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NL 5

1. What is the theme of the movie?

The theme of the movie “Mona Lisa Smile” is about women’s roles and the feminist
movement in the 1950s.

2. What is the specific scene where the title of the movie reflected

The specific scene where the title of the movie “Mona Lisa Smile” is reflected is when
Katherine Watson takes her students on a field trip to the museum. The title of the
movie is a reference to the enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa art piece by Leonardo da

3. What scene has the most impact to you and why?

One of the most impactful scenes in the movie is when Betty Warren (played by Kirsten
Dunst) confronts her professor, Katherine Watson, about her decision to drop out of
college and get married. In this scene, Betty reveals that she is not happy in her
marriage and feels trapped by societal expectations. Watson responds by telling Betty
that she has the power to make her own choices and live life on her own terms,
encouraging her to pursue her dreams and aspirations. This is one of the most impactful
scene for me because it emphasizes the importance of women empowerment to break
free from patriarchal norms.

4. Give the most unforgettable line or dialogue.

“What is art? What makes it so damn important?” – Katherine Watson (played by Julia
Roberts) This line is memorable because it highlights the importance of art in expressing
and understanding the human experience, and how art can be a powerful tool for social
and cultural change.

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