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(E-Commerce Web Application)

Project Supervisor:
 Dr Gulzar Ahmad

Submitted By:
 Muhammad Faizan BSCS-SP19-04

 Abdul Hannan BSCS-SP19-12

This report is submitted as a partial fulfillment of

BS in Computer Science (BSCS)



Department of Computer Science
NCBA&E West Canal Campus


We state that the grounds of this project report are authentic work, exceptions are for

quotations and citations, which have been properly recognized. We also state that it has not

been formerly or at this time submitted for any other award or degree in the Department of

Computer Science at NCBA&E WCC or in any other institutions.

Student Name Muhammad Faizan Student Name Abdul Hannan

Roll Number BSCS-SP19-04 Roll Number BSCS-SP19-12

Program BSCS Program BSCS

Submission Date ______________ Submission Date ______________

Final Year Project Approval Letter

It is to certify that this project report entitled “ProShop” prepared by Muhammad Faizan &

Abdul Hannan. They have fulfilled the necessary standards for presenting this project as a

requirement for the award/degree of BSCS at the NCBA&E West Canal Campus, Lahore.

Project Supervisor

Head of the Department

Department of Computer Science.


We dedicate this project to The Sole Creator of the entire Universe and everything it

comprehends, The Almighty and Merciful Allah, and His Messenger Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH). It has only been possible that Allah has given us the power to perform and we were

able to complete this project.

In last, the success of this project is dedicated to our Parents and our respected Teachers,

whom have always been there for us, their support and faith in us is one of the primary

reasons we have confidence in accomplishing great wonders.


No person is perfect or near perfect in things they do, they are limited in knowledge and

thinking. It is only from the guidance of Almighty Allah that a person performs and completes

anything. Almighty Allah gives us strength and power to overcome difficulties and perform our

duties, through His guidance only we are able to complete our tasks. We cannot thank Allah

enough for the opportunities He gives us. Alhamdulillah on the completion of this project.

We are special thankful to Sir Gulzar Ahmad who helped us in this project, that might not be

possible for us to finish this project without his help and who made us able to be at this position

and as he appreciated us to do this.

And thanks to our parents and teachers as well, who support us at every difficulty of life, have

faith in us and thanks to their belief in us for our success.


Muhammad Faizan and Abdul


Table of Contents

Declaration ________________________________________________________________3
Approval _________________________________________________________________4
Dedication ________________________________________________________________5
Acknowledgment __________________________________________________________6
Abstract __________________________________________________________________ 9

List of Tables ___________________________________________________________10

1- Introduction __________________________________________________________12

1.1- Purpose ___________________________________________________________13

1.2- Objectives___________________________________________________________13

1.3- Scope _____________________________________________________________14

2- Project Management ____________________________________________________14

2.1- Approaches ___________________________________________________________14

2.1.1- Software Development Paradigm _______________________________________14

3- The Waterfall Model _____________________________________________________15

3.1- The Waterfall Model Diagram ___________________________________________16

4- Time Line Chart _________________________________________________________15

5- System Requirements ___________________________________________________20

6- User Requirements ______________________________________________________20

7- Organizational Requirements _____________________________________________21

8- External Requirements _________________________________________________21

9- System Analysis ______________________________________________________22

9.1- Study of the Current System ____________________________________________22

9.2- Current System’s Weaknesses __________________________________________23

10- New System Requirements ______________________________________________23

10.1- Feasibility Study ______________________________________________________23

10.2- New System’s Features _______________________________________________24

11- System Design _________________________________________________________25

11.1- Data Flow Diagram ____________________________________________________25

11.2- Conditional Diagram___________________________________________________27

11.3- Data Flow Diagram's First Level _________________________________________28

11.4- Data Flow Diagram's Second Level_______________________________________29

12. System Flow Chart _____________________________________________________30

13- ER Diagram __________________________________________________________31

14- Data Dictionary ________________________________________________________33

14.1 Tables _______________________________________________________________33

15- Summary _____________________________________________________________41

16- Conclusion ___________________________________________________________42

17- Screen Layout _________________________________________________________43

1. Abstract

This document describes all the elements and methods pursued in the development of this
ProShop (PS).
This document includes all the details about this project. It’s primary requirements, its
development stages, the various features and functionalities of this project, the objectives to be
achieved, and the procedures that were observed in the achievement of those objectives.

