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Medios de transporte terrestre en inglés (Land


bicicleta: bicycle

coche/auto/carro: car

autobús: bus

tren: train
camión: truck

furgoneta: van

taxi: taxi

motocicleta: motorcycle (motorbike)

tranvía: tram/cable car

metro/subte: subway

triciclo: tricycle

camioneta: pick-up truck

tractor: tractor

vehículo todoterreno: SUV

trolebús: trolley bus

camión de la basura: garbage truck

ambulancia: ambulance

remolque: wagon

descapotable: convertible

trineo de perros: dogsled

montacargas: forklift

go-kart/kart: go-cart

carrito de golf: golf cart

vehículo híbrido: hybrid

coche patrulla/patrulla de policía: patrol car

moto de nieve: snowmobile

grúa: tow truck

segway: Segway

bus escolar: school bus

motoneta: scooter

limusina: limousine

autobús de dos pisos: double-decker bus

Medios de transporte aéreo en inglés (Air
Es el medio de transporte más rápido, y consiste en un vehículo que viaja surcando los

helicóptero: helicopter

globo aerostático: hot air balloon

avión: airplane (plane)

dirigible: blimp/zeppelin

cohete: rocket

nave espacial: spaceship

transbordador espacial: space shuttle

Medios de transporte acuático en inglés
(Water transportation)
Se refiere a todo el transporte que se realiza a través de los diferentes cuerpos de agua,
como ríos, lagos, océanos, mares o canales.

velero: sailboat

crucero: cruise ship

buque de carga: cargo ship

barco pirata: pirate ship

moto de agua: jet ski

Means of transport

In the UK, there are different types of public transport:

Buses and coaches (a bus travels in towns and cities, with people getting on and off at bus stops, while
coaches travel further, often from city to city and people travel the entire distance).
The underground (or tube) in London
Trains (often “intercity”)
Trams (in some places) – a sort of bus run on electricity
Taxis (for example the famous black cabs in London)
Ferries (boats that cross water such as rivers and seas)
There’s also private transport such as cars, bikes, motorbikes and scooters.

In addition, lorries (truck in American English) transport goods, and vans (large cars) are used by small
businesses to transport goods, or work equipment such as ladders or tools.


BUS : a large motor vehicle carrying passengers by road, typically one serving
the public on a fixed route and for a fare.

BICYCLE : a vehicle consisting of two wheels held in a frame one behind the
other, propelled by pedals and steered with handlebars attached to the front wheel.

CAR : a four-wheeled road vehicle that is powered by an engine and is able to

carry a small number of people.

MOTORCYCLE : a two-wheeled vehicle that is powered by a motor and has no pedals.

TAXI : a motor vehicle licensed to transport passengers in return for payment of

a fare and typically fitted with a taximeter.

TRAIN : a series of connected railway carriages or wagons moved by

a locomotive or by integral motors.

TRUCK : a large, heavy road vehicle used for carrying goods, materials, or troops; a lorry.
SUBWAY : an underground railway.

SCHOOL BUS : a vehicle used for transporting children to or from school or on activities
connected with school.

AIRPLANE : a powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a weight greater than that of
the air it displaces; an aeroplane.

BOAT : a small vessel for travelling over water, propelled by oars, sails, or an

HELICOPTER : a type of aircraft which derives both lift and propulsion from one or more
sets of horizontally revolving overhead rotors. It is capable of moving vertically and horizontally, the
direction of motion being controlled by the pitch of the rotor blades.

Means of Transportation Exercises

Read each one of the sentences and try to guess the mean of transportation that the sentence refers to.

1. This means of transportation is used to go to space:________

2. Two examples of two-wheeled vehicles are __________ and __________
3. This means of transport is capable of going underwater:_____________
4. This means of transport is used exclusively to transport injured people:_________
5. This is used to move damaged vehicles:__________
6. This is used to collect municipal solid waste:____________
7. This is used for winter travel and recreation:____________
8. It is moved by pushing with one foot while the other remains on the board:_________
9. an automobile built or modified for racing:__________
10. Vehicles specialized to deliver different types of goods:__________
11. A small vehicle created to carry golfers:___________
12. Vehicle that provides both transport and sleeping accommodation:____________
13. Vehicle for hire with a driver:_________
14. armored fighting vehicle designed for front-line combat:___________
15. this aircraft is capable of moving vertically and horizontally:________


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