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Practical 4 :prepare broad srs for a selected project

AIM: prepare broad srs for a college application

Purpose: the main purpose of this project is to create college

application .

Scope of project : the document only over the requirements

specification for the college application .

The overall description : the main purpose of this project is to set a

communication between teachers and student .and student can
access the student data .

Security requirement : the user should be simple and easy to

understand and use also be an interative interfaces softwareprovides
good graphical interface.

Reliablity : the system shall be recovered within 10 minutes if it is

down the system must be able to extend to store and delever new
content media types

Extensibility : system must be able to extend to support

synchronization of content media based on share work item
structure system must be able to extend support data sharing
between records

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