ProShop is the e-commerce website that allows customers to buy and sell products or
services online. The aim of this project is to design and develop a user-friendly e-commerce
website that enables customers to browse and purchase products with ease. The website will
offer a wide range of products in different categories such as electronics, fashion, home
appliances, and more. The website will also feature a secure payment gateway to ensure safe
transactions. In addition, the website will have a user-friendly interface that enables customers
to easily search for products and add them to their cart. The website will be developed using
modern web technologies such as HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, React JS and Express
JS. This project involves the database which is Mongo DB to design and development to store
and manage product information, user data, and transaction details.

2. List of Tables

Serial Number Titles Pages Number

1 User Interface Portal 43

2 Products 44

3 Product Details 45

4 Add to Cart 45

6 Proceed to Checkout 46

7 Registration 47

8 Sign In Layout 48

9 Shipping Information 49

10 Payment 50

11 Payment Method 51

12 Order Summary 52

13 Place Order 53

14 Order Confirmation 54

15 Delivery 55

16 Delivery Confirmation 56

3. List of Figures

Serial Titles Pages Number


1 The Waterfall-Model 15

2 The Data-Flow-Diagram (DFD) 26

3 The Context Diagram (CD) 28

4 The Data Flow Diagram’s First Level (DFD) 29

5 The Data Flow Diagram Second Level (DFD) 30

6 The Systems Flowchart 23

7 The ER Diagram 32

1 Introduction:

ProShop is an e-commerce website that aims to provide a seamless shopping experience for
customers who are looking to buy various products online. The motivation behind this project is
to create a user-friendly and efficient online shopping platform that enables customers to find
and purchase their desired products quickly and easily.

The scope of the project includes the development of a website that allows customers to
browse through a wide range of products, view detailed information about each product, and
add them to their cart, and checkout securely. The website also provides an intuitive and user-
friendly interface that enables customers to create accounts, manage their profiles, and view
their order history.

The target audience for ProShop is people who prefer online shopping over traditional brick-
and-mortar stores. The website is intended to provide a one-stop-shop for customers who want
to buy various products online, including electronics, clothing, accessories, and more.

The technologies and tools used to develop ProShop include the MERN Stack, which stands
for Mongo DB, Express, React, and Node.js. These technologies were chosen for their
scalability, flexibility, and ease of development. Additionally, other tools and technologies such
as Redux, Bootstrap, and Stripe were used to enhance the website's features and functionality.

The expected benefits of ProShop are that customers will be able to browse, compare, and
purchase products conveniently, without having to leave their homes. The website provides a
secure and user-friendly platform for online shopping, which makes it a reliable and trustworthy
choice for customers.

By developing ProShop, we hope to provide a superior online shopping experience to

customers, which will help us stand out in the competitive e-commerce market.

1.1 Purpose
The main purpose of ProShop is to create an e-commerce website that provides customers
with a convenient and user-friendly platform for online shopping. With the increasing popularity
of online shopping, there is a growing demand for reliable and trustworthy e-commerce
websites that can provide customers with a seamless shopping experience.

The purpose of ProShop is to meet this demand by creating a website that enables customers
to browse, compare, and purchase products quickly and easily. By providing a wide range of
products, detailed product information, and a secure checkout process, ProShop aims to
become a one-stop-shop for customers who prefer online shopping.

Additionally, the purpose of ProShop is to provide a competitive advantage in the e-commerce

market by offering a superior user experience. By using modern web development

technologies and tools such as the MERN stack, Redux, Bootstrap, and Stripe, ProShop is
designed to be scalable, flexible, and easy to use.

The purpose of ProShop is to provide a reliable and trustworthy e-commerce platform that
customers can use with confidence. With features such as user accounts, order tracking, and
secure payments, ProShop aims to build a loyal customer base and establish itself as a
leading e-commerce website.

