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Application Form

1. Project summary
1.1 Project title
Digital lecture repository

1.2 Project applicant

Name/surname of project manager: Ahmad Osman

Position: Project Manager
Organisation/institution: [Digital lecture repository]
Postal address: [Organization's Postal Address]
Tel.: [068 68 68868]
Mobile: [069 68 9 69889]
E-mail: []
Website: []

1.3 Other team member(s) (if applicable)

(Please provide names only)
1. [Edmir Kore]
2. [Evion Cane]
3.[Grestjan Rama]
1.4 Beneficiary institution(s)
(Please provide names and countries only)

1.5 Estimated start date 1.6 Estimated end date 1.7 Expected project duration
(day/month/year) (day/month/year) (months)
01/01/2023 31/12/2023 12 months

1.8 Total project cost in EUR 1.9 Requested CIT grant in EUR

$42,255 $10,000

1.10 Project description (Max 1500 characters)

The Digital Lecture Repository project aims to establish a centralized platform for recorded lectures and
supplementary materials at CIT. Aligned with CIT's mission, this initiative enhances accessibility and
flexibility for students, offering a user-friendly interface with robust search and tagging features. Mobile
compatibility ensures anytime, anywhere access. The project promotes efficient knowledge acquisition,
contributes to a distinct learning environment, and aligns with CIT's commitment to up-to-date knowledge in
academic programs.
2. Project rationale

2.1 Background (Max 1500 characters)

Please provide a brief description of the motivations that led to the presentation of the current proposal. Should
the proposal be a follow-up of any other activity please elaborate on that as well.
The Digital Lecture Repository proposal stems from the evolving landscape of education and the need for a
modernized approach to content delivery. Recognizing the increasing demand for flexible learning, CIT aims to
establish a centralized platform for recorded lectures. This initiative is a natural progression, building on CIT's
commitment to providing efficient knowledge acquisition and improving the teaching and learning experience.
It follows an assessment of current educational practices, acknowledging the importance of technological
advancements in fostering an enriched and accessible learning environment.

2.2 Perceived needs (Max 1500 characters)

The growing demand for flexible education necessitates a robust Digital Lecture Repository. Students seek on-
demand access to course materials, and faculty members require a streamlined approach to record and archive
lectures. The perceived need lies in addressing these demands by establishing a user-friendly platform that
enhances content accessibility, fostering a dynamic learning experience.

2.3 Objectives (Max 1500 characters)

Please provide brief information on the main features of the proposed activity with particular attention to
appropriate, practical and consistent information. Nonspecific and abstract, overambitious goals are to be
The primary objectives of the Digital Lecture Repository project are:
1. Implement a reliable lecture recording infrastructure for consistent capture of educational content.
2. Develop an intuitive online platform with user-friendly features for easy navigation.
3. Incorporate robust search and tagging functionalities to facilitate efficient content discovery.
4. Ensure mobile compatibility for flexible access to course materials.
5. Integrate a feedback mechanism for student interaction and continuous improvement.

These objectives are practical, specific, and directly aligned with the perceived needs, avoiding abstract and
overambitious goals.

2.4 Justification (Max 1500 characters)

The justification for the Digital Lecture Repository lies in its potential to streamline education processes,
improve learning efficiency, and contribute to a positive student experience. By leveraging technology, the
project aligns with CIT's mission to provide up-to-date knowledge and an international scope in academic
programs. The initiative is economically justified, considering the long-term benefits of enhanced education

2.5 Have there been any previous efforts to tackle the perceived needs? (Max 1000 characters)
Do the project objectives relate to any specific previous projects that have taken place in the institution/
country/region of operations, undertaken by international organisations or other parties?
While there may have been various educational technology initiatives, the Digital Lecture Repository represents
a unique endeavor at CIT. Previous efforts might have addressed components of the overall vision, but this
project integrates a comprehensive solution, filling the existing gap in centralized lecture content management.
The objectives of this project are not directly tied to any specific previous projects within the institution or
2.6 Beneficiary (ies) (Max 1500 characters)
The primary beneficiaries of the Digital Lecture Repository are the students and faculty of CIT. Students gain
access to a flexible learning environment with on-demand course materials, fostering efficient knowledge
acquisition. Faculty members benefit from a streamlined lecture recording infrastructure, enhancing teaching
methods and promoting student engagement. The project aligns with CIT's commitment to an enriched learning
experience, positively impacting the entire academic community.

