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This is a chapter excerpt from Guilford Publications.

Handbook of Early Literacy Research, Volume 2, Edited by David K. Dickinson and Susan B. Neuman
Copyright © 2006


A Window of Opportunity We Must Open
to All: The Case for Preschool
with High-Quality Support
for Language and Literacy


Countries seeking to educate citizens equip- regulatory abilities. Next we briefly review
ped with the literacy skills needed for skilled studies conducted in early childhood class-
jobs in this technological era must provide rooms and find that they can play an impor-
children from low-income families with cen- tant role in supporting children’s language
ter-based preschools that offer substantially development. Unfortunately, other research
stronger support for language and early liter- that has examined interaction in preschool
acy skills than what is commonplace today. classrooms reveals serious limitations in the
In this chapter we provide evidence from extent to which the average classroom that
multiple domains to support this proposi- serves low-income children provides optimal
tion. After documenting the shortcomings of support for language. We conclude by dis-
our educational system, we argue that the cussing some of the steps we see as necessary
years between 3 and 5 are especially impor- if we are to significantly improve the ability
tant for long-term development. We substan- of classrooms to nourish children’s early de-
tiate this claim with developmental research velopment.
from three broad areas: (1) early literacy,
(2) social and emotional development, and
(3) brain development. Theory and research Why We Need High-Quality
findings from these areas are reviewed and Preschool Classrooms
interpreted as indicating that linguistic, cog-
nitive, and affective domains are all critical An extensive literature documents large and
to long-term literacy development. These do- predictable gaps between children from
mains are shown to be interrelated, with more and less advantaged socioeconomic
synergistic interdependencies appearing in backgrounds in the United States (Bishop &
the later preschool years that result in in- Edmundson, 1987; Dickinson, 1987; Hart
creasingly well-orchestrated systems of inter- & Risley, 1995; Strickland, 2001; Tarullo &
related linguistic, cognitive, and affective/ Zill, 2002; Whitehurst & Lonigan, 1998,


2001) and other industrialized societies are the conceptual changes that are required.
(Leseman & van Tuijl, Chapter 16, and Pianta (Chapter 11, this volume) argues that
McNaughton, Chapter 17, this volume). Pre- teachers of young children feel a tension
dictable factors place children at risk of en- between supporting children’s emotional
tering kindergarten with limitations in liter- growth through warm and supportive rela-
acy-related skills: Their parents have limited tionships and teaching children information
education and economic resources, their eth- and skills. He argues that the act of explicit
nicity and/or first language is not that of the instruction often is experienced as a threat to
mainstream community and is not valued by their ability to nourish children’s emotional
the majority culture, and their family does growth. The power of such ways of viewing
not engage in the type of discourse that has teaching has helped shape how the broader
been found conducive to acquisition of early preschool world has viewed classrooms,
literacy skills (Hart & Risley, 1995; Hoff, with support for literacy too often seen as
Chapter 12 and Leseman & van Tuijl, Chap- standing in opposition to support for social
ter 16, this volume). When these early prob- and emotional development. This either/or
lems are combined with the problem of ele- trade-off view was reflected even in the land-
mentary schools that are not successfully mark review of research on early child-
bolstering children’s phonemic awareness hood programs, Neurons to Neighborhoods
(see Biemiller, Chapter 3, Burgess, Chapter 7, (Shonkoff & Phillips, 2000), which, in its fi-
Morrison, Connor, & Bachman, Chapter 26, nal summary, included a caution against
and Lonigan, Chapter 6, this volume), many overemphasis on cognitive goals at the ex-
children are left at significant risk of failing pense of social and emotional goals. We
to acquire high-level literacy skills. must move beyond such thinking to recogni-
Although such factors place children at tion of the need to address all aspects of de-
risk, longitudinal research indicates that velopment effectively.
high-quality interventions during the pre-
school years can have enduring effects on a
broad range of developmental outcomes (see Literacy Development
Barnett, Chapter 25, and Ramey & Ramey, from a Systems Perspective
Chapter 31, this volume). Unfortunately,
preschool classrooms that serve the popula- Literacy development can best be under-
tion in need of strong early support do not stood from a systems perspective (Ford &
consistently have a major impact on support- Lerner, 1992; Nelson, 1996) in which lan-
ing children’s development. Head Start, the guage plays a prominent early role in or-
government’s flagship program that seeks to ganizing cognitive and other affective–
level the playing field for children from low- behavioral systems that support literacy-re-
income homes, has substantially increased its lated activity. Extensive research on early lit-
attention to early academic skills, with bene- eracy now indicates that language skills
fits being seen in children’s language and lit- broadly conceived—vocabulary, syntax, and
eracy skills (see Zill & Resnick, Chapter 26, discourse, as well as phonemic awareness—
this volume). Nonetheless, we are still far are central to early and long-term literacy
from providing the level of care required to success and that children reap added rewards
substantially enhance the academic opportu- when they develop these language and
nities of children who depend on these class- literacy-related capacities in tandem so that
rooms for educational nourishment. interconnections among systems can be
The slow pace of improvement is not sur- fashioned into mutually reinforcing systems
prising. The early childhood system employs (Dickinson, McCabe, Anastasopoulos,
staff who have limited education, are poorly Peisner-Feinberg, & Poe, 2003). But long-
paid, and work in a low-status profession, term literacy and associated academic suc-
often under difficult circumstances. High cess require more than acquisition of percep-
levels of attrition are but one outcome of this tual, linguistic, and cognitive skills that en-
unfortunate convergence of circumstances able one to read and understand. One also
(Dickinson & Brady, 2005). Added to the needs to acquire the social and affective–
problems that flow from financial con- behavioral self-regulatory skills needed to re-
straints on the entire early childhood system late effectively to teachers and peers, to at-
Preschool with Support for Language and Literacy 13

