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AIM: Prepare SRS for above selected project.

Purpose: the main purpose of this to maintain easy
circulation system using computer and to be provide
different report.
Scope: the document only over the requirement specification
for the Online Flight Reservation System.
The Overall Description: The purpose of Online Flight
Reservation System will take care of customer detail of time
the main purpose of this project is to reduce the manual
work any update of customer regarding flight Arrival to
Destination is to be recorded.
Security Requirement: The user should be simple and easy to
understand and use also be an interactive interfaces software
provides good graphical interface.
Reliability: The system shall be recovered within 10 minutes if
it is down the system must be able to extend to store and
deliver new content media types
Extensibility: System must be able to extend to support
synchronization of content media based on share work item
structure system must be able to extend support data
sharing between records.

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