, measures and analytic methods to
ate climate-related health policies and programs that re- solve complex problems’ [(Lytle, 2009), p. 339]. Good
flect Indigenous perspectives and values’ [(Harper et al., communication and consensus building across disci-
2012), p. 94]. The authors reported that this collabora- plines/stakeholders to develop such tolerance and re-
tion ‘between researchers, community members, and de- spect could be facilitated by a knowledge broker (Fam
cision makers [. . .] allowed the integration of knowledge and Sofoulis, 2017) or carrying out a team ‘orientation
and synthesized new theories, concepts, and methods exercise’ (QR) to expose and work through issues. The
that would not have otherwise emerged’ (Harper et al., ability to equally value and integrate diverse perspectives
2012). The learning is not only by researchers but also in the approach needs to be actively fostered throughout
occurs with communities and wider stakeholders who the research (examples are given in the following
identify new approaches and ideas. Ramey et al. sections).
explained: ‘we have difficulty accurately identifying A final key requirement for co-learning is maintain-
which ideas and novel features ‘‘came from’’ the com- ing trust within the project team and with wider stake-
munity versus academic partners, because the close col- holders, such as local populations, which is also
laborations we developed supported a sense of shared described as an ongoing process. The latter is particu-
innovation and insight’ [(Ramey et al., 2015), p. e5]. In larly important when people have previous negative
addition, a WP wrote ‘For [the project goal] to happen experiences with researchers or about the study topic,
we have to equally include everyone, and learn from one e.g. where local populations have been stigmatized, ste-
another’. Building capacity across project partners was a reotyped, analyzed and exploited (Harper et al., 2012;
key goal of this phase, and referred to ‘skills, knowledge Anticona et al., 2013; Ziegler et al., 2016).
and empowerment’ [(Mutero et al., 2004), p. 183]
which was sometimes a result of the research or in other
cases was actively pursued through training or aware- (Pre-)development
ness campaigns. The transdisciplinary approach starts before and over-
One activity that enables co-learning and is funda- laps with the processes of problem definition, identifica-
mental to transdisciplinary research is pursuing a com- tion of the research question and design of the research
mon language across diverse partner backgrounds (and strategy (the ‘conceptualization’ process), when a di-
indeed formal languages, where relevant). This was verse range of partners meet to discuss a mutually
highlighted by study authors and QRs as challenging agreed problem. At the ‘(pre-)development’ phase stake-
and necessary, e.g. ‘technical terms that are self-evident holders establish shared project ownership and a ‘shared
in one discipline might be understood differently or un- mission’ (WP) before forming a partnership, potentially
known in others’ (QR). This activity could be achieved to seek funding. Researchers recognized that diverse
through encouraging researchers to explain terms (QR) project participation was essential: ‘revitalis[ing]
486 H. Pineo et al.

informal settlements. . . cannot be done one- explained ‘those leaders who excel at generating and
directionally. And it requires different stakeholders (not sustaining trust, who are supportive, democratic, inclu-
just academic) to come together and work together’ sive, empowering, and are committed to encouraging co-
(WP). Having the resources and interest to devote time operation and engaging the support of others by being
to pre-development and other early project activities generous in offering constructive feedback to colleagues
may not be equally shared across all partners. One WP will significantly enhance trans-disciplinary collabora-
highlighted the importance of identifying possibilities tions within the research team, within the research insti-
for sharing resources because it ‘decides what kind of tute or university and amongst key stakeholders’ [(Black
results could be achieved’. This could be in relation to fi- and Black, 2009), p. 1582]. A study author provided a
nancial or other resources (such as project management word of caution about the role of leadership by noting
support or data). Projects used events and meetings to that if a project leader pursues a disciplinary approach
exchange perspectives and knowledge about the topic, this can derail transdisciplinary ambitions, instead this
to build relationships and trust among stakeholders and person should focus on ‘bringing people together and
to advocate for funding or other resources. insisting on finding common solutions/consensus’ (QR).