Overall, the purpose of ProShop is to create an e-commerce website that meets the needs of
modern customers and provides them with a convenient and user-friendly platform for online
shopping. If the users are comfortable with the system, then it will be finalized, otherwise
modifications would be made after reviewing end users’ interactions and their liking to use this

1.2 Objectives
 To create a user-friendly and intuitive e-commerce website that enables customers to
browse, compare, and purchase products quickly and easily.
 To provide customers with a wide range of products in various categories, including
electronics, clothing, accessories, and more.
 To ensure that the website is secure and reliable by implementing measures such as
user accounts, secure payments, and order tracking.
 To enhance the user experience by providing features such as product reviews, wish
lists, and personalized recommendations.
 To optimize the website for performance and scalability by using modern web
development technologies such as the MERN stack, Redux, Bootstrap, and Stripe.
 To establish a loyal customer base by providing exceptional customer service and
offering incentives such as loyalty programs and discounts.
 To generate revenue by selling products through the website and implementing
monetization strategies such as advertising and sponsored products.
By achieving these objectives, ProShop aims to become a leading e-commerce website
that provides customers with a superior shopping experience. The website will be optimized
for performance and scalability, providing customers with fast and reliable access to a wide

range of products. Additionally, the website will be secure and trustworthy, ensuring that
customers can shop with confidence. Ultimately, ProShop aims to become a profitable e-
commerce business that delivers value to its customers and stakeholders.

1.3 Scopes
The project is to be installed on a desktop computer or laptop. The scope is to make it suitable
for desktop computers, and it could be specified according to any institute or organization’s
needs. Modifications could be made to the project to make it operate online in the future.

The intention of developing Hotel Management System HMS is modernizing the

conventional/old ways of managing the hotel activities. One of the aims of using this software
is to generate the desired reports automatically at any moment, as the user require. Being a
desktop application means it is an autonomous software (under admins control). Modifications
can make this run separately for specific hotels.

2. Project Management
2.1 Approaches

2.1.1 Software Developing Paradigm:

Solving an actual industry problem requires software developer or team of software developing
team to integrate a development strategy. This development strategy surrounds the processes,
the generic phases, tools, and the methodologies. This development strategy can be referred
to a “Software Developing Paradigm”. The projects selection and nature must be kept in mind
for the selection of the “Process Model” for software development, also the methods to be
used, the controls and tools, those that are the requirements of the project. Software
development can be a set of activities performed by programmers, dedicated to solve a
problem through following software development stages, which are as follows:

 Planning Stage
 Requirements Analysis
 Designing
 Software Development Stage

 Software Testing
 Implementation and Integration
3 - The Waterfall Model:
This current project’s model life cycle is a little different from the standard waterfall model.

These differences are:

 Current project does not include maintenance.

 Only some of the testing methods present in the theoretical model are applied here in this

The Waterfall Model contains:

 Acknowledging the Requirements Definition.

 Designing the system and software.
 Implementation of the system and software.
 Integration and testing of the system and software.
 Finally, its operations and maintenance.

3.1 The Waterfall Model Diagram:

4 Time Line Chart

Week Number 1

Tasks Performed Day one Day two Day Day four Day five

Analysis of project

-Defining The Title of Project

-Discussing about the project’s


Week Number 2

-Making the SFD.

-Making the DFD.

-Making changes in System Flow

Diagram and Data Flow Diagram.

Week Number 3

-Building data dictionary according

to requirements of the project.
-Features and functionalities to be
added are being identified.

-Visiting related websites for



Analysis is Complete

Week Number 4

Tasks Performed Day one Day two Day Day Day five
three four


-Now designing the login page, home

page, and logout page forms.

-Design of the front office panel and

rooms information over it.

Week Number 5

-Design of rooms
information with functionalities of
providing way to check whether room
is free or busy form the front office.

-Design of checking form with great

functionality of frequent flyer.

Week Number 6

-Design of voucher with debit and

credit functionalities.

-Design services.

