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COMPETENCY # 15: Assessment Strategies and Lesson Planning in Teaching PE and Health

 Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

 Differentiate assessment of learning, assessment as learning and assessment for learning.

 Identify the different assessment and evaluation strategies in Teaching PE and Health
 Use appropriate assessment and evaluation strategies in a certain topic in PE and Health.
 Write a semi-detailed lesson plan in PE and Health subject in elementary level.
 Defend the importance of different assessment and evaluation strategies as well as the lesson plan
in Teaching PE and Health.


What is the relevance of assessment in the teaching-learning process? How did your teacher in PE and
Health subject assess your learning during your elementary years? Do you think your teacher used an
appropriate assessment tool to test if you learned the lesson? Why or why not? As a future teacher in this
subject, what principles do you uphold in planning your assessment?

Assessment has become increasingly important at all levels in the education system (Broadfoot & Black, 2004;
Guskey, 2011, 2013). Assessments can be defined as the variety of methods used to grade, evaluate and rank students’
knowledge or to measure everything from kindergarten readiness to potential college success. Assessments are often
perceived, particularly by students, as tests that mostly express judgment of performance (Guskey, 2011; Kohn, 2011;
Tomlinson, 2008). Earl (2003) separated assessments into three areas: “assessments of learning,” which are assessments
that make a judgment on performance; “assessments for learning,” which are assessments informing the teaching
process (teacher); and “assessments as learning,” which are assessments informing the learning process (student).
Depending on where the emphasis is placed when developing assessments, the impact of such assessments on teaching
and learning can be diff erent (Tomlinson, 2008)


Defining Assessment Concepts

Assessment is the ongoing process of:

 gathering, analysing and interpreting evidence
 reflecting on findings
 making informed and consistent judgements to improve student learning.

Assessment for improved student learning and deep understanding requires a range of assessment practices
to be used with three overarching purposes:
 Assessment for learning: occurs when teachers use inferences about student progress to inform their
teaching (formative assessment)
 Assessment as learning: occurs when students reflect on and monitor their progress to inform their
future learning goals (formative assessment)
 Assessment of learning: occurs when teachers use evidence of student learning to make judgements
on student achievement against goals and standards (summative assessment).

Assessment of Learning
The purpose of this kind of assessment is usually SUMMATIVE and is mostly done at the end of a task,
unit of work etc. “It is designed to provide evidence of achievement to parents, other educators, the students
themselves and sometimes to outside groups (e.g., employers, other educational institutions).”
“Assessment of Learning is the assessment that becomes public and results in statements or symbols
about how well students are learning. It often contributes to pivotal decisions that will affect students’
futures. It is important, then, that the underlying logic and measurement of assessment of learning be credible
and defensible.”
Teachers’ Roles in Assessment of Learning:
“Teachers have the responsibility of reporting student learning accurately and fairly, based on evidence
obtained from a variety of contexts and applications. Effective assessment of learning requires that teachers
• a rationale for undertaking a particular assessment of learning at a particular point in time
• clear descriptions of the intended learning
• processes that make it possible for students to demonstrate their competence and skill
• a range of alternative mechanisms for assessing the same outcomes
• public and defensible reference points for making judgements
• transparent approaches to interpretation
• descriptions of the assessment process
• strategies for recourse in the event of disagreement about the decisions.”
Reflection: Think about an example of assessment of learning in your own teaching. How does it match with
the points listed above?
Assessment for Learning
The emphasis shifts from summative to FORMATIVE assessment in Assessment for Learning.
Assessment for Learning happens during the learning, often more than once, rather than at the end. Students
understand exactly what they are to learn, what is expected of them and are given feedback and advice on
how to improve their work.
“In Assessment for Learning, teachers use assessment as an investigable tool to find out as much as they can
about what their students know and can do, and what confusions, preconceptions, or gaps they might have.
The wide variety of information that teachers collect about students’ learning processes provides the basis for
determining what they need to do next to move student learning forward. It provides the basis for providing
descriptive feedback for students and deciding on groupings, instructional strategies, and resources.”
Teachers’ Roles in Assessment for Learning:
“Assessment for learning occurs throughout the learning process. It is interactive, with teachers:
• aligning instruction
• identifying particular learning needs of students or groups
• selecting and adapting materials and resources
• creating differentiated teaching strategies and learning opportunities for helping individual students move
forward in their learning
• Providing immediate feedback and direction to students
“Teachers also use assessment for learning to enhance students’ motivation and commitment to learning.
When teachers commit to learning as the focus of assessment, they change the classroom culture to one of
student success.”
Assessment as Learning
Through this process students are able to learn about themselves as learners and become aware of
how they learn – become megacognitive (knowledge of one’s own thought processes). Students reflect on
their work on a regular basis, usually through self and peer assessment and decide (often with the help of the
teacher, particularly in the early stages) what their next learning will be. Assessment as learning helps students
to take more responsibility for their own learning and monitoring future directions.
Monitoring Metacognition
• What is the purpose of learning these concepts and skills?
• What do I know about this topic?
• What strategies do I know that will help me learn this?
• Am I understanding these concepts?
• What are the criteria for improving my work?
• Have I accomplished the goals I set for myself?