2.7 Give details of the applicant and the skills and/or expertise of key persons involved in this project.
(Max 1000 characters)
The applicant, Ahmad Osman, serves as the Project Manager, bringing extensive experience in project
management and technology implementation. The development team, led by skilled individuals such as Edmir
Kore and Evion Cane, possesses expertise in software development, UI/UX design, and quality assurance.
These key persons collectively ensure a well-rounded team capable of successfully executing the Digital
Lecture Repository project.

2.8 Key risks to the project’s objectives, and proposed mitigating solutions (Max 1500 characters)
Key Risks:
1. Scope Creep - Moderate Likelihood, High Impact.
2. Technology Dependencies - Low Likelihood, High Impact.
3. Resource Constraints - High Likelihood, Moderate Impact.
4. Stakeholder Alignment - Moderate Likelihood, Moderate Impact.
5. Security Concerns - Low Likelihood, High Impact.

Mitigating Solutions:
1. Establish a robust change control process to manage scope changes.
2. Identify alternative technologies and maintain clear communication with vendors.
3. Implement resource management strategies and consider contingency plans.
4. Maintain regular stakeholder communication to ensure alignment.
5. Conduct regular security audits, employ encryption, and adhere to industry standards to address security

3. Project activities

3.1 Description of project activities (Max 2000 characters)

(Please list, for each project activity, the objective it aims to achieve; all objectives listed in 2.3 should be
explained here)
Activity 1: Lecture Recording Infrastructure
Objective: Implement a reliable system for recording and archiving lectures by faculty members, ensuring
consistent and high-quality capture of educational content.

Activity 2: User-Friendly Platform

Objective: Develop an intuitive online platform that allows easy navigation for students, enabling quick access
to recorded lectures, presentation slides, and supplementary materials.

Activity 3: Search and Tagging Features

Objective: Incorporate robust search and tagging functionalities within the platform, facilitating efficient
content discovery and enabling users to locate specific topics or keywords.

Activity 4: Mobile Compatibility

Objective: Ensure compatibility with mobile devices, providing students with the flexibility to access course
materials anytime, anywhere.

Activity 5: Feedback Mechanism

Objective: Integrate a feedback system allowing students to provide comments and ask questions related to
specific lectures, fostering interaction and clarification.

3.2 Work plan, participation, and schedule

Refer to the previously provided "Estimated Milestones" section for a detailed work plan and schedule. Key
team members, including the Project Manager, Developers (Edmir Kore, Evion Cane), UI/UX Designer, and
QA Tester, will actively participate in the project execution.

3.3 Beneficiary (ies) ownership of the project activities (Max 1000 characters)
(Please attach any supporting official strategies, development plans, or other strategic documents of each and all
The project activities are designed to directly benefit students and faculty at CIT. Ownership lies with these
beneficiaries who will actively engage with the platform for accessing lectures and providing valuable
feedback. CIT's commitment to an enriched learning experience ensures the active involvement and ownership
of the academic community.
3.4 Evaluation activities and/or follow-up indicators (Max 1500 characters)
Evaluation activities will include:
1. User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Assess the platform's functionality and usability, ensuring stakeholder
2. Security Check: Conduct thorough security tests to safeguard sensitive data and comply with established
3. Documentation and Training: Evaluate the completeness and effectiveness of project documentation and
training sessions to ensure user competence.
4. Continuous Feedback Analysis: Regularly analyze feedback data to gain insights into user preferences and
concerns, supporting evidence-based decision-making.

4. Project results

4.1 Expected project results (Max 2000 characters)

The Digital Lecture Repository is anticipated to yield the following results:
1. Establishment of a centralized platform for recorded lectures and supplementary materials.
2. Implementation of a reliable lecture recording infrastructure ensuring consistent and high-quality capture of
educational content.
3. Development of an intuitive online platform with user-friendly features for easy navigation and quick access
to course materials.
4. Incorporation of robust search and tagging functionalities, facilitating efficient content discovery for users.
5. Mobile compatibility, enabling students to access course materials flexibly on various devices.
6. Integration of a feedback mechanism fostering student interaction and continuous improvement in teaching
and learning strategies.
7. Streamlining of education processes, reducing administrative overhead, and improving overall learning

4.2 Expected project impact (Max 2000 characters)

The Digital Lecture Repository is expected to have a profound impact on the academic community at CIT:
1. Enhanced Learning Efficiency: Streamlined education processes and centralized access to recorded lectures
will reduce administrative burden, resulting in improved overall learning efficiency.
2. Improved Student Experience: The user-friendly platform and flexible access options will create a positive
and personalized learning experience for students.
3. Informed Decision-Making: The feedback mechanism will provide valuable insights into student preferences
and concerns, enabling evidence-based decision-making for continuous improvement in teaching and learning