-Design for changing the Room form.


-Design is Complete.

Week Number 7

Tasks Performed Day one Day two Day Day four Day
three five


-Doing coding for the login page, home

page, and logout forms.

-Putting front office panel and rooms

information over it.

Week Number 8

-Coding for the food department or


-Coding of data for the house keeping

Week Number 9

-Doing coding for the data transferring


-Coding for transferring data between

the kitchen panel & the office panel
Week Number 10

-Coding of checking form with great

functionality of frequent flyer.

-Coding for requesting of admins form.

-Coding for the “access denied” page.

Week Number Eleven

Tasks Performed Day One Day Two Day Day Day five
Three Four

- Coding for customer/user pin

changing form.

Mile Stone

Testing Week Number Twelve

-Testing for the login page, home

page, and logout forms.

-Testing of the front office panel

and rooms information over it.
Week Number Thirteen

-Testing of the food department or


-Testing of the data for the house

keeping services.
Week Number Fourteen

-Inter and Indra-departmental

testing of data transfer forms.

-Testing of data accessed forms

and the request forms of the user
or customer and the changes

-Testing of “access denied” data

forms, modification forms and the
data access forms.

Testing done.

5- System Requirements
 Minimum Pentium 4 Motherboard.
 Minimum 700 megabytes of storage space.
 Minimum 256 megabytes of RAM.
Software or OS:
 OS (Operating System) should be Windows 7 (minimum).
 MS SQL SERVER 2008 (Back End).
 C#.Net- VISUAL STUDIO 2010 (Front End).

6- Users Requirements
The system will be used in different modules like, administrator, office, kitchen and many more.
These modules are made in a way to meet their specific requirements and avoid any clash or
confusion. Every single one of these have different requirements which are built according to
its users. Uses of the user modules are as follows.

Users can perform the following functions:

 Adding, modifying and Deleting Room Detail.

 Adding, modifying and Deleting Food Detail.
 Adding, modifying and Deleting Employee Detail.
 Adding, modifying and Deleting Housekeeping Detail.
 Adding, modifying and Deleting services.
 View Results.
 Generate Reports.
 Check-in and checkout the guest.
 Add, Edit, Delete, Update Vouchers.
 Shift the room.
 Add room to existing booking.
 Search room history.
 Search visited Guest.
 Add, edit, update, delete food types.
 See room free, occupied and maintenance information of the room.

7- Organizational Requirements
Requirements for implementation:

This project implies 3tier business architecture. Every class, procedure, function, and object
are created based on these architectures. Expert skills are required for the implementation of
this project.
The three tiers are the Graphical Users Interface GUI, the Business Logic Layer, and the Data
Access Layer. Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and Microsoft Visual .Net 2010 will be used for
complete coding. Coding (most of it) will not be displayed or made available to the user or
client(s) for no reason. This software/program does not require any additional software or
hardware to be used to support it.

Standard Requirements:
Any negotiations or deals in relation to this software/product will follow industry standards.
From coding to documentation and final delivery of this product will follow all the standards.

8 - External Requirements


The purpose should be clarified, and the privacy about any particular matter/thing or strategies
will be based on previously negotiated terms.

Keeping in mind the necessary critical points, the members requirements will define the basis
of safety.


The product/software should follow all the ethical requirements and protocols and be
negotiated with human ethics. User should be held responsible for any unethical activity
performed using this software.

9 - System Analysis

9.1- Current System’s Study and its Weaknesses

9.1.1- Study of the Current System:

Previously used systems are manual or paperwork and human interaction that takes a lot of time to
manage during. During this globalized world we say time is money, and it is true. The transfer of
information through previous systems takes time.

Booking of rooms is done through a phone call and all the information of the guests personal details
such as name, gender, age, duration of stay etc needs to be collected on the spot when the guest
arrives at the hotel. This delays the process and it takes time for the room to be prepared for the guest
as well.

Then the documents travel manually from the booking area to the filling department. The file is then
transferred to the reception on the reporting date. Then the room key is given to the guest of their
allocated room. Extra services are also orally asked for such as room service, lunch, or snacks.