Teachers’ Roles in Assessment as Learning

“The teachers’ role in promoting the development of independent learners through assessment as learning is
• model and teach the skills of self-assessment
• guide students in setting their own goals, and monitoring their progress toward them
• provide exemplars and models of good practice and quality work that reflect curriculum outcomes
• work with students to develop clear criteria of good practice
• guide students in developing internal feedback or self-monitoring mechanisms to validate and question their
own thinking, and to become comfortable with ambiguity and uncertainty that is inevitable in learning
anything new
• provide regular and challenging opportunities to practise, so that students can become confident,
competent self-assessors
• monitor students’ megacognitive processes as well as their learning, and provide descriptive feedback •
Create an environment where it is safe for students to take chances and where support is readily available.”
“Complex skills, such as monitoring and self-regulation, become routine only when there is constant feedback
and practice using the skills. Effective feedback challenges ideas, introduces additional information, offers
alternative interpretations, and creates conditions for self-reflection and review of ideas…If all feedback does
is provide direction for what students need to dothat is, the feedback doesn’t refer to students’ own roles in
moving forward to the next learning-they will perpetually ask questions like Is this right? Is this what you
want? Rather, feedback in assessment as learning encourages students to focus their attention on the task,
rather than on getting the answer right. It provides them with ideas for adjusting, rethinking, and articulating
their understanding, which will lead to another round of feedback and another extension of learning.”
SAQ #1: In teaching PE and Health in Elementary level, how are you going to implement/perform
assessment of learning, assessment for learning and assessment as learning in your different lessons
considering the different strategies in assessing the learning of your pupils? (5 points)
Assessment Tool Kit
There are a variety of methods that can be used for assessment of, for and as learning. The important thing to
clarify is what is the purpose of the assessment and then select the method that best serves the purpose in
the particular context.

Conventional or traditional assessments

Conventional assessments are quite popular among educators, despite the controversy that such
practices might not be the best way to determine students’ knowledge. These assessments are typically paper-
and-pencil tests with multiplechoice, fill-in-the-blank, matching, and true-or-false questions. Traditional
assessments are seen as easy to administer and easy to grade. Traditional tests could come along with a
textbook or be developed by the teacher. Typically, they require students to select, recognize or recall
content. Such assessments provide very little to no opportunities for students to utilize higherorder thinking or
problem-solving skills (Dietel, Herman, & Knuth, 1991; Mauch, 2005). Generally, traditional assessments are
used as “assessments of learning” and are seen mostly as a fair and objective way to judge students’ learning.

