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"You suddenly came to my life,

I welcomed you,

You suddenly approached me,

I gave you my attention,

You suddenly made me fall in love with you,

I honestly did😁,

You suddenly seemed ignored me,

I understood,

You suddenly forgot me,

I was saddened and cried but still hoped,

You suddenly approached me again,

I stupidly accepted you again,

You suddenly gone again,

I get tired of you,"

Yes, everything started in a sudden and I hope it'll also end in a sudden,

I know that it won't be easy 'coz it has never been easy to me from the very beginning,

That's why I am hoping that this heartbreak I am experiencing right now will be gone in a

A sudden attention of yours, left me a lifetime heartbreak *I guess*

So please, please leave my mind and heart in a sudden, don't make it for a lifetime,

It is just unfair,... so unfair.

You are now living your life without thinking of me, without worries if I am with somebody else,
without the feeling of missing me,

But me? Here I am living my life hoping that one day you'll like me, that one day you will love
me just like what I've felt for you.

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