Identification of the research problem, questions and
strategy were described as ongoing and subject to
change. Reflection and refinement
The processes of team and project development re- Reflection and refinement, including monitoring and
quire significant time to engage all parties, agree upon evaluation, occurs continually as well as at specific
and progress the shared mission, and identify or secure points in a project. Continual reflection and adaptation
appropriate resources. Several studies reported setting of the project (including the research questions, part-
up advisory (or steering) committees to provide scientific ners, conceptual framework and research strategy) is re-
oversight with external members (Ramey et al., 2015) or quired as new information and priorities arise. Specific
internal committees to run the study (shown under ‘con- points of reflection include checking initial results (op-
ceptualization’ in Figure 1). For instance, Anticona tionally by co-presenting results) with relevant stake-
et al.’s ‘operational research committee’ (ORC) was holders to: validate or improve findings, prioritize
comprised of representatives from all research partners results; gain further understanding of results in the local
and ensured that they could ‘contribute equally and context; and raise and discuss any discrepancies. For ex-
share control of the research process’ [(Anticona et al., ample, Ingemann et al. (Ingemann et al., 2018) report
2013), p. 3)]. However, the authors reflected that the their data collection strategy in a flow diagram whereby
members of the ORC had ‘limited power and a low de- ‘reflect’ and ‘plan’ arrows connect each of the six data
gree of authority’ thus creating delays in decision- collection phases, demonstrating the iterative and reflec-
making (Anticona et al., 2013). This resulted in project tive nature of their project. Following refinements, a fur-
leaders going around the ORC to get quicker decisions, ther dissemination and validation meeting with the
creating conflict as team members felt side-lined. The stakeholders can: support collective decision-making
steering committee in Ramey et al. put in place a voting about what to address next, uncover solutions for how
system to avoid power imbalances between academic to tackle a problem, reach consensus over diverse views
and ‘community’ representatives in which ‘each site or and increase legitimacy and ownership for the next
entity in the network would have a single vote, thus fur- phase of research.
ther strengthening local partnerships to work efficiently, This ongoing phase requires teams to recognize and
discover their own unified voice, and increase respect act upon problems that emerge in the project such as
for and knowledge about diverse perspectives’ [(Ramey power imbalances, conflict between partners and leader-
et al., 2015), p. 3]. Although these research governance ship changes in academic or partner organizations.
mechanisms were discussed, many studies did not pro- Berger-González et al. applied a multi-staged process ‘to
vide information about how research teams were formed “equalize” power differentials inherent in the knowl-
at the beginning of projects. edge systems under study’ [(Berger-González et al.,
Key requirements for success at this early phase, and 2016), p. 81]. For instance, this involved joint chairs for
throughout the project, relate to characteristics of team the project’s opening meeting (one Mayan elder and one
members, including strong leadership, communication senior academic), sharing participants’ expectations
and team-working skills that support development of openly (which were collated and reported in the manu-
project governance structures and overall success of the script (Berger-González et al., 2016), reflecting diverse
project. Regarding leadership, Black and Black interests among the project partners) and agreeing the
A new transdisciplinary research model 487

final study protocol and interview guide through inten- pathways to better (vs. compromised) health’ [(Ramey
sive sessions lasting 2 and 3 days, respectively. Artistic et al., 2015), p. e4]. An incomplete understanding of
methodologies were suggested by a WP to help make such linkages may lead to inappropriate analyses and re-
‘power relations more explicit/emergent’. For example, duce the effectiveness of any future interventions. An
Harper et al. explained that by using digital storytelling initial conceptual framework should be further validated
the participants, not the researchers, decide which data and adapted by all relevant academic and non-academic
are important, thus reversing the typical power struc- stakeholders, therefore linking to the ‘reflection and re-
tures in research (Harper et al., 2012). finement’ phase. This can be done through multiple
Monitoring and evaluation objectives span the day- methods (including community meetings, focus groups,
to-day running of the project and efforts to measure the and interviews) ensuring the involvement and ownership
medium- to long-term impact of the project on wider of stakeholders with diverse perspectives, a key require-
outcomes. Evaluation was not widely described in the ment of this phase.