Authentic and Performance-based Assessments

These assessments can be defined as “assessments for learning” and can easily become “assessments
as learning.” These assessments are more hands-on and are based on real-life situations. When well designed,
students are compelled to evaluate, analyze and engage in problem solving and synthesize solution(s). Thus,
students engage in high-order thinking, while utilizing prior knowledge and prior experiences to construct
their own new knowledge (Andrade, Huff, & Brooke, 2012). In physical education, for example, asking
students to develop their own fitness program to increase muscular strength and flexibility would require
them to call on various concepts and previous knowledge to complete the task. Similarly, in health education,
students may be asked to develop a diet plan to decrease body fat. Authentic assessments have the potential
to provide direct evidence of students’ learning while guiding their learning in the process (Dietel et  al., 1991;
Fusco & Barton, 2001).
Formative Assessments
Such assessments are mainly “assessments for and as learning” (Earl, 2003). These assessments are
done frequently with two purposes in mind: to gather information about students’ learning/performance and
to guide teachers’ future instruction (Andrade & Cizek, 2010; Brookhart, Moss, & Long, 2008; Fisette & Franck,
2012). One could compare formative assessments to a chef tasting a dish while cooking to decide whether
more salt or spices are needed. Similarly, teachers use formative assessments to gather information as to how
they can adjust their future instructions to guide their students to better learning/performance.

Summative Sssessments
On the other hand, summative assessments are “assessments for learning” (Earl, 2003). These
assessments are mostly evaluative rather than diagnostic and are done for the purpose of judging students’
performance. These assessments are usually administered at the end of a unit, semester or school year and
are recorded as final scores or grades. Summative assessments attempt to measure the overall end product of
a particular knowledge area at a particular point in time. Summative assessments grant no opportunities for
improvement in students’ performance or teachers’ instruction, unless the teacher allows revisions and

SAQ#2: How are you going to assess your pupils using authentic and performance-based assessments if your
lesson in Grade 6 PE ad Health is all about Games, Sports and Physical Activities? What are the factors that
you need to consider first in choosing these assessments? (5 points)

Instructional Assessments
Assessments that have the potential to be assessments for and as learning (Earl, 2003) are defined as
instructional assessments (IAs). Thus, IAs include formative assessments that are purposefully designed to
provide a platform for students to process, maintain and easily retrieve learned content (Andrade & Cizek,
2010). Moreover, they include assessments that have the potential to inform teachers of how to modify their
instruction to help their students improve their learning. The IAs are designed with the multiple intelligence
theory in mind (Bloom, Engelhart, Furst, Hill, & Krathwohl, 1956) to meet various students’ learning styles and
thereby maximize students’ learning. Instructional assessments look more like instructional activities; thus,
students might not even be aware that such practices are assessments (Van der Mars & Harvey, 2010).
Utilizing traditional numeric grades should be avoided. Symbols such as check, check plus or check minus are
one option, but a better option is to use written or verbal comments focusing mainly on areas in which
students need to improve.

Assessment is an important part of the learning experience and curriculum. Here are some of the purposes of

 Opportunity for students to demonstrate what they know and are able to do.
 Determine whether students are meeting the learning objectives.
 Modify the curriculum and individualize instruction accordingly.
 Identify students with special needs.
 Provide teachers with objective information for grading.
 Motivate students to improve their performance.
 Evaluate the program’s effectiveness.
 Communicate student progress with parents, school, and community.
Assessment in Physical Education
When it comes to physical education and incorporating assessments, physical educators have been
somewhat reluctant, particularly in regards to the cognitive domain assessments. For the most part,
assessments designed to address the cognitive domain require students to use reading and writing skills and
therefore take away from physical activity time. Drawing from personal experiences, however, there are at
least three possible opportunities to implement IAs in physical education without greatly affecting physical
activity time. One possible opportunity is at the beginning of a physical education lesson, while students are
waiting for their peers to come out of the changing rooms. Another great opportunity is provided when a large
class gathers in a small gymnasium. In this situation, physical educators, for safety reasons, are forced to
rotate students in and out of physical activity. Here, IAs can be a valuable strategy to keep students engaged in
some sort of learning while waiting for their turn. Moreover, the end of a physical education lesson presents
another good opportunity to engage students in IAs while cooling down before their next class. Lastly, physical
educators could assign homework, just like any other subject. The following IAs are aligned with various
learning styles and Common Core State Standards (CCSS) literacy skills such as reading, writing, listening and
speaking. These IAs can easily be implemented in health and physical education settings without jeopardizing
physical activity time in physical education, if students are asked to do some preparation as homework.