4.3 Expected sustainability of project impact and potential replicability (Max 1000 characters)
The project's sustainability is ensured through:
1. Ongoing Maintenance: Regular updates and maintenance activities will be carried out to ensure the platform's
continued functionality and relevance.
2. Institutional Integration: Integration of the Digital Lecture Repository into CIT's institutional processes and
policies will solidify its long-term impact.
3. Scalability: The modular design of the platform allows for easy scalability to accommodate future
enhancements and changes in technological landscapes.
4. Replicability: The project's success and lessons learned will be documented, facilitating potential replication
in other educational institutions seeking similar improvements in content delivery and student engagement.

5. Visibility

5.1 Project publicity and dissemination of information (Max 1000 characters)

To ensure widespread awareness and engagement, the project will employ various channels for publicity and
information dissemination. These include:
1. Dedicated Project Website: A centralized online platform will be created to provide information, updates, and
resources related to the Digital Lecture Repository.
2. Social Media Campaigns: Leveraging CIT's social media channels to share project progress, achievements,
and relevant content to reach a broader audience.
3. Internal Communication: Regular updates through CIT's internal communication channels, including
newsletters and announcements, to keep the academic community informed.

5.2 Use of CIT logo and references (Max 500 characters)

The use of the CIT logo and references will be in strict accordance with CIT's branding guidelines. The logo
and references will be utilized solely for the purpose of project promotion and visibility. Any use will align with
established guidelines to maintain consistency and professionalism in all project-related materials.

6. Budget

6.1 Person responsible for expenditure

Name/surname: John Doe

Position: Finance Manager
Postal address (if different from 2.2): 123 Finance Street, Cityville, Country
Tel.: +123-456-7890
Mobile: +123-789-4560
6.2 Total cost and CIT contribution

Total project cost in euro 38,913.69 €

in euro 9,209.25 €
Requested CIT grant
% of total cost of project 23.65 %

6.3 Breakdown of estimated costs

Development Team:
- Project Manager: €6,750
- Developers: €21,000
- UI/UX Designer: €3,200
- QA Tester: €3,600

Technology and Tools:

- Licensing and software costs: €2,500

- Hosting and database services: €1,500

Contingency (10%): €3,705

Total Estimated Cost: €42,255

6.4 Remarks (Max 400 characters)
The estimated costs are based on current market rates and may be subject to change. Any adjustments will be
communicated transparently. Contingency is included to address unforeseen circumstances and ensure
successful project delivery.

7. Signatures
For the Project Sponsor:

Name: David Willson

Position: Head of Department
Date: January 23, 2024
Signature: [ ]

Name: James Smith

Position: Academic Coordinator
Date: January 23, 2024
Signature: [ ]

For the Project Manager:

Name: Ahmad Osman

Position: Project Manager
Date: January 23, 2024
Signature: [ ]

For the Developers:

Name: Edmir Kore

Position: Software Developer
Date: January 23, 2024
Signature: [ ]

Name: Evion Cane

Position: Software Developer
Date: January 23, 2024
Signature: [ ]

For the UI/UX Designer:

Name: [UI/UX Designer Name]

Position: UI/UX Designer
Date: January 23, 2024
Signature: [ ]

For the QA Tester:

Name: [QA Tester Name]

Position: QA Tester
Date: January 23, 2024
Signature: [ ]

Budget Template
Please provide a detailed budget estimate of the Activity, indicating all the amounts in Euro according to
the format € 1000,00 and add budget lines as needed.
Please insert for each budget item:
• a detailed description (e.g. accommodation for 10 participants from -name the countries- for two

• estimated unit cost per participant or per item of equipment or other resource (e.g. room rate per
one night)

• estimated subtotal related to that budget item (e.g. number of people x number of nights x room

• amount of the CIT contribution you request for that budget item.