tend to difficult tasks, and to develop the Recently we reviewed the research on
motivation that enables one to become a self- early language and literacy development
sustaining learner. Thus a fully satisfactory (Dickinson et al., 2003) and stressed the cen-
theory of the development of early literacy tral role of multiple language abilities in
must take into account the interrelationships early and later literacy. We hypothesized that
among language and print-related skills early language and print-related abilities
(e.g., letter knowledge, knowledge of sound– may emerge as interdependent systems. Con-
symbol correspondences) and consider the siderable evidence demonstrates that literacy
interactions among social development and draws on a number of levels of the language
self-regulatory and motivation processes system, with these abilities encompassing vo-
(Dionne, Tremblay, Voivin, Laplante, & cabulary (Biemiller, 1999; Bishop & Adams,
Perusse, 2003; Pianta, 1999). 1990; Butler, Marsh, Sheppard, & Sheppard,
The complexity of such an undertaking is 1985; Hart & Risley, 1995; Scarborough,
staggering, but it is possible to narrow our 1989; Share, Jorm, Maclean, & Matthews,
focus in a manner that makes the task some- 1984; Storch & Whitehurst, 2002; Walker,
what less daunting. We hypothesize that lan- Greenwood, Hart, & Carta, 1994), syntax
guage plays a powerful role in the organiza- (for reviews, see Biemiller, 1999; Dickinson,
tion of all these systems. Between the ages of 1987), and discourse (Beals, 2001; Bishop &
3 and 6, the rapid development of language, Edmundson, 1987; Fazio, Naremore, &
particularly the emergence of the more ad- Connell, 1996; Feagans & Applebaum,
vanced language abilities, may play a pivotal 1986; Menyuk et al., 1991; Vernon-Feagans,
role in the initial organization and subse- Hammer, Miccio, & Manlove, 2001). Liter-
quent functioning of varied linguistic– acy also draws on the ability to attend to and
cognitive–affective systems that underpin lit- manipulate the sounds of language. The vital
eracy, as well as diverse areas of cognition role of phonological sensitivity also has been
and social development (Dickinson et al., demonstrated through longitudinal observa-
2003; Nelson, 1996; Pianta, Chapter 11, this tional studies (Bryant, MacLean, & Bradley,
volume; Tomasello, 2000). This perspective 1990; MacLean, Bryant, & Bradley, 1987;
has been summarized by Katherine Nelson Stanovich, 1992; Vellutino & Scanlon, 2001;
(1996), who reviewed research from multi- Wagner & Torgesen, 1987; Wagner et al.,
ple domains including theory of mind, mem- 1997; Whitehurst & Lonigan, 1998) and in-
ory, conceptual skills, and narrative, and tervention studies (Ball & Blachman, 1991;
linked these developmental shifts to the lan- McGuinness, McGuinness, & Donohue,
guage abilities that become available during 1995).
this period. Nelson stated that between ages Although research has tended to correlate
2 and 6 “language and the surrounding cul- reading skill with language functioning in
ture take over the human mind. It is during distinct areas, there is considerable evidence
these years that biology ‘hands over’ devel- that, in the developing child, language ability
opment to the social world” (p. 325). is not rigidly restricted to the categories we
This view of development is consistent use to describe language. Evidence for this
with Tomasello’s (2000) argument that hu- point comes from Scarborough (2001), who
man cognition is largely the by-product of conducted a meta-analysis of the impact of
evolutionary factors that led to the develop- oral language on subsequent reading abilities
ment of the ability of people to understand and concluded that successful predictors of
the perspectives of others and the refinement future reading abilities usually have not been
of abilities to communicate knowledge us- confined to a single linguistic domain. In-
ing language. Both Nelson and Tomasello deed, Scarborough suggests that, at different
advance positions that are consistent with points in development, reading problems
two key Vygotskian principles outlined by may be traced to language-related deficien-
Bodrova and Leong (Chapter 18, this vol- cies that take different forms at different
ume): (1) that mental development results points in development.
from natural development and cultural de- Of course, early reading involves processes
velopment and (2) that the formation of and knowledge other than those closely
higher mental functions is the major devel- linked to language. In particular, skill in rec-
opment during the early childhood period. ognizing and interpreting print is vital