Reflections and Summaries

Reflection or summarizing activities address the needs of students with verbal-linguistic and
interpersonal learning styles (Dyson & Brown, 2010). Such activities increase metacognitive skills and allow
students to derive personal meaning from each individual learning experience. Reflections and summaries are
excellent methods to promote discipline-specific vocabulary and overall support for the CCSS literacy skills
standard, an expectation of all disciplines including health and physical education. In health education, these
writing activities can be done individually — at home or in class — and discussed with a partner or in small
groups. In physical education, these activities could be done at home and discussed while waiting for everyone
to come out of the changing rooms. Three examples of this type of assessment activity are personal notes,
story writing using dry-erase mini boards, and story writing using the TodaysMeet application.
 Personal notes: Students are assigned to read on a topic at home and are asked to create personal
notes. In these notes, students should start off by drawing a picture or a symbol for each thought or
concept and then writing up a short summary for each. The pictures and symbols help students
organize and remember concepts and thoughts about the reading. A follow-up step to this note taking
is to have students state their opinions and support them with evidence. At first, students should be
expected to have separate sections on their personal notes labeled “Opinion” and “Evidence” so that
they can conceptualize an opinion statement and state supporting evidence. Students can write
personal notes in both health and physical education settings for homework with one specific topic or
reading in mind (e.g., yoga or sexual harassment). Teachers can provide a list of topic-specific
vocabulary and expect students to incorporate the vocabulary terms into their notes so that they
practice discipline-specific academic language. Moreover, this IA promotes the use of literacy skills
required by the CCSS.
 Story writing with dry-erase mini boards: Students are taught how to piece a story together with the
use of dry-erase mini boards. This IA works best with younger students, and it can be utilized at the
end of a period as a calm-down activity in health and physical education settings. Each student is
provided with a dry-erase mini board, while the teacher has a set of note cards with words such as
“how,” “where,” “when,” “with whom,” “why” and “what.” Start off with a short sentence (e.g., “Anna
runs” or, “Anna has the chicken pox”), and then have a student select one of the note cards (e.g.,
“when?”) and have students write another sentence incorporating the “when” into their sentence. The
activity could end after a couple of notecard questions are incorporated into the story writing and can
continue again at the end of the next class or be assigned as homework. Dry-erase mini boards are
excellent for promoting CCSS literacy skills such as reading and writing. They can also be very useful in
other IA activities, such as review sessions in both health and physical education settings.
 Story writing using TodaysMeet: Story writing could also be implemented at the middle and high
school levels with the use of the TodaysMeet application (Miller, 2014). TodaysMeet allows teachers to
create an electronic room students can join with their electronic devices and contribute their
sentences to the story. Students can use nicknames to protect their identity, thereby making
participation emotionally safe for all students. This electronic room can be shared on a classroom
screen, and everyone can see how the story develops. Moreover, the electronic room can stay open
beyond class time, and students can continue to contribute after class ends.

SAQ #3: Read this module on how personal notes are being used as an assessment strategy to the pupils.
Then, write your own personal notes about Invasion Games and Sports. (5 points)

Lists and Charts

Lists and charts are commonly used in a number of subjects to help logical-mathematical learners
organize information. Similarly, such strategies can be adjusted for use in health and physical education. Lists
and charts can help students make connections and discover relationships between various physical activities
and health-related concepts covered in health and physical education. This IA can easily be implemented in
health education, while for the physical education setting, adjustments are necessary. The lists and charts
described here (i.e., 10-item list and three-column table) can be used at the beginning or end of a class period,
while students are waiting for everyone to come out of the changing rooms, or at the end of the lesson during
 Ten-item list: Divide a white board or big sticky note into two columns. Label one column as “Main
Ideas” and the other “Details.” Ask students to write under each column as much as they know about a
specific topic (e.g., muscle strength or nutrition). Once the master list is completed, ask students to
create their own list of 10 “main ideas” and 10 “details,” either individually, with a partner, or in small
groups. If they choose to do the list with others, consensus must be reached for the items on their list.
Students should be allowed to use ideas from the board and other sources, particularly in the
beginning or until they have a better understanding of what kinds of responses are expected. Such IAs
can be used in the beginning, middle and end of a unit to see what students know and what they
personally value about the topic. The master list could be done in the beginning of the class, while the
10- item list could be completed during lesson closure both in health and physical education settings.

