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I have selected the project strand for my capstone project.

My major goal is to publish an

entirely nut-free cookbook, baking book, or even just a recipe book. I have a severe allergy to all
nuts, including peanuts and tree nuts. The same allergy that I have also affects my older sister. I
will never be able to get over this allergy. I am aware that some people have it far worse than
me, yet my allergy still makes me miserable.I have to continuously ensure that others around
me are confident in using an epipen, and sometimes at restaurants I can't eat anything because
their fryer is contaminated. My mother also needs to carefully examine every ingredient on the
grocery list.I am aware of how frustrating it can be to be in a restaurant yet unable to order
desert. I am aware of how frustrating it is to be the lone person unable to purchase anything
from a bakery. All of these factors contribute to my desire to write a cookbook that is nut-free
friendly. I'm interested in learning how to convert nut-containing recipes into nut-free dishes that
produce the same results. I had always pictured myself having my own company and being my
own boss since I was a young child. I believe that starting a nut-friendly bakery would be
something I would truly like. I truly wish that there was a good bakery nearby where I could buy
items. I've found bakeries in the past that I could order from, but they always closed. Since I
have always had this allergy, I am aware of how crucial it is to take the necessary precautions to
eliminate any potential sources of cross-contamination. This, in my opinion, is a pretty crucial
ability that will help my future business greatly. When my family and I go to a restaurant, if the
waitress has any kind of experience with allergies, my parents feel at ease knowing that I can
dine there because a relationship of trust has been established. I wish I could provide the same
for other people. I will have to accept that failing involves time and learning as I create my book.
Recipes can easily go wrong and fail, therefore I'll have to realise that they're merely teaching
tools before trying again. The most significant adviser for my capstone project will be my mother.
She has always been the one to bake or make for me something that I can eat. She will impart
baking knowledge to me as well as some useful workarounds. A portfolio that is both physical
and digital will serve as my project's medium. Although some of the recipes we frequently use in
my home have actual versions, we still look up a lot of recipes on our phones. I believe both
options will be beneficial for others because of this. The overarching goal of my project is to
publish a cookbook with five-star dishes that are free of all traces of nuts. The brand of the
ingredients will also be included in the recipe book because, even if the recipe might not call for
nuts, the ingredients might nonetheless do so. The recipes will be extremely accurate because
of the brand of the products. I'll need to depend on J Store for research help in addition to my
mother's help. I'll use recipes I already have as well.


Home. (n.d.). SunButter LLC. Retrieved March 29, 2023, from

November 05, U., & 2019. (n.d.). 65+ Nut-Free Dessert Recipes. MyRecipes. Retrieved March
29, 2023, from
Nut Free Dessert (kid-friendly!). (n.d.). Ambitious Kitchen. Retrieved March 29, 2023, from

Self-Publish Your Book With FriesenPress. (n.d.). Retrieved March

29, 2023, from

18 Nut-Free Desserts. (n.d.). Allrecipes. Retrieved March 29, 2023, from

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