(Dickinson et al., 2003; Lonigan, Burgess, & Consistent with this speculation is evi-
Anthony, 2000; Lonigan, Burgess, Anthony, dence that the preschool years are a time
& Barker, 1998; Storch & Whitehurst, 2002; when literacy-specific aspects of develop-
Whitehurst & Lonigan, 1998, 2001), as indi- ment may be particularly responsive to inter-
cated by the fact that the ability to identify vention. The National Reading Panel’s re-
and name letters has long been recognized as view of studies seeking to improve phonemic
being a strong predictor of later reading (Ad- awareness found that the few studies that in-
ams, 1990). volved kindergarten-age children, the youn-
Several decades of intensive study of the gest group included, had the strongest effects
importance of distinct domains to early liter- of any age period, with an average effect size
acy have resulted in abundant evidence of nearly double those found for interventions
the multiplicity of factors that support the carried out with older children (Ehri et al.,
emergence of literacy. In the coming decades 2001). Correlational studies have also pro-
researchers will need to examine the inter- vided evidence of the impact of preschool
connections among these diverse domains. classrooms on emerging aspects of children’s
Analyses we conducted of data from 4-year- language skill. Huttenlocher, Vasilyeva, Cy-
olds suggest that phonological sensitivity, vo- merman, and Levine (2002) examined the
cabulary, and print skills are correlated and, growth of low-income 4-year-old children’s
among normally developing children, are syntactic skills over the course of 9 months.
fashioned into mutually reinforcing systems Taking into account the impact of maternal
of knowledge. Other studies reported in this language use, they found that the syntactic
volume (see especially Leseman & van Tuijl, complexity of teachers’ language played a
Chapter 16; McNaughton, Chapter 17; and substantial role in accounting for children’s
Sénéchal, Ouelette, & Rodney, Chapter 13) fall-to-spring syntactic development.
support the proposition that reading success The Home–School Study of Language and
is based on development of multiple skills, Literacy Development (Snow & Dickinson,
with the centrality of different skills varying 1991), a longitudinal study that examined
by the age of the child and the reading de- both home and classroom factors that sup-
mands encountered at a given age. port the language and literacy of children
A hypothesis that flows from a systems from low-income families, also found clear
view of development is that the opportunity evidence that teachers’ language use can
to substantially affect the nature of the sys- have significant effects on children’s emerg-
tem is greatest at the point at which the pro- ing language and literacy skills (Dickinson &
cesses that are involved are initially being Tabors, 2001). When children were 4 years
fashioned into a stable, interconnected net- old, their classrooms were visited and coded
work. Some data from studies of the emer- for educational support, and their teachers
gence of phonemic awareness suggest that were interviewed and recorded throughout
this dynamic may be present for literacy- the course of one day. Regression analyses
related skills. Studies of the emergence of found that, after controlling for the chil-
phonological sensitivity in the preschool dren’s language skill at age 3 (mean length of
years (Lonigan, Chapter 6, this volume; see utterance during a play episode at home) and
Burgess, Chapter 7, this volume, for a re- family demographics (income, education),
view), indicate that very young children have the nature of extended discourse involv-
some capacity to attend to the sounds of lan- ing teachers added significant explanatory
guage but that these abilities are not orga- power to the models. For example, when
nized enough to enable children to demon- predicting vocabulary, the control variables
strate consistent access to phonological accounted for 18% of end-of-kindergarten
representations of language. The youngest variance, and, when a composite measure of
children show variability from one task to teachers’ extended discourse was added, the
the next and from one point in time to the amount of variance accounted for jumped to
next. However, as children approach age 5, 41%. In a recent reanalysis of these data, we
more stability is apparent, suggesting that found that these effects could still be de-
these abilities are beginning to be organized tected at the end of fourth grade. Using step-
into stable systems. wise hierarchical regression that controlled
Preschool with Support for Language and Literacy 15

for home demographic factors (i.e., maternal dren reach third grade, reading difficulties
education and family income) and the child’s are far less amenable to remediation (Good,
mean length of utterance (MLU) at age 3, we Simmons, & Smith, 1998; McGill-Franzen
found that measures of teacher discourse ac- & Allington, 1991).
counted for significant (p < .01) variance in Thus multiple language abilities are cen-
end-of-fourth-grade assessments of vocabu- tral to the emergence of literacy during the
lary and reading comprehension (Dickinson preschool years and continue to play a major
& Porche, 2005). role in later reading success. These abilities
Experimental and correlational evidence develop with great speed during the pre-
suggest that language may be particularly school years, and, as children enter school,
malleable during preschool. If true, this is selected capacities are recruited for reading
of considerable importance, because longi- and writing. There are hopeful indications
tudinal studies of vocabulary learning have that development may be particularly mal-
also provided strong evidence of stability in leable during this era; considerable evidence
vocabulary growth (Biemiller, 1999; Cun- suggests that as children get older it becomes
ningham & Stanovich, 1997) and evidence increasingly difficult to substantially alter
that schools are apparently not success- their chances of long-term academic success.
fully fostering vocabulary growth (Biemiller,
Chapter 3, this volume; Morrison et al.,
Chapter 26, this volume). Similarly, Storch Self-Regulation, Social Skills,
and Whitehurst (2002) examined develop- and Language
ment of vocabulary from preschool through
third grade, and at each step the vocabulary Extensive research has been done on the
scores from the previous year accounted for emergence of children’s social skills and the
88% or more of the variance of the subse- importance of self-regulation. Work on so-
quent year. Long-term stability also is pres- cial and emotional development comes from
ent, as Tabors, Snow, and Dickinson (2001) varied theoretical perspectives, with the so-
found kindergarten-to-seventh-grade corre- cially based perspective of Tomasello (2000)
lations in receptive vocabulary of r = .63. and Nelson (1996) being particularly rele-
Analyses of child outcomes between kinder- vant to our argument because of the central
garten and fourth grade using growth model- role accorded to language. Tomasello (2000)
ing found that kindergarten Peabody Picture argues that the ability to identify with the
Vocabulary Test (PPVT) scores and word perspectives of others, combined with the
recognition were strongly predicted by pre- ability to use language, enables people to
school home and classroom variables. communicate their mental states and inten-
Fourth-grade reading comprehension was tions, thereby providing a very powerful
strongly predicted by kindergarten means to transmit values and knowledge.
vocabulatry and reading controlling for kin- Other researchers interested in social and
dergarten–grade 4 rate of growth (Tabors, emotional development, especially those fo-
Porche, & Ross, 2003). cused on the role of cognition (e.g., Saarni,
Typically, children who enter kindergarten 1999), have also recognized the importance
or first grade substantially behind age norms of language in children’s emotion-related ca-
do not make the gains they need in order to pabilities. When language is viewed in this
leave school with strong academic skills. way, it becomes evident that, as children
High correlations have been reported be- learn to use language, they acquire a tool
tween kindergarten vocabulary skill and that enables them to regulate their own emo-
seventh-grade reading (Tabors, Snow, & tions and behaviors, with important conse-
Dickinson, 2001), as well as reading in first quences for their social and academic func-
and fourth grades (Juel, 1988). High correla- tioning.
tions also were reported between reading Self-regulation refers to the ability to initi-
achievement in first grade and at the end ate, sustain, modulate, or change the inten-
of high school (Cunningham & Stanovich, sity or duration of feeling states in order to
1997). The need for early intervention is achieve one’s goals (Baumeister & Vohs,
further indicated by the fact that, after chil- 2004). The capacity for self-regulation is in-