 Three-column table: Construct a three-column table labeling each column with a physical education-
related concept (e.g., offense, defense and transition). Ask students to fill the columns with key
concepts of each topic and then compare and contrast the concepts as they apply in two different
sports such as in European handball versus basketball. Words such as “both,” “in comparison,” “each,”
“however” and “similarly” should be provided at the beginning of this IA to help students learn how to
compare and contrast.

Visual Representations
Spatial learners can greatly benefit from the use of words and pictures. This “dual coding” addresses
these students’ preferred learning styles and offers students a platform to show their learning in different
ways. The following two IAs (i.e., drawand-write note cards, segment collage poster) are designed to help
spatial learners make connections, increase memory retention, and retrieve information easier with the use of
pictures and symbols.

 Draw-and-write note cards: This IA requires students to draw pictures or symbols on a note card,
followed by a few sentences explaining what they consider to be the main idea of the topic. This IA
works best when teaching a segment that has multiple subtopics, such as in the case of “invasion
games” in physical education, with the subtopics of “basketball” or “soccer,” and in the case of “human
body” in health education, with the subtopics of “skin” or “respiratory system.” At the end of each
subtopic, students create their draw-and-write note cards with what they consider to be important and
valuable. The note cards are then collected to see what individual students valued or best understood
from the topic. The teacher can provide feedback and encouragement with the expectation that
students will be able to correct any inaccuracies themselves. Moreover, this IA can provide valuable
information on the class’s understanding of the subtopics collectively. If an important topic or concept
is not represented in the students’ note cards, the teachers may decide to reteach or reemphasize it
before moving on (Dodge, 2009).

 Segment collage poster: This IA is an extension of the draw-and-write note cards idea. It requires a
postersized paper divided into smaller sections/boxes. Each smaller box section represents each
subtopic of the segments taught. Students use their subtopic cards with their own picture drawings or
symbols and writing descriptions to make this segment collage poster. Students, as a class during
lesson closure, choose the most representative draw-and-write note cards to include on the poster.
The poster can be hung in the classroom or gymnasium so connections and references can be made in
future lessons. This IA activity can be done either in class or electronically by creating a virtual poster
on PowerPoint in Google Docs and sharing access with all students or a group or students.

Collaborative Activities
With the use of collaborative activities, students have the opportunity to move and/or communicate
with others as they develop and demonstrate their understanding of concepts. Collaborative activities
promote social literacy (Arthur, Davison, & Stow, 2014) and interpersonal skills (Bloom et al., 1956), which are
critical for 21st-century society. Three examples of collaborative activities (i.e., partner rephrase, guiding the
reader, “Find Someone Who”) are described here.

 Partner rephrase: After discussing a concept or demonstrating something substantial, give students
one minute to face a partner and discuss three things they understood about the
concept/demonstration and raise two questions/uncertainties they might have. Moreover, ask them to
make at least one connection to a previous lesson, another subject or a real-life situation. In the health
education setting, have students record these connections on a note card, poster or white board. This
will give students time to digest the information, articulate their understanding, own the material, and
make connections among topics discussed in class (Dodge, 2009). In the physical education setting,
students can be asked to make mental notes, and then during lesson closure, a few students may be
asked to share some of the connections they made. Because probably not all students will be able to
share during the few minutes of lesson closure, a system should be designed so that each student will,
at some point in the unit, get a chance to share some of their thoughts.

