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The development of an increasingly modern world and the ease of transportation throughout the

world have resulted in cases of commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) becoming
increasingly complex. The high number of cases of CSEC in Indonesia has encouraged the
Indonesian government to focus more on developing policies and programs related to child
sexual exploitation. To maximize its policy, the Indonesian government works closely with
various related parties, both government and non-government institutions, one of which is
ECPAT. ECPAT is an international organization that aims to address and eliminate all forms of
sexual exploitation of children. The research uses the theory of the role of international
organizations and qualitative research methods with library research techniques, namely
secondary data obtained through literature study, namely data obtained from various literature
such as books, journals, bulletins, newspapers, annual reports of several related agencies,
documents, or other materials that research supports. In implementing its policy, the Indonesian
government and ECPAT cooperate with other parties involved in carrying out attacks on child
sexual exploitation, such as organizations, the private sector, academics, and international
agencies. The policies and programs that have been carried out by the Indonesian government
with ECPAT in Indonesia, namely carrying out research or collecting data related to child
exploitation, advocating for related parties, training related institutions so that they are better
prepared to deal with the problem of child sexual exploitation, and outreach such as campaigns,
workshops, or online education, Through the actions that have been carried out, several
achievements have been made, such as conducting research to record CSKA cases in Indonesia,
creating a module containing ways to prevent CSEC, guiding and inviting the private sector to
work together and be willing to pay attention to the protection of children's rights, and actively
providing education and campaigns both on social media and in person. The situation and
implementation of countermeasures against sexual exploitation in Indonesia appear to be far
from optimal. This problem is a criminal act that threatens the physical and psychological
integrity of the child. This condition is caused by many factors, such as economic problems or
the lifestyle in big cities, which cause the need for self-existence to increase. In addition, there
are other factors such as high consumer demand, the responsibility of children to support the
family, the lack of educational opportunities, and others. Because CSEC is a complex problem, it
requires the involvement and cooperation of many parties to overcome it. Previously, there had
been several studies on Indonesian government policies and the role of international
organizations in handling CSEC cases. In research conducted by Asnofi (2007) on the theme of
the Indonesian government's policy in dealing with CSEC, it was explained that Indonesia had
bound itself and recognized the legal provisions contained in the Convention on the Rights of the
Child, and besides that, the government had also built services to protect victims both in the form
of medical care and psychological guidance. As concluded from the explanation above, this
research will explain what the policies of the Indonesian government and ECPAT as an
international organization are in tackling the problem of child sexual exploitation in Indonesia.
One of ECPAT Indonesia's most important strategies is advocacy. ECPAT, as an organization
that focuses on commercial sexual exploitation of children, will find it easier if it can directly
monitor government policies and cooperate in carrying out activities related to tackling this.
ECPAT carries out various types of advocacy and cooperation with both the Indonesian
government and international parties. Policy advocacy and cooperation with the government
carried out by ECPAT include advocacy regarding the implementation of the Protocol to the
Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution, and Child
Pornography (OPSC) together with ECPAT Indonesia and Kinder Not Hilfe (KNH). Indonesia
has ratified the OPSC since 2012, namely through Law No. 10 of 2012. The consequence of
ratifying this matter is to make an initial report at least 2 years after the date of ratification and a
government report at least 4 years after ratification. Indonesia has a non-self-executing principle,
namely that if Indonesia ratifies an optional protocol, the law does not automatically enforce the
protocol. Thus, it is necessary to reformulate the law so that it can be implemented with
Indonesian legal policies.

Economic growth is an increase in the value and amount of goods or services produced in a
certain period of time. The economic growth of a country is closely related to the level of welfare
enjoyed by its people. The main factors influencing development and economic growth are
human resources (HR), natural resources (SDA), capital, social culture, and technological
developments. Several indicators of economic growth are rising: national income, per capita
income, the number of workers exceeding the number of unemployed, and the poverty rate.
Economic growth is seen and measured by comparing components that can represent the current
state of a country's economy and the previous period. The component used to measure economic
growth is gross national product (GNP) or gross domestic product (GDP). A country's economy
can be said to be growing if the economic activities of its people have a direct impact on
increasing the production of goods and services. Characteristics of economic growth There are at
least six characteristics of economic growth, according to Prof. Simon Kuznets. These six
characteristics are:

There is a very fast rate of population growth and per capita product. Community productivity
development. structural-level growth that accelerated. High level of urbanization. There is
expansion in developed countries. There is a flow of goods, capital, and people among various
countries. The main factors influencing development and economic growth are as follows:

1. Natural resources (SDA) The main factor influencing economic growth is natural resources.
That is something that comes from nature, including soil fertility, its location and composition,
natural wealth, minerals, climate, water sources, and marine sources.