included studies, although WPs highlighted the impor-
tance of setting up monitoring and evaluation mecha-
nisms, requiring available data. With regard to
As in previous phases, the ‘investigation’ phase includes
evaluation of the transdisciplinary process itself, Holmes
active involvement across partners to collect and analyse
et al. found that self-reported data about collaboration
data, with continuous reflection and refinement leading
were not adequate to map the ‘evolution of team sci-
to co-learning. Data collection methods are varied (see
ence’, instead they advocated new approaches including
Supplementary material) and include the production of
‘temporal social-network analysis and a formal biblio-
innovative methods. Many projects used mixed methods
metric analysis of not only published but cited publica-
approaches, enabling triangulation of data informed by
tions as ways to investigate the emergence of “new
different disciplines, although some projects were exclu-
science”’ [(Holmes et al., 2008), p. S191].
sively qualitative or quantitative in nature. To integrate
disciplinary and practitioner knowledge in data analysis,
Quintero et al. ‘applied a multiple triangulation analysis
by combining theoretical and methodological triangula-
The purpose of the ‘conceptualization’ phase is to ensure
tions’ whereby multiple perspectives (from psychology,
development of comprehensive questions and appropri-
medicine, anthropology, etc.) were involved in interpret-
ate methods to uncover innovative solutions to complex
ing the data [(Quintero et al., 2009), p. S95]. The ‘inves-
health problems. In Stokols et al.’s (Stokols et al., 2013)
tigation’ process may involve the development and/or
model, research questions and strategies are informed by
testing of specific interventions that may later be imple-
a shared conceptual framework that incorporates theo-
mented more widely.
retical and conceptual assumptions. WPs identified the
WPs discussed a range of challenges with data collec-
impracticality of this collaborative approach because
tion and analysis, including the balance between these
funding may be secured by investigators who have pre-
traditional research activities and other more time-
defined the strategy before all partners are on-board.
consuming collaboration and team management activi-
The ‘conceptualization’ process (Figure 1) is still early in
ties, such as attending internal and external meetings.
the project timeline and involves foundation-setting ac-
This phase supports capacity building (part of ‘co-learn-
tivities such as agreeing research governance processes
ing’) among project members and local populations who
[overlapping with ‘(pre-)development’] and developing
learn new knowledge and skills. Capacity building was
the research approach. As in the ‘(pre-)development’
supported by running training sessions on new data col-
phase, teams used events and meetings to establish ‘com-
lection methods.
mon understanding of the issue’s complex nature and
for coherently framing research objectives’ [(Ziegler
et al., 2016), p. 319]. Implementation
Studies described various processes for developing a The purpose of the ‘implementation’ phase is to put new
conceptual framework, often beginning with a literature knowledge to use to solve problems, improving health
review and using participatory approaches to facilitate and its wider determinants. Studies used a range of ac-
agreement of a shared vision. The process provides an tivities in this phase to affect change, including: internal
opportunity to explore the complex relations between or external stakeholders used results to improve health
risk factors and intervention opportunities and ‘identify or the wider determinants of health; the project devel-
testable hypotheses about divergent and co-existing oped, ran and evaluated an intervention; project
488 H. Pineo et al.

partners sought additional funding, cycling back to the delays were not anticipated and were different in each
‘(pre-)development’ phase; and partners used the re- case. Creative solutions were required which provided
search outputs for advocacy, education or increasing re- valuable learning for future work.