 Guiding the reader: For homework, students are provided with a short article or a chapter that is
missing a headline, and they are asked to create their own headlines. Topics can be health-related
(e.g., food nutrients) or physical fitness-related (e.g., flexibility). Students can be challenged to create
subheadings for subsequent paragraphs. When in class, students can be put in groups and asked to
share their headlines and eventually agree on common headlines for the whole class. Ask each group
to summarize the article with guiding questions such as What is the main idea?, What do we know so
far?, What is the significance of the event, discovery, problem, conflict, etc.?, Whom does it affect?,
What seems likely for the future?. This IA can be quite effective as an alternative activity to a rotational
physical activity for large physical education classes.
 “Find Someone Who”: Students are given a sheet of paper with nine or more boxes. In each box, a
question or comment is written in regards to a specific topic (e.g., European handball). If the aim is to
promote interpersonal skills among students, questions about students’ interests could be included to
trigger conversation. Some boxes could even be left empty so that each student can fill them in with
their own question choice. Students are given time to move around, interact with their peers, and find
out who has similar likes or who can provide an answer to a question. Each answer/comment must
come from a different peer. Once all boxes are completed or after a preset amount of time, students
are asked to summarize what they have learned from one another. This helps students organize the
information in their minds and increases retention of the information. This IA could be used as a form
of pre-assessment at the beginning of a unit or as a review activity before a formal summative

SAQ #4: Research at least 5 other assessment strategies in teaching PE and Health that are not included in
this module. Describe its advantages and disadvantages and state its process. (5 points)

The main purpose of instructional assessments is to assist students throughout the learning process.
This is accomplished through engaging students in learning situations in which they can organize information
and concepts to be learned, trigger metacognition processes, and create connections among various subjects
and previously learned material. Moreover, IAs promote interpersonal and literacy skills by encouraging
students to interact with their peers and practice articulating their knowledge to others.
In addition, IAs can provide teachers with valuable information about the depth of students’ learning at
a particular point in time. Such information can be critical, as the sooner teachers become aware of students’
struggles and misunderstandings, the sooner they can adjust instruction or reteach concepts in a different
manner to meet students’ learning styles (Guskey, 2007/2008; Northwest Evaluation Association, 2014; Rink,
2010; Wormeli, 2011).
The IAs presented here can help students gain better insight into challenging material and concepts
while providing a clearer understanding of the diffi culties students encounter during the learning process.
Health and physical educators are encouraged to implement a variety of IAs to identify best practices for
teaching and learning. A health and physical education learning environment that includes a variety of
student-centered IAs will enrich students’ experiences and empower both the teaching and learning




Choose a certain topic from Grade 5 to Grade 6 and write a semi-detailed lesson plan in PE and Health subject
following the format that will be given by the instructor. Then, make a video demonstration teaching based
from the lesson plan you have made. Afterwards, upload your lesson plan together with the video in the
telegram (25 points)

As a would-be-teacher, create your own assessment philosophy and explain comprehensively the
reason why you chose that philosophy. Then, how dou choose or create your assessment tools?
Name: ____________________________________________Course/Year/Sec: ________________ Date: ____________

Competency # 15 Answer Sheet

Assessment Strategies and Lesson Planning in Teaching PE and Health

SAQ #1: In teaching PE and Health in Elementary level, how are you going to implement/perform assessment
of learning, assessment for learning and assessment as learning in your different lessons considering the
different strategies in assessing the learning of your pupils? (5 points)

SAQ#2: How are you going to assess your pupils using authentic and performance-based assessments if your
lesson in Grade 6 PE ad Health is all about Games, Sports and Physical Activities? What are the factors that you
need to consider first in choosing these assessments? (5 points)

SAQ #3: Read this module on how personal notes are being used as an assessment strategy to the pupils.
Then, write your own personal notes about Invasion Games and Sports. (5 points)

SAQ #4: Research at least 5 other assessment strategies in teaching PE and Health that are not included in this
module. Describe its advantages and disadvantages and state its process. (5 points)


Choose a certain topic from Grade 5 to Grade 6 and write a semi-detailed lesson plan in PE and Health subject
following the format that will be given by the instructor. Then, make a video demonstration teaching based
from the lesson plan you have made. Afterwards, upload your lesson plan together with the video in the
telegram (25 points)

As a would-be-teacher, create your own assessment philosophy and explain comprehensively the
reason why you chose that philosophy. Then, how dou choose or create your assessment tools?

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