The file then travels to the accountants table from the reception. Now the guest pays the accountant for
the accommodations, meals and used services. The file needs to be manually updated everyday and it
requires a lot of manual work. This is repeated on daily basis and the guest pays the accountant
everyday at his desk.

Immediate bills are also generated for on-time meal or services for the customers and the customer
needs to pay right after confirming his/her order.

During checkouts, the accountant needs to generate the expenses for the guest one day before the
departure. The guests receive their receipts and pay the remaining expenses at the accountants table.

9.1.2- Weaknesses

 Friendliness:
Due to manual system and paper work, this system is a little complex and unfriendly to
every user. Data retrieval is time consuming and inefficient.
 Report Generation:
Generating reports is also not easy, as it requires dedication and time. It takes time and
effort to manually generate receipts and keeping them safe is another difficult task.
 Manual Controls:
Manual entries and calculations have a greater chance of errors. These reports need
revisions and chances of errors are far more than automated work.
 Manual Work:
This manual working includes a lot of paper work. Losing a single receipt or a complete
book of entries could lead to a lot of problems. Every receipt and record is required to
generate reliable results.
 Timeliness:
Time is another factor, because of manual entries and calculations, it cannot happen
you can generate reports when you want. Its done on biweekly or monthly basis only.

10- System Requirements:

10.1- Feasibility Study:

Before proceeding further into the project, a preliminary investigation related t the project is
done which is necessary. Future actions are taken on the basis of predicted costs and benefits
about the project. The decisions are then taken after evaluation of the technical requirements,
operational requirements, and behavioral requirements. This step clears the way if the project
needs to be further developed or not.

1 - Behavioral:
The GUI or system is easy to understand and interact with. Any user can learn and use the
system with ease, no special training is required for operating this software.

2 - Economical:
Keeping in mind the costs, this project is quire economical. Its cost effective and time effective.
By applying this system, the salary expenses of the manual system employee is greatly
reduced. Thanks to its automation, reports and results are now just one click away.
Errors are far less or negligible in this system and its calculations, only human error can

3 - Technical:
This software does not require any additional software’s or hardware’s to run, the technical
requirements are economical.

10.2- New Systems Features:

This new proposed system is being designed according to users requirements.

1. Users Friendly:

Ultimately this programs is user friendly because the extraction and storing of the data is very
efficient and fast. Its GUI is also friendly and easy to understand. The users interaction and
understanding becomes easy.

2. Report Generation:

Daily, weekly, biweekly or monthly reports could be generated through this proposed system.
Or user can generate as he/she requires.

3. Less paper work:

Less paper work and more computing means no or very few manual entries. The computer
can generate results with few clicks and data inputs. This reduces paper work and it also
increases efficiency of

4. Computer operator:

Computer operator will handle storing, retrieving of information. It will enable work done
speedily and timely. Also there will be less errors because of the operator.

11 System Design

11.1 DFD (Data Flow Diag.)

It represents the flow of data/information in graphical form. This flow diagram acknowledges
the transfer of data to and from, and what processes will happen due to this transfer.

This DFD is quite different from the flow chart because it does not represents any function.
Neither it tells about the execution time nor it shows If it will operate sequentially.

DFD represents the flow of data with four of the following symbols.

 The external entity symbol shows the sources and targets of data coming to and from
the system.
 The data flow symbol displays data movement.
 Stored data is represented by data stored symbol, which means data is not moving.
 Another symbol is process symbol. It represents any activity that makes changes to the
data. (combining, converting or reordering of the data).

These four symbols can represent any systems details.

 Data Flow:

Data flow is shown by an arrow, the direction of the flow is in the direction of the arrowhead.
The flow of data is shown, the tail shows the source and the head shows the target of the
information travel. The information could be in written form, verbal or electronically transferred.


 Process:

This is represented by a circle. It represents the procedure that are being used in the system.


 External Entities.

An external entity is represented by a rectangle. These entities are either receivers or suppliers
of the data. No data is processed here.