Budget line Unit cost Subtotal
CIT Funding
1. Organisation and administration Subtotal 1. €27,600 €13,800
1.1. Human Resources (man hour/day/month cost as
Subtotal 1.1. € 13,100 € 6,550
1.1.1. Project manager € 40/hour € 4,000 € 2,000

1.1.2. Developers € 30/hour € 6,000 € 3,000

1.1.3. UI/UX Designers € 35/hour € 2,100 € 1,050

1.1.4. QA Tester € 25/hour € 1,000 € 500

1.2. National and international mission costs (expenses of
organisers and partners in preparation and during the Subtotal 1.2. € 8,000 € 4,000
1.2.1. Travel € 500/person € 5,000 € 2,500

1.2.2. Accommodation € 100/night € 2,000 € 1,000

1.2.3. Per diems or fees € 50/person € 1,000 € 500

1.3. Outsourcing for external support (including pre- and
Subtotal 1.3. € 2,800 € 1,400
post- implementation phases)
1.3.1. IT Consultancy € 50/hour € 2,000 € 1,000

1.3.2. Graphic design services € 40/hour € 800 € 400

1.4. Administrative costs (office supplies, communication,
Subtotal 1.4. €1,400 €700
postage, website...)
1.4.1. Office Supplies € 200 € 200 € 100

1.4.2. Communication (phone, internet) € 100/month € 1,200 € 600

1.5. Equipment (rents or purchases of office equipment
necessary for the activity implementation when different Subtotal 1.5. €2,300 €1,150
from item 4.4.)
1.5.1. Laptop for Development Team € 1,500 € 1,500 € 750

1.5.2. Office Printer € 500 € 500 € 250

1.5.3. Software Licenses € 300 € 300 € 150

2. Promotion Subtotal 2 €3,130 €1,565

2.1. Printing Subtotal 2.1. €750 €375

2.1.1. Printing Flyers € 100 € 300 € 150

2.1.2. Printing Brochures € 150 € 450 € 225

2.2. Text translation from/to English Subtotal 2.2. €780 €390

2.2.1. Translation of Marketing Material to French € 50/page € 200 € 100

2.2.2. Translation of Website Content to Spanish € 40/page € 160 € 80

2.2.3. Translation of Brochures to German € 45/page € 180 € 90

2.2.4. Translation of Advertisements to Chinese € 60/page € 240 € 120

2.3. Advertising Subtotal 2.3. €1,600 €800
2.3.1. Social Media Ads € 300 € 600 € 300

2.3.2. Online Ad Campaign € 500 € 1,000 € 500

3. Participation Subtotal 3. €21,200 € 10,600

3.1. CEI Participants Subtotal 3.1. € 7,000 € 3,500

3.1.1. Travel € 500/person € 5,000 € 2,500

3.1.2. Accommodation € 100/night € 2,000 € 1,000

3.2. CEI Speakers Subtotal 3.2. € 7,000 € 3,500

3.2.1. Travel € 800/person € 4,000 € 2,000

3.2.2. Accommodation € 120/night € 2,400 € 1,200

3.2.3. Fees € 300 € 600 € 300

3.3. Other Participants Subtotal 3.3. € 2,300 € 1,150

3.3.1. Travel € 300/person € 1,500 € 750

3.3.2. Accommodation € 80/night € 800 € 400

3.4. Other speakers Subtotal 3.4. € 4,900 € 2,450

3.4.1. Travel € 600/person € 3,000 € 1,500

3.4.2. Accommodation € 150/night € 1,500 € 750

3.4.3. Fees € 200 € 400 € 200

4. Meetings and events Subtotal 4. € 6,800 € 3,400

4.1. Catering during meeting Subtotal 4.1. € 2,200 € 1,100

4.1.1. Catering for Project Kick-off Meeting € 500 € 1,000 € 500

4.1.2. Catering for Monthly Progress Meetings € 300 € 1,200 € 600

4.2. Social events, study visits Subtotal 4.2. €1,400 € 700

4.2.1. Social Event Expenses for Team Building € 1,000 € 1,000 € 500

4.2.2. Study Visit Costs € 400 € 400 € 200

4.3. Conference material Subtotal 4.3. € 300 € 150

4.3.1. Conference Material Printing € 200 € 200 € 100

4.3.2. Distribution of Conference Material € 100 € 100 € 50

4.4. Meeting facilities and any audio/video equipment Subtotal 4.4. € 1,400 € 700

4.4.1. Meeting Facilities Rental € 800 € 800 € 400

4.4.2. Audio/Video Equipment for Presentations € 600 € 600 € 300

4.5. Conference interpretation services and related
Subtotal 4.5. € 1,500 € 750
4.5.1. Interpretation Services for Multilingual Meetings € 1,000 € 1,000 € 500

4.5.2. Equipment for Interpretation € 500 € 500 € 250

Total : € 38,913.69 € 9,209.25

Worked by: Ahmad Osman, Edmir kore, Evion cane

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