search in an under-represented topic. These examples The ‘(pre-)development’ phase of project formation
are elaborated in the Supplementary material. deserves greater attention from both academics and fun-
Depending on the field of inquiry (e.g. upstream ders. The early formation of inter-personal relationships
determinants of health versus downstream healthcare across partners requires a facilitated and planned set of
service delivery) implementation activities may be more activities to work through the challenges to transdiscipli-
or less likely to be led by non-academic partners. As one narity (e.g. power imbalances and finding a shared lan-
WP wrote, ‘I’m not sure about the term guage). The UCL–Lancet Commission on Migration
“implementation.” Investigators rarely directly imple- and Health (Abubakar et al., 2018) involved a 3-day
ment any policy levers/strategies – usually they inform, working session at a residential facility where
“translate”, “advocate”’. Similarly, participants and Commissioners drafted sections of the paper and de-
studies noted that this phase is not likely to be funded or bated topics for inclusion. Team-building activities and
controlled by the transdisciplinary project and will working sessions helped: stimulate exchanges across dis-
therefore require funding and political or other stake- ciplines; build rapport among and empower
holder support; and will be affected by social, cultural, Commissioners at all career stages; and explore part-
economic, and environmental factors. ners’ individual expectations from the project. This
event did not fully resolve all project conflicts (e.g. chal-
lenges with conceptual framings and disciplinary lan-
REFLECTIONS FROM THE FIELD guage), however, it went a long way in establishing
In addition to the analysis above, we believe that some inter-personal relationships in which Commissioners
transdisciplinary challenges and opportunities could be could negotiate compromises and achieve consensus for
further elaborated in support of our proposed model. the final report. This was important to overcome the dif-
Here, we reflect on our transdisciplinary experience to ficulties associated with doing research across many
fill those gaps. countries and disciplines (including academic and inter-
Achieving the aims of the ongoing ‘co-learning’ national governmental organizations). In summary, co-
phase requires active involvement from diverse project learning and forming an effective team are not auto-
partners, yet this depends on funding and other enablers matic outcomes of transdisciplinary studies; they require
to participation (such as personal interest, organiza- planning, funding and willingness among all partners to
tional incentives and more). In the Homeless Hospital engage.
Discharge study, people with experience of homelessness
were project partners throughout and they had a strong
interest (or stake) in the project. The study found high
rates of emergency readmissions across all disease cate-
gories for people experiencing homelessness admitted to TRANSDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH
hospital (Lewer et al., 2019). This finding was inter- Gathering insights from the included studies has shown
preted by one of the partners (and co-author) with expe- us the value of published case studies and reflections on
rience of homelessness as relating to medical the transdisciplinary research process. If more projects
professionals overly focusing on such patients as ‘bed- describe the complex, costly, time-consuming, yet poten-
blockers’ rather than fully treating their conditions tially rewarding process of such research, other research
[(Lewer et al., 2019), p. 15]. This partner is now using teams may be in a better position to argue the case for
knowledge gained about health and homelessness from funding and innovative practices/structures across insti-
this study in his new job running a homeless hostel. In tutions. We recommend that studies report the process-
other cases, we have encountered barriers to participa- related factors in our recommended reporting criteria
tion for some non-academic partners. For example, in below (see Supplementary material for a table), as ap-
the Complex Systems for Sustainability and Health propriate for the individual study. This need not be a
(CUSSH) project ( tick-box reporting exercise, but instead we aim for this
ban-systems/), delays in establishing memoranda of un- to serve as a useful catalyst for reflection during the
derstanding with local governments in several of the cit- project from which others can learn.
ies meant that it was difficult for officials, initially at (Pre-)development: How was the project team
least, to engage fully in the work. The reasons for the formed? Which organizations are included and what are
A new transdisciplinary research model 489

their roles? How did partners agree on the problem or through a participatory workshop and online question-
mission? naire. However, the review excluded grey literature,
Co-learning: Who attended project meetings? What unpublished research, research not indexed in Medline,
activities were used to create or share knowledge with non-English language papers and studies that did not
diverse stakeholders? If relevant, how were conflicts re- reference/explain their transdisciplinary approach. Our
solved about the value of diverse knowledge types (e.g. literature search used the term transdisciplinary and as a
technical knowledge, experiential knowledge, etc.)? result will have excluded studies that may have been
How did the project build capacity within and beyond transdisciplinary in nature but did not describe them-
project partners? How did partners build and maintain selves as such. Below we reflect on wider debates related
trust throughout the project? to transdisciplinarity that inform the interpretation and
Reflection and refinement: Which processes (or activ- value of this article.
