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! Salary Nego!a!on

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Salary Nego!a!on

When you do receive a job offer, you will likely be

very excited. Don't forget that most employers will
expect you to nego!ate the pay that they first offer
you. Here are some !ps for how to navigate that

1. Express enthusiasm and posi!vity at being offered

the job, excitement about the role, and confidence
about your ability to do it well.

2. Do not immediately accept the first offer. There

are certain jobs that only offer 1 fixed salary, but
usually a company is expec!ng you to nego!ate and
so they offer you a lower salary than they are
ul!mately willing to pay.

3. Ask for a li#le more than what you actually want

or expect to get. (If you use a range, make sure the
bo#om of the range is acceptable to you.) They are
unlikely to accept what you ask for, but may meet
you in the middle.

4. Do research and be informed about the average

salaries for similar roles with similar experience. You
can check websites like and talk with
professionals that you know to try and gather
informa!on. You can say something like, "I've been
doing some research and also interviewing with
other companies. The average salary I've seen is [X].
I'd really like to work for you. Are you able to be
compe!!ve with these other companies?"

5. Be prepared to remind them of why you're worth

what you're asking for. What are the key skills and
experience you bring? (And remember they agree,
because they want to hire you!)

6. You can also nego!ate things other than salary:

vaca!on days, ability to work from home, etc.

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