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This chapter presents a review related and aims to determine how advertisements

affects consumer buying behaviour.

Advertising can positively increase consumer’s satisfaction, thus influencing consumer

buying behaviour among student. It is one of major source of communication tool

between the producer and the user of product. Advertising is a promotional strategy

used in awareness in the minds of consumer to take purchasing decision ( Latif &

Abideen,2011). Despite this, using humor in commercial can occasionally be

problematic because not everyone will find the same idea amusing. According to

Johnson and Russo (1984), familiarity is the same as knowledge. Direct and indirect

experience such as exposure to commercials, conversations with salespeople, word-of

mouth contact, trial and consumption are all examples of connected experiences. Every

marketing strategy must include consumer purchasing patterns in order to get the most

out of the market Additionally, the findings showed that consumer trusted

advertisements more than other’s people (friend’s neighbours, and members of their

reference group) opinions. Customer can participate more in interactive advertising

because they take the majority of the initiative. According to Lichtenthal et al. (2006),

such an advertisement is an image that tells the entire tale or a written piece that the

spectator cannot ignore and is advantageous for various forms of advertising media.

The idea of advertising in promoting a product or brand created through different

promotional techniques designed to convince the consumers attention about particular

product their means of creating distributing advertisements such as television, radio,

computers and multi color printing according to Presbrey, F. (2009)” the history and

development of advertising” discusses how advertising is becoming more professional,

organized and quality performed. On the other hand, advertising informs customers

about the benefits of a product. Customer’s needs are met as a result of this. According

to Metha’s (2,000) study on “advertising attitude and advertising effectiveness”.

Consumer behaviour included their preferences for their needs, and advertisements has

a large influence on consumers. Sociological analysis is concerned with the community

as a system governed by rules and social norms, as well as with social behaviour

(Moingeon, 1993). The role of advertising and consumption in the society change is a

very fertile topic. Sociology has examined how advertising influences opinions, attitudes

and behaviour of individuals and social groups. In today’s society, there are two

opposing sociological perspectives on the advertising function. The first maintains a

positive attitude towards advertising. Advertising is thought to play a role in better

organizing economic and social relations, harmonizing social behaviours, causing

people to adhere to common values, and assisting them in living together without

problems. The second approach is by contrast, rather critic, because advertising tends

to generate a mass. The semiotic analysis focuses in the first instance, on symbols.

These are defined as any form of communications that conveys meaning, such as

words, gestures, images and dance. Semiotics is the study of the problem of encoding

and more broadly, the code used. The object of investigations is the message itself

containing different sign that can be interpreted according to a pre-established intention,

without reference to the consumer and the influence on the consumer behaviour. This
approach is useful especially in the context of advertising creation. Authors evaluate the

effectiveness of advertising by referring to either the message’s language (Barthes,

1964;Durand,1964) or the message’s graphic image (Eco,1979; Mick, 1986;

Scott,1994). They do, however, assess message quality from the standpoint of its

construction. Psychologist approached communication in general, and advertising in

particular, from the perspective of recipients motivations, which are central to the

analysis. This is because of their influence on the perception of the recipient

(Mittelstaedt,1990). They believe that the motivations drive consumer behaviour. As a

result, the purpose of the advertising creator is to identity the causes of consumer

behaviour in order to identify the most effective advertisement message or to remove

communication barriers. With the psychological approach, other types of research and

investigation have emerged, thanks to the contribution of neuroscience. The evidence

(obtained through scientific experimentation) has become a necessary support for the

assumptions verification. The psychological approach

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