ities) were used to reflect upon the research and emerg- In theory, transdisciplinarity responds to the
ing results? Which indicators were used to monitor demands of complex societal problems by recognizing
progress/impact? Who managed/participated in moni- that academic knowledge and single discipline
toring and reflection processes? approaches will not be sufficient to understand causes
Conceptualization: How were diverse assumptions, and solutions for these issues. In reality, it is unclear
theories and knowledge types integrated to form the how well existing academic structures and norms sup-
project’s research questions and approach? Which re- port transdisciplinary practices so that diverse knowl-
search governance processes were established and were edge is fully integrated and helps transform societal
these adjusted over time? Did the project create/adopt a problems. Our analysis has highlighted the ongoing
conceptual framework and/or Theory of Change and challenge of integrating diverse knowledge and shown
how did this occur? Which activities were used to ex- that whilst compromises and conclusions were reached
change perspectives and knowledge when conceptualiz- in the reported studies, there were also considerable con-
ing the research approach and who was involved? flicts. In this section we aim to provoke further debate
Investigation: Which methods were used to gather about what transdisciplinary approaches should and do
and analyse data and how were these methods novel or mean through discussion of three key challenges that we
integrative? How did the ‘investigation’ phase build ca- believe are core to transdisciplinary research: (i) partici-
pacity within and beyond project partners? Who was in- pation, (ii) knowledge integration and (iii) moving from
volved in gathering and analysing data and what were knowledge to action.
their respective roles? Full participation of people with diverse knowledge
Implementation: How was (new) knowledge from is integral to transdisciplinary research, yet our findings
this project used to solve problems and or improve showed that achieving equal participation is a significant
health? Or how do partners anticipate such change oc- challenge. The literature on CBPR highlights the neces-
curring? Which factors were required to make this sity of sharing power and building trust among partners
change happen (e.g. funding or political will) and how to achieve equal participation (Jagosh et al., 2015).
were these achieved? Israel et al.’s nine guiding principles of CBPR are equally
relevant for transdisciplinary challenges, a selection of
which include: facilitating an empowering process that
DISCUSSION addresses inequalities, promoting ‘co-learning and
Although it is difficult and costly, transdisciplinary re- capacity-building among all partners’, and achieving ‘a
search is increasingly regarded as an essential approach balance between research and action’ [(Israel et al.’s,
for investigating complex health problems (The 2019), p. 274]. Oliver et al. advocate reflective processes
Academy of Medical Sciences, 2016). Our new model given the potential risks of co-production (extending be-
aims to support transdisciplinary research teams by de- yond CBPR) which can ‘cause conflict, consume resour-
tailing the necessary ingredients to conduct such re- ces and lead to misunderstandings’ [(Oliver et al., 2019),
search, with the ambition of improving the health of the p. 3]. Our model emphasizes the importance of ongoing
public. We propose that our model may be iteratively reflection to manage potential problems and risks for
improved to reflect changing practice, which will be project partners (such as power imbalances and conflict)
aided by studies reporting their experiences using the and the need for increased clarity over the research pro-
proposed criteria. We applied a rigorous review and cess (via our reporting criteria). We think that the risks
coding methodology to conduct a narrative synthesis of participatory research and associated solutions need
and develop our model, which we iteratively tested to be fully acknowledged by researchers, funders and
490 H. Pineo et al.

academic institutions if transdisciplinary collaboration Turning to planning scholarship may offer some helpful
is to succeed in solving pressing health challenges. approaches for transdisciplinarians.