creasingly coming to be seen as essential to language. These findings provide evidence

social development and to the ability to learn of early positive impact of language-related
in school. Preschoolers with effective reg- abilities on behavioral self-regulation.
ulatory skills are better able to form positive Once children enter school, self-
relations with peers and teachers (Miller, regulation, social, and language skills all
Gouley, Seifer, Dickstein, & Shields, 2004). play a role in helping to shape their ability to
Further, preschoolers with such skills evi- form positive relationships with teachers and
dence greater social competence in kinder- peers and to succeed in school. Effective reg-
garten (Denham et al., 2003), as well as ulatory skills help reduce the incidence of
greater behavioral self-regulation skills and problem behaviors (Cole, Teti, & Zahn-
achievement (Howse, Calkins, Anastopoulos, Waxler, 2003; Cole, Zahn-Waxler, Fox,
Keane, & Shelton, 2003), suggesting that ef- Usher, & Welsh, 1996; Eisenberg et al.,
fective regulatory skills are central to chil- 1996; Eisenberg et al., 1995), and are di-
dren’s mastery of difficult tasks such as those rectly associated with positive social and ac-
associated with literacy learning. ademic functioning. We have shown that
Although the majority of research on self- poor self-regulatory abilities explain the
regulation focuses on preschoolers and greater relationship difficulties with peers
school-age children, there is evidence that and teachers experienced by children from
the capacity for “effortful control,” a tem- low-SES families (Miech, Essex & Gold-
peramentally based ability to inhibit a domi- smith, 2001). And other studies have shown
nant response and activate a subdominant that children with strong regulatory skills are
response (Rothbart, Ellis, Rueda, & Posner, more capable of managing interactions that
2003), becomes increasingly coherent and are emotionally charged (Fabes et al., 1999).
consistent by age 2 (Kochanska, Coy, & In a series of studies, Ladd and colleagues
Murray, 2001; Kochanska et al., 1996). In have shown that kindergartners who relate
young children, effortful control has been to others in a positive manner, avoiding neg-
shown to be associated with more regulated ative or aggressive actions, have more posi-
emotions and stronger restraint (Kochanska, tive relationships with their teachers (Birch
Murray & Harlan, 2000), and poor effortful & Ladd, 1998) and peers, which, in turn,
control with behavior problems (Murray & result in more productive engagement in
Kochanska, 2002; Rothbart et al., 2003). school and higher levels of school achieve-
This self-regulation system is partially deter- ment (Ladd, Birch, & Buhs, 1999). In an-
mined by biologically based control mecha- other series of studies, Eisenberg and col-
nisms, but considerable individual variability leagues have shown that self-regulation
also is likely linked to cognitive, speech, and predicts later peer popularity and socially
representational abilities. It is intriguing that appropriate behavior and that these associa-
coherence in an individual’s ability to exert tions are stronger for those children high in
effortful control begins to be seen at an age negative emotionality, for whom regulation
when language abilities are blossoming. Two is particularly important (Eisenberg, Fabes,
recent studies provide direct evidence for a Guthrie, & Reiser, 2000). In contrast, when
link between the development of language children enter school with poor self-regula-
and this aspect of self-regulation. In a twin tory skills and aggressive behaviors that are
study, Dionne et al. (2003) found evidence of maintained through the early school years,
heritability effects on toddlers’ aggressive be- they experience early-emerging and sus-
haviors but not on expressive vocabulary tained difficulties in their relations with both
and, most important, moderately strong neg- peers and teachers (Ladd et al., 1999).
ative effects of acquisition of expressive vo- The early teacher–child relationship has
cabulary on aggression. And in a longi- been shown to be especially important for
tudinal study of kindergartners, Hooper, children’s social and academic adjustment
Roberts, Zeisel, and Poe (2003) found that (Pianta, 1999; Pianta, Steinberg, & Rollins,
expressive and receptive language deficits 1995), especially for children who enter
predicted conduct problems with increasing school with poor self-regulatory skills
accuracy as children moved from kindergar- (Meehan, Hughes, & Cavell, 2003). As
ten to third grade, particularly for receptive stated by a group of highly respected de-
Preschool with Support for Language and Literacy 17

