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Task 1

Step 1.
1. Create an application --> CareCustomer :01.01.01
2. Create an Access Group : CareCustomer :Administator, CareCustomer:Manager ,
All the access group have role as : Role:PegaRULES:SysAdm4
Ruleset: CareCustomer :01.01.01
Ruleset: CareCustomerInt:01.01.01

include the above Ruleset version in the Application stack.

3.Org: TEL unit- enterprise, div-Care. Operator: Model operator

4.WorkQueue: CareCustomer:Manager,CaseCustomer:User

Ruleset: CareCustomer :01.01.01

Ruleset: CareCustomerInt:01.01.01

Potal:Care Customer.

Login to that above application and then create the below steps.

Step 2. Create the Class : TEL-Enterprise-Care-Work.

Create the case type : CareCustomer --> prefix :CareCust (Created by Case
(class name) and update it in the Application (CareCustomer)

step 3. Case type :

Stage1: Initial.
Step : Initial Form
Stage2: Approval
Stage3: Final.
Alternate Stage : Rejection.



Columns : Name(pl) , Value(pl) , Category(pl) primary key ?

1 Type int Dropdown(


2 Action Appro Radio(


Task 2: Stage 1:

Status :Inprogress customer detail

pyDefault : Flow creation for initial

Screenflow: Initial Form, Detailed form.

Initial form :

Customer Name :Text field, Mandatory and Alpha numeric

Customer Address:Text field, Mandatory string
SIM Number:Text field, (integer only)
EmailID : Text field, should have @ symbol must.
Type : Drop down, Mandatory, Value (LOv: Internal, External)
Submit button

Table : TEL-Enterprise-Care-Data

Column : Type, Company name, Customer from, Customer status.

Values : Internal Jio 2012 Active
External Jio-Tex 2014 InActive

Detailed Form: Based on the user selecting the Type the detail form have to show
the value in read only format.

Company name, Customer from, Customer status.

Submit button and back button.
............fix manadatory fields
cancel n save have to be removed
Detail form Should store in clipboard

Task 3: Stage 2 : Approve ,status: Inprogress Approval

Route the case to the workqueue :CareCustomer:Manager.

Approve and Reject.(Radio button in a config class)

Reject should show comment box mandatory///always have to come.

if the user select Approve have to go to Final stage.

if the user select Reject have to go to Rejection (alternate stage)- Rejected

Task 4: Create a Flow action called as Update the Care Data

Create a section user have to give the type and include the Editable Dpage
to edit and save the value in the table.


Task 5: Search functionality.

Portal : Customercare User.

Navigation Menu: search, icon (search icon),

Hareness, Section:SearchFunctionality Class :Data-Portal

Section : Search bar , help icon (Search the case information is the help icon

Report definition:"SearchCaseDetail" Search the workpageinformation in work table.

Case id,
Customer name,
Type, SimNumber,
Company name,
Approve or Reject,
Case Status(pxStatusWork),
Case created date and time (pxCreateddatetime),
createdby (pxoperatorname).
Task 6 :

Final stage : status : Inprogress for detail information collection.

Standard Flow :

Screen 1: User

UI : Should have Two Headings SIM Details and Adddress Details. The information
have to be stored in case (pyworkpage)

SIM Detail (Heading):

SIM Type [Prepaid , postpaid] (drop down value- config table) ,

SIM Purchase date (user date field, mandatory: DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS)

{{store this information under the py workpage, have a Page called

: Create a page - SIMDetails in
data class (TEL-Ent-CareCustomer-data). Store the SIM Type and SIMPurchase Date in
this pyWorkapge.SimDetails page.}}

Address Details (Heading):

Address :
+ button.

Popup up and in the pop up have this below detail:

Category(dropdown): Permanent Address,Current Address,Delivery Address.
-->User only input
Full Address : Text Input (eg: 4,Aveleyhouse,Reading)-->User only input

Addresspagelist : Create a pagelist (in the work class) :

Classification, Full Address, { Flat : 4
Landmark: have to do in the pagelist }
[Pyworkpage.Addresslist(1). Classification
.Flat Number

Screen2: User

SIM Owner : Mandatory text field: Alphabet only. --> This information have to be
updated in the SIM Details .
Similarly store the SIM number from pyworkpage to SIM Details when click the
Acknowldgment checkbox (mandatory)

Submit. case should be resolved.


Task 7:

Addresslist as a tab (view, modify,Delete)

In View Tab : Show the view of the Addresslist.

In Modify Tab : Display the All the address information .

popup open and information of the
Postal Code : Alpha numeric text field
Country: Text field.
---> Both this information have to be append in the pagelist (Proof of Address

In Delete Tab:

Display the All the address information along with postal code and country the user
can delete each record they select


Task 8:

SLA : Goal : 1 day (Send a email to User (who created the case). urgency : 10 ,
Deadline : 2 days (Send a email to Manager (My name : Workqueue).

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