A simultaneous strength and challenge of transdisci- Rydin argues that in deciding how to act upon vari-
plinary research is its goal to bring together, integrate and ous knowledge types, planners should evaluate them
transcend different knowledge types. The literature some- critically recognizing that they are all value-laden. She
times positions academics and research funders as sepa- offers an approach for planners to test and recognize
rate from ‘real world’ problems and solutions (Ingemann knowledge claims whereby they should: support voices
et al., 2018; Black et al., 2019), which implies a lack of that have less power to contribute, organize forums for
confidence in academics’ ability to lead transdisciplinary evaluating knowledge claims that include procedures to
research. Positioning academic and ‘real world’ knowl- resolve conflicting claims, decide whether a proposed
edge as separate and mutually incomprehensible has par- knowledge claim represents a ‘causal model [that] is suf-
allels with Kuhn’s (Kuhn, 1962) argument that scholarly ficiently robust for decision-making’ and ensure that
disciplines operate in different worlds. In line with cri- normative knowledge claim debates occur in the ‘public
tiques of Kuhn [see (Phillips, 1987)] we think that aca- sphere where a range of voices can be heard’ [(Rydin,
demics can understand and operate within systems 2007), p. 65]. This could be adapted for transdisciplin-
beyond their disciplines and institutions. Many scholars ary research. As Rydin describes, planning theory has
are deeply embedded in practice and experience in their also advocated for planners to co-produce knowledge
respective fields, such as clinical academics, engineers and with affected communities about local problems and sol-
urban planners. In considering the diverse knowledge utions in recognition of the contested and power-laden
that might be integrated in transdisciplinary research, we nature of planning issues. Collaborative approaches,
borrow from the Pastille Consortium’s analysis of scien- such as Innes and Booher’s (Innes and Booher, 2010)
ce’s role in policy that distinguished three knowledge DIAD (Diversity, Interdependence, Authentic Dialogue)
types: ‘socially accredited’ (e.g. scientific and technical), theory of collaborative rationality, may also help plan-
‘experiential’ (e.g. gained through doing certain types of ners to understand and respond to complex problems by
work or being in a particular environment) and ‘process’ eliciting and sharing distributed knowledge.
(e.g. understanding how to achieve effects in a particular Nevertheless, collaborative planning approaches have
system) [(Pastille Consortium, 2002), p. 70]. To effec- been critiqued due to over-reliance on planners’ skills to
tively operate across institutional or sectoral boundaries undertake these processes, risk of being subverted by
we agree that transdisciplinarians need an appreciation of powerful interests, and potential inability to achieve
different types of knowledge and this should be integrated consensus due to conflict among stakeholders (Rydin,
into educational curricula (Gombrich and Hogan, 2017). 2007). In summary we want to highlight that transdisci-
This training may support researchers with the ability to plinary researchers are not alone in grappling with the
not only have ‘tolerance for looking at an issue through a difficult challenge of deciding how to integrate and act
completely different lens’ [(Lytle, 2009), p. 339] but to upon diverse knowledge types. Many academics prefer
cultivate the co-existence of diverse lenses within one’s to operate as policy-neutral scholars to avoid reputation
scientific approach, seeing the strengths and weaknesses damage and conflict (Oliver and Cairney, 2019), yet by
of applying different perspectives in different circumstan- determining which knowledge is represented in research
ces—in other words being independently they influence policy discourses and agendas. In trans-
transdisciplinary. disciplinary research academics should be part of a
Finally, we consider a key aim of transdisciplinary re- group that together must decide how to integrate and
search whereby partners from multiple epistemological act upon diverse knowledge types.
positions determine what types of knowledge are In conclusion, we have presented a new model for
deemed suitable to inform action. Scholars have argued transdisciplinary research that has six phases of co-
that not all knowledge claims can be treated equally learning, (pre-)development, reflection and refine-
when knowledge informs action, such as for energy poli- ment, conceptualization, investigation and implemen-
cies (Rydin, 2007). Yet, Popay (Popay, 2018) cautions tation. Our model occupies a middle position between
that there can be grave consequences when certain being prescriptive (as it is based on other normative
knowledge is disregarded, such as residents’ evidence models) and being descriptive of practice. Further re-
about fire risk at Grenfell Tower. Traditional knowledge flection and research on the process and outcomes of
translation models are predominately linear and use transdisciplinary research would help to establish its
evidence-based policy models that do not apply to many benefits and risks. Finally, we note the importance of
complex cross-sector challenges (de Leeuw, 2017). training the next generation of transdisciplinarians
A new transdisciplinary research model 491

and we advocate recognition of the specific skills and transdisciplinary case study. Global Challenges, 3,
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Supplementary material is available at Health Community Health, 72, 420–425.
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We thank organizers and participants of the Our Planet Our
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International Conference on Urban Health in Xiamen, China
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Translational Research, 182, 123–134.
Ruzka Taruc for presenting their respective research projects as
Czajkowski, S. M., Lynch, M. R., Hall, K. L., Stipelman, B. A.,
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