velopmentalists, “Children grow and thrive evidenced poorer self-regulatory skills and
in the context of dependable relationships poorer receptive language abilities as pre-
that provide love and nurturance, security, schoolers (Park et al., in press). More gener-
and responsive interaction, and encourage- ally, researchers studying child mental health
ment for exploration” (Shonkoff & Phillips, have found that externalizing problems and
2000, p. 7), and such relationships with disorders, which are defined by poor social
teachers can be particularly beneficial in and self-regulatory skills, both accompany
forming a child’s self-regulation capacities and are predicted by language-related im-
and for supporting the acquisition of knowl- pairments, including speech and language
edge and academic competencies (Birch & problems (Hinshaw, 2002), reading disabil-
Ladd, 1998; Pianta, 1999). Studies have ity (McGee, Share, Moffitt, Williams, &
shown that teachers are more favorably dis- Silva, 1998), and neurocognitive problems
posed toward children who exhibit positive (Moffitt & Caspi, 2001), such as difficulties
and cooperative behavior (Pallas, Entwisle, in language processing (Hinshaw, Carte,
& Cadigan, 1987) and appropriate regula- Sami, Treuting, & Zupan, 2002).
tion of emotions (Alexander & Entwistle,
1988). Children also are more likely to be re-
sponded to favorably by teachers if they are Evidence from Studies
not highly distractible and exhibit only mod- of Brain Development
erate levels of emotional intensity (Keogh,
2003). Thus children who are able to regu- The interconnected nature of development
late their emotions and attention and are so- has been further reinforced by the increasing
cially competent benefit because they are recognition in the past decade of the plastic-
more likely to form close ties to teachers, and ity of the brain and the reciprocal influences
they display better adjustment and more of neurobiological mechanisms and child de-
learning in school (Hamre & Pianta, 2001). velopment and behavior (Nelson & Bloom,
Importantly, differences in the quality of 1997; P. R. Huttenlocher, 2002). Studies in
these early relationships with kindergarten affective neuroscience have shown that the
teachers have long-lasting effects, with indi- same part of the brain is critical to the neural
rect effects from kindergarten still apparent implementation of emotion and cognition
in eighth grade (Hamre & Pianta, 2001; (Davidson, Scherer, & Goldsmith, 2003).
Pianta, Hamre, & Stuhlman, 2002). And, most relevant to this chapter, the link-
The importance of acquiring the language- age of brain functioning to early school suc-
use skills linked to social development is also cess has been outlined by Blair (2002), who
revealed by children who fail to develop proposed a developmental neurobiological
needed skills. Children with difficulties in us- model of children’s school readiness that
ing social language have been found to have links emotionality to academic and social
problems forming and maintaining healthy competence in school settings.
peer relations because they tend to have poor
social interaction skills and are more like-
ly to be rejected by their peers (Fujiki & Linking Emotions and Higher
Brinton, 1994; Gertner, Rice, & Hadley, Cognitive Functions
1994). Recent research suggests that self-
regulation may be a key factor in this process Studies of neural functioning have revealed
(Fujiki, Brinton, & Clarke, 2002). Other re- that prefrontal cortical areas of the brain that
search has shown that school-age children support higher cognitive functioning such as
who are aggressive demonstrate poorer com- memory and attention are connected to
munication clarity and increased disruptive subcortical areas such as the amygdala that
communication during cooperative commu- play an important role in emotion. Blair
nication tasks than do their nonaggressive (2002) reviewed studies of behaviorally in-
peers (Dumas, Blechman, & Prinz, 1994). hibited children (i.e., shy, very reserved, fear-
And in a longitudinal study, we have recently ful) that found that they have a low threshold
shown that children who are stably ag- for limbic arousal, which results in negative
gressive across the elementary school years emotional expression and activation of the

sympathetic nervous system. The behavioral fective states may have long-lasting implica-
expression of these events is behavioral inhi- tions for children’s social functioning and
bition, or withdrawal from stimulation. The learning. Furthermore, there is also growing
neural systems governing arousal have also evidence that such patterns of responding
been linked to stress exposure, as revealed by and engaging in interactions have an impact
increased cortisol levels that indicate activa- on brain development.
tion of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal
(HPA) axis. Recently, we have shown that
early exposure to family adversities is associ- Neural Development
ated with increased cortisol levels by pre-
school, making young children more vulnera- Considerable effort is now going into under-
ble to the development of socioemotional standing the functioning and development of
problems when facing the cognitive and so- the brain using varied sophisticated meth-
cial challenges of preschool and the early ele- ods. Pugh, Sandak, Frost, Moore, and Mencl
mentary years (Essex, Klein, Cho, & Kalin, (Chapter 5, this volume) review one line of
2002; Smider et al., 2002). Other researchers research that is beginning to reveal the con-
have also found that dysregulation of the nections between activation of selected areas
HPA axis is associated with socioemotional of the brain and reading and reading disabil-
difficulties during the preschool and early ity. Interestingly, this work is showing the
school years (Gunnar et al., 1997; Schmidt, impact of children’s activity on the function-
Fox, Rubin, & Sternberg, 1997; Schmidt, ing of the brain, as indicated by the fact that
Fox, Sternberg, Gold, Smith, & Schulkin, an effective reading intervention results both
1999) that may persist through middle child- in improved reading performance and in
hood (Granger, Stansbury, & Henker, 1994). changed patterns of neural activity. Such
Further, although such family adversities are work is consistent with the emerging consen-
risk factors for all children, they are more sus that, for higher cognitive functions such
prevalent in low-income families. Thus chil- as reasoning, planning, remembering, and
dren from low-SES families have higher reading comprehension, the brain has con-
cortisol levels than children from higher SES siderable plasticity (reviewed by Blair, 2002;
families (Essex, Klein, et al., 2002; Lupien, P. R. Huttenlocher, 2002). For example, P. R.
King, Meaney, & McEwen, 2000), with more Huttenlocher (2002) notes that the left angu-
negative consequences not only for lar gyrus, an area implicated in reading that
socioemotional functioning (Essex, Boyd, et abuts Wernicke’s area (an area involved in
al., 2002) but also for cognitive functioning comprehending language), may support lan-
(Lupien, King, Meaney & McEwen, 2001). guage processing in the preschool years and
Together, this research suggests that the then shifts to support reading. He speculates
development of the affective–cognitive– that language, like other neural functions,
linguistic systems that children draw on as may initially be relatively diffusely repre-
they interact with peers and teachers and en- sented and that as language skills are routin-
gage in tasks that provide opportunities to ized they may become restricted to particular
learn to use print have their roots in a com- language areas and the angular gyrus re-
plex matrix of biologically determined sensi- cruited to support reading. Such a shift is one
tivity to and ways of responding to stimuli example of neural plasticity and the complex
and to stress-inducing experiences in the interplay between genetically determined
home or in classrooms. In the preschool pathways of brain development and experi-
years children first begin to acquire the abil- ences that shape development of the brain in
ity to regulate their emotions and acquire the a multitude of ways (Black, 2003).
social skills for interacting with others. The One approach to neural development,
fact that longitudinal studies find early expe- known as the selectionist approach to devel-
riences to predict later functioning suggests oping connectivity in the brain, argues that
that preschool-age children are acquiring genetically determined development results
patterns for coping with their own emotions, in an early overproduction of possible synap-
integrated in routine ways of responding to tic connections and that these connections
life circumstances. Such patterns of response are pruned, with certain connections pre-
to social circumstances and to their own af- served and strengthened whereas others are
Preschool with Support for Language and Literacy 19

eliminated (reviewed by P. R. Huttenlocher, dicating the establishment of connections be-