2. Human resources (HR) The main factor influencing economic growth is human resources.
Human resources (HR) are productive individuals who act as the driving force of an
organization, both within companies and institutions. HR acts as the main element of the
organization compared to other elements such as technology and capital. Because it is humans
who will then control these other factors.

3. Accumulation of capital Furthermore, the main factor affecting economic growth is capital
accumulation. Capital accumulation is the process of adding to the stock of man-made physical
capital in the form of equipment, machinery, and buildings. If the capital stock increases within a
certain time, it is also called capital accumulation or capital formation.

4. Managerial power and production organization The organization of production as an important

part of the process of economic growth is closely related to the use of factors of production in
various economic activities. Production organization is also carried out and regulated by
managerial personnel in various daily activities.
5. Science and technology The rapid development of science and technology has accelerated the
development process. The change in work patterns that originally used human hands was
replaced by sophisticated machines that have an impact on aspects of efficiency, quality, and

6. Political factors and government administration From a non-economic perspective, the main
factors influencing economic growth are the political structure and government administration.
Weak political and administrative structures are a major obstacle to economic development in
developing countries. Unstable politics and a weak and corrupt government seriously impede
economic progress.

7. Socio-cultural aspects Next, the main factor influencing economic growth is the socio-cultural
aspect of people's lives. This includes attitudes, behavior, community views, work motivation, or
community institutions.

Several factors are expected to drive economic growth in Indonesia, including three major
factors: resources, transparency,  and policy. Resource factors include natural, financial, and
human resources, while policy factors consist of wages and decentralization. Estimation is done
using panel data techniques. In completing the growth optimization model, the neoclassical
economic growth optimization model will be used. For this reason, it is necessary to estimate the
private capital stock using the perpetual inventory method (PIM). Production function
specifications are estimated using panel data techniques. The estimation results on the factors
that drive regional economic growth show that natural resources, financial resources,
transparency, wages, and fiscal decentralization factors significantly encourage economic growth
in Indonesia. The human resource factor is not statistically significant in driving Indonesia's
economic growth. The optimal level of decentralization to achieve growth that optimizes
people's consumption is higher than the actual level of decentralization. This shows that the level
of decentralization that occurred in the observed period has not been able to encourage regional
economic growth to reach conditions that optimize people's consumption. The implication is how
the central and regional governments can increase their capabilities in attracting investors to the
regions so that there is an increase in public demand (consumption) and explore sources of
greater regional revenues for growth.

Technology was created to aid human activities. Technology cannot be separated from human
life because, with the existence of technology, humans can do all jobs more easily and quickly.
Technological progress cannot be avoided in human life. Because technological advances will go
hand in hand with the progress of science. The development of technology is indeed very
important for humans as a support for the progress of human life. Technological developments
have developed drastically and continue to evolve. Every step forward has an impact on life.
Current technological developments have an impact on changes in all aspects of human life. The
negative impact and positive impact of technological progress One of the positive impacts of the
existence of technology is that people can manage and search for information in a more practical
and precise manner. With the development of technology, human lifestyles are becoming
increasingly dependent on technology for various activities. Basically, the development of
technology is actually to facilitate human work, but in reality, humans are more dependent on
technology. Technological developments that look quite significant include cell phones. Aside
from being a communication tool, cellular phones can obtain various types of information
needed in daily life. With its small size and the nature of a mobile device, information can be
obtained anywhere and anytime in a relatively short amount of time.

Transformation is the process of changing systems, business processes, and technology as a

whole to achieve measurable improvements in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, and customer
and employee satisfaction. Transforming a business is no longer an option but a necessity. This
applies to all industrial sectors. If you don't transform, then you must be prepared to be left
behind by your competitors because you are running a business that is inefficient, ineffective,
and not in accordance with what customers want.

What steps must be taken when your company intends to transform? The process towards the
transformation stage can be carried out by going through 3 stages, namely planning,
implementation, and transformation.

At the "plan" stage, you formulate what new innovations you want to create for your business
now and in the future. After the formulation of the innovation has been completed, the next step
is to think of a solution that can support your business in achieving this new innovation. In this
case, the solution in question is a technology solution that is part of the business strategy. After
the formulation of new innovations has been obtained and the best technological solutions have
been selected, you must then determine what value you will get from using these technological

The second is the "implementation" stage, where technological innovations and strategies that
have been planned are now starting to look for ways to implement them. Finding the best
information technology solution provider is an important process at this stage. The
implementation of new technology in business cannot be done haphazardly. Choose a technology
solution provider company that has experience implementing technology solutions in companies
and has proven that the solutions provided have a very positive impact on business.

