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Greetings, I’ll continue our presentation with the financial analysis of four of our main products for

the next five years.

5 Year projection consideration

For our financial analysis we took in consideration some economic information like the type of
currency and the variation of the exchange rate for next 5 years. Income Tax Rate and the Tax on
Transferred Industrialized Goods and Services.

For the sale price we decided to present some variations in prices considering the purchasing
power of our customers and the economic situation of our country.

And for Work Coverage, we estimate that the daily hours of work will stay the same for the next
five years, along with the number of working days per week. For the percentage of effectiveness at
work, we expect that it stays above 90%.

5 Year projected sales forecast

For 2022 we sold this amount of products, but for this year we tried to keep our projections more
realistic since some of our customers and a lot of dominicans are struggling with the inflation and
other political-economic situations. But for 2024 and the oncoming years we expect that the
number and amount of products sold will increase.

Personnel Expenses Projection

The average number of personnel required to produce, maintain, distribute, market, or sell our
aforementioned products, is 175. With an average estimated salary of RD$32,000.00 which will be
increasing for the next years.

Projection of operating expenses

Here are some of the operating expenses that will take place in the next five years, like:

Investment Projection for Fixed Assets

Something important to mention is the decision to make further investments in furniture and
office appliances. Because the company needed better equipment for their employees in order to
do their tasks adequately, and to protect and monitor resources to prevent fraudulent acts.

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