2002). Synaptic connections that are active tween frontal lobes and sensory areas, which
are maintained and strengthened as they provides a neural basis for understanding the
consume available resources (glucose, oxy- emergence of the executive functions that are
gen) and are organized into interconnected important for self-regulation and for higher
sets of synapses. There is a general timeta- cognitive activity.
ble for this overproduction and subsequent
pruning, but P. R. Huttenlocher (2002) ar-
gues that there is not a “critical” period dur- Summary of Theoretical Accounts
ing which experience shapes brain develop- of Development
ment. Instead, there seem to be “windows of
opportunity,” which are “periods in brain A full accounting of the emergence of liter-
development during which the effects of en- acy and of long-term literacy ability requires
vironmental stimulation on brain structure charting the emergence and interrelation-
and function are maximal” (p. 207). It is ships among multiple linguistic–cognitive–
during these periods that teaching and en- affective systems that are recruited to sup-
richment programs are likely to have maxi- port this complex and socially valued set of
mal impact. He concludes that it is between abilities. Language skills are central to initial
late infancy and late childhood that synaptic literacy and to long-term literacy develop-
density reaches a plateau and that this is the ment, and evidence is accumulating that lan-
point of maximal responsiveness to environ- guage also plays an important role in devel-
mental input (p. 209). This relatively wide opment of social and emotional competence.
window of opportunity suggests that the pre- Children who are able to control their own
school years occur at a relatively early point attention and engage in school in positive
of maximal plasticity. Significantly, it is dur- ways are more likely to have interactions
ing this period that synaptic density in three with peers and to form positive relationships
areas that support language functioning— with teachers. These relationships have a
Broca’s area, Wernicke’s area, and Heschl’s positive impact on subsequent education-
gyrus—reach their peak levels of synaptic al success. Converging lines of research in
density. Density subsequently declines until neural development suggest that experience
about age 10, when it then levels off (P. R. plays an important role in the organization
Huttenlocher, 2002, p. 50). Measures of me- of the brain, including the interconnectivity
tabolism of glucose, a measure of neural ac- between areas that support higher cognitive
tivity, also reach high levels around age 3 and functioning and regions linked to emotional-
then decline gradually until about age 10 ity. Other work suggests that the preschool
(P. R. Huttenlocher, 2002, p. 70). years may be a time when a “window of op-
A second approach to considering neural portunity” opens for experience to have a
development is the constructivist approach, significant impact on neural development.
which argues for a potentially larger role for Finally, we posit that language plays a piv-
experience in the organization and specifica- otal role in the orchestration of connections
tion of functioning of the brain, particularly that support literacy and regulation of emo-
of the neocortex, which supports higher tions and emergence of social competence.
cognitive functions (Quartz & Sejnowski,
1997). According to this theory, early in life
relatively little of the cerebral cortex is dedi- The Need for High-Quality Language
cated to specific functions. Subsequent inter- Support in Preschools
action of neural activity that is responsive to
experience and neural growth mechanisms Converging research from different areas of
affect the representational properties of the development makes evident the importance
cortex and help shape neural organization. of language. Studies of the impact of pre-
According to this view, plasticity is also evi- school classrooms on language and cognitive
dent in the processes by which varied areas development demonstrate the fact that these
of the brain are connected. Reviewing stud- are settings that can play an important role
ies of electroencephalographic (EEG) activ- in fostering language growth (see also Farran,
ity, Blair (2002) highlighted evidence in- Aydogan, Kang, & Lipsey, Chapter 19, this

volume). Development in preschool is best For the Home–School Study of Language

predicted by varied measures of the quality and Literacy Development (HSSLLD), we
of teacher–child interaction (Dickinson & audiotaped teachers and children through-
Tabors, 2001; McCartney, 1984), yet the out the day and analyzed interactions in de-
more carefully we look at preschool dis- tail. We audiotaped 75 4-year-old children
course the more we see need for improve- during the day for a total of 6,640 minutes
ment. A number of studies of the language and found that, during choice time, children
environments of preschool classrooms reveal were silent 59% of the time. They interacted
low levels of interaction. Tizard and Hughes with teachers 17% of the time and with
(1985) examined British infant schools and other children 18% of the time (Dickinson,
found far fewer extended, intellectually en- 2001a). Given the results reported here, it
gaging conversations between teachers and seems that those occasions on which children
children in classrooms than between parents did converse with teachers were rich with ed-
and those same children at home. In the early ucational potential. Although variation in
1990s in the United States, Layzer, Goodson, quality clearly had significant effects on chil-
and Moss (1993) did intensive week-long dren, on average the conversations were far
observations in 119 classrooms and found from ideal. We recorded, transcribed, and
teachers talking with individuals or small analyzed 15 minutes of free-play conversa-
groups only 26% of the time, less time than tion between teachers and children. The
they spent not talking with any children measure of language use that was the most
(28%). For 20% of the classrooms visited predictive of later language development was
for a week, half or more of the children never the percentage of total words used that were
had individual attention from a teacher. Pre- “rare” words, defined as words not included
schools associated with universities also have on a list of 7,881 words identified by Chall
been found to be places of limited teacher– and Dale (1995) as common for third-grade
child interaction, as one study conducted children. We found that these 15 minutes of
in laboratory classrooms found that, when conversational time included 287 different
teachers were in close proximity to children words, only 14 of which were “rare” words;
(3 feet or less), they usually (81% of the these 14 uses of such words represented only
time) did not speak to the children to whom 9 different word types (Dickinson, 2001a;
they were near (Kontos & Wilcox-Herzog, Dickinson & Tabors, 2001). Given that
1997). teachers were interacting with children dur-
Recently we studied 77 Head Start class- ing a variety of activities with the potential
rooms, in which we observed teachers dur- for conversation about a host of interesting
ing choice time—the period of the day when topics (e.g., excavating tunnels in the sand,
children select activities on their own—and noting evaporation of water from paint or
meal times (Dickinson, McCabe, & Clark- sand, constructing skyscrapers in the blocks
Chiarelli, 2004) and coded them using a time- area), this reflects a very low rate of use of
sampling system that described the kinds of varied words and suggests that shortcomings
interactions found to be supportive of de- result from teachers’ conversational habits
velopment (Dickinson & McCabe, 2001; rather than that they have nothing to talk
Dickinson & Smith, 1994). We observed about.
teachers for 8 to 12 intervals of 30 seconds During book reading, another setting
each and found that teachers engaged in in- found to relate to later vocabulary develop-
structional talk (talk about language, ideas, ment (Dickinson & McCabe, 2003; Dickin-
print, numbers) only 12% of the time. The son & Smith, 1994), we found that the texts
teachers who were at the high end of the con- of books yielded 10.6 total rare words and
tinuum, the 75th percentile, in use of such 7.1 different types of words, whereas teach-
talk engaged in instructional talk only 18% of ers’ conversations about books included only
the time. Teachers were able to establish and 4.7 rare words and 2.8 different words
deepen a topic in only 14% of these intervals, (Dickinson, McCabe, & Anastasopoulos,
and explicit talk about words was almost ab- 2002). The low density of rare words in
sent, being found in fewer than 1% of the in- teachers’ discourse clearly reveals that teach-
tervals. No such interactions were observed ers rarely intentionally use or discuss the in-
at all in 89% of the rooms. teresting words found in books. The limita-
Preschool with Support for Language and Literacy 21