 Storing of the Data:

The open end of this rectangle shows the direction of the data flow. This Symbol represents
the data stored in the system.


11.2 Conditional Diagram:
This diagram displays the working of the Information System. It explains the main purpose or
objective and all the entities involved in it.

11.3 Data Flow Diagram’s First Level

11.4 Data Flow Diagram’s Levee 2

12. System Flow Chart

13. E-R Diagram

14. Data Dictionary
14.1 Tables


Serial Field Data type Constraints Sizes Descriptions


1. Id Int32 Primary Key Login Id

2. Username nvarchar not zero 50 Username

3. Password nvarchar not zero 50 Password

4. Is Active nvarchar not zero 50 Is Active

Sr.No Field Data Constraints Sizes Descriptions
type B
1. Id Int32 Primary Key Booking Id O
2. Booking No Int32 not zero 50 Booking No
3. Booking Type nvarchar not zero 50 Booking Type G

4. Title nvarchar not zero 50 Customer Title

5 Guest Name nvarchar not zero 50 Guest Name E

6 Gender nvarchar not zero 50 Gender P
7 Father’s Name nvarchar not zero 50 Father’s Name
8 Address nvarchar not zero 50 Address Y
9 City nvarchar not zero 50 City E

10 Mobile nvarchar not zero 50 Mobile

11 Nationality nvarchar not zero 50 Nationality

12 Email nvarchar not zero 50 Email

13 Id No Int32 not zero 50 Id No

14 Alternative Guest nvarchar not zero 50 Alternative Guest

Name Name

15 How Did Find US nvarchar not zero 50 How Did Find US

16 Vehicle nvarchar not zero 50 Vehicle

17 Vehicle Type nvarchar not zero 50 Vehicle Type

18 Vehicle No nvarchar not zero 50 Vehicle No

19 Coming From nvarchar not zero 50 Coming From

20 Going To nvarchar not zero 50 Going To

21 Purpose OF Visit nvarchar not zero 50 Purpose OF Visit

21 No OF Person Int32 not zero 50 No OF Person

22 Relation Ship Int32 not zero 50 Relation Ship

23 Male Int32 not zero 50 Male

24 Female Int32 not zero 50 Female 35

25 Children Int32 not zero 50 Children

Serial Field Data type Constraints Sizes Descriptions

1. Employee Int32 Primary Key Employee Id


2. Name Int32 not zero 50 Emp Name

3. Sir Name Varchar not zero 50 Emp Surname

4. Position Varchar not zero 50 Emp Position

5. Joining Date Date not zero 50 Emp Joining Date

6. Salary nvarchar not zero 50 Emp Salary

7. Sex Varchar not zero 50 Emp Sex

8. Phone Int32 not zero 50 Emp mobile

9. Address Varchar not zero 50 Emp Address

10. Emergency Varchar not zero 50 Emp Emergency

Phone Contact No

11. Qualification Varchar not zero 50 Emp Qualification

12. Image Binary not zero 50 Emp Image


Serial Field Data type Constraints Sizes Descriptions


1. F ID int Primary Key Food ID

2. Item Name Varchar not zero 50 Item Name

3. Rate int not zero 50 Rate

4. Unit’s name Varchar not zero 50 Unit name

5. Quantity Int32 not zero 50 Quantity

6. Type Id Int32 not zero 50 Type Id

7 Menu Type Nvarchar not zero 50 Menu Type

8 Status Bit not zero 10 Status


Serial Field Data type Constraints Sizes Descriptions


1. Type Id Int32 Primary Key Type Id

2. Name Varchar not zero 50 Item Name

3. Menu type Int32 not zero 50 Menu type

4. Descriptions Varchar not zero 50 Descriptions


Serial Field Data type Constraints Sizes Descriptions


1. Setup id Int32 Primary Key Setup id

2. Hotel name Varchar not zero 50 Hotel name

3. Slogan Varchar not zero 50 Slogan

4. Address1 Varchar not zero 50 Address1

5 address2 Varchar not zero 50 address2

6 Phone Varchar not zero 50 Phone

7 Email Varchar not zero 50 Email


Serial Field Data type Constraints Sizes Descriptions


1. F ID Int32 Primary Key Floor id

2. Room No int not zero 10 Room No

3. Floor number Varchar not zero 50 Floor number

