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ABSTRACT Eurocorr 2021 (Corrosion Education Working Party session – WP 7):

‘Active Books on Corrosion’ : A new paradigm for online Corrosion Education and Training

Walter F. Bogaerts (1), I.L. Bogaerts (2), V.T. Thuy (1), M.J. Embrechts (3)

KU Leuven (University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium),
Technologica Group c.v. (Meerhout, Belgium)
RPI (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy-New York, USA)

Previous projects, such as the European 'Mentor-C' project with participation of the EFC Working
Party on Corrosion Education, have demonstrated that so-called "unsupervised learning" by means of
electronic tools is a difficult to achieve objective.

Now, the current authors have developed a new information environment that provides a novel kind of
"cross-over" between 'print' and advanced 'e-books'. These "Active Books on Corrosion" give the
natural look-and-feel of a traditional text book (incl. browsing, super-realistic page turning, etc...) as
well as all the possibilities of the most advanced e-books, such as in-page display of video and
animated graphics, multi-lingual subtitles/closed captions with these videos, page and figure zoom
facility (e.g., magnification of micrographs), various browsing methods and full-text search, personal
notes and annotations, etc...

The presentation will demonstrate a few examples, such as a course dealing with Corrosion and
Corrosion Types, and a training module on Materials Selection for the Chemical Process Industries.

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