tions in the amount and quality of teacher– terns of language use because teachers with
child discourse, especially the limited use of more schooling may have language-based
rare vocabulary, suggest that teachers typi- advantages over their less well-educated col-
cally provide children minimal individual- leagues. In addition to learning pedagogi-
ized support for development of language cal methods, as teachers complete college
and literacy. Such patterns of interaction courses they are exposed to and likely ac-
highlight shortcomings in support for lan- quire new vocabulary and associated world
guage and literacy and the paucity of content knowledge, and they may gain comfort in
knowledge instruction. They also suggest reading and talking about books.
that teachers provide little intentional sup-
port for children’s understanding of the com-
Professional Development
plexities of social interaction, because such
interactions necessarily would probe issues Considerable effort and large sums are spent
such as motivations and intentions, topics on professional development, but few literacy-
that typically result in extended, cognitively focused initiatives have been researched. We
rich interactions (Tizard & Hughes, 1985). have carried out one such line of work
The pervasiveness and consistency of these (Dickinson, Miller, & Anastasopoulos, 2001a;
findings clearly suggest that there are power- Dickinson, Anastasopoulos, Miller, Caswell,
ful, systematic forces at work that act to con- & Peisner-Feinberg, 2002; Dickinson &
strain patterns of teacher–child interaction. Brady, 2005). Our approach has been to use
inservice credit-bearing courses to deepen
teachers’ knowledge of early literacy devel-
Providing Classroom Support for opment. The courses involve readings, video-
Language, Literacy, and Knowledge tapes that depict effective classroom prac-
tices, and assignments that require teachers
A number of avenues may be pursued in or- to implement new strategies and that guide
der to bring about changes in the patterns of teachers to reflect on children’s learning.
interaction in preschool classrooms that are These courses have been delivered in face-to-
of sufficient magnitude to result in substan- face sessions and by using interactive video
tial improvements in children’s achievement. conferencing. Comparison group studies
Given space constraints, we touch on a few have found substantial changes in classroom
of the most noteworthy approaches, con- practices, as well as strong evidence of effects
cluding with a brief discussion of the role of on vocabulary and phonological sensitivity
curriculum. We highlight ways in which (Dickinson et al., 2002; Dickinson, Sprague,
these efforts may support improved patterns Sayer, Miller, & Clark, 2001).
of language use, but we realize that each fac- Other research teams have sought to bol-
tor discussed can have multiple effects on ster children’s learning by striving to im-
teachers and classroom functioning. prove the quality of conversations during
book reading. Whitehurst’s groundbreaking
dialogic reading demonstrated that a book-
Structural Initiatives
focused intervention can translate into en-
Two key regulated features of classrooms are hanced learning when employed by parents
teacher–child ratio and teachers’ educational and teachers (Arnold & Whitehurst, 1994).
levels. Both higher ratios and higher edu- Subsequently, other teams have adopted
cational attainment have repeatedly been other approaches to improving book reading
found to result in better outcomes for chil- in classrooms. Beck and McKeown (see
dren (reviewed in Shonkoff & Phillips, Chapter 21, this volume) developed strate-
2000). The ratio of teachers to children has gies for helping teachers engage in book dis-
repeatedly been found to result in better out- cussions that draw children into focused and
comes for children most likely, in part, be- deep conversations about books. Similarly,
cause having fewer children increases the op- Wasik and Bond (2001) devised an intensive
portunities teachers have to converse with intervention that includes in-class modeling
individuals. The positive association be- that alters practices and improves children’s
tween teachers’ educational levels and child learning. However, limited generalization of
outcomes also may reflect differences in pat- conversational strategies was found. These