4. Descriptions varchar not zero 50 varchar


Serial Field Data type Constraints Sizes Descriptions


1. Service ID Int32 PK Service ID

2. Descriptions Varchar not zero 50 Descriptions

3. Service Varchar not zero 50 Service

4. Rate Int32 not zero 50 Rate

5 Quantity Int32 not zero 50 Quantity


Serial Field Data type Constraints Sizes Descriptions


1. Booking No Int32 Foreign Key Setup id

2. Amount Int32 not zero 50 Amount Payed


3. Amount Int32 not zero 50 Amount Remaining


4. Date of Date Time not zero 50 Date of voucher



Serial Field Data type Constraints Sizes Descriptions

1. Booking No Int32 Foreign Key Setup id

2. Room No Int32 not zero 50 Room number

3. Chekin Status Bit not zero 10 Chekin Status

4. Checkin Date Date Time not zero 50 Checkin Date

5 Expected Checkout Date Time not zero 50 Expected

Date Checkout Date

6 Check Out Date Date Time not zero 50 Check Out Date


Serial Field Data type Constraints Sizes Descriptions


1. Room ID Int32 Primary Key Room ID

2. Room No Int32 not zero 50 Room No

3. Room Type Varchar not zero 50 Room Type

4. Floor Varchar not zero 50 Floor

5 Price Int32 not zero 50 Price

6 Bed Int32 not zero 50 Bed

7 Status Bit not zero 1 Status

8 Maintenance Bit not zero 1 Maintenance

9 Housekeepin Bit not zero 1 Housekeeping



Serial Field Data type Constraints Sizes Descriptions

1 ID Int32 not zero 32 Color Id

2 Top Bar Varchar not zero 50 Top Bar


3 Side Bar Varchar not zero 50 Side Bar



Serial Number Field Data type Constraints Sizes Descriptions

1 Taken food ID Int32 Primary Key 20 Taken food

2 Booking No Int32 not zero 10 Booking No

3 F ID Int32 not zero 20 F ID

4 Quantity Int32 not zero 10 Quantity

5 Date Date Time not zero 15 Date

6 Room No Int32 not zero 5 Room No

7 Employee ID Int32 not zero 30 Employee ID

Project’s Title:

The Hotel Management System HMS.


MVS (MS Visual Studio) and MS SQL Server

Documentation Tools:

Microsoft Word MSW-2010.

Microsoft PowerPoint MPPT-2010.

NCBA & E WCC Lahore

Internal Project Guide:

Sir Waqas Zaki

Submitted By:

Muhammad Tahir (03036753086)

Fahad Nazir (03000089906)
Submitted To:

Department of computer Science at NCBA&E- (WCC).

Lahore, Pakistan.

12. Conclusion

Our goal was to practically perform what we had learned during our classes. We have learned and
exercised the use of XP in this Hotel Management System HMS.

This project has built confidence in us in writing our codes and we can attain our set goals and aims
with this confidence and practice. Assigning serials and using OOP approach has helped us cut down
time taken in the designing phase and our focus was on designing the classes/objects. We serialized
them on disk and didn’t spent time on the designing of storing data.

Working together as a team and performing specific duties has helped us understand how
professional programmers work as a team and make things happen together.

This software can be modified and there is always room for improvements. More features that
could be added to this program. It can also be improved; different types of securities and users
can be added. This software could be made web or network enabled or as per user

These were our final thoughts about this project.

Screen Layouts

Login Screen

Selection of Module

Admin Panel

Front Office Panel

Kitchen Panel

Housekeeping panel

Restaurant Panel

Inventory Panel

Stock Panel

Payroll Panel

Reports Panel

Room Detail

Checkin Guest


Guest Information

Room Shifting


Adding Food

Rooms Configuration

User Creation

Users Rights Control


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