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sudo apt-get install

sudo apt-get install command is used to download the latest version of your desired
application from an online software repository pointed to by your sources.list
configuration file and and install that application on your Linux machine.

Sudo adduser

the easiest way to grant sudo privileges to a user.

sudo reboot is used in tutorials / how-tos for compatibility reasons

While reboot might work

if you are root or

if you are on a host with systemd and
if no applications are blocking a reboot
sudo reboot will "always"* work, regardless of

whether you are root

whether there are other users logged in
whether there are applications blocking
whether init is systemd, System V, Upstart, whatever


sudo - execute a command as another user

-v : Update the user's cached credentials, authenticating the

user if necessary. For the sudoers plugin, this extends
the sudo timeout for another 5 minutes by default, but does
not run a command. Not all security policies support
cached credentials.
Sudo adduser

adduser, addgroup - Añade un usuario o grupo al sistema

What is sudo apt update?

The sudo apt-get update command is used to download package information from all
configured sources.

when you run update command, it downloads the package information from the


OpenSSH (Open Secure Shell) es un conjunto de aplicaciones que permiten realizar

comunicaciones cifradas a través de una red, usando el protocolo SSH.


Uncomplicated Firewall es un cortafuegos diseñado para ser de fácil uso

desarrollado por Ubuntu.

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