Finally, you have arrived at the "transformation" process itself. At this stage, you have actually
implemented the "plan" and "implementation" that were done before. The designed plan has
"gone live" for your business's operational processes. After arriving at this stage, the
implementation of new technology strategies must always be monitored to ensure that the
business value obtained increases optimally or at least matches your expectations in the
"planning" stage.

To encourage national economic growth and achieve inter-regional connectivity, the government
has set targets for road infrastructure development. Because road infrastructure is very influential
on distribution and logistics activities, which are the lifeblood of economic, political, socio-
cultural, and national defense and security lives, as well as connecting between regions and
Indonesia's geographical conditions, In addition, road infrastructure can support the
transportation sector which can facilitate the flow of distribution of goods and services, mobilize
people, accessibility between regions, and play a role in improving the quality of life and human
welfare. "Studies show, if you want to prosper the people and increase economic growth, then
what must be done is to improve distribution channels, and the main distribution channels are
roads. Therefore the quality of roads is the quality of the nation's economy," said Director
General of Construction Development of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing
(PUPR), Yusid Toyib, represented by Director of Institutional Development and Construction
Resources Yaya Supriyatna when giving a speech at the National Seminar on Construction
Services Development Institutions themed ' Road Pavement Construction and Road Maintenance

Presidential Regulation Number 72 of 2015 concerning Amendments to Presidential Regulation

Number 6 of 2015 concerning the Creative Economy Agency has reclassified the creative
industry sub-sector from 15 sub-sectors to 16 sub-sectors, namely architecture; design interior;
visual communication design; product design; films, animations and videos; photography; crafts;
culinary; music; fashion; application and game developers; publishing; advertising; television
and radio; performing Arts; and fine arts. The contribution of 15 creative industry sub-sectors to
the proportion of GDP in 2014, which shows that the culinary industry is the sub-sector with the
largest GDP contribution of 32%. While the results of the quadrant analysis using the variable
GDP growth rate and proportion to GDP show that the fashion industry is the industry with the
highest growth rate and proportion to GDP. While the computer and software service industry;
advertising; architecture; research and development; photography, film and video; radio and
television; as well as interactive games, although their proportion to GDP is still low, they still
record high growth rates, so they have the potential to be developed. The development of the
creative economy is currently still faced with various challenges and obstacles. The Master Plan
for the Creative Economy: Indonesia's New Strength towards 2025 identifies seven main issues
that pose challenges to the development of the creative economy, namely creative human
resources, raw materials, industrial competitiveness, financing, markets, infrastructure and
technology, as well as institutions and the business climate. In the midst of increasing global
economic challenges, the government is trying to encourage the development of creative
industries to become a strategic sector capable of playing a bigger role in the national economy
in terms of contribution to GDP, job creation and exports. A number of policy breakthroughs
have been made, including prioritizing the development of the creative economy in the 2015-
2019 National RPJM and the establishment of the Creative Economy Agency as an institution
that will oversee the development of the creative economy in particular. The government has
determined the development of the creative economy as part of the national priority agenda, and
formed BEKRAF to oversee the development of the creative economy. In order to realize the
creative economy as Indonesia's new economic power, the development of the creative economy
in Indonesia in the long term is directed not only at growing the creative industry but furthermore
being able to mainstream creativity and innovation in every sector and social life. The search for
solutions to various problems or potentials in various national development priority sectors needs
to be carried out creatively, innovatively and can be answered by creative industries or
collaborations between various creative industries, in order to create global competitiveness and
the quality of life for the Indonesian nation.

Disruptive Innovation, in Indonesian which is freely adapted, means disruptive innovation or

disruptive innovation. The word disturbing in this context cannot be taken for granted. In line
with technological developments, disrupting in this context means that the emergence of new
technological innovations will disrupt the existence of old technologies. The definition of market
competition in past economics often used price as the main parameter in viewing the factors that
affect competition itself (Inge, Wahyuningtyas, & Valcke, 2014, p. 2). However, it is often
forgotten that in modern market competition, technology has a very large influence. Especially
for companies that are already established and feel they are leading the industry, ego and self-
confidence are often too big to turn a blind eye to innovations made by competitors or
newcomers. The technology that emerged after that was slowly accepted by consumers and
replaced the technology provided by these established companies. After all, this is the basis for
how an innovation that replaces and is easier to call a disruptive innovation. It is very difficult to
determine when exactly this disruptive innovation first appeared in the world. However, the term
disruptive innovation was popularized by Clayton M. Christensen in 1997 (Australian
Government: Productivity Commission, 2016, p. 15). Disruptive innovation was first popularized
by the term disruptive technology. Christensen introduces disruptive innovation as a form of
distraction by newcomers. These newcomers compete with established incumbent companies.

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