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Dash and Hyphen

Study the sentences below .Try to research and read the functions of a dash and a hyphen.

Study the following sentences below. Notice that they are punctuated with a dash(-).

1. When in 1960 the stockpile was sold off -- indeed, dumped as surplus- natural
rubber sales were hard hit.-Barry Commoner
2. The presentations--and especially the one by Ms. Ramos-impressed the
3. Oil, steel, and wheat--these are the sinews of industrialization.
4. My foot is on my native heath…--Sir Walter Scott
5. Your question-it was your question, wasn’t it, Mr. Jones?--just can’t be

The words below are punctuated with a hyphen (-). Study the words carefully.

1. anti-inflationary
2. over-the-counter
3. a come-as-you-are party
4. a six- or eight-cylinder engine
5. the ruling passion of his life
6. one hundred thirty-eight
7. a two-thirds majority of the vote
8. pages 40-98
9. the New York-Paris flight

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