efforts to improve teacher–child interaction Washington, D.C., where the curriculum was
during book reading highlight the difficulty employed for a full academic year, PPVT
we face as we attempt to substantially alter data were collected from 17 children in the
how teachers converse with children. Wasik’s fall, winter, and spring. Average gains of
difficulty in altering practice in multiple set- 13.5 points were found, reflecting overall
tings is particularly sobering because book improvement from 89.4 to 102.5. For the
reading may be the most well-defined con- eight children who entered with lowest fall
text of the typical preschool day, yet it ac- scores, average gains of 18.6 points were
counts for only a small portion of the day found. In Springfield, a larger initiative, a
and does not allow for the kind of individu- partial implementation of the curriculum
ally tailored conversations found to have was carried out. Early data were collected
substantial impact on children’s language ac- with about a 2-month interval between pre-
quisition (Dickinson, 2001b). and posttesting. For the 53 children tested at
both times, children’s performance on the
Preschool Language Survey Receptive Lan-
guage scale improved from 94 to 102, an in-
Recently there has been growing awareness crease of one-half standard deviation. A par-
that curriculum plays an important role in allel qualitative study carried out in Boston
provision of educationally rich classrooms. examined patterns of book reading before,
Head Start now requires that all programs during, and at the end of the use of two units
use some curriculum. Data collected on a of the curriculum. Dramatic increases in the
representative sample of Head Start class- amount of talk about the meanings of words
rooms indicates that curriculum choice does and analytic discussion of the stories were
make a difference in children’s learning (see found, with these changes reflecting teach-
Zill & Resnick, Chapter 26, this volume). ers’ use of the guidance provided by the cur-
Ongoing federally funded studies will soon riculum. These hopeful early findings suggest
begin to provide solid empirical data on the that strong preschool curricula may substan-
relative effectiveness of these and other early tially boost children’s achievement, espe-
childhood curricula. cially when combined with strong profes-
Recognizing the need of preschool teachers sional development.
for considerable support in providing intel-
lectually challenging and linguistically rich
conversations, Schickedanz and Dickinson
(2005) recently developed a curriculum that A rapid paradigm shift has been occurring at
provides comprehensive full-day program- the highest levels of the early childhood
ming. It was designed to support all aspects of world. In the 1980s policies and statements
development, including skills such as self-reg- issued by the leading early childhood or-
ulation and social development. Built around ganization, the National Association for the
a collection of high-quality children’s books, Education of Young Children (NAEYC),
teachers develop thematic units that include reflected considerable distrust of literacy
content-rich hands-on activities. Key vocabu- (Dickinson, 2002), but by the late 1990s
lary is identified, and teachers are given guid- NAEYC released a joint position statement
ance in using these words during book read- with the International Reading Association
ing and throughout the day, and tips for that drew on the most current research on
observing and conversing with children are literacy development (International Reading
provided in an effort to encourage teachers to Association & National Association for the
engage in effective interactions throughout Education of Young Children, 1998). Fur-
the day. Game-like activities target phonemic ther, the new accreditation standards call for
awareness and print knowledge, and group considerably enhanced quality with respect
discussions address socioemotional topics. to literacy and content learning more gener-
Results from pilot studies conducted in ally. Such significant changes in policy can-
programs serving low-income families in not help but elevate the value accorded in-
Washington, D.C., and Springfield, Massa- structional practices that support literacy
chusetts, are encouraging. For example, in and content instruction.
Preschool with Support for Language and Literacy 23

Concluding Thoughts adults with limited incomes may lack the

kind of job-related stimulation that seems to
Over the past 30 years we have come to clear enrich household interactions (Leseman &
recognition of the serious gap in educational van Tuijl, Chapter 16, this volume). Further-
achievement between the haves and have- more, families with limited incomes must
nots of society and are increasingly recogniz- live in communities in which access to print
ing the early genesis of this gap. Vigorous re- and support for learning are limited (Neu-
search has brought increasing insight into man, Chapter 2, and Britto, Fuligni, &
complex pathways of different aspects of de- Brooks-Gunn, Chapter 23, this volume). The
velopment; in the coming decades we are community child care that such families find
likely to arrive at a far better understanding near them is likely to be staffed by teachers
of the complex intertwined nature of devel- drawn from the community who have lim-
opment, especially as we investigate the in- ited education and a history of limited access
teractions among different domains. When to the type of wide-ranging knowledge about
literacy is viewed as the organization of com- the world that the children they serve need
plex interacting systems, it becomes clear (Neuman, Chapter 2, this volume). These
that we need research and theories that programs may be barely managing to make
consider changes in the interdependencies ends meet and, as a result, may have few
among domains and efforts to understand books and other supplies to support learn-
the malleability of different aspects at differ- ing, no funds for professional development,
ent points of development. Given what we and little ability to allow teachers release
now know, it appears that the later preschool time to attend workshops or take courses.
years are one period during which the win- The challenges some families face as they
dow to the development of language-related seek to prepare their children for success in
competencies is wide open. Biological find- school are truly daunting. Our society is
ings combine with psychological research to slowly beginning to recognize the costs it
provide social policy with abundant evidence pays for failing to adequately respond to the
about the sensitivity of preschool-age chil- needs of such families. On our side is the fact
dren to intervention. We need to seize the op- that we typically organize preschools and
portunity to intervene in the lives of children kindergarten in a fashion that allows for the
from families that are in need of significant kind of individualized one-to-one and small-
assistance from the educational systems in group adult–child interactions that have
nourishing their children’s language and in- great potential for nourishing language and
tellectual development. intellectual development. In such settings,
Unfortunately, powerful forces have cre- children have the potential to make remark-
ated and continue to sustain an early child- able progress if they are taught by energetic
hood educational system that is falling short and sensitive teachers who understand lan-
of providing the kind of support children guage, as well as cognitive and emotional,
from low-income backgrounds require. We development. We are making hopeful ad-
briefly sketched some of the efforts being vances in our endeavor to enrich the pre-
made to turn the tide in favor of children at school experiences of children, but far more
risk of educational failure. Although it is im- must be done to improve their classrooms
portant to note hopeful directions, we must and communities if we are to take full advan-
temper optimism with caution born of recog- tage of the window of educational opportu-
nition of the array of factors that some fami- nity provided us by biology.
lies must confront. Too many parents are ei-
ther unemployed or underemployed, with
the result being limited income and stress References
that contributes to depression that can un-
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